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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1.annual 每年的,年度的,一年一次的=yearly,an annual event/festival,Whats your annual salary?,annually(adv)每年地,1.annual 每年的,年度的,一年一次的=ye,1,将下列句子翻译成英语。,1).时装表演是一年一度的大事。,2).怀特先生的年薪是两万美元。,Fashion show is an annual event.,Mr.Whites annual salary is 20,000 dollars.,将下列句子翻译成英语。Fashion show is an,2,2.migrate,(1)vi 迁移,移居,People migrate to find work.,人们迁居别处去找工作。,(2)vi(鸟兽等)迁徙,Some birds migrate to find warmer weather.,有些鸟迁徙以寻找更暖的气候。,migration,n 迁移,移民,迁徙的鸟类,2.migrate,3,3.witness,(1)v 当场见到,目击,I witnessed an accident on my way home yesterday.,(2)v表明,说明,Her flushed(通红)face witnessed the excitement she felt.,(3)v作证,None could witness that he was present.,(4)v 为作证 常与to 连用,He witnessed to having seen the man enter the room.,他作证说他看到那个人进入房间。,3.witness,4,(5)n(C)“目击者,证人”常与to连用,The police found the witness to the murder case.,He was a witness to the accident.,(6)n(C,U)证词,证据,证明,His ragged clothes were(a)witness to his poverty.,The old man gave witness on behalf of an accused person.,那位老人为被告作证。,(5)n(C)“目击者,证人”常与to连用,5,相关短语:,be a witness to 是的目击者,give witness on behalf of 替作证,witness to 为某事作证说,相关短语:,6,The girl was shocked by the violent scenes she had _.,A.happened B.looked,C.witnessed D.viewed,【解析】C 本题考查词语辨析。句意为:这个女孩被她亲眼目睹的暴力场面惊呆了。witness意为“目击,见证”,符合语境。,The girl was shocked by the vi,7,4.accommodation,(1)房间,住所,he accommodation of this hotel is scare.(不足),(2)膳宿(常用复数),This hospital has accommodations for 600 patients.,(3)accommodate 向提供住处,接纳(v),The house will accommodate two families.,4.accommodation,8,相关短语:,(1)make accommodations for 为提供膳宿,(2)book accommodation at a hotel 在旅馆预订房间,(3)arrange sbs accommodation 给某人安排住处,(4)accommodate to=adapt to 使适应,You will have to accommodate yourself to the situation.,(5)accommodate sb with=supply sb with,The bank will accommodate you with a loan.,相关短语:,9,5.opposite 是介词,在对面。,如:,He sat,opposite,to Marion during the,discussion.,讨论的时候,他坐在玛丽安的对面。,opposite也可以作形容词,表示“相对,的;相反的”,,如:,on the,opposite,side of the street,在街的对面,driving in the,opposite,direction,朝相反的方向行驶,5.opposite 是介词,在对面。如:,10,6.flee(vi,vt)逃跑,逃离,迅速消散,消失,破灭(fled,fled),He fled his hometown during the war.,They fled Japan.During the civil war,thousands of people fled the country.,His hope fled when he was refused the admittance to the company.,当他被拒绝进入这家公司时,他的希望破灭了。,6.flee(vi,vt)逃跑,逃离,迅速消散,消失,11,注意:,He fled(from)that country.,He escaped from that country.,He ran away from that country.,注意:,12,辨析:,(1)flee 强调逃跑行为本身,含有“逃走,消散”的 意思,The villagers fled about when the flood broke out.,His hope fled when he was refused the admittance to the company.,(2)escape 强调逃跑的结果,即成功地跑掉了。,In the war,the soldier escaped death.那名士兵死里逃生。,They managed to escape from the burning building by breaking down the door.,(3)run away 多用于口语,含有“不辞而别”之意。,He ran away from home at the age of thirteen.,辨析:,13,练习,()1.Luckily,the cat _ being caught.,A.escaped B.tried C.overcame D.managed,()2.A ware of being surrounded,the enemy _ in disorder.,A.cried B.fled C.fought D.walked,A,B,练习AB,14,7.drag vi,vt 拖,拉,扯;,n.供拖拉之物,累赘的人或物,We dragged the fallen tree from the road.,Her skirt dragged on the floor.,她的裙子在地上拖着。