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题型一 完形填空,题型一 完形填空,分析云南近6年中考真题可知,完形填空主要呈现以下特点:,1.,文体,:以故事类的记叙文为主,以介绍类的说明文为辅。,2.,话题涉及,:教育故事,(省卷:2015;昆明卷:6年3考;曲靖卷:2018),;情感故事,(省卷:2019,2016;曲靖卷:2019,2017),;事物介绍,(昆明卷:2018;曲靖卷:2015,2014),;热点信息,(昆明卷:2015,2014),;寓言故事,(省卷:2018,2014),;幽默故事,(省卷:2017),;人物故事,(曲靖卷:2016),。,考情概览,分析云南近6年中考真题可知,完形填空主要呈现以下特点:考情,3.,词数,:170290词。,4.,考查点,:必考点:动词(13道,以2道为主)、名词(12道,干扰项为同类名词)、形容词(12道)、副词辨析(1道);高频考点:动词短语(02道,以同一动词型、混合型为主)、介词辨析(01道,均为固定搭配)、连词(01道,从属连词或并列连词but)、代词(01道);另外还适当涉及疑问副词、介词短语、同类名词短语的考查。,3.词数:170290词。,5.,命题角度,:语境推断,(省卷:必考,每年37道;昆明卷:必考,每年46道;曲靖卷:必考,每年26道),;逻辑推理,(省卷:6年6考;昆明卷:6年8考;曲靖卷:6年5考),;词汇复现,(省卷:6年4考;昆明卷:6年4考;曲靖卷:6年7考),;固定搭配,(省卷:6年5考;昆明卷:2018.36;曲靖卷:6年3考),;生活常识,(省卷:6年6考;昆明卷:6年5考;曲靖卷:6年3考),;语法知识,(省卷:6年9考;昆明卷:6年13考;曲靖卷:6年19考),。,5.命题角度:语境推断(省卷:必考,每年37道;昆明卷,微技能讲练,目 录,微技能,1,语境推断,微技能,2,逻辑推理,微技能,3,词汇复现,微技能,4,固定搭配,微技能,5,生活常识,微技能,6,语法知识,微技能讲练目 录 微技能1 语境推断 微技能2 逻辑推理,语境推断,(省卷:必考,每年37道;昆明卷:必考,每年46道;曲靖卷:必考,每年26道),微技能,1,语境推断是指根据上下文的语境提示或暗示,身临其境地理解所处的语境,体验语境和作者的感情态度,推断出符合场景的最佳选项。,语境推断(省卷:,典例剖析,(),40.,A.sadly,B.happily,C.hardly,D.carelessly,文章详见试题研究,P205,A,典例剖析文章详见试题研究 P205 A,剖析:根据节选段落第二段最后一句“Have you seen the tears in her eyes?你看到她眼里的泪水了吗?”可推知此处表示女儿被吼以后,悲伤地离开了。因此sadly符合题意。故选A。,剖析:根据节选段落第二段最后一句“Have you seen,例2,(2019曲靖卷节选)Having realized my family,s,predicament(窘境),my friend,s mom secretly took me to another room and hand out the toys that she had bought her son for his birthday.She let me pick one out and write my name on it.I was surprised and touched by her,43,(),43.A.happiness,B.kindness,C.sadness,D.fairness,B,例2(2019曲靖卷节选)Having rea,剖析:根据挖空处之前的“.secretly took me to another room and hand out the toys that she had bought her son for his birthday.She let me pick one out and write my name on it.”可知朋友的妈妈做出的这一系列举动都是善意的。因此kindness符合语境。故选B。,剖析:根据挖空处之前的“.secretly took m,微 技 能 训 练,Cloze 1(2019宿迁节选),You must see yourself clearly,and know what you want to get.Your future doesn,t,1,how others act,but on how you are going to act.,(),1.A.try onB.depend on,C.live on D.insist on,B,微 技 能 训 练Cloze 1(2019宿迁节选),Cloze 2(2019北京节选),Two months ago,when our class election(选举)started,I decided to run for class president.I enjoyed speaking in public and got along well with people,so I felt it easy to win.But I was,2,that people would feel bad for me if I lost.,(),2.A.bored,B.afraid,C.excited,D.hopeful,B,Cloze 2(2019北京节选)B,Cloze 3(2019温州节选),Over the next month,I went through a lot of,3,.I bought new clothes that I wanted to wear.I no longer went to art class with them,and took theatre.I began making new friends.I