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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Can you hear a train?,Module 4 The world around us,Period 2,Module 1,Using my five senses,3,Can you hear a train?Module 4,1,train,car,bus,ship,Lets read,traincarbusshipLets read,2,Make a new rhyme,Listen!,_,_,_!,I can hear a _.,Listen!,_,_,_!,I can hear a _.,Make a new rhymeListen!,3,二年级下册Unit-3-Can-you-hear-a-train-Period-2ppt课件,4,Ask and answer,Ask and answer,5,二年级下册Unit-3-Can-you-hear-a-train-Period-2ppt课件,6,S1:Can you hear.?,S2:Yes./No.,S1:Can you hear.?,7,What can you hear at the station?,I can hear,Work in pairs,:,What can you hear at the stati,8,What can you hear on the sea?,I can hear,Work in pairs,:,What can you hear on the sea?W,9,What can you hear on the road,?,I can hear,.,Work in pairs,:,What can you hear on the road?,10,A:Listen!What can you hear?,B:I can hear a _.,A:Can you hear a _?,B:_,I _.,Make a dialogue,truck,A:Listen!What can you he,11,Ming,Kitty,MingKitty,12,beside,beside,13,1.Where is Ming?,2.What colour is Ming?,3.Can Ming hear a bird?,4.What can Ming hear?,Ask and answer,1.Where is Ming?Ask and answ,14,二年级下册Unit-3-Can-you-hear-a-train-Period-2ppt课件,15,1.Where is Ming?,2.What colour is Ming?,3.Can Ming hear a bird?,4.What can Ming hear?,1.Where is Ming?,2.What colour is Ming?,3.Can Ming hear a bird?,4.What can Ming hear?,Ming is,beside,the window.,No.Ming cant hear the bird.,Ming can hear a dog,a car and a ship.,Ming is brown.,Ask and answer,1.Where is Ming?1.Where is M,16,Ming is beside the window.,Ming cant hear the bird.,Ming can hear a dog,a car and a ship.,Ming is brown.,Lets read,Ming is beside the window.Ming,17,Ming can hear a dog.,Ming can hear a car.,Ming can hear a ship.,Ming cant hear the bird.,Ming can hear a dog.Ming can h,18,Practice in pairs,:,S1:What can Ming hear now?,S2:,H,e can hear a _.,Practice in pairs:S1:What can,19,S1:What can Ming hear on the farm?,S2:,M,ing,can hear a _.,S1:What can Ming hear on the,20,Ming is on the road.,Ming is brown.,Ming can hear,Ming can,t,hear,Ming is on the road.,21,Ming is a brown cat.,Look!,Ming is beside the window.,Ming can hear a dog,a car and a ship.,Oh!Ming is sleeping.Ming cant hear the bird.,My pet,Ming is a brown cat.My pet,22,_ is a _.,Look!,_(name)is _.,Listen!,_ can hear a _.,_ can hear a _.,_ can hear a _.,Oh!_ is sleeping._ cant _.,My pet,Draw and say,_ is a _.My petDraw an,23,Homework,1.Read,Students Book,page 12.,2.Talk about“My pet”.,Homework1.Read Students Book,24,


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