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person,7,shy,serious,friendly,shyseriousfriendly,8,我们学过许多描述人的词语,看谁想的又快又多。,Appearance:,tall,short,fat,thin,young,old,straight hair,curly hair,long hair,short hair,a medium body,Personality:,outgoing,serious,funny,smart,friendly,shy,unfriendly,我们学过许多描述人的词语,Appearance:tall,9,Guessing,Games,Guessing,10,in the past,now,Kate Green,Kate is tall now.,But she was very short in the past.,Kate,used to be,short.,in the pastnowKate GreenKate i,11,What does he look like?,Guess,What does he look like?Guess,12,He,used to be,short,but now he is tall.,He,was,short when he,was,a child,but he is tall now.,Change in appearance,He used to be short,but now h,13,VS,He,used to,be,ugly,but now he is really,handsome,.,He,was,ugly,when he,was,a student,but he is really handsome now.,VSHe used to be ugly,but now,14,short/tall,young/old,heavy/thin,He/She,used to be/have/wear,but now he/she,is/has/wears,.,Make sentences,short/tallyoung/oldheavy/thinH,15,VS,He,used to,be,shy,but now he is really,smart,.,He,was,shy,when he,was,a child,but he is really smart now.,change in personality,VSHe used to be shy but now he,16,He,used to be,but now he is,outgoing,quiet,friendly,funny,shy,smart,serious,active,He used to be,but now he is,17,1a,Fill in the chart with words to describe people.,1a Fill in the chart with word,18,Appearance,Personality,tall,outgoing,straight hair,funny,heavy,smart,young,unfriendly,What about you?,Appearance Personality tall ou,19,1b,Listen.Bob is seeing some friends for the,first time in four years.What did his friends,use to look like?,Mario used to be_.,He used to wear_.,2.Amy used to be_.,She used to have _hair.,3.Tina used to have_ and_ hair.,short,glasses,tall,short,red,curly,1b Listen.Bob is seeing some,20,人教版九年级英语上册Unit4I-used-to-be-afraid-of-the-dark优质ppt课件,21,Listen again and complete the exercise.,Conversation 1,Bob is here with his _ and he hasnt seen Mario for _ years.,Conversation 2,Amy used to be really tall because Bob was _ in the past.,parents,four,short,Listen again and complete the,22,Conversation 3,Tina,:Hiya,Bob.,Bob:Hi,Tina.Youve changed,too.,Tina,:Oh,yeah?,Bob:_,Tina,:Yeah,_,didnt it?,Bob:And _!,Tina:,Yeah,_.,You have blonde hair!,it used to be red,its straight,it used to be curly,Conversation 3 You have blonde,23,1c,Look at the picture in 1a and make conversations.,A:,Did Mario use to be,short,?,B:Yes,he did.He used to be really short.,A:,Whats he like now?,B:Hes tall now,.,1c Look at the picture in 1a,24,A:Did,Tina,use to be,heavy,?,B:Yes,she did.She used to be really heavy.,A:Whats she like now?,B:Shes,thin,now.,A:Did,Amy,use to be,straight hair,?,B:Yes,she did.She used to have,straight hair,.,A:Whats she like now?,B:She has,curly hair,now.,A:Did Tina use to be heavy?A:,25,I,used to be,afraid of the dark.,used to do sth.,过去常常做某事,表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作或状态,暗指现在已经不存了,强调过去与现在的对比。,used to,的否定形式有两种,:,didnt use to,或,usednt to,。,used to,用于疑问句时,可借助助动词,did,,也可以将,used,提到主语前。,Language points,I used to be afraid of the dar,26,They,used to be,good friends.,他们过去是好朋友,。(,暗示现在不是了,),Mrs Brown,didnt use to/usednt,to travel in summer.,布朗夫人过去夏天不旅游。