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the food,?,()8.That noise is,an old machine at the,back of the factory.,()9.Weve just,an old friend we havent,seen for ages.,()10.The rain was,harder when he left for,work.,F,come on,A,come up with,C,come to/add up to,H,coming from,D,come across,J,coming down,()5.Would you please,练 习,2,()1.Why dont you and I,from this mess for a,while?,()2.When he saw two policemen,he quickly,put the stolen watch into his pocket.,()3.Even on rainy days,he would,with his,dog in the woods behind their house.,K,go away,E,go by,go for a walk,A,练 习 2()1.Why dont you a,()5.My son and I,last weekend by the river and,came home empty-handed.,()6.,this gate,and youll see a huge apple,tree on your left.,()7.The man was getting weaker and weaker as the,years,.,()8.The rock concert,until midnight last night.,()9.Dont,in the rain or you may get wet and catch,a cold.,()10.Ill,my lines before the play tomorrow to,make sure it goes well.,C,Go through,G,went fishing,D,went by,H,went on,I,go out,J,go over,()5.My son and I,(),11.He was,a very difficult time.,()12.She blew the candle and the light,immediately.,(),13.He stopped to drink some water and then,his,speech.,(),14.He,the plans again and discovered two,mistakes.,(),15.I,the newspaper,looking for todays,weather report.,M,went out,N,going through,H,went on with,F,went over,L,went through,()11.He was,练 习,3,()1.Im going to,in the camping site and see,what I can find.,()2.Could we,the house before we sign the deal,please?,()3.He is always,ways to cut costs.,()4.Finally they agreed to,the matter.,B,look around,H,look over,looking for,G,M,look into,练 习 3()1.Im going to,()5.Would you mind,my suitcase for me?,I have to go to the restroom.,()6.She let out a cry and I,just to find a,snake in the tree behind me.,()7.I,the company on the Internet and got its,phone number.,()8.The man may look quite educated.But I have,him;he hasnt any real learning.,()9.If you dont,you may fall on the ice.,A,looked around,D,looking after,I,looked up,K,looked through,J,look out,()5.Would you mind,()10.He stopped at the door and,the store for,the boss but didnt see him.,()11.Im really,seeing you.,()12.I always,my homework carefully,before I handed it in.,()13.He was,because he was very,selfish.,F,looking forward to,E,looked into,L,looked through,C,looked down upon,()10.He stopped at the d,练 习,4,()1.They,the clerk for ten years for stealing lots,of gold from the bank.,()2.Jenny,you should,the teapot and teacups,after you clean them.,()3.You may,these bags for a minute if they are,heavy.,L,put away,H,put away,put down,K,练 习 4()1.They,()5.The singer turned down an invitation to,as she,had a sore throat.,()6.Hes,the new words he came,across while reading just now into his notebook.,()7.Well have to,our visit to the natural history,museum unless the snow stops tomorrow.,()8.Stepping out into the yard,Mark,a pair of,sunglasses to protect his eyes from the sunlight.,()9.Ive got twenty thousand pounds,for my,old age.,I,put on a performance,J,put up,D,put off,A,put on,B,put away,()5.The singer turned do,()10.Peter has,since last year and he has to,eat less meat and fish.,()11.It took the firefighters five hours to,the,fire in the mountain.,()12.If you agree with our plan of rebuilding the library,please,the green card in your hand.,C,put out,E,put on weight,G,put up,()10.Peter has,练 习,5,()1.We,some fireworks to celebrate the New Year.,()2.When he,his glass,he spilled(洒)a little,drink.,()3.James,at once in search of his pet cat,when he heard it was lost.,C,set off,B,set down,set out/set off,A,练 习 5()1.We,()4.We have achieved what we,to do at the,beginning of June.,()5.These days he is,his memories of village life.,()6.She,her own trading company at the age of,twenty.,D,setting down,F,set out,E,set up,()4.We have achieved