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whale,whale,baleen whale,killer whalewhalebaleen whale,14,killer whale,虎鲸,king of the sea,biggest carnivore(,食肉动物,)of the sea,killing all kinds of animals in the sea,even the huge blue whale,like tiger on land,working in a team.,killer whale虎鲸 king of the,15,What do you think is happening in the picture?,Killer whales are attacking a baleen whale with whalers waiting by in their boat,harpoon at the ready.,Pre-reading,What do you think is happening,16,Pre-reading,Read the text on page 19 and then complete the chart.,type of the article:,(,文体,),writer:,job:,place:,time:,Plot,:(,情节,),anecdote,an old man called Clancy,a whaler,on the southeastern of Australia,at the beginning,of the 20th century,Killer whales helped whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annul migration.,Pre-readingRead the text on pa,17,Old Tom the Killer Wh,Old Tom The Killer Whale,Reading,Old Tom the Killer Wh Old Tom,18,Fast-reading,Scan the text,and fill in the blanks with,names,mentioned in the text.,Fast-readingScan the text,and,19,1._was 16 years old when he went to work at the whaling station.,2._ordered Clancy to go to the boat as there was a whale out there in the bay.,3._was swimming by the boat showing the whalers the way.,4._told Clancy that they would return the next day to bring in the body of the whale.,5._was carried by the waves further and further away from the whalers.,6._knew that Old Tom would protect James.,Clancy,George,Old Tom,Jack,James,Red,1._was 16 years ol,20,1.What is the main idea of the first anecdote?,A.About a hunting experience of old Tom.,B.About how the killer whales helped the whalers to hunt a whale.,C.About how the whalers killed the whales.,D.About how the killer whales killed the whales.,2.Whats the main idea of the second anecdote?,A.How Old Tom protected and saved people.,B.James was washed off the boat.,C.It was hard to handle the boat in rough sea.,D.A shark killed James.,1.What is the main idea of the,21,Careful-reading,Read the two anecdotes and fill in the blanks.,Careful-readingRead the two an,22,Anecdote 1,after,before,during,the hunt,What did the killer whale do in the whale-hunt?,Anecdote 1afterbeforedur,23,Whalers reaction(,反应,),One whaler _.George _ _ _ Clancy.Clancy didnt have the _ on and _ after him.They _ _ the boat and _ into the bay.,right clothes,jumped into,headed out,raced,yelled out,ran ahead of,Before the hunt(2-6),Killers doing,_itself out of the _and then_ again.,Throwing,water,crashing down,It swam by the_,showing the whalers,the way.,boat,Tell the whalers theres a_,out there.,whale,Whalers reaction(反应)One w,24,The killers started _ between our boat and the whale just like a pack of _ dogs.,During the hunt,racing,excited,The man,in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale and then let it go to hit the spot.,Whalers reaction,Killers doing,The killers were,working as a _.,team,Throwing themselves,_;Stopping it_ and,_,on top of the whales blow,hole to stop it breathing,diving,fleeing out to sea,The killers started _,25,drag the body swiftly,down to the _,of the sea.,depths,have a good feed on its_,and _,lips,tongue,After the hunt,What would the whales do next?,drag the body swiftlydepthshav,26,Accident,James was _ the boat,Situation,1.The sea was _ that day and it was _to handle the boat.The _ were carrying James further and further away.,2.Suddenly there was _ over there.,Feeling,He was_of _ by us.,Help,Old Tom wont let it _James.,James was firmly _in the water by Old Tom,Result,James was _ into the boat.,washed off,rough,difficult,waves,a shark,terrified,near,held up,pulled back,being abandoned,Anecdote 2,How Old Tom protected and saved people.,AccidentJames was _,27,Conclusion,Although the killer whales were _hunters,they never _ or _ people.In fact,they _ them.However,whales are now an,_,species and in need of _.,Fill in the forms according to the text.,fierce,harmed,attacked,protected,endangered,conservation,ConclusionAlthough the killer,28,人教新课标-高二下学期选修七Unit3Warming-up-and-reading-ppt课件,29,bloody&cruel,bloody&cruel,30,人教新课标-高二下学期选修七Unit3Warming-up-and-reading-ppt课件,31,人教新课标-高二下学期选修七Unit3Warming-up-and-reading-ppt课件,32,Hunt to get their meat,oil,bones and so on.,Hunt to get their meat,oil,33,Sea species are our friends.,They can keep the balance of nature and make our world colorful.,To protect sea species is to protect,ourselves.,Sea species are our friends.,34,Pick out the difficult sentences,especially the passive voice of“the ing”form.,Homework,Pick out the difficult sentenc,35,Thank you!,Thank you!,36,


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