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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,2021/5/19,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,2021/5/19,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,2021/5/19,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,0,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/19,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,二级,三级,四级,五级,John Snow Defeated“King Cholera”,选择性必修二,UNIT 1R,eading and Thinking,John Snow Defeated“King Chole,1,1.Enable the Ss to get to know some knowledge about Cholera.,2.Enable the Ss to understand the passage well.,3.Let the Ss learn some reading skills by scanning and skimming.,4.Tolearnfromthegreatscientistsanddevelopthenoblespirits.,Teaching Goals,Teaching Goals,2,Who is he?,He put forward a theory about black holes.,Stephen Hawking,Lead in,There are some great scientific achievements that have changed the world.,Name some famous scientists you know and tell something about them.,Who is he?He put forward a the,3,Who is she?,Tu Youyou,She is the first Chinese Nobel laureate in physiology or medicine and the first female citizen of China to receive a Nobel Prize.,Lead in,laureate,lrit lrit,n.获奖者,荣誉获得者,Who is she?Tu Youyou She is th,4,What do you know about the great scientist?,Who is he?,Zhong Nanshan,who has been committed to the study,prevention and treatment of major respiratory diseases and significantly contributed to the COVID-19 fight,was recommended for the Medal of the Republic nomination.,What do you know about the gr,5,corona,virus,be infected with,confirmed/suspected cases,vaccine,(疫苗),coronavirus,6,John Snow,(1813-1858),John Snow was born in York on March 15th,1813,the oldest of nine children.,York,London,Do you know him?,John Snow(1813-1858)John S,7,What other kinds of epidemics,(流行病),do you know?,Flu,Bird-flu,malaria,plague,(鼠疫),Ebola,Smallpox,(天花),Cholera,John Snow Defeated“King Cholera”,What other kinds of epidemics(,8,Look at the picture,the title and the map,guess what the content of the text is.Then skim it quickly to see if you are right,.,Pre-reading,The text is mainly about _ and _ he defeated king cholera.,how,John Snow,Look at the picture,the titl,9,While Reading,-Fast reading,1.Read the whole text quickly and match the main ideas,Para1,Para 2,Para 4,Para 5,John Snow desired,to,destroy cholera.,John Snow decided,to prove,the second,theory.,Snow began his study by,marking on the map,Truth,of the infection of cholera,Snows,contributions,Para 3,While Reading-Fast reading1.,10,While Reading-Careful reading,Cholera,Snow,Its one of _ in the world,because it causes _.,_(when),an outbreak of cholera hit _ milions of people _.,He rose to become _,and even _,Queen Victoria,when she gave birth.,Snow became _ because no one knew _.,However,he had a desire to _ once and for all.,the most feared diseases,severe diarrhoea and dehydration,1.Read Para 1 carefully and fill in the mind map,In the early 19th century,Europe,died from the disease,“King Cholera”,frustrated,how to prevent or,treat cholera,a famous doctor,attended to,destroy cholera,Though being famous,he was still,devoted,to defeating“King Cholera”,While Reading-Careful readingC,11,2.Two Theories,While Reading,Theory one:air,Theory two:germs,More proof is needed,Symptoms,Theory is based on practice.,Symptoms,(症状),cough,sneeze,runny nose,lung,diarrhea,dehydration,2.Two Theories While Readin,12,A map of Broad Street-”Cholera Map”,What method did Snow use?,While Reading,1),Which houses had more than 4 deaths in Broad Street?,2),Which houses had no death in Broad Street?,Multiple deaths happened here.,No death happened here.,He suspected that the water from the pump,was to blame.,Evidence,A map of Broad Street-”Cholera,13,4.Read Para 2 and 3 carefully,complete the chart,While Reading,It was believed that cholera was caused by _ or germs in _.,The pump water carried _.,Many deaths occurred near the _ in Broad Street.,Some people who lived near the pump worked in the pub and _ drunk the water from the pump,and lived.,A woman and her daughter had died after _,because she had the water_ every day.,Snow began by _ the places where people _.,Snow had the handle of the pump _.,A,B,C,D,E,bad air,food or water,marking on the map,died had,lived,water pump,had not,moving away from Broad Street,delivered to her house,cholera germs,removed,Supporting evidence,4.Read Para 2 and 3 carefully,14,While Reading,Stage,Key words or sentences,1.,2 contrary theories,2.,in two particular street the cholera was so severe.find out why,3.,marking