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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,2017/5/30,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,Try everything,Try everything,1,PEP 7 Unit 5 What does he do,B Read and write,Colourful,PEP 7 Unit 5 What does he doB,2,real world,camp,real world camp,3,Welcome to the,Real World Camp,.,(真实世界度假营),Try,try everything you want to do!,Welcome to the Real World Camp,4,Discuss,讨论,with your partner.,At the,Real World Camp,.,(真实世界度假营),You can be a,Discuss讨论 with your partner.At,5,Do you like to join,(加入),it?,Do you like to join(加入)it?,6,Read,and choose,(扫读,选择),Read and choose:,快速阅,读并选择,.,A,:,jobs,B,:,pen pal,Read and choose(扫读,选择)Read and,7,us,ing,computers,1.write e-mails,2.readmanykindsofbooks,3.learn English,using computers1.write e-ma,8,Hu Bin likes sports.He is good at football,ping-pong,and basketball.He often goes running after school.,He wants to work in a gym.,Tip,:,If you like sports,you can be a coach,A sports reporter,or a PE teacher.,Sarah likes using computers,and she can type,very quickly.She wants to work in an office.,Tip:If you can type quickly,you can be,a secretary.,Robin wants to be a scientist like Wu Yifans,grandfather.He studies very hard,and he,wants to work in a university.,Tip:If you like science,you can be a scientist.,Read and underline,Read and circle,画圈,He is good at football,ping-pong,and basketball.,and she can type,very quickly.,Robin wants to be a scientist like Wu Yifans,grandfather.,Why?,胡彬同学:,荣获,2016,年校乒乓球比赛,第一名,特发此状,以资鼓励,胡彬同学:,荣获,2015,年校趣味篮球赛比赛,第一名,特发此状,以资鼓励,胡彬同学:,荣获,2016,年校足球射门比赛,第一名,特发此状,以资鼓励,A:,喜欢,B,:像,一样,What are their hobbies?,What jobs can they do?,Where do they want to work?,Why they can be a?,Hu Bin likes sports.He is goo,9,Tip:If you like science,you can be a scientist.,you should,_,study hard,(,work hard,),Tip:If you like science,10,Read,and choose,(扫读,选择),?,Hobbies and jobs,Read and choose(扫读,选择)?Hobbie,11,/,Hobbies and jobs,Listen and imitate.,(听音仿读),Listen and read,along,.,(,听录音轻声跟读),/pause,(暂停),/,/,/,/,/,/Hobbies and jobsListen and i,12,/,/,/,/,/,/,Read by yourself:,自己读。,Read to your partners:,读给同伴听。,/Read by yourself:自,13,Hobbies and jobs,Choose one to retell:,选一段复述,Hobbies and jobsChoose one to,14,Task 1,:,调查你的朋友或同桌,,并写下来,。,A:Whats,your hobby?,B:I like.,A:What do you want,to do,?,B:I want to be.,A:Where do you want to,work,?,B:I want to work in.,Task 2:,汇报并给出建议。,_is my friend.He/She likes_.,He/She wants to be a/an_.He/She wants to work in a/an_.,Tip:If you like/can_,you should _,you can be a/an_.,Task 1:调查你的朋友或同桌,并写下来。A:Whats,15,Welcome to the,Real World Camp,.,(真实世界度假营),Try,try everything you want to do!,I want to be a.,Welcome to the Real World Camp,16,Parents information,card,:,课后完成家长信息卡,I want to be.,父母的信息,父母的签名,Parents information card:I wan,17,Tip:,If,you keep your hobbies,you,can do many things.,you,should,study,hard,work hard,and your,dream,(梦想),will come,true,.,Tip:,18,人教版小学英语六年级上册Unit-5-What-does-he-do优质公开课ppt课件,19,?,?,20,Homework:,1.Listen and read the passage fluently;,听录音,跟读课文,注意模仿和生词认读;,2.Talk about your hobbies and your,dream jobs with your classmates.,和同学讨论自己的爱好和职业梦想。,3.Finish the Parents information card.,完成家长信息表。,Bye-bye,Homework:Bye-bye,21,Hello!My name is Sarah.I like,using computers.And I want to,work in an office,type quickly,Hello!My name is Sarah.I lik,22,


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