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of,energy-saving,police?,节能,You may have known several kin,7,Every day the,energy-saving,police walk around the offices,schools and other public places.If the air-conditioners in any of these places are set over 26,0,C,the police will send out a warning first.If this happens the second time,the people in charge of these places will be punished.,Every day the energy-saving po,8,1.The,shepherd,who looks after sheep,earns,about 650 yuan a year.,2.A,calendar,is a list of the days,weeks,months,of a particular year.,3.It will be very,brittle,that is,it will break,easily.,4.The cloth bags can be used again,that is,they,are,reusable,too.,2.定义法,Guess the meaning of the word,易碎的、脆的,牧羊人,日历,可再用的,2.定义法Guess the meaning of the,9,定义或释义常由,定语从句,或由,is,,or,that is(to say),in other words,,be called,be known as,等词汇或,破折,号,来表示,小结,用定义法猜词,定义或释义常由定语从句或由is,小结用定,10,But sometimes,no rain falls for,a long time.Then there is a,drought,or,a period of dry weather.,旱灾,But sometimes,no rain fall,11,Yet,shopkeepers may have to spend extra hours dealing with problems,such as,shoplifters,who always take away things from the shops without paying for them.,What does the word“,shoplifter,”mean?,A.商店里的小偷 B.商店里的推销员,C.商店里的老顾客D.商店里的搬运工,Yet,shopkeepers may have to,12,3.根据同义词,反义词关系,1.If you agree,write“Yes”;if you,dissent,write“No”.,2.One day,maybe machines will,supersede,or take the place of,factory workers.,取代,不同意,Guess the meaning of the word,3.根据同义词,反义词关系取代不同意Guess the m,13,and,or,such as,like,for example,for instance,等常连接同义词组。,小结,fromto,however,but,not,and,or,等常连接反义词组。,根据同义词,反义词关系猜词,and,or,such as,like,for ex,14,He is so,homely,but his brother is quite handsome.,不好看的,He is so homely,but his broth,15,The,penguin,is a kind of bird living in the south pole.It is fat and walks in a funny way,Although it cant fly,it can swim in the icy water to catch the fish.,4.根据描述,Guess the meaning of the word,企鹅,The penguin is a kind of bird,16,guess,You shouldnt have,blamed,him for that,for it wasnt his fault.,因果关系,责备,guessYou shouldnt have blam,17,guess,1.Toms face has been washed quite,clean,but his neck still remains,grubby,.,2.John usually wastes a lot of money on,useless things.His wife,however,is,very,thrifty,.,对比关系,脏的,节俭的,guess1.Toms face has been wa,18,Most of the roses are beginning to,wither,because of the cold.,生活常识,guess,凋谢,Most of the roses are beginn,19,1.The pupils,assembled,in front of the school hall.They came together to listen to the headmaster announce the result of the sports meeting.,根据上下文猜测,集合,2.On cloudy nights,the moon cannot be,seen.It is,invisible,.,看不见的,1.The pupils assembled in fro,20,Lets play a game!,Hey,I am sure to win!,Lets play a game!Hey,I am su,21,A,B,G,K,O,S,D,H,L,P,T,F,J,N,R,C,E,I,M,Q,ABGKOSDHLPTFJNRCEIMQ,22,W,U,V,X,Y,WUVXY,23,Are you carrying too much on your back at school?You are not alone.Back experts in the USA are worried about that young students are having back and neck problems because theyre carrying too much in their,backpacks,.,背包,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,back,pack,100 points,Are you carrying too much on y,24,In recent years,the idea of“,car sharing,”has become popular in Europe and the United States.Car sharing is a system where a group of people shares the use of a few cars,rather than each person owning one.,Car sharing means_ in Chinese.,A.汽车共享 B.享受汽车 C.分配汽车 D.消费汽车,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,100 points,A,.,In recent years,the idea of“,25,Scientists are placing,robotic,dogs in the homes of lonely old people to test whether they can improve the quality of life for humans.,机器人的,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,robot,200 points,Scientists are placing robotic,26,This is because people become so hungry,at noon that they eat too much for lunch.,This will gain weight(增加体重)instead of,losing it.You will lose more weight if you,reduce,your other meals.,减少,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,100 points,This is because people bec,27,When I first studied English,I was told to say“Im fine”when people say“How are you?”But in the US,I found that people say“Im good”or“Im tired”.One day,someone greeted me with“Whats up?”It made me,confused.,I thought for a moment and then smiled because I didnt know what to say.,A.puzzled B.afraid C.sadD.excited,A.puzzled,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,300 points,When I first studied English,28,If you want to post a letter,first,you need to know how much the,postage,is for it,then you can buy stamps at any window or from machines.Stamps are sold at many different prices,from one cent to many dollars.,邮资、邮费,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,post,100 points,If you want to post a letter,29,Nancy listened hard.She was hoping to hear the audience laughing loud and often.But she heard very little,laughter,during the first act.,笑声,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,laugh,100 points,Nancy listened hard.She was h,30,BeijingChinese Premier(总理)Wen Jiabao visited the,“,left-behind”children,whose parents are working in cities before Childrens Day.,A.