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usually,travel,free,on train.,五岁以下的孩子乘火车通常是免费的。,agent,n.,代理人;经纪人,e.g.Mr.Lin is an,agent,for APPLE.,林先生是苹果公司的代理人。,New words,travel,v.&n.,旅行;游历,e.g.Children under five usual,Lead-in,Some important things in our life.,be happy,go to college,Lead-inSome important things i,make a lot of money,be famous,travel around the world,get an education,make a lot of moneybe famoustr,Which of the things below are the most important to you?Circle three things.,be happy travel around the world,1a,Which of the things below are,go to college make a lot of money,be famous get an education,go to college make a lot o,Listen.Look at the list in 1a.Write,A,before each thing the soccer agent talks about and,P,before each thing Michaels parents talk about.,1b,be happy,travel around the world,go to college,make a lot of money,be famous,get an education,P,P,A,A,P,P,Listen.Look at the list in 1a,1c,Listen again.Complete the sentences.,1.If you join the Lions,_.,2.If you become a Lion,_.,3.And if you work really hard,_.,4.If you become a soccer player,_.,5.But if I dont do this now,_.,1cListen again.Complete the s,youll be famous.,b.Ill never do it.,c.youll become a great soccer player.,d.youll never go to college.,e.youll travel around the world.,Check the answers:,1c,2e,3a,4d,5b,youll be famous.,Pair work,Student A is Michael.Student B is his friend.Student B,give Student A advice.,Pair workStudent A is Michael.,What do you think I should do?Can you give me some advice?,I think you should go to college.,But if I go to college,Ill never become a great soccer player.,What do you think I should do?,What kinds of things do you worry,about?Who do you usually go to for,help?,2a,Im not good at math.I usually worry about it.,I usually go to my math teacher for help.,What kinds of things do you wo,wallet,n.,钱包,teenager,n.,(,13,19,),青少年,mile,n.,英里,New words,e.g.Its a,miles,way from my home to,school.,从我家到学校有一英里。,wallet n.钱包teenager n.mile n,expert,n.,专家,normal,adj.,正常的;一般的,e.g.It was a,normal,summer night.,那是一个寻常的夏夜。,unless,conj.,(,=if not,)除非;如果不,e.g.Youll be late,unless,you go at once.,如果你不立即走,你会迟到。,expert n.专家normal adj.正常,understanding,adj.,善解人意的;体谅人的,e.g.Mr.Li is a very,understanding,person.,李先生是一位很善解人意的人。,understanding adj.善解人意的;体谅人的e,himself,pron.,他自己,themselves,pron.,他(她、它)们自己,宾格或物主代词,+self/selves,反身代词,e.g.The old man taught,himself,English.,那位老人正在自学英语。,e.g.Its,certainly,a good suggestion.,这无疑是一个好建议。,certainly,adv.,当然;行;无疑;肯定,himself pron.他自己宾格或物主,e.g.Mr.Miller,was very angry with,Tom.,米勒老师对汤姆很生气。,angry,adj.,生气的;发怒的,be angry with sb.,对某人生气,e.g.She,made mistakes,again and again.,她三番五次地犯错。,mistake,n.,失误;错误,make a mistake/make mistakes,犯错误,e.g.Mr.Miller was very angry,careful,adj.,细致的;精心的;慎重的,e.g.He is a,careful,driver.Hes never,careless,in driving.,careless,adj.,粗心的;不小心的,反义词,careful adj.细致的;精心的;慎重的e.g.H,advise,v.,劝告;建议,e.g.The doctor,advised me to give up,smoking.,医生建议我戒烟。,advise,(动词),advice,(名词)建议,advise sb.to do sth.,建议某人做某事,keepto oneself,保守秘密,advise v.劝告;建议e.g.The docto,solve,v.,解决;解答,e.g.Hes trying to,solve,the problem.,他正努力解决这个问题。,trust,v.,相信;信任,e.g.,Trust,the honest boy.,相信那个诚实的孩子。,solve v.解决;解答e.g.Hes try,step,n.,步;步骤,e.g.What is the first,step,?,第一个步骤是什么?,experience,n.,经验;经历(不可数),e.g.He has no,experience,at all.,他完全没有经验。,step n.步;步骤e.g.What is,halfway,adv.,在中途;部分地做,(,或达到,),e.g.She lost her way,halfway,to the zoo.,她在去动物园的路上迷路了。,in half,分成两半,e.g.She cut the cake,in half,.,她将蛋糕切成两半。,halfway adv.在中途;部分地做(或达到)e.g,b.If people have problems,they should talk,to other people.,c.If people have problems,they should,keep them to themselves.,2b,Look at the statements and then read the passage quickly.Which statement,expresses the main idea of the passage?,a.If people have problems,they should,get advice from an expert.,b.If people have problems,th,1.What is the worst thing to do if you have,a problem?,2.Why didnt Laura want to tell her parents,about her lost wallet?,Read the passage again and answer the questions.Discuss your answers with a partner.,2c,1.What is the worst thing to,3.What is the first thing you should do when,you want to solve a problem?,4.Why can our parents give us good advice,about our problem?,3.What is the first thing you,指导,1.,Its to do nothing.,读短文第一段第三句“,Some people believe the worst thing is to do nothing.,”可知。