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the subjects do you like best,Eddie?(,七年级上册,U3),2.I have my own bedroom and bathroom,and I like the balcony best.,(,七年级下册,U1),Look at the following sentence,8,3.Bill works harder than Joe and grows,more flowers and vegetables,but Joes,garden is more interesting.,(,新概念第二册,L8),4.One Monday,there were fewer people,in the shop than usual when the woman,came in,so it was easier for the detective,to watch her.(,新概念第二册,L32),3.Bill works harder than Joe,9,Sentences from this unit:,1.Among all my subjects,I like French,best.,2.I often read more books than my,classmates.,3.On Friday afternoon,our school ends,earlier than usual.,Sentences from this unit:,10,Guessing Game,to test your sense of observation,to test your ability of short-term memory,to test your ability to highlight the language points,Guess,Guessing Gameto test your sens,11,1.Which of the subjects do you like _,Eddie?,2.I have my own bedroom and bathroom,and I like the balcony _.,3.Bill works _ _ Joe and grows,more flowers and vegetables,but Joes,garden is more interesting.,best,best,harder than,1.Which of the subjects do yo,12,4.One Monday,there were _ people,in the shop _ usual when the woman,came in,so it was easier for the,detective to watch her.,5.Among all my subjects,I like French,_.,6.I often read _ books _ my,classmates.,7.On Friday afternoon,our school ends,_ _ usual.,best,more,than,earlier than,fewer,than,4.One Monday,there were _,13,1.Did you do better in math than Amy,this time?,No,I didnt.I got _ points,than her.,A.less B.more,C.fewer D.fewest,1.Did you do better in math,14,2.Millie looks so slim.,Yes.She eats the _ meat and,the _ vegetables of us.,A.least;fewest B.least;most,C.most;fewest D.fewest;most,3.Time is up.You need to eat _.,A.quicker B.more quick,C.quicklier D.more quickly,2.Millie looks so slim.,15,以上我们已经通过归纳总结和练习对本课的语法内容有了一定的了解,下面就让我们根据,之前练习的考察情,况进一步选择讲解,该语法项的重难点。,以上我们已经通过归纳总结和练习对本课的语法内容有了一定的了解,16,Comparing the amount of things,Comparing the amount of things,17,Millie has,more,tomatoes than Daniel.,Millie has,less,rice than Daniel.,Millie has,fewer,bananas than Kitty.,Millie has more tomatoes than,18,Kitty has,the most,eggs.,Daniel has,the fewest,tomatoes.,Millie has,the least,juice.,Kitty has the most eggs.Daniel,19,Look at the following sentences,carefully.Try to figure out the,usage of the colored words.,Its like watching TV,but there,are,fewer,advertisements.,2.This is great because it takes,less,time,than,taking the bus.,Look at the following sentence,20,Comparing two things,我们用“,more than”,“fewer than”,和“,less than”,比较两者之间数量的多少。,few,用来修饰可数名词,,less,用来修饰不可数名词,,more,既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。,Comparing two things我们用“more,21,Millie,Amy,Millie has _ flowers _ Amy.,more than,Amy has _ flowers _ Millie.,fewer than,Complete the sentences with“more than”,“fewer than”or“less than”.,MillieAmyMillie has _ flow,22,Kitty,Daniel has _ CDs _ Kitty.,fewer than,Kitty has _ CDs _ Daniel.,more than,Daniel,KittyDaniel has _ CDs _,23,Simon,Sandy,Simon has _ orange juice _ Sandy.,less than,Sandy has _ orange juice _ Simon.,more than,SimonSandySimon has _ orang,24,1.During this years Reading Week,I read,the most,books in my class.,2.Hes the best teacher,even though he,has,the least,experience.,3.Which of you has made,the fewest,mistakes?,4.He gave,the least,money of all.,Look at the following sentences carefully.Try to figure out the usage of the colored words.,1.During this years Reading,25,Comparing more than two things,我们用“,the most”,,“,the fewest”,和“,the least”,来比较两个以上的事物。“,the most”,表示数量最多,“,the fewest”/“the least”,表示数量最少。,the fewest,用来修饰可数名词,,the least,用来修饰不可数名词,,the most,既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。,Comparing more than two things,26,10,5,10,10,Daniel,Millie,Kitty,Daniel has _ money.,Kitty has _ money.,the most,the least,10 5 10 10DanielMillieKit,27,Comparing school lives,Look at the table below.Complete the sentences.,Nancy,John,Subjects,Clubs,Free time each day,6,3,4 hours,8,2,3 hours,Daniel,12,4,1 hour,Me,School lives,Comparing school livesLook at,28,1.John studies,_,subjects,than,Nancy,but he studies _ subjects than me.,I study the _ subjects among the,three of us.,2.Nancy is in _ clubs,than John,but,she is in _ clubs than me.John is in,the _ clubs among the three of us.,3.I have _ free time,than,John,but,Nancy has _ free time than John.,Among the three of us,I have the _,free time and Nancy has the _ free,time.,more,fewer,most,more,fewer,fewest,less,more,least,most,1.John studies _ subjects,29,Comparative and superlative adverbs,Comparative and superlative ad,30,Comparing more than two things,Questions:,Who ran,faster,than Millie?,Who ran,the fastest,?,Comparing more than two things,31,Sandy came second in the race.She,ran faster,than,Millie,.,Amy came first in the race.She ran,the fastest,.,Millie came third in the race.She ran,fast,.,Sandy came second in the race.,32,1.Amy,写了最多的词。