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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Writing,中考作文复习课,Writing 中考作文复习课,Learning aims:,学会作文审题,根据所给要点构建文章结构。,2.,能够根据要求列出关键词,学会连词成句。,3.,通过添加主题句、适当的连接成分等学会组句成篇。,Learning aims:学会作文审题,根据所给要点构,How,can we write a,good,composition(,作文,)?,How can we write a good compos,第一步:,认真审题,,明确写作,体裁,、,要求,和提示,要点,How can we,write,a,good,composition?,具体做法:,用笔勾画,How can we write a good compos,假如你是王林。你所在学校的“爱心俱乐部,(Helping Hands Club)”,将吸收新会员。你想加入该俱乐部,请根据下面表格和图片的内容,用英语写一封自荐信。,姓名,王林,性别,男,本人特点,身体健康;学习刻苦;乐于助人;与同学友好相处,“,爱心”表现,(见图片),加入目的,1.,2.,1.,假如你是王林。你所在学校的“爱心俱乐部(Helping,要求:,1.,表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯;,2.,要点须包括表格和四幅图片中的信息,但不得使用真实姓名和校名等;,3.,表格中“,加入目的,”一栏内容由考生自拟;,4.,词数:,80,左右。,要求:1.表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯;,第二步:,列出写作提纲(,Outline,)。,具体做法:,根据段落整理写作要点,第二步:具体做法:,Write an,Outline,Introduction,Main body,Conclusion,I want to join,本人特点,“,爱心”表现,加入目的,看表格,看表格,看图,自拟,I hope you will agree with me.,可以用英文或中文,姓名,/,性别,Write an OutlineIntroduction M,Dear Chairperson,I am a boy student from Class1 Grade 9.,Id like to join,the Helping Hands Club.,I am healthy.I work hard at my lessons.I like helping others.I get on well with my classmates.,If I join the club,I,will be able to make more friends,.And I,can also,do more for others,.,Yours,Wang Lin,扣分原因一,词数不够!,Dear Chairperson,扣分原因一,Dear Chairperson,I am a boy student from Class1 Grade 9.,Id like to,join,the Helping Hands Club.,I am healthy.I work hard at my lessons.I like helping others.I get on well with my classmates.,If I join the club,I will be able to make more friends.And I can also do more for others.,Yours,Wang Lin,Introduction,本人特点,加入目的,扣分原因二,遗漏要点!,Dear Chairperson,Introduction本,Dear Chairperson,I am a boy student from Class1 Grade 9.Id like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club.,I am healthy.I work hard at my lessons.I like helping others.I get on well with my classmates If I join the club,I will be able to make more friends.Besides,I can do more for others.,Yours,Wang Lin,少了,两个,重要部分,扣,3-4,分,只得,6-7,分!,缺少,“爱心”表现,也缺少,Conclusion,Dear Chairperson,少了两个重要部分,扣3-4,“,爱心”表现,(examples),Picture 1,help,with,help,classmates,with,lessons,I,often,help classmates with lessons.,看图,Key words:,“爱心”表现(examples)Picture 1 hel,Picture 2,help,cross,“,爱心”表现,(examples),看图,help,old people,cross,the road,I,help old people cross the road,on my way home,.,Key words:,Picture 2helpcross“爱心”表现(exa,Picture 3,“,爱心”表现,(examples),看图,give my seat to,give my seat to,people in need,I often,give my seat to people in need,on a bus,.,Key words:,Picture 3“爱心”表现(examples)看图giv,“,爱心”表现,(examples),看图,Picture 4,clean up,help,clean up,the park,I often,help clean up,the park.,Key words:,“爱心”表现(examples)看图Picture 4,Conclusion,Ill be glad if I can join the club.,I hope you will agree with me.,ConclusionIll be glad if I ca,Dear Chairperson,I am a boy student from Class1 Grade 9.Id like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club.,I