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shopping.,They often watch TV.,6,They often go shopping.They of,Where did you go last Sunday?,I,went to Beijing City,.,7,Where did you go last Sunday,She,went to,the beach,.,Where did she go last Sunday?,8,She went to the beach.Whe,Where did he go last Sunday?,He,stayed at home,.,9,Where did he go last Sunday?,Where did they go last Sunday?,They,went to summer camp,.,10,Where did they go last Sunda,Language Goal:,Talk about past events,11,Language Goal:1,Do you know,what animals there are on the farm?,12,Do you know what anima,cow,horse,chicken,duck,goose,dog,pig,sheep,13,cowhorsechickenduckgoosedogpig,Read the words and expressions loudly.,14,Read the words and expressions,milk,cow,horse,feed,farmer,15,milkcowhorsefeedfarmer15,go for a walk,milk the cow,16,go for a walkmilk the cow16,ride a horse,feed chickens,17,ride a horsefeed chickens17,talk with a farmer,take some photos,18,talk with a farmer take some p,1a,Match the phrases,with the pictures.,1.went for a walk,2.milked a cow,3.rode a horse,4.fed chickens,5.talked with a farmer,6.took some photos,e,b,a,c,f,d,19,1a eb a c f d19,What did you do last weekend?,watch TV,listen to music,play soccer,go,skateboarding,ed,ed,(,went,),ed,practice,20,What did you do last weekend?w,What did you do last weekend?,clean,the room,surf the Internet,go to the beach,ed,ed,went,21,What did you do last weekend?c,What did you do on your last school trip?,went,to the zoo,saw,some seals,(see),went,to the beach(go),took,photos,(take),22,What did you do on your last,bought,a gift,(buy),had/ate,ice cream,(have/eat),went,out with friends,(go),What,did,you do,on,your last school trip?,visit,Visitors Center,(visited),23,bought a gift(buy)had/ate i,1b,Listen and circle the three things Carol did on her school trip in 1a.,24,1b Listen and circle the thr,1c,Ask and answer questions about Carols school trip.,practice,A:Did Carol take any photos?,B:Yes,she did.,25,1c Ask and answer questions,Where did your parents go?,Did they go shopping?,No,they didnt.,Did they visit the museum?,Yes,they did.,Pair work,Draw a picture or show a photo and guess like this:,26,Where did your parents go?Di,Lets talk!,What did you do on your last school trip?,Did you go to the zoo?,Did you go to the aquarium?,Were there any?,What else did you do?,27,Lets talk!What did you do on,Did,you+,V.,.?,Yes,I did.I,V.-ed,.,(No,I didnt.,.,I,didnt+V,.,take(,took,),photos,watch(,watched,),a movie about,sharks,go(,went,)to,outdoor pool,have(,had,),a pizza,watch(,watched,),a dolphin show,buy(,bought,),a gift,28,Did you+V.?take(took)wa,activities,have,delicious food,buy,a,dress,get,sbs letter,see,interesting,movies,ride a horse,take,photos,play,beach,volleyball,Which activities did I do?,meet,friendly,people,climb,the mountain,go,shopping,win,a,eat,ice cream,had,got,saw,took,played,rode,bought,won,ate,climbed,went,met,prize,奖品,29,activities have delicious foo,Ask like this:,Did he watch TV last night?,What did you/they do last Sunday?,Guess,30,Ask like this:What did you/the,Look at the pictures and,ask like this:,Did you/he/she/they go,?,Yes,I/he/she/they did.,(No,I/he/she/they didnt.),31,Look at the pictures and ask l,Guessing game,She _,yesterday,.,did some washing,Did she yesterday?,32,Guessing gameShe _,He _,last night,.,read a book,Did he,last night,?,33,He _ last night.read,Did he go?,Yes,./No,.,Example,34,Did he go?Example34,Present,Past,am,was,is,was,are,were,Look!,35,Present Past am was i,根据句意及首字母填空,1.Our job is to m,_,the cows.,2.We t,many photos about Mount.Hua last year.,3.Now I will f_ the pet cat.,4.He r_ a horse to visit last month.,5.In Australia,a f_ can have lots of field(,田地,).,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,1.Tom and Mary _(come)to China last month.,2.My mother _(not do)housework yesterday.,3._ your father _(go)to work every,day last year?,4.He _(be)here just now.,5.Did she _(have)supper at home?,ilk,ook,eed,ode,armer,came,didnt,Did,go,was,have,36,根据句意及首字母填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空ilkoo,1.I usually _(get)up at 6:30 in the morning.,Today I _(get)up at 7:20,I _(be)late,for class.Mr.Yang _(tell)me not _,(be)late,again.,2.