,Did,you use to/,Used,you to play the guitar?,他过去弹吉他吗?,They used to be good friends.,27,几个易混结构的比较:,结构,意义,to,的作用,used to do sth.,过去常常做某事,不定式,符号,use.to do sth.,用,做,be used to do sth.,被用来做,be used to doing sth.,习惯于做某事,介词,拓 展,几个易混结构的比较:结构意义to的作用used to d,28,use.to do sth.,用,做,They,use,the knife,to cut,meat.,他们用刀切肉。,be,used to do sth.,被用来做某事,This kind of wood,is used to make,paper.,这种木头是被用来做纸的。,use.to do sth.用做,29,be/get used to sth./doing sth.,习惯于某事,/,做某事,Lucy,has been used to(eating),Chinese food.,露西已经习惯,(,吃,),中餐了。,I think youll,get used to the climate,soon.,我想不久你就会习惯这种气候的。,be/get used to sth./doing,30,Mario,you used to be short,didnt you?,马里奥,你过去很矮,对吗?,本句是一个,反义疑问句,,反义疑问句的特点是“,前否后肯,”,或“,前肯后否,”,而且后半句在,时态、人称和数,等方面必须,与前半句保持一致。,You are a doctor,arent you?,你是个医生,是吗?,we cant take books out,are we?,我们不能把书带出去,对吗?,Mario,you used to be short,31,反义疑问句用法歌诀,反义问句要点三,前后谓语正相反;,附加问句,not,现,必须缩写是习惯;,最后一点应注意,问句主语代词填。,反义疑问句的回答:,1),回答反义疑问句和回答其他一般疑问句的结构一样。,如果答语是,肯定,的,用“,Yes+,肯定结构,”,如果答语是,否定,的,用“,No+,肯定结构,”,反义疑问句用法歌诀反义问句要点三,前后谓语正相反;反义疑问句,32,He enjoys dancing,doesnt he,?,他喜欢跳舞,对吗?,Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.,是的,他喜欢。,/,不,他不喜欢。,2),回答陈述部分为否定句的反义疑问句时,,Yes,或是,No,的汉语意思与它们本身的词义相反。,You didnt go to work,didnt you,?,你没有去上班,对吗?,Yes,I did./No,I didnt.,不,我上班了。,/,是的,我没上班。,He enjoys dancing,doesnt,33,Whats he like now,?,他现在什么样子?,What+be+,主语,+like?,用来询问某人的外貌特征,意为“,长什么样?”,,相当于,what do/does+,主语,+like?,Whats your brother like?,=What does your brother like?,你哥哥长什么样?,Whats he like now?他现在什么样子?,34,辨析:,be like,和,look like,be like,:,“,像,一样”,常指,品德、相貌等相像更侧重人的个性特征,。,look like,:,“,看起来像,”,常指,外貌上相像。,The twin sister are like their father.,He looks like his mother.,辨析:be like和look like,35,I.根据所给汉语提示完成英语句子。,1.My uncle _(,以前是个司机,),but now he is an actor.,2.Toms father _(,过去常常看书,)after lunch.,3.Mary _(,以前常常骑自行车,)to work,but now she _(,习惯步行,)to work.,4.The pencil _(,被用来书写,).,used to be a driver,used to read,used to ride a bike,is used to walking,is used to write,Exercises,I.根据所给汉语提示完成英语句子。used to be a,36,II.用used to 将下列汉语句子翻译成英语。,1.,他过去常常在卧室抽烟。,2.,汤姆过去常常去那儿看电影,但现在他不去了。,He used to smoke in the bedroom.,Tom used to go to the movies there,but now he doesnt go there.,II.用used to 将下列汉语句子翻译成英语。He u,37,中考链接,Our city is cleaner than it _ be.,is used to B.used to,C.uses to D.is used,B,句意“我们的城市比过去干净。”,中考链接Our city is cleaner than i,38,Describe your changes in appearance and personality.,Exchange your description with your partner.,Homework,Describe your changes in appea,39,Section A 2a-2d,Section A 2a-2d,40,Objectives,To learn to use,used to+verb,to write and speak about what you used to like.,To compare your changes.,If you like,you can role-play the conversation with your classmates.,ObjectivesTo learn to use used,41,Xiaoming,used to,wear glasses,but now he doesnt wear glasses.,Warming up,Xiaoming used to wear glasses,42,Wangleilei,used to be,short,but he is tall now.,Wangleilei used to be short,b,43,She,used to be,serious,but she is outgoing now.,She used to be serious,but sh,44,Tom,used to be,fat,but he is thin now.,Tom used to be fat,but he is,45,_ friendly _outgoing _serious _humorous _ silent _active,_brave _quiet _ helpful,2a,Listen and check()the words you hear.,_ friendly _outgoing,46,2b,Listen again and complete the chart about,how Paula has changed.,In