,7.drag vi,vt 拖,拉,扯;,15,近义词辨析:,drag 费力,缓慢而艰难地拉、拖较重的物体。,He dragged a heavy box.,He dragged himself/his tired feet home.,他拖着疲倦的步子回家。,draw 从容地拉、拖,He drew the curtain apart.他拉开了窗帘。,pull 突然、急速地拉,方式不限。,He pulled the door and rushed in.,近义词辨析:,16,相关短语:,drag behind 落在后面,drag in 扯进来,drag sb down 使某人沮丧,drag on 拖延,相关短语:,17,8.abandon(vt),(1)遗弃,抛弃,Parents who abandon their babies should be punished.,The captain gave orders to abandon ship.,(2)放弃,Luxun abandoned medicine for literature.,The match was abandoned because of bad weather.(取消),(3)abandon oneself to 沉迷(be addicted to),He abandoned himself to despair.他悲观厌世。,The young man does nothing but abandon himself to pleasure.,那位年轻人除了沉溺于玩乐什么都不做。,8.abandon(vt),18,abandoned(adj)被遗弃的,自暴自弃的,无耻的,堕落的,abandoned young man,堕落的年轻人,abandoned ship,被弃的船只,Walking in the forest,he felt abandoned by the world.,abandonment(U)遗弃,抛弃,abandoner 放弃者,遗弃者,投保人,abandonee 被遗弃者,承保人,abandoned(adj)被遗弃的,自暴自弃的,无耻的,19,辨析abandon,desert,give up,abandon 强调永远或完全放弃人或事物等;可能是被迫的,也可能是自愿的;,desert 着重指违背法律责任和义务或自己的信仰与誓言的行为,多含非难的意味;,give up 普通用语,侧重指没有希望,或因为外界压力而放弃,Its foolish of him to give up without trying.,辨析abandon,desert,give up,20,As time goes on,fewer and fewer old men are _ in the countryside.,A.abandon B.to abandon,C.abandoning D.being abandoned,【答案】D 考查abandon的用法,【点拨】此处老人和遗弃的关系为被动,As time goes on,fewer and few,21,9.help out 使(某人)脱离困境,援助,协助,Nobody helped me out when I lost my job.,Jane helped him out of his financial difficulties.,9.help out 使(某人)脱离困境,援助,协助,22,相关短语:,cant help doing,禁不住,不禁,cant help(to)do,不能帮忙,help over,帮助克服/越过,help(to)do help oneself to,请自己动手,请随便用,cant help but do,不得不/不能不做,help sb with sth,相关短语:,23,When a friend gave Jim a ticket he _ to the game.,A couldnt help but go B couldnt help but going,C cant help but go D cant help but going,Im sorry to say that I cant help_ the room because Im busy right now.,A cleaning B to cleaning C clean D cleans,When I heard the good news I couldnt help_.,A to laugh B laugh C laughing D to laughing,When a friend gave Jim a ticke,24,10.reflect(vt,vi),(1)映出某人/某物的影像,He looked at his face reflected in the mirror.,A mirror reflects a picture of you when you look into it.,Does this letter reflect how you really think?,(2)反射,The mirror reflected the light.,The moon shines with reflected light.,月球是借反射光而发光的。,(3)表达,表现(某事物)的性质,A mans action reflects his thoughts.,(4)考虑,思考,沉思.常与on 连用,He reflected before answering my question.,Im reflected on what to do next.,He reflected on the matter.他考虑了这件事。,10.reflect(vt,vi),25,reflection 映像,倒影,The reflection of the trees in the water was very clear.,on reflection 再三考虑,reflection 映像,倒影,26,11.pure,(1)纯的,纯净的,洁净的,The room was painted pure white.,The air is so pure in these mountains.,(2)无邪的,洁白的,贞洁的,His motives were pure.他的动机很单纯。,(3)完全的,仅仅的,They met by pure accident.,他们的相见纯属自然。,He helped you out of pure kindness.,他帮你完全出于好意。,11.pure,27,pure gold 纯金,pure water 纯水,pure white 纯白,purely 完全地,清洁地,pure gold 纯金,28,12.aware(adj),做形容词,意为“知道的,明白的,意识到”.,作表语或补足语,通常不做定语,后接that从句或of 介词短语。,知识拓展,(1)be aware of sth.意识到某事,(2)be aware thatclause 知道;意识到,(3)be aware whclause 知道;体会到,(4)make sb.aware that.提醒某人注意,(5)make sb.aware of.让某人注意到,12.aware(adj),29,We are fully a aware of the gravity of the situation.,我们十分明白形势的严重性。