-_you _(have)a good time last Sunday?,-No,I _(do not).I _(go)camping with my friends,but it _(rain).,3.,Where _(be)you last night?I _(call)you,but you _(be)not in.,Oh,I _(be)in my uncle,s house.,I _(have)supper there.,根据提示完成句子,get,got,was,told,to be,Did,have,didnt,went,rained,were,called,were,was,had,37,根据提示完成句子getgotwastoldto beDidh,Homework,Ask your parents when and where did they ever went,and what they think of their vacations.Then make a,recording.,(,问问你的父母曾经何时去过什,么地方,感觉如何,并作好记录。,),38,HomeworkAsk your parents when,Period 2,Section,A 2a-,3b,39,Period 239,go,to the beach,have,some ice cream,go,fishing,go,skateboarding,Did you?,Yes,I did./No,I didnt.,surf,the,Internet,play,soccer,Pairwork,40,go to the beachhave some ice c,Make a survey:,What,did,you,do,last weekend?,Did,you,have,a trip?,41,Make a survey:What did you do,watch,ed,TV,listen,ed,to music,play,ed,soccer,clean,ed,the room,read a book,(read),go,(went),to the zoo,What did they do last weekend?,go(,went),shopping,eat,(ate),ice cream,42,watched TVlistened to music pl,Talk about yourself,watched TV with,a friend,went for a drive,slept late,On rainy Day,studied hard for,the test,43,Talk about yourselfwatched TV,past tense,过去式,original shape,原形,rode,stayed,watched,played,read,brought,did,fed,put,came,do,come,put,feed,ride,stay,watch,play,read,bring,44,past tenseoriginal shaperodest,anything,pron.(,常用于否定句或疑问句,),任何东西;任何事情,grow v.,种植;生长;发育,farm n.,农场,pick v.,采;摘,excellent adj.,极好的;优秀的,countryside n.,乡村;农村,clean adj.,干净的;清洁的,yesterday adv.,昨天,flower n.,花,worry v.&n.,担心;担忧,luckily adv.,幸运地;好运地,sun n.,太阳,Lets learn,45,anything pron.(常用于否定句或疑问句),2a,Listen and check(,)the questions you hear,.,What did the farmer say?,Did you grow any apples?,What did you see?,Do they grow any apples?,Did you learn anything?,Did you eat them?,Did you ask him any question?,Were they good?,46,2a Listen and check()the,2b,Listen again.Circle T for true,or F for false.,1.The farmer showed Carol,around the farm.,T F,2.Carol learned a lot about,farming.,T F,3.The farmers grow strawberries,from December to June.,T F,4.The farmers dont grow apples.,T F,5.Carol picked some strawberries,and took them home.,T F,47,2b Listen again.Circle T f,Ask and answer questions about Carols visit to the farm.,pairwork,A:What did Carol do?,B:She picked some strawberries.,2c,48,Ask and answer questions,2d.,Role-play the conversation.,Peter:Hi,Eric.How was your trip last week?,Eric:It was excellent.I visited my grandparents,in the countryside.,Peter:Oh,nice.What did you do?,Eric:I went fishing every day.And I,fed the chickens with my grandpa.,It was so much fun.,Peter:Sounds good.How was the,weather there?,Eric:It was great,and the air was,so clean.I watched the stars at,night.They were so beautiful.,Peter:Lucky you.,49,2d.Role-play the conversat,Fill in the blank according to 2d.,Peter:Hi,Eric._ was your trip last week?,Eric:It was _.I visited my grandparents in,the _.,Peter:Oh,nice.What _ you do?,Eric:I _ fishing every day.And I _ the,chickens with my grandpa.It _ so much fun.,Peter:_ good.How was the weather there?,Eric:It was great and the air was so _.I watched,the stars at night.They were so beautiful.,Peter:_ you.,pairwork,How,excellent,country(side),did,went,fed,was,Sounds,clean,Lucky,50,Fill in the blank accordin,Speak a passage about your last school trip according to the following pictures.,practice,51,Speak a passage about your,First.TianAnMen Square,Thenthe Summer Palace,After thatthe Great Wall,Finallythe Palace Museum,52,First.TianAnMen SquareThent,Zhongyang Street,the Sun Island,the Dragon Tower,the Tiger Garden,first,Then/next,Next/after that,finally,53,Zhongyang Streetthe Sun Island,3a,Complete Jims letter on the left and Bills reply on,the right.,Dear Bill,How _(is)your school trip yesterday?