the past,Now,1.Paula used to be really,_.She was always silent in class.She wasnt very_.She was never brave enough to ask questions.,1.Now shes more interested in_.She plays _ almost every day.Shes also on a,_team,.,quiet,outgoing,sports,soccer,swim,2b Listen again and complete,47,In the past,Now,2.She got good grades in _.,She was also good in_.She used to play the _.,2.She still plays the _ from time to time.,science,music class,piano,piano,In the past Now 2.She got goo,48,2c,Make conversations about Paula using the,information in 2b.,A:Paula,used to,be really quiet.,B:I know.She was always silent in class.,2c Make conversations about P,49,Paula used to be really quiet.,I know.She was always silent in class.,Pair work,Paula used to be really quiet.,50,She wasnt very outgoing.She was never brave enough to ask questions.,But she was always friendly.She got good grades in exams.And she was really good in music class,too.She used to play the piano.,She wasnt very outgoing.She,51,But now she is more interest in sports.She plays soccer almost every day.She still plays the piano from time to time.,I know,Shes so active now.,But now she is more interest i,52,Past,Now,Hair,Height,Build,personality,Hobby,Who has changed most?,Survey,Past Now Hair Height Build per,53,Alfred:This party is such a great idea!,Gina:I agree.Its been three years since we last saw,our primary school classmates.,Alfred:Its interesting to see how people have changed.,Gina:Billy has changed so much!He used to be so,shy and quiet.,Alfred:Yeah,his face always turned red when he,talked to girls!,2d,Role-play the conversation.,Alfred:This party is such a g,54,Gina:I used to see him reading in the library every,day.,Alfred:Thats because he was a really good student.,He studied hard and got good scores on his exams.,Gina:Did he use to wear glasses?,Alfred:Yes,and he used to be thin,too.But look how big,and strong he is now.,Gina:Hes so popular now.Look at all the girls around,him!,Gina:I used to see him rea,55,人教版九年级英语上册Unit4I-used-to-be-afraid-of-the-dark优质ppt课件,56,Role-play,A:This party is such a great idea!,B:I agree.,Role-play A:This party is su,57,Read the conversation and fill in blanks.,Alfred and Gina are _.They think Billy has changed _.He _ be so shy and quiet.His face always turned,_ when he talked to girls!I used to see him _ in the library every day.He was a really _,student.He studied _ and got good _ on his exams.He used to be _,too.But look,how _,he is now.Hes so _ now.,classmates,a lot,used to,red,reading,good,hard,scores,thin,big and strong,popular,Read the conversation and fill,58,She was always,silent,in class.,在课堂上她总是很沉默。,silent,作,形容词,,意为“不说话的;沉默的”,,其名词形式为,silence,(沉默;寂静)。,She was silent when her mother asked her questions.,她妈妈问她问题时她沉默不语。,Language points,She was always silent in class,59,(1),Silent,的副词形式是,silently,(,默默的;静静的,),。,He went in to the classroom and sat down silently.,他走进教室静静地坐下来。,(2),keep silent,意为“,保持安静,”。,Please keep silent in public places.,在公共场合下请保持安静。,(1)Silent 的副词形式是silently(默默的,60,She,still,play the piano,from time to time,.,她仍然时常弹钢琴。,(1)still,副词,意为“仍然”,用来说明某人或某物没有变化。,still,在句中通常放在实义动词前,助动词、情态动词、连系动词后面。,The woman still lives in shanghai.,He is still in the classroom.,(2)From time to time,意为“时常;有时”相当于,sometimes/at times,。