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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,高三复习语法填空专项,之,连词,高三复习语法填空专项之连词,What are we going to do today?,To make,1+1=1,What are we going to do today?,连词概说,作用:用来连接连接,词,、,词组,、,句子,或,从句,的词。,连词的分类,并列连词,从属连词,Besides,_ is known to all is that no two eggs are the same in the world.,比较:,_ is known to all,no two leaves are the same in the world.,_ is known to all that no two leaves are the same in the world.,As,It,What,As,系表,结构,主语从句,*,切忌:粗心大意,惯性判断。,Besides,_ is known t,(,08,广州二模),The lives of the ancient people who once lived,around the lake and,culture was thought to,be highly advanced,have long remained a secret.,修饰名词,people,并列两个定语从句,修饰,people,whose,(08 广州二模)修饰名词people并列两个定语从句,修,1.One of the best designers was called Steve King,who was clever _ hard-working.,Rule No.1:,完整句子中,,并列的,两个单词或短语之间,需要填并列连词。,1.One of the best desi,2._ the doctor wanted to examine his legs,he refused to take off his trousers.,3._the company had never had women engineers working,we finally decided to let her stay.,4.His legs were badly hurt,_ he was taken to the hospital.,5.He told the doctor his secret,_,he was a woman.,6.The next day the company had a meeting about,_,Ms King can stay or not.,Rule No.2:,如果两个句子(即两个主谓结构)之间 或用,需要填并列连词或从属连词。,逗号连接,直接连接,2._ the doctor wanted to e,7.We didnt know his secret,_,he had an accident.,8.She loved this job so much,_,she had pretended to be a man in order to get it.,Rule No.3:,特殊句式的连词应用,notuntil,sosuchthat.,not only but(also);neither nor;either or;not but,no sooner than;hardly when,be about to when;,be doing when;,had just done when,7.We didnt know his secret _,连词,并列连词,从属连词,表并列,/,转折,/,对比,/,选择,/,因果,and/but/while/or/for/so,名词性从句,定语从句,状语从句,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,语法填空之连词,连词词组,not onlybut also,bothand,eitheror,neithernor,that,wh-,how,wh-ever,since,as,because,if,although,判断句意,(,逻辑,),分析句子结构,确定空格成分,确定连词,判断句意,(,逻辑,),分析句子结构,分析句子结构,分析句子结构,分析句子结构,分析句子结构,分析句子结构,连词并列连词从属连词表并列/转折/对比/选择/因果 and/,考点,1,:并列连词,考点1:并列连词,Group 1:,1.We are going to the bookstore in Johns car.You can come with us_ you can meet us there later.,2.He came into the classroom,stood in front,_ looked at us angrily.,3.Write down the examples _ youll forget them.,4.He is very poor,_ nobody looks down on him.,5.He is tall _ his elder brother is short.,Practice makes perfect!,or,and,or,but,while,确定连词,确定空格成分,分析句子结构,判断句意,(,逻辑,),Group 1:Practice makes perfect,只起连接作用,没意思,不作成分,在宾语从句中可省略,.,2.,表“是否”,“,因为”,不作句子成分,.,3.,本身有词,义,,在从句中作主、宾、表、定,.,4.,本身有词义,在从句中作状语,.,引导名词从句的连词,that,if/whether,because,who,whom,whose,which,what,wh-ever,when,where,why,how,wh-ever,分析句子结构是关键!,考点,2,从属连词,只起连接作用,没意思,不作成分,在宾语从句中可省略.引导名,从句,引导词,that,that,that,that,句首用,whether,有形式主语,if/whether,均可,whether/if;,介词后,whether,whether,whether,疑问词,疑问词,疑问词,疑问词,what,which,who,when,where,why,how,whatever,whichever,whoever,whenever,wherever,从句引导词thatthatthatthat句首用whethe,1.I think that it is unnecessary for me to speak louder.,2.His mother is satisfied with what he has done.,3.That he was able to come made us happy.,4.This is what makes us interested.,5.The reason was that Tod had never seen the million-pound note before.,what,that,引导名词性从句时的区别,1.I think that it is unnecess,Group 2:,1.It is not true _ Wu Qilong has got married again.,2.I dont know _ Mary came from.,3.We must keep it in mind _ we are Chinese.,4.They are asking the question _ the final exam is difficult.,5.The news _ he succeeded in the exam made his mother very happy.,6._ gets the first prize will receive a small gift from Mary.,7.A modern city has been built in _ was a wasteland(,荒地,)ten years ago.,8.A thought came to me _ I might use the money to buy some flowers for my mother.,9._ was most important to her was her family.,10.He was late for work.That was _ his car broke down.,His car broke down.That was _ he was late for work.,that,where,that,whether,that,Whoever,what,that,What,because,why,Group 2:thatwherethatwhetherth,引导定语从句的连词(关系词),who,that,who(m),that,whose,whose,which,that,which,that,when,where,why,that/x,in which,先行词有,such/the same,修饰;句首指代整句,as,连接句子,指代先行词,作成分,功能?,way,分析句子结构是关键!,引导定语从句的连词(关系词)whowho(m)whosewh,指人,that,who,that,who,whom,that,which,whose,when,where,why,指人that,whothat,who,whomthat,介词,+,非限制性定语从句:,whom,which,(,指人,),(,指事物,),who/whom,which/as,(,指人,),(,指事物,),介词+非限制性定语从句:whomwhich(指人)(指事物),注:,(1),先行词是,occasion,常用,when,,先行词是,case,situation,scenes,等时常用,where,。