developed my own opinions and never again followed the crowd.,(),3.A.pains B.doubts C.changes D.troubles,C,Cloze 3(2019温州节选)C,Cloze 4(2019绵阳节选),When I was a child I always wanted to be“important”.I wanted to make my parents,4,by doing some notable achievements that would surprise the rest of the world.,(),4.A.angryB.upsetC.proudD.satisfied,C,Cloze 4(2019绵阳节选)C,微技能,2,逻辑推理,(省卷:6年6考;昆明卷:6年8考;曲靖卷:6年5考),完形填空是一篇有具体内容的文章,各段落之间必然有着逻辑上的联系。考生在答题时,可以通过对故事的线索、文章前后各段之间的逻辑关系、文章前后内容之间的逻辑关系及人物情感的发展变化来分析和理解文章,以此推断答案。,微技能2逻辑推理(省卷:6年6考;昆明卷:6年8考;曲靖卷:,逻辑关系主要有,:并列关系(and.);转折关系(but,however,though,yet,otherwise,while.);顺序关系(before,after,then,finally.);让步关系(although,though,despite.);因果关系(so,thus,for.);条件关系(if,in case.);递进关系(moreover,besides,furthermore,whats more,in addition to,as well as.)。,逻辑关系主要有:并列关系(and.);转,典例剖析,典例剖析,例,1,(2019曲靖卷节选),44,my mom is no longer single and our family isn,t poor any more,I am still thankful to my friend,s mom for what she did.That,had,a big influence on me.,(),44.A.Unless B.If C.When D.Although,D,典例剖析典例剖析例1(2019曲靖卷节选)44,典例剖析,剖析:根据空后的内容“my mom is no longer single and our family isn,t poor any more,I am still thankful to my friends mom for what she did.”可知此处表示之前妈妈单身并且家里很穷,但是现在妈妈不再单身,家里也不再贫困了,应用含“尽管、即使”含义的连词连接。因此Although符合题意。故选D。,典例剖析剖析:根据空后的内容“my mom is no lo,典例剖析,例2(2019昆明卷节选)He stopped to watch his son,s fruitless efforts.The father didn,t help him,40,instead asked,“Son,have you tried your best?I mean,are you doing everything you can?”,(),40.,A.butB.andC.so,A,典例剖析例2(2019昆明卷节选)He stopped,剖析:根据挖空的前一句“The father didn,t help him”及空后内容“instead asked”可知此处表示父亲没有帮助儿子,但是相反的是,他对孩子进行了询问。因此“but”符合题意。故选A。,剖析:根据挖空的前一句“The father didnt,微 技 能 训 练,Cloze 5(2019淮安节选),They played the piano together,5,.The old pianist and the young novice(初学者)changed a frightening situation into a wonderful creative experience.The audience(观众)stood up and cheered for them.,(),5.A.badly B.carelessly C.terribly D.happily,D,微 技 能 训 练Cloze 5(2019淮安节选),Cloze 6(2019重庆A卷节选),Right after lunch,Mother found she had got a cold.She did need a rest in bed.But first she had a few things to do.Prepare the meat for,6,.Leave a note for the cleaners.,(),6A.tea B.breakfast C.lunch D.dinner,D,Cloze 6(2019重庆A卷节选)D,Cloze 7(2019广州节选),John looked around the garden,behind the bushes,and under the picnic table.No dog!His mother heard the,7,in his voice as he called her a second time,“Mom,I can,t find Charlie!”,She came outside quickly.“Let,s look around the garden first.Don,t worry.I,m sure he,s close by.”,(),7.A.anger B.hope C.fear D.warning,C,Cloze 7(2019广州节选)C,微技能,3,词汇复现,(省卷、昆明卷:均6年4考;曲靖卷:6年7考),词汇复现指的是某一词以原词、同义词、近义词、概括词或其他形式重复出现在语篇中,语篇中的句子通过这种复现关系达到了相互衔接。