,She goes to the movies from time to time.,She still play the piano from,61,This party is,such,a great idea!,这个派对真是个好主意!,He used to be,so,shy and quiet.,他过去非常害羞安静。,such&so,辨析,such,为,形容词,,意为“这(那)样的,”,;主要,修饰名词,;,so,是,副词,,意为“这(那)么;如此地”,主要,修饰形容词、副词和分词,。,This party is such a great ide,62,e.g.,Do you like,such,weather?,你喜欢这样的天气吗?,Im,so,glad to see you.,很高兴见到你。,He can draw,so,well.,他画得那么好。,e.g.,63,当名词前有,many,,,much,,,few,或,little,等词修饰时,要用,so,而不用,such,。,e.g.,There are,so many/few,people in the hall.,大厅有这么多,/,这么少的人。,You have,so much/little,homework today.,你今天有这么多,/,这么少的作业。,当名词前有many,much,few或little等词修饰时,64,“,such+a/an+,形容词,+,可数名词单数形式,”相当于“,so+,形容词,+a/an+,可数名词单数形式,”,表示“,如此,的一个,”,。,e.g.,She is,such,a lovely,girl,.=She is,so lovely a girl,.,她是这个如此可爱的女孩。,“such+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数形式”相,65,e.g.,He got high,scores,in the examination.,考试中他得了高分。,He studied hard and got good,scores,on his exams.,他努力学习,考试取得了好成绩。,score,n.,得分;进球,e.g.He studied hard and got g,66,I.,根据汉语提示填空,完成句子。,1.He has plenty of _ (,幽默的,)stories to tell us.,2.Youd better keep _(,沉默,)about what happened.,3.The lazy cat isnt very _(,有用的,)in catching mice.,4.Tom got the highest _(,得分,)in the exam.,humorous,silent,helpful,score,Exercises,I.根据汉语提示填空,完成句子。1.He has ple,67,II.,选用,such,或,so,填空。,1.The man told us _ funny a story.,2.She has _ a beautiful dress.,3.How can you get _ much money to buy the car?,4.Dont go out in _ cold weather.,5.Dont eat _ quickly.,so,such,so,such,so,II.选用such或so填空。sosuchsosuch,68,III.,翻译句子。,1.,马里奥过去很矮,他戴着眼镜。,_,_,2.,他现在长什么样子?,_,Mario used to be short and wear glasses.,Whats he like now?,III.翻译句子。1.马里奥过去很矮,他戴着眼镜。,69,3.,保拉以前很安静,她在班上总是很沉默。,_,_,4.,她总是不够勇敢去问问题。,_,Paula used to be really quiet.She was always silent in class.,She was never brave enough to ask questions.,3.保拉以前很安静,她在班上总是很沉默。Paula use,70,Recite the conversation in 2d.,Preview the next part.,Homework,Recite the conversation in 2d.,71,Section A 3a-3c,Section A 3a-3c,72,Objectives,To learn to read the passage about Candy.,To learn the new words and expressions:,background,interview,Asian,dare,ton,private,guard,require,deal with,take up,be prepared to.,.,Objectives To learn to read th,73,Before reading,Work in pairs and talk about your changes now than three years ago.You can use the following words.,Before readingWork in pairs,74,Free Talk,Past,Now,Hair,Height,Build,personality,Hobby,Free Talk Past Now Hair Height,75,short/long/black/brown/straight/curly hair,short/tall/thin/heavy/big/strong,serious/funny/quiet/shy/outgoing/friendly/lazy/hardworking,like cartoons/movie be interested in music/sports/drawing/swimming,short/long/black/brown/stra,76,Can you guess what she was like in the past?,Do you know the beautiful and outgoing girl?,She used to be a shy girl.,Yeah.Shes the famous singer Candy Wang.,Warming up,Can you guess what she was lik,77,She took up singing to deal with her shyness.,As she got better,she was not shy anymore and loved singing in front of crowds.Now shes the Asian pop star.,Do you want to know her story?,She took up singing to deal wi,78,Read 3a and match every paragraph with Candys change.,A.,how Candys life,has changed,.,B.,Candys advice to young