wha,练 习,6,()1.Shall I,the heating?I think 26 is a little,bit high.,()2.I am afraid your request(要求)for a pay rise was,again.,()3.The captain failed to,for the final game and,their team was beaten.,C,turn down,D,turned down,turn up,B,练 习 6()1.Shall I,()4.When she saw the dark meeting room,she asked them why,they hadnt,the lights.,()5.Their water supply was,days ago and they,had to draw water from the well.,()6.Johnny,the TV a little bit so that his grandma,could hear what the singer was singing.,F,turned off,A,turned on,E,turned up,()4.When she saw the dar,练 习,7,()1.Before I could come up with an answer,he,angrily.,()2.Tell her that I am busy now and if any problem comes,up,Ill,in a few minutes.,()3.Seeing Judy in that white dress,memories,of my Aunt Sara.,()4.Heat,chemical reactions(反应).,D,rang off/hung up,B,ring back,called up,C,E,speeds up,练 习 7()1.Before I could,()5.Nobody,a doctor in the middle of the,night for no reason.,()6.He managed to,till the ambulance(救护车),arrived.,()7.His jacket was,in the hallway and swinging,in the wind.,()8.Can you,for a minute?Let me see whether,hes in the office or not.,A,hang on,H,rings up/calls up,G,hanging up,F,hang on,()5.Nobody,练 习,8,()1.My car,breaking down.I am now considering,buying a new one.,()2.Believe me!I am as able to,as you,once I make a promise.,()3.Its important to,our standards.,E,keeps on,A,keep my word,keep up,B,练 习 8()1.My car,()4.He walked too fast and his daughter had to hurry to,with him.,()5.Close friends must,each other no,matter where they are.,()6.Cover them with plastic bags to,the dust,(灰尘).,F,keep in touch with,C,keep up,D,keep off,()4.He walked too fast a,练 习,9,()1.As a parent,it is important to,your childs,teeth.,()2.Im not boring you,am I?No,.,()3.All those late nights are finally,me.,()4.He wanted me to know that he still,me.,C,care for,B,carry on,catching up with,G,A,cared for,练 习 9()1.As a parent,it,()5.It was the worst possible place to,his research.,()6.John began the season better than me and I have fought to,him.,()7.He explained that he was simply,his bosss,instructions and that it was not his fault.,F,catch up with,D,carry on,E,carrying out,()5.It was the worst pos,练 习,10,()1.She decided to,the 2018,Guangzhou Marathon this December.,()2.The desert is,farmland by their hard work.,()3.Ill ring up the hotel to tell them wel,l,to,-,-morrow,and make sure they keep the room for us.,()4.I was disappointed to miss Bryan,who had just,when I got to the hotel.,A,go in for/join in/take part in,F,changed into,check in,B,C,cared for,练 习 10()1.She decided t,()5.Two policemen were sent to,his story.,()6.She said she was in New York the weekend her neighbor,got killed and it,.,()7.Oh Peter,its not the end of the world,you know.,()8.Passengers have to,30 minutes before the,plane takes off.,E,checked out,H,check out,D,cheer up,C,check in,()5.Two policemen were s,练 习,11,()1.The little girl refused to,her new dress when,she went to bed.,()2.Please,.We are in no hurry.,()3.I know its an important exam,but,so that,you can have better performance.,()4.Earthquakes,far underground but still can,cause great damage.,I,take off,K,take your time,take it easy,D,C,take place,练 习 11()1.The little gir,()5.Jims teacher,his mobile phone for he was,playing games on it in class.,()6.Water birds such as swans(天鹅)run along the water,to,.,()7.I got a serious toothache and the dentist he,one of,my tooth.,()8.You may drink some tea to,the taste of the fish,in your mouth.,()9.I was told to,all the paperwork for the meeting.,B,take off,G,took away,A,took out,F,take away,E,take care of,()5.Jims teacher,()10.The baby boy stopped crying when his mother,.,()11.If the lonely old man has children,I hope they can,him.,()12.I dont think cars can completely,mo,-,-,torcycles in this small city.,H,take care of,J,took him in the