am healthy.I work hard at my lessons.I like helping others,I get on well with my classmates.If I join the club,I will be able to make more friends.Besides,I can do more for others.,Yours,Wang Lin,Ill be glad if I can join the club.I hope you will agree with me.,and often help classmates with their lessons.On my way home,I often help old people cross the road.On a bus,I always give my seat to people in need.Sometimes,I help to clean up the park.,不但要点完整了,词数也够了。,Dear Chairperson,Ill be glad,写作:,第一步就是要,认真审题,,明确写作,体裁,、,要求,和提示,要点,第二步就是要,列出写作提纲,,根据,段落整理,写作,要点,。,写作前:,确定,人称、时态,写作后:,?,写作:写作前:确定人称、时态写作后:?,Dear Chairperson,I am a boy student from class1 Grade 9.Id like,be a member of the Helping Hands Club.,I am healthy.I work hardly at my lessons.I like helping others.,and often help classmates with their lesson .On my way home,I often help old people cross the road.On a bus,I always gave my seat to people in need.Sometimes,I help to clean up the park.,If I join the club,I will be able to make,more friends.Besides,he can do more for others.,Ill glad if I can join the club.I hope you will agree with me.,Yours,Wang Lin,C,to,lesson,s,g,i,ve,I,be,-0.5,分,其它六处错扣,1.5,分,只得,8,分,Dear Chairperson,作文中,应避免,的几种常见,语言错误,:,时态错误(扣分多,一个时态错误扣分在,1,分左右)。,中国式的英语(不正确的英文表达会让,整句不得分,)。,单词拼写错误及大小写(单词拼写一定,要过关,)。,介词,代词,非谓语动词或形容词副词的不正确使用(对单词的,词性,要,熟悉,)。,名词单复数(,细心,就可以避免的错)。,作文中应避免的几种常见语言错误:,写作:,第一步就是要,认真审题,,明确写作,体裁,、,要求,和提示,要点,第二步就是要,列出写作提纲,,根据,段落整理,写作,要点,。,写作前:,确定,人称、时态,写作后:,检查,写作:写作前:确定人称、时态写作后:检查,另外,作文中书写不规范,卷面不整洁也是要失分的(中考中有,12,分的卷面整洁分,,这两分,不能丢!,)。,解决方法:,平时认真规范书写,少用或不用胶带或修正液,尽量减少涂改。,另外作文中书写不规范,卷面不整洁也是要失分的(中考中有12,中考英语作文专题复习课课件,Let,s practice!,Lets practice!,中考马上要结束了,考完后你就可以做你喜欢的事哦。假如你是,David,,你的美国笔友,Fred,来信询问,中考后,你想做什么。请给他写封回信,告诉他,你喜欢做的两三件事情,,并说明,理由,。,要求:,1.,词数,80,以上,。,2.,叙事清楚,语句通顺,语意连贯。,3.,文中不得出现真实的人名与校名。,Dear Fred,I am so glad to get your letter.You want to know what I,like to do after the exam.Now let me tell you about it.,Yours,David,中考马上要结束了,考完后你就可以做你喜欢的事哦。假如,Lets enjoy our own compositions!,Lets enjoy our own compositio,Sample writing,Dear Fred,I am so glad to get your letter.You want to know what I like to do after the exam.Now let me tell you about it.,You cant imagine how happy I am!At first,I will have a good sleep because I often stayed up in the past two months.Next,I am going to watch TV.You know,I like kung fu movie best.I like playing basketball very much,so I will enjoy some basketball matches on it.I will also go to the bookstore and buy a few interesting books so that I can spend a good summer vacation.How about you?Please write to me soon.,Best wishes!,Yours,David,Sample writing Dear Fr,抄,组,集,连,抓,审,作文,组段成篇,,加主题句,审清题意,,构建框架,连词成句,变换句式,抓住要点,,列关键词,Summary,集句成段,添连接词,抄写规范,,避免错误,抄组集连抓审作文组段成篇,审清题意,连词成句,变换句式抓住要,Secrets of learning English:,Practice makes perfect.,熟能生巧,Hard work leads to success.,努力学习才能通往成功,Secrets of learning English:Pr,Thank you,!,Thank you!,


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