people,C.,Candys background,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3,While reading,Read 3a and match every parag,79,_ how Candys life has changed,_ Candys advice to young people,_ Candys background,3a,Read the article and identify the paragraphs in,which the following information appears.,Number the information 13.,3,2,1,_ how Candys life has c,80,For this months,Young World,magazine,I interviewed 19,year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang.Candy told me,that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal,with her shyness.As she got better,she dared to sing in,front of her class,and then for the whole school.Now,shes not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.,From Shy Girl to Pop Star,For this months Young World m,81,I asked Candy how life was different after she became famous.She explained that there are many good things,like being able to travel and meet new people all the time.“I didnt use to be popular in school,but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go.”However,too much attention can also be a bad thing.“I always have to worry about how I appear to others and I have to be very careful about what I say or do.And I dont have much private time anymore.Hanging out with riends is almost impossible for me now because there are always guards around me.”,I asked Candy how life was dif,82,What does Candy have to say to all those young people who want to become famous?“Well,”she begins slowly,“you have to be prepared to give up your normal life.You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is.Many times I thought about giving up,but I fought on.You really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.Only a very small number of people make it to the top.”,What does Candy have to say to,83,Read Paragraph 1 and c,omplete the chart about Candys background.,Candy Wang,Asian pop star,In the past,Now,really shy,not shy anymore and loves singing in front of the class,take up _,singing,Read Paragraph 1 and complete,84,Read Paragraph 2 and,fill in a chart about how Candys life has changed.,In the past,Now,1.She used to be shy.,2.She didnt use to be _ in school,3.She used to _with friends.,4.She didnt use to _,how she appeared to others.,Shes not shy_.,She gets_.,Its _ for her to stay with friends but guards.,She has to _ what she says or does.,popular,hang out,worry about,any more,tons of,attention,impossible,be very careful about,Read Paragraph 2 and fill in a,85,Read Paragraph 3 and,fill in the chart.,Advice to success:,Young people have to be prepared to _.,The road to success is so _.,They really,require,_.,Only a small number of people _.,give up their normal life,difficult,a lot of talent and hard work,make it to the top,can be successful,Read Paragraph 3 and fill in t,86,Post reading,Good things,Bad things,1.Being able to travel and meet new people all the time.,2.Get tons of attention everywhere she,goes.,1.Always have to worry about how she appears to others.,2.Have to be careful about what she says or does.,3.Dont have much private time anymore.,4.There are always guards around her.,Read the passage again and fill in the chart.,Post readingGood thingsBad thi,87,Many teenagers want to