arms,L,take the place of,()10.The baby boy stoppe,练 习,12,()1.You have to,everyone you borrow money,from.,()2.The best way to,bullies from school is to,show them how successful you are as an adult.,()3.We just finished,the car we bought two,years ago.,B,pay back,E,pay back,paying off,C,练 习 12()1.You have to,()4.One day you will have to,this mistake.,()5.Youre going to have to,the glasses that,your son broke in the restaurant.,()6.Wow,those private lessons have really,-your,Spanish sounds really great!,()7.Take your health seriously and,your daily,diet.,G,pay for,A,pay for,F,paid off,D,pay attention to,()4.One day you will hav,练 习,13,()1.,to turn off the light before you leave.,()2.The boy made the baby girl laugh by,at her.,()3.This reporter,poor people as well as,wealthy people while working.,()4.They had a big fight,but soon,.,A,Make sure,G,making a face,made friends with,B,C,made up,练 习 13()1.,()5.Mary had to,for the role of an old woman,in the play.,()6.He,the whole story because he was afraid that,his father would punish him.,()7.In this city,women officers,13 percent of the,police force.,()8.The chair,bamboo and its quite light.,()9.That conversation helped me,to,change my present life.,()10.Speech,different sound waves.,()11.Paper can,grass or wood.,F,made up,J,make up,E,make up,H,is made of,I,make up my mind,D,is made up of,H,be made from,()5.Mary had to,练 习,14,()1.There is no glass in the front door to,light and,the room is quite dark.,()2.It is unkind to,a person in trouble.,()3.Theyve,a doctor for their sons fever.,()4.He warned us yesterday that poor working conditions,would,a loss of workers.,D,let in,G,laugh at,sent for,A,C,lead to,练 习 14()1.There is no gl,()5.I think new teachers should,experienced,teachers.,()6.No signal was,from the missing ship and,they guessed nobody survived.,()7.You must try to,your mistakes and not repeat,them.,()8.She,well over four hundred invitations that,afternoon.,H,sent out,B,learn from,E,learn from,F,sent out,()5.I think new teachers,练 习,15,()1.The criminal tried to,when the police came.,()2.,from the tree,Tom,or you will get hurt if,you fall.,()3.How did you,in your exam?,Pretty well.,()4.Peter has been away on business for two months and is,soon.,B,get away,D,Get down,get on/get along,F,C,getting back,练 习 15()1.The criminal t,()5.Today many people like to go out to,nature.,()6.Im,at the next stop.You can take my seat.,()7.Youll soon,getting up early as long as you go,to bed early.,()8.The two teams should,and try to work,out a solution(解决方法).,()9.I think such a kind person can,his,workmates quite well.,()10.He went over his class notes to,the coming,exam.,()11.They broke the window and,the room quickly.,G,getting off,A,get close to,E,get used to,K,get together,H,get on with,I,J,get ready for,got out of,()5.Today many people li,练 习,16,()1.We have some old clothes to,.Do you know,any organization that will accept them?,()2.The supply of candles has,.Wed better,buy some in case power is cut off.,()3.There were some young people at the gate,greeting cards to the guests.,C,give away,E,given out,giving out,G,练 习 16()1.We have some o,()4.,smoking can be easier than you think.,Why not have a try?,()5.Sue,into a very good-looking woman.,()6.Parents should,their children to be honest and,helpful.,()7.The stolen ring was,to her when the thief got,caught.,F,grew up,D,Giving up,A,bring up,B,given back,()4.,练 习,17,()1.What were you,?,You shouldnt steal.,()2.We all,him as a father.,()3.She,me that it is unfair to do so.,()4.,how you can improve the situation.,C,thinking of/thinking about,D,thought of,agrees with,A,F,Think about,练 习 17()1.What were you,()5.Please,what I have said.Dont make a,decision too quickly.,()6.He,pick her up after work on the phone.,E,agreed to,B,think over,()5.Please,练 习,18,()1.John,until midnight