,(2),关系副词,when,和,where,有时可用“介词,which”,代替,,why,可用,for which,代替。,(3),以下情况只能用,that,引导定语从句:,当先行词是指物的,all,little,few,much,any,anything,everything,nothing,none,the one,时,或先行词被,all,little,few,much,any,every,no,等修饰时。,先行词是,序数词或最高级形容词时,或者先行词被序,数词,(,包括,last,next),、最高级形容词及,the only,the very,等修饰时。,先行词包括人和物时。,当主句是以,who,或,which,开头的疑问句时,为了避免重复,多用,that,引导。,注:(1)先行词是occasion常用when,先行词是ca,(4),不能用,that,引导定语从句的情况,在非限制性定语从句中,不以能用,that,引导。,直接在介词后作宾语时,不能用,that,引导,要用,whom,whose,或,which,,且不能省略。,当先行词是指人的,all,any,few,one(s),anyone,everyone,those,people,he,等时,只能用,who,。,当先行词与关系代词之间有较复杂的短语或从句隔开时。,(5),在非限制性定语从句中,表示“部分与整体”的关系时,用,of which/whom,或者,of which/whom,都可以。,(4)不能用that引导定语从句的情况,Group 3:,1.The actor _ Mary likes most is Liang Chaowei.,2.I like the student _ leg was injured by accident.,3.The first car _ arrived at our school was driven by John.,4.Our school,_ is nearly 100 years old,is very famous here.,5.This is the mountain village _ I stayed last year.,This is the mountain village _ I visited last year.,6.October 1 is the day _ the PRC was founded.,October 1 is the day _ I will never forget.,7.Can you tell me the reason _ is used by you again and again?,Can you tell me the reason _ you gave the book to me?,8._ we know,China is a developing country.,9.In the dark street,there wasnt a single person to _ she could turn for help.,10.I really hate the way _ he behaves at school.,(who/whom/that),whose,that,which,where,(which/that),when,(which/that),which/that,why,As,whom,that/x/in which,Group 3:(who/whom/that)whoset,比较,方式,结果,目的,让步,原因,条件,地点,时间,状语从句,引导状语从句的连词,比较 方式结果目的让步原因条件地点时间 状语从句引导状语从句,引导状语从句的连词,理解逻辑意义是关键!,引导状语从句的连词理解逻辑意义是关键!,语法填空之连词基础知识课件,Group 4:,1.He was playing football outside _ it began to rain.,2.I was about to go out _ the telephone rang.,3.Jack didnt marry _ he was forty-five.,4._ the day went on,the weather got worse.,5.It wont be long _ we meet again.,6.Generally speaking,air will be heavily polluted _ there are many factories.,7._ it was very cold,he went on working.,8.He may fail his test again _ he follows my advice.,9.Marys voice was so loud _ the students in the back heard her clearly.,10.It is _ he told a lie that his mother was angry.,when,when,until,As,before,where,Although,unless,that,because,Group 4:whenwhenuntilAsbeforew,划出已,有连词,判断已有连词在,句子中的作用:,并列成分?,并列句子?,引导哪种从句?,分清主从句,缩小范围,,分析空格所在句子,根据句意、语境,选择恰当连词,长难句大概分析流程:,理解句子意思,,分析空格所填词的作用,切忌:粗心大意,惯性判断,切记:细心分析验证,理解句意,充分考虑语境,划出已判断已有连词在 缩小范围,根据句意、语境,选择恰当连词,Tips,*,谨记,1,:细心分析,验证。,*,谨记,2,:理解句意是解题关键。,*,谨记,3,:充分考虑语境,语法填空连词解题技巧:,判断是否需要填连词,通读句子,注意是否为特殊句式考查,分析句子结构,理解句意,考虑语境,选择恰当连词,Tips*谨记1:细心分析,验证。*谨记2:理解句意是解题关,*Practice makes perfect,_ it is known to us all(we all know it.),*_ is known to all that practice makes perfect.,*We all know _ practice makes perfect.,*_ we all know is _ practice makes perfect.,*_ is known to all is _ practice makes perfect.,*We all know the fact _ practice makes perfect.,*The fact _ practice makes perfect is known to all.,*_ we all know,practice makes perfect.,*_ is known to all,practice makes perfect.,*We had better practice more often _ practice makes perfect.,翻译:众所周知,(,我们都知道,),,熟能生巧。,and,It,that,What,that,What,that,that,that,As,As,because,判断句意,(,逻辑,),分析句子结构,确定空格成分,确定连词,*Practice makes perfect,_,


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