_(Do)you _(go)to the zoo?_(Do)you take any photos?_(Do)you _(see)any interesting animals?I _(go)to the zoo last year and it _(is)a lot of fun.,Jim,Dear Jim,My school trip _(is)great!,We _(have)so much fun!We _(go)to Green Park.We _(climb)the mountains there and _(see)a lot of flowers.We _(eat)our lunch under some trees and _(play)some games after that.But at about two oclock,it _(get)very cloudy and we _(worry)it would rain.Luckily,it _(do not),and the sun _(come)out again!,Bill,was,Did,go,Did,Did,see,went,was,was,had,went,climbed,saw,ate,played,got,worried,didnt,came,54,3a Complete Jims letter on,3b Make up a story.Each student adds a sentence.,A:Last week I visited my aunts house.,B:She lives in California.The weather was beautiful.,C:I went swimming.,D:I had a great time.,teamwork,55,3b Make up a story.Each stud,一般过去时的用法:表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内所发生的动作或情况,通常一般过去时带有表示动作时间状语的词、词组或从句,如,yesterday,the day before yesterday,last week,two days ago,等,上下文清楚时可以不带时间状语。,I worked in that bank last year.,去年我在那一家工厂工作。,I went to the beach yesterday.,56,56,*The Simple Past Tense,(,一般过去时,),1,Tina,went,to the aquarium.,2,Did,Tina,go,to the aquarium?,Yes,she,did,./No,she,didnt,.,3,What,did,Tina,do,on her school trip?,Sb.,did,sth.(,主语,+,动词过去式,.),(助,v.,),Did,+sb.(,主语,)+,do(,原形,),?,What+,(助,v.,),did,+sb.(,主语,)+,do(,原形,),?,Something important,57,*The Simple Past Tense(一般过去时),一般过去时:,1)My teacher,told,me what I should do.,(,表示过去的行为,),2)I,was,in Beijing before I came here.,(,表示过去的状态,),Did,you,have,fun camping?,你的野营过得愉快吗?,(,一般疑问句,),58,一般过去时:58,She,bought,an umbrella because it,rained suddenly.,因为突然下起雨来,她买了把伞。,(,一般陈述句,),There,wasnt,a gift shop here.,这里没有礼品店。,(,否定句,),59,She bought an umbrella because,The rules of the past form,(,过去式,),1,直接加,ed,2,以不发音的,e,结尾直接加,d,3,以辅音加,y,结尾,去,y,为,i,再加,ed,5,不规则的,4,重读闭音节,双写最后辅音再加,ed,60,The rules of the past form(过去式,every,day,yesterday,I get home at 5:00,every day,.,Jack sees a movie,every day,.,She buys lunch in the shop,every day,.,There are many people in our school,every day,.,I,got,home at 5:00,yesterday.,Jack,saw,a movie,yesterday,.,She,bought,lunch in the shop,yesterday,.,There,were,many people in our school,yesterday.,61,every day yesterdayI get hom,单项选择,-_ you at home yesterday evening?,-Yes,I _with my mother.,A.Were;were B.was;was C.Were;was D.was;were,2.Were there any sharks in the zoo?,-_.,A.Yes,there are B.No,there arent,C.Yes,there were D.No,there wasnt.,3.Yesterday my mother and I _ a football match.,A.watched B.looked C.read D.saw,4.Did Jim go to the zoo?,-No,he hung out _ his parents.,A.in B.for C.on D.with,C,C,A,D,62,单项选择-_ you at home yest,5.How _ your school trip last week?,A.are B.is C.was D.did,6.Yesterday my mother and I _a football match.,A.watched B.looked C.read D.saw,7.Did you see _ birds in the tree?,-Yes,I saw _ birds.,A.any,some B.any,any,C.some,some D.some,any,8.Did Susan _ the hat?Yes,she _ the hat.,A.won;win B.win;wined C.win;won D.won;won,9.Zhejiang is famous _ Longjing Tea.,A.as B.with C.on D.for,C,A,A,C,D,63,5.How _ your school trip,用所给词的适当形式填空。,1.What_ you_ (do)last night?,I _(do)my homework.,2.Jim _(play)football just now.,3.Yesterday Class 6 football team _ (win)the match.,4.There_(be)four English classes last year,but now there _ (be)five.,5.They _ (stay)at home last vacation.,did,do,did,played,won,were,are,stayed,64,用所给词的适当形式填空。