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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,中学英语教学法,Unit 11 Teaching Writing,中学英语教学法 Unit 11 Teaching Writ,Unit 11 Teaching Writing,Topics for discussion:,The nature of writing in reality,A common approach to writing,Problems in writing tasks in existing textbooks,A process approach to writing,Writing through e-mail,Unit 11 Teaching Writing Topic,11.1,The nature of writing in reality,Differences of teaching writing in the classroom and in reality:,In ELT classroom,writing is often seen as a means to consolidate language that is recently studied,as“,writing as language learning,”,and thus is,pseudo writing,.,In reality,most writing is,for communication,i.e.,to convey messages or for self creation,e.g.writing poems.,11.1 The nature of writing in,In ELT classrooms,especially in traditional pedagogy,writing often goes this way:the teacher gives a topic or a selection of topics,a set of requirements,and a time limit.,Accuracy,of the final product is stressed and the process is ignored.,In reality,we may have some ideas long before we put them on paper.We often plan,draft,and rewrite.,In ELT classrooms,especially,If writing tasks lack authenticity,they do not motivate students.,If writing tasks focus on the product rather than on the process,they do not help students to develop real writing skills.,Therefore we should advocate authentic writing,and we should advocate the process approach to writing.,If writing tasks lack authenti,11.2,A common approach to writing,To motivate students,it is necessary to engage them in some act of communication.,Either writing for a specific recipient(e.g.a letter to a friend),or:,Engaging in an act of creative writing where their work is intended to be read by other people.,11.2 A common approach to writ,In short students can be motivated by authentic writing tasks that have some communicative elements.,However some writing activities can be between“writing for learning”and“writing for communication”.,In short students can be motiv,Some examples of writing tasks:are they for consolidating language,or are they for communication?(,see pp.139-40,),Some examples of writing tasks,中学英语教学法课件,中学英语教学法课件,中学英语教学法课件,11.3,Problems in writing tasks,Deficiencies of writing tasks in existing English textbooks:,They are mainly,accuracy-based,.,They are designed,to practise certain target structures,.,There is,insufficient preparation,before the writing stage.,-,11.3 Problems in writing tasks,There is,no sense of audience,.,There is,no sense of authenticity,.,Students are given ideas to express,rather than being invited to invent their own.,There is,no opportunity for creative writing,particularly for expressing unusual or original ideas.,There is no sense of audience.,Compare 2 examples:,e.g.1,Writing,Write about the sports which you like.Use phrases like these:,I dont like I enjoy,My favourite sport is,I quite like I prefer to,I like because,Compare 2 examples:e.g.1,e.g.2,A pen pal has written to you and has described the sports that he/she likes most.He/She asked your favourite sports.If you have something in common,you may want to talk about it or suggest that you play it together sometime in the future.Write back to your pen pal.,e.g.2,A process approach to writing,Features of process writing:,Focus on the,process,of writing;,Help students to understand their own composing process;,Help to build,strategies,for prewriting,drafting,and rewriting;,Give students,time,to write and rewrite;,Place central importance on the process of,revision,;,-,A process approach to writing,Let students discover,what they want to say as they write;,Give students,feedback throughout the composing process,to consider as they attempt to bring their expression closer and closer to intention;,Encourage,feedback,both from the instructor and peers,;,Include,individual conferences,between teacher and student during the process of composing.,Let students discover what the,An example of teaching writing:(see p.143),Step 1:raising a question:what problems is our city confronted with?,Step 2:a brief discussion on the problems;,Step 3:group discussion on solutions;,Step 4:individual composing:My Solutions to the Problem of;,-,An example of teaching writing,Step 5:reading ones own composition,making suggestions on how to make improvement,focusing on ideas rather than on language;,Step 6:rewriting,selecting and organising ideas,keeping and eye on language;,Step 7:grouping students based on the topics,letting students read their own composition;,Step 8:making a list of optimal solutions,producing a product of the whole group;,Step 9:creating a,Class News Letter,like“Problems and Solutions in Our City”;,Step 5:reading ones own comp,11.5,Writing through e-mail,Please see pp.144-5,11.5 Writing through e-mail Pl,11.6,Conclusion,Traditionally,most of writing exercises in English textbooks are designed with the purpose of“,writing for learning,”rather than“,writing for communication,”.,Two approaches to writing:the communicative approach and the process approach.,11.6 ConclusionTraditionally,End of Unit 11,Thank you!,End of Unit 11Thank you!,


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