,I was not aware that he had felt deeply sad at the death of his mother.,I was well aware of the problem.很清楚,What the teacher said made me aware of the importance of English.,Were you aware that something was wrong?,You are not aware(of)how worried I felt about your safety.,It happened without my being aware of it.,在我不知不觉,We are fully a aware of the gr,30,13.Vivid,(1)生动的,清晰的,逼真的,vivid memories/dreams,清晰/犹新的记忆,清楚的梦,a vivid description 描述,He gave a vivid account of his life as a fighter pilot.,他生动地描述了他那战斗机飞行员的生活。,(2)(光线或颜色)鲜明的,鲜艳的,强烈的,vivid blue eyes 碧蓝的眼睛,a vivid flash of lightning 耀眼的闪电,13.Vivid,31,14.Narrow,(1)adj 窄的,The road is too narrow for the cars to pass.,(2)有限的,受限制的,He has a narrow circle of friends.,in a narrow sense 在狭义上,The secret is known only to a narrow group of people.,这个秘密只有很少的一群人知道。,(3)勉强的,a narrow escape from death 九死一生,He was elected by a narrow majority.,他以微弱多数当选,。,14.Narrow,32,(4)偏狭的,狭隘的,He has a very narrow mind.他度量小。,narrow-minded心胸狭隘的,(5)v变窄,缩小,The road narrows here.,The river narrows at this point.,这条河在这里变窄了。,In the bright sunlight,she had to narrow her eyes.,在耀眼的阳光下她将眼睛眯成一条缝。,narrowto把局限在,The doctor narrowed his interest only to diseases of heart,(4)偏狭的,狭隘的,33,15.upside down,(1)上下翻过来的,The picture is upside down.,(2)乱七八糟的,毫无条理的,The house was turned upside down.,房子被翻得乱七八糟的。,He has an upside down way of doing things.,他做事毫无条理。,15.upside down,34,tasty adj.美味的,可口的,a tasty meal,有味道的,性感的,she is a tasty lady.,【拓展】,taste n.C,U 爱好,味道,味觉U鉴赏力,link-v尝起来,有.的味道,vt.品尝,体验,tasty adj.美味的,可口的,35,你需要有很好的鉴赏力才能欣赏这种音乐。,You need good taste before you can enjoy this music.,这棵树上的苹果吃起来可口。,The apples from this tree taste delicious.,这个老人已经饱尝了人生的酸甜苦辣。,The old man has tasted the sweets and bitters of life.,【单词积累】,tasteful adj.高雅的,雅致的,优美的,tasteless adj.无味的,不可口的,你需要有很好的鉴赏力才能欣赏这种音乐。,36,scare vt.恐吓,惊吓,使害怕,【搭配】,scare sb away/off 把某人吓跑/吓退,scare sb into doing sth恐吓某人做某事,be scared of 害怕某人/某物,be scared of doing sth 害怕发生某种行为,be scared to do sth 害怕、恐惧做某事,be scared that 害怕.,scare vt.恐吓,惊吓,使害怕,37,16.tasten.味道,品味,味觉,感受,爱好,Our dining-room tries to cater to all passengers tastes.我们的餐厅尽力满足所有旅客的口味。,A taste for adventure.爱好冒险,vt/vi 尝起来/品尝,Beer tastes bitter.啤酒的味道是苦的,16.tasten.味道,品味,味觉,感受,爱好,38,17.scare 作名词或动词,表示“惊吓,恐惧,恐慌”,(1)n He gave me a good scare.,There has been quite a scare about the possible side effects of his new drug.,(2)v Youll scare the baby if you shout.,I dont scare easily,you know.,你知道,我不容易受惊吓。,17.scare 作名词或动词,表示“惊吓,恐惧,恐慌,39,(3)adj scary“令人惊恐的,可怕的”,a scary ghost story,It is a dark scary street.,(4)scared“惊恐的,恐惧的”,be scared of(doing)sth,be scared to do sth,scare sb into/out of doing干/不敢干,Im scared of ghosts.,scared of being attacked,scared to go out alone,a very scared man 吓怕了的人,be scared to death“吓坏了,吓得要死”其中介词to 表示到达某种结果。,(3)adj scary“令人惊恐的,可怕的”,40,She was scared _ the yard because she was scared _ by the big dog_ at the gate.,A.to go into,to be bitten,lay B.of going into,to bite,laying C.of going into,to be bitten,lay D.to go into,of being bitten,lying,When Mary heard the story of the hero,she was moved _ tears.,A.at B.to C.by D.with,She was scared _ the yard bec,41,


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