to recite the new words,the day before the final exam.,()2.I was,at seven oclock by the noise,outside my flat.,()3.He,from a bad dream only to find himself,in a strange place.,A,stayed up,F,waked/woken up,woke up,G,练 习 18()1.John,()4.Its good for old people to stay in bed for a while before,every morning.,()5.They,so much at the beach that they,forgot all about their troubles.,()6.I am,these days with,you by my side.,()7.We dont,on the weekend so sometimes we,just do some shopping.,()8.He,after taking a shower with cold water the,day before yesterday.,C,enjoyed themselves,H,getting up,H,having a good time/enjoying myself,E,have classes,D,had a cold,()4.Its good for old pe,练 习,19,()1.You will be asked to,a form with your birthday,and address.,()2.In the end,the well was,sand and could,not be used any more.,()3.He was busy,the holes in the wall of his,house before the storm.,G,fill in,F,filled with,filling in,E,练 习 19()1.You will be as,()4.I,his question in my notebook and tried to,look for an answer after class.,()5.Drop us a line.Its always great to,you.,()6.How often do you,him?,Well,I,that a lot,but seldom now.,()7.We,this accident through our neighbors later,that day.,()8.,your support and confidence in me.,C,hear from,D,wrote down,A/I,write to,B,heard of,used to do,H,Thanks for,()4.I,练 习,20,()1.Shut up!Who,your opinion?,()2.The children were,their mother.,()3.London Underground hopes to,this heating,system in September.,()4.When he left the telephone to find a pencil,he asked me,to,.,F,asked for,D,asking for,try out,G,H,hold on,练 习 20()1.Shut up!Who,()5.,the shirt and shoes to make sure they fit.,()6.Please take your time while driving.Im not,.,()7.Frank was told to,and take his shower;,otherwise,theyd miss their train.,()8.I almost knocked into a man who was entering,.,()9.Everyone should,to protect the environment.,()10.The soldiers,in their positions for more than,two hours and finally won the battle.,I,in a hurry,E,Try on,B,hurry up,C,in a hurry,A,try his best,J,held on,()5.,练 习,21,()1.The gold fish took away everything he gave the poor,fisherman,.,()2.With so much work to do,they agreed to get down to,work,.,()3.Dont you think it awful to watch television and do,your homework,?,C,at last,F,at the same time,at once/right away/right now,D,练 习 21()1.The gold fish,()4.The boy spends,as much time reading as he,does writing.,()5.He didnt have bread and eggs for breakfast,but just a glass of orange juice instead.,()6.Why did they just warn Jessie of the danger?I think,they should let me know,.,()7.,,wed better make sure we have everything,we need for the picnic.,()8.If,you dont succeed,try,try again.,()9.He is with someone in the meeting room,.,Would you hold on for a while?,A,as usual,G,at least,H,as well,I,First of all,B,at first,E,right now,()4.The boy spends,练 习,22,()1.Her paintings will be,at the museum until,the end of the month.,()2.Policemen are not allowed to smoke while,.,()3.Tomato juice that is usually sold at 2 dollars a can is,now,for 1.9 dollars.,G,on show,D,on duty,on sale,J,练 习 22()1.Her paintings,()4.A fantastic movie has been,for three weeks,and become the top one at the box office.,()5.You cant afford to let any job go by when youve,been,for so long.,()6.The conference was very well organized.Everything began,and finished,.,()7.A child ran across the road in front of my car,but I,managed to stop my car just,.,()8.If you keep playing with the electrical toy in this way,you,are sure to put it,.,I,out of work,B,on show,H,on time,K,in time,A,out of order,()4.A fantastic movie ha,()9.Room 308 is,.Please send someone here to,tidy it up.,()10.When I hurried to school,I was almost,.,()11.The new product will be,as early as the next,week.But it will be quite expensive.,()12.In the days before TV was invented,people learnt about,what happened