,微技能3词汇复现(省卷、昆明卷:均6年4考;曲靖卷:6年7,(),38.A.son,B.daughter,C.mother,D.father,典例剖析,文章详见试题研究,P206,B,典例剖析文章详见试题研究 P206 B,剖析:根据节选内容第四段“.While dealing with a stranger,you were polite,but with the daughter you love,you were unkind.”可知此处指的是女儿离自己很近。因此daughter符合文意。故选B。,剖析:根据节选内容第四段“.While dealing,例2,(2019昆明卷节选)The boy,s,39,was coming home from work around this time.He stopped to watch his son,s fruitless efforts.The father didn,t help him.,(),39.A.brother B.uncle C.father,C,例2(2019昆明卷节选)The boys 3,剖析:根据文中“He stopped to watch his son,s fruitless efforts.,The father didn,t help him.”可知在这个时候,男孩的父亲工作完回到家。因此father符合文意。故选C。,剖析:根据文中“He stopped to watch hi,(),8A.basket B.toy C.lantern D.bag,典例剖析,文章详见试题研究,P206,C,典例剖析文章详见试题研究 P206 C,Cloze 9(2019邵阳节选),One day a young lady was driving along with her father.They met a strong,9,,and the young lady asked her father,“What should I do?”Her father said,“Keep driving.”,But later,many cars began to pull over(向路边停靠)because the storm was getting worse and worse.,(),9.A.storm,B.wind,C.rain,A,Cloze 9(2019邵阳节选)A,Cloze 10(2019宿迁节选),Seeing the dirtyfaced cat,the cleanfaced one thought its own face was also dirty,so it quickly ran to the riverside and washed its,10,(),10.A.mouth B.tail C.nose D.face,D,Cloze 10(2019宿迁节选)D,微技能,4,固定搭配,(省卷:6年5考;昆明卷:2018.36;曲靖卷:6年3考),固定搭配需要结合语境并利用常用句型及习惯表达来直接选择答案。考生平时应积累动词短语、介词短语、固定句型等固定搭配。,微技能4固定搭配(省卷:6年5考;昆明卷:2018.36;曲,典例剖析,例1,(2019省卷节选),“.You,ll find them in the kitchen by the door.Have you seen the tears,43,her eyes?”,(),43.A.in B.with C.for D.of,A,剖析:根据句意可知此处表示她的眼睛里有眼泪,in one,s eyes表示在某人的眼睛里。因此in符合句意。故选A。,典例剖析例1(2019省卷节选)“.Youll f,例2(2018省卷节选),Someone asked him,“Did you want to buy the shoes,44,yourself?”“Of course,”he answered.,(),44.A.for B.to C.by D.with,A,剖析:根据句意可知此处表示“你想为自己买鞋吗?”buy sth.for sb.为某人买某物,为固定搭配。故选A。,例2(2018省卷节选)Someone asked him,微 技 能 训 练,Cloze 11(2019金华节选),Mom took a look at me.Then she said,“Will you take these magazines to Grandma,please?”,As I walked down the street,a new girl in the neighborhood came towards me,smiling.But I just went,11,her.,(),11.A.toB.pastC.withD.against,B,微 技 能 训 练Cloze 11(2019金华节,Cloze 12(2019黄石节选),.college,12,the age of 30.His father died when he was only 16.As the oldest child in the family,he worked in the day and studied in the night.,(),12.A.on B.by C.at D.in,C,Cloze 12(2019黄石节选)C,微技能,5,生活常识,(省卷:6年6考;昆明卷:6年5考;曲靖卷:6年3考),在解答此类试题时,考生需要利用生活常识或经验解题。