留守儿童 B.孤儿 C.残疾儿童,A.留守儿童,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,left-behind,100 points,BeijingChinese Premier(总理)We,31,No one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing at a new job.On the very first day,one of the first things that your,supervisor,may do is to introduce you to co-workers.These co-workers will be important to you.,According to the passage,your,supervisor,is most likely your _.,A.visitor B.teacher C.classmate D.leader,D.leader,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,super,400 points,No one wants to look sill,32,Ten ways to cheer up,Feeling a little,blue,?Here are ten fast and easy ways to make you happy.,Play outside Leave your house and go outside,because sun and fresh air are good for you.,Exercise When you exercise,your brain lets out a chemical.This chemical makes you feel happier.,What does the word“blue”in the first sentence mean?,A.happy B.sadC.pleasedD.tired,B.sad,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,200 points,Ten ways t,33,It is not only drivers who cause accidents,however.People on foot,pedestrians,and bicycle riders often cause accidents,too.Pedestrians sometimes walk out into the street without looking.You should always look on both sides before stepping into the street.,The word“pedestrians”in the paragraph means_ in Chinese.,A.行人 B.交警 C.成人 D.儿童,A.行人,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,100 points,It is not only drivers who cau,34,Miss Baker was awaked by a great noise.Their ship hit something and stopped.So much water filled the ships cabin that all the people were,in a fluster,A.慌乱中 B.兴奋中 C.迷茫中 D.从容中,A.慌乱中,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,100 points,Miss Baker was awaked by a gre,35,Studying abroad brings a heavy,burden,to the family.For most Chinese parents,the cost of studying abroad is very high.But is it worth it?,负担,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,200 points,Studying abroad brings a heavy,36,Space junk is also thought a great danger to spacemen.Its reported that there are 9000 man-made things flying in space.About 30%of these are satellites,10%are spaceships,and the rest are space junk.An explosion(爆炸)in 1996 made a cloud of 300000,fragments,each at least 4mm in size,and,A.碎片 B.泡沫 C.烟雾 D.粉末,A.碎片,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,400 points,Space junk is also thought a g,37,The British and Americans may use different,terms,for many things.The British usually use football,eraser and mail while Americans prefer to use soccer,rubber and post.,A.成果 B.学期 C.会议 D.用语,D.用语,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,300 points,The British and Americans may,38,Did you ever hear someone speak of,a cat nap,?A cat nap is a short sleep.People take it when there is a lot to do and there isnt enough time for a full-length sleep.,小睡、打盹,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,200 points,Did you ever hear someone spea,39,Once you have a good idea,the next step is organization.Think through your paper before you start.Write an,outline,.You need to know what your main points are before you start your first paragraph.Use 24 main points,one paragraph each.,A.外形 B.提纲 C.中心 D.总结,B.提纲,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,200 points,Once you have a good idea,the,40,Yuan Longping,the father of,hybrid rice,won the World Food Prize on Monday.Yuan developed the worlds first popular and widely grown hybrid rice.Hybrid rice plants can make more rice than the ones people grew before.,杂交水稻,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,300 points,Yuan Longping,the father of h,41,Britains smallest school was closed down because its only pupil,a six-year-old girl,didnt,turn up,for class.The reason was that her parents were unhappy with a teacher there,so they decided to keep their daughter at home.,“turn up”in the reading means_.,pass an exam B.go to school,C.pay money D.hand in homework,B.go to school,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,300 points,Britains smallest school w,42,Now there are many houses around the lake.people,often use,chemicals,in their gardens.They use,other chemicals inside their houses for cleaning or,killing insects(昆虫).,“Chemical”in the story means_.,A.化学家 B.杀虫剂 C.清洁剂 D.化学制品,D,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,200 points,D生活上下文对比因果同位同义词构词法定义200 points,43,I have taken 5 points away!,I have taken 5 points away!,44,Please give 20 points to the next group!,Thanks to your kindness,try again!,Please give 20 points to the n,45,I have taken 10 points away!,I have taken 10 points away!,46,Lucky!Youve,got extra 20 points!,You can try again!,Lucky!Youve,47,Have fun!,Have fun!,48,猜,生活,常识,上下文,对比,转折,因果,关系,同位,关系,同义词,反义词,构词法,定义,猜,How to guess the meaning of words?,猜生活上下文对比因果同位同义词构词法定义猜How to gu,49,Lets have another try!,Lets have another try!,50,Assignment:Finish the hand-out,Assignment:Finish the hand-ou,51,Thank you!,Thank you!,52,


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