diddodidplayedwonw,根据句意及首字母填空,1.What did you do y_ afternoon?,2.We learned much on the f_.,3.We p_ some apples and ate them.,4.Dont w_!He will get well soon.,5.We cant read in the s_.Its bad for,our eyes.,L_,she met an e_ student and,found her wallet.,Some flowers g_ very well.,esterday,arm,icked,orry,un,uckily,xcellent,rows,65,根据句意及首字母填空esterdayarmickedorry,Homework,Write a short passage about your last trip.,66,HomeworkWrite a short passage,Period 3,Section B 1a1d,67,Period 3Section B 1a1d67,Clap clap clap,clap our hands.,I say go,you say went.,Go go go,_,Buy buy buy,_,Take take take,_,Is is is,_,I say see,you say saw.,See see see,_,Have have have,_,Eat eat eat,_,Are are are,_,Grow grow grow,_,Put put put,_,Feed feed feed,_,Ride ride ride,_,went went went,.,saw saw saw.,had had had.,took took took.,ate ate ate.,were were were.,bought bought bought.,was was was.,grew grew grew.,Warm-up,put put put.,fed fed fed.,rode rode rode.,68,Clap clap clap,clap our han,Write down the past form of these words.,(1)watch-(2)visit-(3)play-,(4)live-(5)move-,(6)decide-,(7)study-(8)copy-(9)cry-,(10)stop-(11)plan-(12)drop-,(14)am/is-(15)go-(16)do-,(17)put-(18)get-(19)take-,watch,ed,visit,ed,play,ed,live,d,move,d,decide,d,stud,ied,cop,ied,cr,ied,stop,ped,plan,ned,drop,ped,was,went,did,put,got,took,Group work,69,Write down the past form of th,What did you do last weekend?,watch TV,listen to music,play soccer,go,skateboarding,ed,ed,(,went,),ed,Revision and lead-in:,70,What did you do last weekend?w,What did you do last weekend?,clean,the room,surf the Internet,go to the beach,ed,ed,went,71,What did you do last weekend?c,What did you do on your last school trip?,Did,you?Yes,I,did,./No,I,didnt,.,played,games,saw,the show,took,photos,went,shopping,72,What did you do on your last s,visit,her aunt,go,fishing,read,books,surf,the Internet,play,soccer,What did she/he/they do last Sunday/weekend/?,cook,dinner,Pairwork,73,visit her auntgo fishing read,museum,fire,fire station,painting,74,museumfirefire stationpainting,go to the zoo,climb the mountain,75,go to the zooclimb the mountai,visit the museum,visit the fire station,76,visit the museumvisit the fire,ride a horse,go fishing,77,ride a horsego fishing77,1a,Match the activities with the pictures.,1.go to the zoo _ 4.climb a mountain _,2.visit a museum _ 5.visit a fire station _,3.ride a horse_ 6.go fishing _,c,d,b,e,a,f,78,1a Match the activities with,1b,Listen and answer the questions.,1.How was Janes trip?,_,2.How was Tonys trip?,_,79,1b Listen and answer the que,1c,Listen again.What did Jane and Tony do on their last school trip?,Check(,)Tony or Jane.,went to the countryside,climbed a mountain,went to an art museum,saw some paintings,drew pictures,Tony,Jane,80,1c Listen again.What did J,Report:,In my group,went,to.withHe There,were/was,.,.,And I I think it was,1.Did you have a trip?,2.What did you do on your last trip?,3.Where did you go?,4.Who did you go with?,5.How was the trip?,Groupwork:Make a survey!,81,Report:1.Did you have a trip?G,1d What was your last school trip like?,Discuss it with your partner.,pairwork,82,1d What was your last sch,根据句意及首字母填空,Last Sunday,two foreigners visited the,art m_.,2.At the art museum we saw some p_,by Leonardo da Vinci(,达芬奇,).,3.I r_ a camel yesterday.,4.I c_ the mountain last week.,5.A f_ destroyed(,毁坏,)everything,in the village.,useum,aintings,ode,limbed,ire,83,根据句意及首字母填空useumaintingsod,Homework,假如你上周去了动物园,请你根据图片,以“,My school trip,”,为题,写一篇短文。,84,Homework假如你上周去了动物园,请你根据图片,以“M,85,85,Period 4,Section B 2aSelf Check,86,Period 486,Where did I go?,Guess:,87,Where did I go?Guess:87,What did I do there?,went shopping,store,88,What did I do there?went shopp,What did I buy?,89,What did I buy?89,What did you do last weekend?,slept late,read a book,played computer games,went shopping,had ice cream,90,What did you do last weekend?s,cleaned the room,went to the movies,went shopping,cooked dinner,read a book,My National Day vacation activities,What did I do last weekend?,On Saturday,On Sunday,91,cleaned the room went to the m,Lets learn,lovely adj.,可爱的,expensive adj.,昂贵的,exciting adj.,使人兴奋的;令人激动的,cheap adj.,廉价的;便宜的,slow adj.,缓慢的;迟缓的,fast adv.