,微技能5生活常识(省卷:6年6考;昆明卷:6年5考;曲靖卷:,典例剖析,例1,(2019曲靖卷节选)One,day,my best friend invited me to his birthday party.My mom had just paid the rent,so she couldn,t even help me buy a,39,(),39.A.card B.gift C.toys D.object,B,剖析:根据生活常识可知被邀请参加生日聚会,应该要给对方买礼物,因此“gift”符合句意。故选B。,典例剖析例1(2019曲靖卷节选)One day,my,例2,(2019昆明卷节选)It,is,44,to know when to ask for help and understand why you need it.Never be afraid to ask others for help when you,re in trouble.,(),44.A.easyB.importantC.difficult,B,剖析:根据生活常识可知什么时候求助并且明白为什么你需要求助是很重要的,因此“important”符合句意。故选B。,例2(2019昆明卷节选)It is 44 t,微 技 能 训 练,Cloze 13(2019广安节选),Every April,there is a special day in China.It is Qingming Festival,also called TombSweeping Day.On that day,people,13,and honor(纪念)their ancestors(祖先).,(),13.A.rememberB.meetC.seeD.find,A,微 技 能 训 练Cloze 13(2019广安节选,Cloze 14(2019重庆B卷节选),Run and shout if you feel unsafe.Run away as fast as you can towards a police station,hospital,or nearby business for,14,.Shout as loudly as you can to get the attention of people nearby.,(),14A.helpBdrinkCmoney Dmedicine,A,Cloze 14(2019重庆B卷节选)A,微技能,6,语法知识,(省卷:6年9考;昆明卷:6年13考;曲靖卷:6年19考),在解答此类试题时,考生需要运用所学语法知识,并结合语境解题。,微技能6语法知识(省卷:6年9考;昆明卷:6年13考;曲靖卷,典例剖析,例1,(2019省卷节选),Later that day,when I was cooking,my daughter was too close to me.When I turned to get,39,milk,I nearly knocked her over.,(),39.A.little B.few,C.any D.some,D,典例剖析例1(2019省卷节选)Later that d,剖析:根据句意可知此处表示“我转身去拿一些牛奶”。little表示否定意义,后跟不可数名词;few表示否定意义,后跟可数名词复数;any多用在否定句和疑问句中,用在肯定句中表示“任何一个”;some多用在肯定句中,既可以修饰可数名词复数又可修饰不可数名词。milk为不可数名词且本句表示肯定意义,因此“some”符合句意。故选D。,剖析:根据句意可知此处表示“我转身去拿一些牛奶”。littl,例2(2019曲靖卷节选)My mom and dad divorced(离婚)when I was 6 years old.I ended up living with my mom.As a hardworking single mother,my mom had to provide for,36,us in the city.,(),36.A.both of B.all of,C.none of D.neither of,A,剖析:根据句意可知此处表示母亲要维持我们两个人的生活,both表示“两者都”,符合句意。故选A。,例2(2019曲靖卷节选)My mom and dad,微 技 能 训 练,Cloze 15(2019河北节选),Once,I surprised my dad,15,a model plane I made.,(),15.A.withB.aboutC.intoD.from,A,微 技 能 训 练Cloze 15(2019河北节选,Cloze 16(2019贵港节选),So,16,a cold January evening last year,the two boys walked onto the frozen(结冰的)river near their homes to get a better look.,(),16.A.at B.in C.on D.of,C,Cloze 16(2019贵港节选)C,Cloze 17(2019玉林节选),Although I,17,deeply by his generosity(慷慨),accepting money from a homeless man was embarrassing for me.,(),17.A.moved B.was moved,C.was moving D.am moved,B,Cloze 17(2019玉林节选)B,Cloze 18(2019百色节选),Inside the hole was a package.The hungry fox thought that there,18,be food in it,and he became very happy.,(),18A.shall B.will C.can D.might,D,Cloze 18(2019百色节选)D,


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