be an actor,a sportsman or a singer.What do you think of it now?,Many teenagers want to be an a,88,She used to be shy,but now shes not shy _.,2.She didnt use to be _ in school,but now she gets lots of attention.,She used to _ with friends,but it is almost impossible now.,4.She didnt use to _ how she appears to others,but now she does.,3b,Read the article again and complete the,sentences about Candy.,anymore,popular,hang out,worry about,She used to be shy,but now sh,89,3c,Suppose you are the interviewer and your,partner is Candy.Ask and answer questions.,Pair work,3c Suppose you are the intervi,90,1.Candy told me that she used to be really shy and,took up,singing to,deal with,her,shyness,.,坎迪,告诉她过去真的很羞涩,开始唱歌是为了克服自,己的羞涩。,(1,),take up,此处意为“,开始从事,”,He dropped medicine and took up physics.,他放弃医学,开始学物理。,Language points,1.Candy told me that she used,91,take up,的其他用法:,“,占用,”,The table takes up too much room.,“,继续,”,We took up our journey the next day.,(2,),deal with,相当于,do with,意为“对付;处理,”,How did you deal with the milk?,你是怎么处理那些牛奶的?,He has learnt to deal with all kinds of difficulties.,他学习如何处理各种困难。,take up的其他用法:,92,deal with,相当于,do with,意为,“,对付;处理,”,deal with,与,do with,的异同,I dont know how they deal with the problem.,=I dont know what they do with the problem.,我不知道他们如何处理这个问题。,deal with,常与,how,连用,强调处理问题的方式、方法,do with,常与,what,连用,侧重于对某事物的利用,deal with 相当于do with,意为“对付;处理,93,(3,),shyness,名词,意为“,害羞;腼腆”是形容词,shy,加后缀,-ness,构成的名词,。,He cant get over his shyness.,拓展,:,sad sad,ness,happy happi,ness,ill ill,ness,kind kind,ness,(3)shyness 名词,意为“害羞;腼腆”是形容词shy,94,2.,.her,class,and then for,the whole,school.,随着,情况的好转,她敢在全班面前唱歌了,后来敢为,全校的人唱歌了。,(l),dare,此处用作,及物动词,,意为“敢于;胆敢”。常构成短语,dare to do sth,.,意为“敢于做某事”。,He didnt dare to look at her in the eye.,他不敢正眼看她。,She dared to walk at night.,她敢走夜路,。,2.her class,and then for,95,(2),in front of,意为,“在的前面”,。,There is a little child in front of the house.,房前有一个小孩。,辨析,in front of,与,in the front of,in front of,:,“,在,前面,”,,,强调在某一物体外部的前面。,in the front of,:,“在,的前部,”,,强调在某,一物体,内部,的前面,。,(2)in front of 意为“在的前面”。,96,(3)whole 形容词,意为,“整个的;全部的”,常用结构为“,the,+,whole,+单数名词”。,all也有此意,但语序不同:all用于冠词、所有格或其他限定词之前;whole用于冠词、所有格及其他限定词之后。,all the time 总是;一直,the whole time 全部的时间,all my life 我的一生,my whole life 我的一生,(3)whole 形容词,意为“整个的;全部的”,常用结构为,97,注意,1,),如果没有冠词或其他限定词,whole不能与单数名词连用,。,The whole city was burning.,整个城市都在燃烧。,2,),whole,一般不与不可数名词及物质名词连用。,(误),the whole money/bread,(正),all the the money/bread,注意,98,3.in front of,crowds,.,现在她再也不,羞涩了,,并且喜欢当众唱歌。,(1),not.anymore=no more,,意为,“不再”,。,He doesnt come late anymore.=He no more comes late.,他不再,迟到了,。,(2),crowd,此处用作名词,意为,“,人群,;,观众;一帮人,”。,He pushed his way through the croivd.,他在人群中往前挤。,There were crowds of people at the theater.,剧院里挤满了人,。,3.in front of crowds.,99,用作及物动词,意为“挤,;,挤满;使挤满”。,Shoppers crowded the street.,街上挤满了购物的人。,They crowded the bus with passengers.,他们让乘客挤进公共汽车。,用作不及物动词,意为“挤,;,挨,;,聚集”,。,The young pigs crowed against one another for warmth.,小猪挤在一起取暖,。,crowd,的其他用法,用作及物动词,意为“挤;挤满;使挤满”。crowd的其他用,100,4.like,being able to,travel and meet new people,all the time,.,像总是能旅行和结识新朋友。,1),be able to 与 can,都可表示,能力,,意为“,会;,能,(够),”。,be able to:,表示经过,努力达到目的,,可,用于各种时态,。,can:,表示有,能力做某事,,,仅,用于,一般现在


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