&adj.,快地(的),robot n.,机器人,guide n.,向导;导游,gift n.,礼物;赠品,everything pron.,所有事物;一切,interested adj.,感兴趣的,be interested in,对,感兴趣,dark adj.,昏暗的,hear v.,听到;听见,92,Lets learnlovely adj.可爱的92,Its a cat.,lovely,Theyre flowers.,expensive,After the news,he cried loudly.,exciting,93,Its a cat.lovelyT,She wears a skirt.,cheap,It walks very .,slow,It runs very .,fast,94,She wears a skirt.,Its a .,robot,She is a .,guide,Its a shop.,gift,95,Its a .robotShe i,Its very now.,dark,She someone singing in the room.,heard,He dancing.,is interested in,96,Its very now.darkShe,2a,Do the following words describe good things or bad things?Put a,for good and an,X,for bad.Leave a blank if they can mean both.,_interesting _difficult _lovely _slow,_exciting _boring _cool _hot,_lucky _large _expensive _terrible,_delicious _great _cheap _fast,97,2a Do the following words de,2b,Read Helens and Jims diary entries and answer the questions.,June 15th,Today I want on a school trip.We visited the science museum and it was really interesting.We got there so fast by train.We saw some farms and villages along the way.At the museum,I learned a lot about robots.I didnt know they could play chess with us.It was so cool!Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot.I took a lot of great photos,too.After that,I went to the gift shop and bought some lovely gifts for my parents.They werent expensive.All in all,it was an exciting day.,June 15th,I think todays school trip was terrible.We took the train to the museum.It was so hot on the slow train.The museum was big and boring.Everything was about robots and Im not interested in that.The rooms were really dark and it was difficult to take photos,so I didnt take any.There were also too many people and I couldnt really see or hear the guide.The things in the gift shop were so expensive.I didnt like the trip at all.,98,2b Read Helens and Jims di,2c Complete the chart.How do Helen and Jim describe these things?,Helen,Jim,the trip,the train,the museum,the gift shop and gifts,practice,interesting,lovely;not,expensive,terrible,hot and slow,big and boring,expensive,exciting,fast,99,2c Complete the chart.H,3a,Look at the pictures of Bobs school trip.,Complete his diary entry.,June 23rd,Yesterday my school,visited the zoo.It was,really _.We went there by bus.At the zoo,I saw a lot of _ and I took some photos.My classmates and I also went to the _ and bought some _.It was a great day.,100,3a Look at the pictures of,trip,places,time,weather,people,events,When did you go?,Where did you go?,What was the weather like there?,What did you do?,Who did you go with?,Who did you meet?,101,tripplacestimeweatherpeopleeve,3b,Linda is Bobs classmate.Complete her diary entry.,June 23rd,My school went to the zoo yesterday.The trip was _.At the zoo,I _ but I didnt like them.I also went to _ with my classmates,but I didnt buy anything because _.It was a boring day.,102,3b Linda is Bobs classmate.,1.Write more verbs and their past forms in each group.,climb climbed,arrive arrived,study studied,stop stopped,get got,2.,Complete the conversations with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.,have do swim go be see feed,1.A:I went to the countryside this summer.,B:Really?How _ the trip?,A:It _ great!,B:What _ you _ there?,A:I _ the chickens and _ in a river.,2.A:_ you _ a nice weekend?,B:Yes,I did.,A:_ you _ anywhere?,B:Yes,I _ to the mountains.The air _ so clean and I,_ a lot of flowers.,was,was,did,go,fed,swam,Did,have,Did,go,was,saw,had,Self Check,103,1.Write more verbs and their,一般过去时态是非常重要的一种时态,动词的过去式有规则和不规则两种变化。记忆口诀是:,口诀(1):,一般过去时用法 动词一般过去时,表示过去发生事。事情发生在过去,经常、反复或连续;过去时态咋判断,过去时间作标志;,be,用,was,或用,were,,,have,,,has,变,had,;一般动


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