in the world,.,(),13.Hes a tidy person and always keeps his desk,.,C,out of breath,F,out of order,L,on sale,M,on/over the radio,E,in order,Cout of breathFout of orderLon,练 习,23,()1.Please dont,our unfriendly neighbors in,front of the children.,()2.A Chinese host will repeatedly ask his guests to,the dishes on the table.,()3.The policeman,the case in our conversation,but didnt say much about it.,B,talk about,help themselves to,C,A,talked of,练 习 23()1.Please dont,()4.You,see the doctor about your cough.It may,be quite serious.,()5.You may ask someone to,childcare so that you,can have a break.,D,help with,E,had better,()4.You,练 习,24,()1.Look out!You may,the pool if you get too,close.,()2.Thousands of people could die if their work,.,()3.I can not,after drinking strong tea this late.,G,fall into,F,fell behind,fall asleep,A,练 习 24()1.Look out!You m,()4.Jenny,after so many days of hard work and,had to stay in bed for some time.,()5.Several minutes later,they,conversation.,()6.She,and hurt her leg while walking to work.,()7.Theres nothing to be afraid of.The sky wont,.,()8.If the house is not repaired in time,it will slowly,.,B,fell into,D,fell ill,H,fell down,E,fall down,C,fall down,()4.Jenny,练 习,25,()1.She,collecting stamps and,often buys some whenever she goes abroad.,()2.In this company,if one,work three times,he or she will be fired.,()3.He asked me if I wanted to come along but I told him I,parties.,A,is fond of/is interested in,C,is late for,wasnt interested in,D,练 习 25()1.She,()4.I,sports,but I like to watch them.You,may say I am a sports fan.,()5.Maybe I was wrong to,her,but I just,couldnt control myself.,()6.The weather in Guangzhou,that in,Beijing.Its hard to get used to it.,()7.She,her children in their study and they,all became very successful later.,()8.She,her childrens success and often,talked with it in front of her friends.,B,be angry with,H,am not good at,F,is different from,E,was strict with,G,was proud of,()4.I,练 习,26,()1.He,his father for pocket money when,he was in high school.,()2.I got angry when he kept,during our,conversation.,()3.This computer will be,the Internet later.,Just wait a moment.,F,depended on,breaking in,N,B,connected to,练 习 26()1.He,()4.The animals lost their homes when most of the forest,was,.,()5.He was,the murder case and was,questioned by the police yesterday.,()6.Two men,and took away his gold watch and,her gold ring last night.,()7.Fighting,in small village and caused some,deaths.,()8.A good policeman will never give up and will try his best to,the truth.,()9.How dinosaurs(恐龙),remains unclear to,most people.,A,connected with,C,cut down,G,broke in,D,broke out,H,find out,E,died out,()4.The animals lost the,()10.Once the fire has,it will be safe for them to,return to clean their flats.,()11.The musical,the French Revolution and is,very popular with visitors to London.,()12.He promised to,the problem immediately.,()13.Why not,for some tea sometime next week,when you are free?,()14.Primary school teachers are good at,kids.,()15.Your success,how hard you work.,K,deals with,J,died out,I,deal with,L,drop in,O,dealing with,M,depends on,()10.Once the fire has,练 习,27,()1.The two leaders met,for about two hours to,discuss the plan.,()2.She was too proud to show her sadness,.,()3.She put onto the shelf the book she had taken,.,E,face to face,F,in public,I,by mistake,练 习 27()1.The two leader,()4.Childrens lives are,every time they cross this,road.,()5.He caught his breath,when he saw the“dead”,dog stood up suddenly.,()6.Since the supermarket is not far away,I decide to go,there,.,()7.She decided to go to New York,and booked a,plane ticket online this morning.,B,in surprise,A,in danger,D,on foot,J,by air,()4.Childrens lives are,()8.Nobody can tell what will happen,so s


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