,Amy wrote,the most,words.,2.Simon,写了最少的词。,Simon wrote,the fewest,words.,3.Daniel,喝了最多的水。,Daniel drank,the most,water.,4.Kitty,喝了最少的水。,Kitty drank,the least,water.,More examples.,1.Amy写了最多的词。More examples.,33,与大多数形容词一样,副词也有比较级和最高级,可用来修饰动词。,一、构成,规则,例词,单音节和个别双音,节副词加后缀,er,和,-est,构成比较级和最,高级。,hard harder,hardest,high higher,highest,与大多数形容词一样,副词也有比较级和最高级,可用来修饰动词。,34,规则,例词,大部分双音节副词和,所有多音节副词前面,加,more,和,most,构成,比较级和最高级。,quickly,more quickly,most quickly,carefully,more carefully,most carefully,温馨提示:有些不规则变化我们应牢记,,如:,well better best;badly worse,worst;far further/farther,furthest/farthest,规则例词大部分双音节副词和quickly 温馨提示:有些,35,Fill in the blanks.,1.Sandy draws _(well).She draws,_(well)than any other student in,my class.She draws _(well)of,us all.,2.David jumps _(high).He jumps,_(high)than any other of my,classmates.He jumps _(high),in my class.,well,better,the best,high,higher,the highest,Fill in the blanks.wellbettert,36,3.Amy swims _(fast).She swims,_(fast)than all my other,classmates.She swims _(fast),in my class.,4.Millie writes _(quickly).She,writes _(quickly)than the,other students in my class.Millie writes,_(quickly)of us all.,fast,faster,the fastest,quickly,more quickly,the most carefully,3.Amy swims _(fast).She,37,Reflection,1.,我们常用“,more than”,“fewer/less,than”,对人或事物的数量进行比较,表,示“比,多”和“比,少”。表示,“比,多”时,无论可数或不可数名词,都用,more,修饰;而表示“比,少”时,,可数名词用,fewer,修饰,不可数名词用,less,修饰。,Reflection1.我们常用“more than”,38,2.,我们常用“,the most”,和“,the fewest/least”,对人或事物的数量进行比较,表示“最,多”和“最少”。表示“最多”时,无论可数或不可数名词都用,most,修饰;而表示“最少”时,可数名词用,fewest,修饰,不可数名词用,least,修饰。,3.,有时我们对事物进行比较,还会用副词,的比较级和最高级。副词的比较级和最,高级的构成方法与形容词基本相同。,2.我们常用“the most”和“the fewest/,39,译林版8年级英语上册教案ppt课件-第2课-U2-Grammar,1.,找出下列句中副词比较级和最高级:,1.Last night My mum went to bed earlier than me.,2.He works harder than I(do).,3.I know Peter well but you know him better.,4.You are talking very loudly.Can you speak more quietly?,5.Zhang runs(the)fastest of all the girls in my school.,以上句子中,对两个或多个,动作,进行比较,且,修饰动作的,词,是,earlier,,,harder,,,better,,,more quietly,,这些,被称为,副词的比较级形式,;,(the)fastest,被称,副的高,形式,。,1.找出下列句中副词比较级和最高级:,2.,用,more than,fewer than,less than,完成句子,:,(,1,),Simon,的,桔子,比,sandy,少,。,Simon has _,oranges,_ Sandy.,fewer than,(,2,)他早饭吃的比我,少,。,He eats _,food,_ I for breakfast.,less than,2.用more than,fewer than,l,1.,昨天,Amy,得了最高分,.,2.Simon,得分最少,.,3.,我的钱最多,.,4.,他的水最少,.,Amy got/scored _,points.,Simon gets/scores _,points.,I have _,money,.,He has _,water,.,the most,the fewest,the most,the least,3.,用,the most,the fewest,the least,完成句子,:,1.昨天Amy得了最高分.Amy got/scored _,1.Hobo has the _ rice of the three.,A.little B.fewer,C.fewest D.least,2.During this years Reading Week,I,read the most books in our class.No,one read _ books than I.2011,苏州,A.many B.more,C.few D.fewer,4.Multiple choice.,1.Hobo has the _ rice of,44,3.I didnt buy the second-hand book,because the seller wanted _ money,than I had expected.2012,山东日照,A.less B.least,C.most D.more,4.In the talent show,I performed well and,Ann did even _.2012,山东济宁,A.well B.better,C.more D.worse,3.I didnt buy the second-han,45,1.I have _(many)books than,my brother.,2.There is _(little)bread in,the box than in the fridge.,3.In the English exam,I got the _,(many)points among the students,but Beibei got the _(few),points.,5.Fill in the blanks.,more,less,most,fewest,1.I have _(many)book,46,4.Simon and Andy have _,(much)time than Daniel,Daniel has,_(little)time of the three.,5.Yao Ming is the best player in the,game.He scored the _(many),points.,6.Daniel made _(many)mistakes,than Kitty in the maths homework,but,he made _(few)mistakes than,Simon.Kitty made _(few),mistakes of the three.,more,the least,most,more,fewer,the fewest,4.Simon and Andy have _,47,6.Translation.,1.,吉姆做的最少,但是挣的钱最多。,Jim did _,but got _,money.,2.,下次进来时,请你走路再轻声点好吗?,Would you please walk _,next time you enter the room?,3.,他的苹果比我的多。,He has _ apples _ me.,4.,他喝茶不如喝水多。,He drinks _ tea _ water.,more quietly,the least,the most,more than,less,than,6.Translation.1.吉姆做的最少,但是挣的,48,Preview,To preview,Integrated skills,on Pages,25-26,2.To learn to talk about your hobbies.,Preview To preview Integrated,49,1.Review the Grammar.,2.Make sentences using the,phrases you learned today.,Homework,1.Review the Grammar.Homework,Thank you!,Thank you!,51,全国中小学 最大最全的教学课件资源网,最大最全的教学课件资源网z,52,


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