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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 8 A nice quite afternoon,!,一个美好安静的下午.,By Cathy,Unit 8 A nice quite afternoon,1,Warm up,Listen and draw,Listen to the teacher and draw what youve heard,Warm upListen and draw,2,take it easy,recommend,double,portion,carbohydrate,放松,推荐 介绍,两倍,一份,碳水化合物,New words learning,take it easy放松New words learni,3,alcohol,along,run,running,through,含酒精的饮料,沿着,跑,跑,通过,New words learning,alcohol含酒精的饮料New words learnin,4,restaurant,dessert,hate,especially,餐馆,甜点,讨厌,尤其是,New words learning,restaurant餐馆New words learning,5,单词记忆大比拼,根据英语说出汉语意思.,通过,一份,含酒精,的饮料,讨厌,点心,放松,碳水化合物,餐馆,单词记忆大比拼根据英语说出汉语意思.通过一份含酒精讨厌点心放,6,通过,一份,沿着,两倍的,推荐,碳水化合物,放松,尤其是,单词记忆大比拼,根据汉语说出英语单词.,通过 一份沿着两倍的推荐碳水化合物放松尤其是单词记忆大比拼根,7,Mr.Ford,are you going to do now,Paul?,Im going to _it _this morning?,_,Im going to _Claire for_.,What,take,easy,Then,meet,lunch,Listen and fill in the blanks,Mr.FordWhattakeeasyThenmeetlu,8,Mr.Ford:Where?_in Barnet?,Paul:No,at,an Indian_ in Canary Wharf.,Her mother _ it.,Here,restaurant,recommends,Listen and fill in the blanks,Mr.Ford:Where?_in Barnet?He,9,Mr.Ford:,Very _.,_a good lunch,_a _ portion of _,You _the carbohydrate.,nice,Have,Eat,double,rice,need,Listen and fill in the blanks,Mr.Ford:Very _.niceHaveEa,10,Mr.Ford:And have a _.,Why nit have two desserts.,But no_,of course!,Have a nice_ afternoon.,dessert,alcohol,quiet,Listen and fill in the blanks,Mr.Ford:And have a _.dess,11,Paul:Were going to_ _,the river.,Mr.Ford:Make it a _walk.,And walk today-_!,walk,along,short,Dont run,Listen and fill in the blanks,Paul:Were going to_ _wa,12,Paul:Claires going to _that.,She _running.,_ after a big lunch.,like,hates,especially,Listen and fill in the blanks,Paul:Claires going to _tha,13,b,u,s c,u,p d,oe,s,j,u,g luck r,u,n,u,p c,o,lour h,u,rry,pronunciation,pronunciation,14,b,o,x cl,o,ck d,o,ck,l,o,ng n,o,t,o,n,s,o,ck m,o,del s,o,rry,pronunciation,pronunciation,15,problem,bus,hungry,come,doctor,dog,double,luck,not,office,shop,lunch,Listen and tell me it makes sound,problembushungrycomedoctordogd,16,New words and Expressions,have,v.,有,吃,喝,swim,n.游泳,drink,n.,饮料,have a bath,洗澡,Because,conj.,因为,bath,n.沐浴,right now,adv.,现在,shower,n.淋浴,have a swim,去游泳,broken,adj.破碎的,New words and Expressionshave,17,单词记忆大比拼,根据汉语说出英语单词,沐浴,就在此刻,因为,去游泳,洗澡,淋浴,损坏的,饮料,单词记忆大比拼根据汉语说出英语单词沐浴就在此刻因为去游泳洗澡,18,A:Are you hungry?,B:Yes,I am.,A:What are you going to do?,B:Im going to have lunch.,Pattern practice,A:Are you hungry?Pattern prac,19,A:,Are you going to have a drink,?,B:,No,Im not going to have a drink.,Im going to have lunch.,Pattern practice,A:Are you going to have a dri,20,A:What are you going to do?,B:Im going to have lunch.,A Why?,B:Because Im hungry.,Pattern practice,A:What are you going to do?Pa,21,A:Why are you going to have lunch now?,B:Im going to have lunch now because Im hungry.,Pattern practice,A:Why are you going to have l,22,A:Are you hungry?,B:Yes,I am.,A:You must have lunch.,B:Im going to.,Pattern practice,A:Are you hungry?Pattern prac,23,A:Im hungry.So Im going to have lunch right now.,B:Are you?,A:Yes,I am.,Pattern practice,A:Im hungry.So Im going to,24,Exercises,Turn to page 64-65,look at the exercises,lets do them together.,ExercisesTurn to page 64-65,lo,25,Homework,1.听MP3复习第15课对话和第16课音标部分,2.根据第62页的句型1,做出P63的图59的对话。,3.请抄写P60今天学习的新单词每个三遍,4.请记单词,下次听写。,take it easy along drink broken,have a swim have a bath,Homework1.听MP3复习第15课对话和第16课音标部,26,


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