,2.,She was afraid to tell her parents.,由第二段中第一、二两句“,Laura once lost her wallet,and worried for days.She was afraid to tell her parents about it.,”可知。,指导1.Its to do nothing.读短文第一,4.,Because they have more experience than us,.,读第三段第五句“,Students often forget that their parents have more experience,and are always there to help them.,”可知。,3.,It is to find someone you trust to talk to.,由短文第三段第四句“,He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to,”可知。,4.Because they have more expe,Fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box.,2d,discuss your problems,tell her parents,unless you talk,run away from,talk to someone,share her problems,to do nothing,Fill in the blanks with the ph,Students often have a lot of problems,and worries.Laura Mills thinks the worst thing is _.She thinks youll feel worse if you dont _ about your problems.Laura remembers that she once lost her wallet and was afraid to _ about it.Now she believes you cannot feel better _ to someone.,to do nothing,talk to anyone,tell her parents,unless you talk,Students often have a lot of p,She says she will always _ in the future.Robert Hunt agrees with Laura.He thinks you should not _ your problems,but you should try to solve them.If you cannot talk to an expert like Robert,you can _ with your parents because they have a lot of experience.,share her problems,run away from,discuss your problems,She says she will always _,1.If people have problem,they should,keep them to themselves,.,keep,意为“保留;保存”,,keep,them to themselves,意为“把问题(烦恼)埋在心底,不向他人倾诉”。,例如:,You can,keep the toy,if you like.,要是你喜欢那个玩具的话,可以把它,留下。,Language points,1.If people have problem,the,2.She just,kept thinking,“,If I tell my,parents,”,此句中,,keep,表示“(使,)保持(某种状态或关系);一直,”,,后面接动词时,该动词要用,-ing,形式,形成,keep doing,结构。,例如:,It,kept raining,for a week.,雨一直下了一周。,2.She just kept thinking,“If,3.Laura,once,lost her wallet,and worried for days.,once,用作副词时,意为“曾经;一度;从前”。它是一个不确定的时间副词,其位置一般是在行为动词之前,系动词之后。,如:,Once,he lived in America,but now he lives in England.,他曾经生活在美国,但现在他生活在英国。,3.Laura once lost her wallet,4.They,got,her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful.,get,意为“买”,相当于,buy,,但不如后者正式,。如:,Could you,get,me a ticket,please?,请给我买张票好吗?,4.They got her a new wallet a,5.It is best not to run away from our,problems.We should always,try to,solve them,.,try to do sth.,努力做某事,如:,Please,try to finish,this work in thirty,minutes.,请尽量在,30,分钟完成这项工作。,5.It is best not to run away,try doing sth.,表示“尝试做某事”,e.g.Why didnt you,try riding,a bike to,go to school?,为什么不试着骑车去学校呢?,try to do sth.,表示“试图干,”,,强调付出努力,但不一定成功;,try doing,表示“尝试干、干,试试”,含有“看结果如何”之意。,try doing sth.表示“尝试做某事”e.g.W,例:,I usually go there by train.Why not _ by boat for a,change?A.to try going B.trying to go C.to try and go D.try going,例:I usually go there by tr,6.In English,we say that,sharing,a,problem is like,cutting it in half,.,1)share,表示“分享;分担”,,如:,share,a room with someone,(,与某人同住一个房间,),2)cutin half,表示“把,切成两半;,把,一切为二”,,in half/halves,是一,种固定结构,介词,in,表示状态,。如:,Please,cut,the apple,in half,.,6.In English,we say that sha,7.So youre,halfway to,solving a problem just,by,talking to someone about it!,1)be halfway to,表示“完成了或做了事情的一部分”,这里的,to,是介词。,如:,Were still only,halfway to finishing,the homework.,我们才仅仅完成了一部分作业。,7.So youre halfway to solvin,2)by,在此表示方式,意为“通过(,办法,方式)”。,如:,We can learn English,by,singing English songs.,我们可以通过唱英文歌来学英语。,2)by 在此表示方式,意为“通过(办法,方式)”。,Homework,1.Read the passage again after class.,2.Work on 2e.Ask three students the,following questions.Take notes of,their answers.,Homework1.Read the passage ag,


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