on the map,4.,houses number 16,37,38 and 40;,20 and 21;8 and 9,5.,multiple death near the water pump;,some houses had no death.,6.,a woman and her daughter had died,the woman liked the water.had it delivered to her house,7.,John Snow announced that the pump water carried cholera germs.,analyse the result,5.Put the following scientific stages in right order.,ask a question,draw a conclusion,collect data,find supporting evidence,think of a method,find a problem,Rigorous attitude to science,Critical thinking,Creativity,While ReadingStageKey words or,15,While Reading,6.Read Para 4-5 and answer the questions below.,The Father of Modern Epidemiology,Water companies sold water from the River Thames that was polluted by raw waste,causing people who drank this water to get malaria.,1)Water companies began to sell clean water.,2)The threat of cholera around the world decreased.,3)He helped people know how to prevnt cholera.,4)Snow transformed the way scientists study diseases.,2.What contributions did John Snow make?,1.What caused the outbreak of cholera in London in 1854?,While Reading6.Read Para 4-5,16,Was cholera defeated,completely,?,Yes?No?,How to prevent,the cholera?,Was cholera defeated completel,17,Retell the passage according to below:,John Snow was a well-known _ in London in the _ century.He wanted to find the _ of cholera in order to help people _ it.In 1854 when a choler _ London,he began to gather information.He _ on a map _ all the dead people had lived and he found that many people who had _(drink)the dirty water from the _ died.So he decided that the polluted water _ cholera.He suggested that the _ of all water supplies should be _ and new methods of dealing with _ water be found.Finally,“King Cholera”was _.,doctor,19th,cause,hit,marked,pump,source,examined,polluted,defeated,Infected with,where,drunk,carried,Retell the passage according t,18,After Reading,Discover artemisnin to treat malaria,awarded the Nobel Prize,Father of hybrid rice,keep people away from hunger,Despite the danger of infection,devote to the research of COVID-19,After ReadingDiscover artemisn,19,What qualities and scientific spirits do they have in common?,strong sense of social responsibility,knowledgeable,courage to face difficulties,Discussion,committed,critical thinking,creativity,questioning mind,care for life,What qualities and scientific,20,Language,Points,Language Points,21,Language points,Important words,1.subscribe,考查热度,【热点品味】subscribe vt.认购(股份);定期交纳(会费);同意;捐助,【教材原句】Snow subscribed to the second theory.斯诺赞同第二种理论。,【实例品读】She,subscribes to,an environmental action group.,她定期给一个环境行动小组交会费。,The magazine is trying to get more readers to,subscribe,.,该杂志正大力发展更多新订户。,Language pointsImportant words,22,【热点归纳】,subscribe to the view/theory,同意观点,/,理论,subscribe for,预定,;,认购,subscribe to,订阅,【考点精练】语法填空,How many shares did you subscribe,the new company?,Important words,for,【热点归纳】Important wordsfor,23,写出下列句中,subscribe,的含义,【考点精练】,1.I planned to,subscribe to,many magazines.,_,2.I have never,subscribed to,the view that schooldays are the happinest days of your life.,_,3.How much did you,subscribe to,the disaster fund?,_,4.Existing shareholders,subscribed to,only 49of the new share issue.,_,订阅,同意,捐赠,认购,写出下列句中subscribe 的含义【考点精练】1.I,24,2,.,suspect,考查热度,【热点品味】,suspect,vt.,&,vi.,怀疑,;,疑有,;,不信任,n.,犯罪嫌疑人,【教材原句】,Snow,suspected,that the water pump was to blame.,斯诺怀疑水泵是元凶。,【实例品读】Pilcher,was suspected of,giving away the companys secrets to others.,皮尔彻涉嫌将公司的秘密泄露给他人。,Important words,2.suspect,25,Police have issued a photograph of the,suspect,.,警方已经发布了犯罪嫌疑人的照片。,【,热点归纳,】,suspect sb/sth of.,怀疑某人,/,某事,suspect sb of doing.,怀疑某人做,Important words,Police have issued a photograp,26,单句语法填空,【考点精练】,1.We had no reason,(suspect),that such a cute child might try to do harm to us.,2.The policeman suspected him,killing the girl and he was arrested.,to suspect,of,单句语法填空【考点精练】1.We had no reaso,27,3.,blame,考查热度,【,热点品味,】,blame,vt.,把,归咎于,;,责怪,n.,责备,;,指责,【教材原句】,Snow suspected that the water pump was to,blame,.,斯诺怀疑水泵是元凶。,【实例品读】,Lots of people find it hard to get up in themorning,and,put the blame on,the alarm clock.,许多人发现早上起床很难,并把责任归咎于闹钟。,Dont always blame your own failure on others.Sometimes you yourself,are to blame,.,不要总把自己的失败归咎于他人。有时该怪的是你自己。,Important words,3.blame,28,【热点归纳】,(1)blame sb/sth for sth,因,而责备某人,/,某物,blame sth on sb,把某事怪到某人头上,(2)get/take the blame for.,为,承担责任,lay/put the blame on sb/sth,把某事归咎于某人,/,某物,(3)be to blame(for),应受指责,Important words,注意:,Sb.be to blame for sth,意为,“,某人,应为某事负责,”,其中不定式用主动形式表示被动含义。,【热点归纳】Important words注意:Sb.be,29,单句语法填空,【考点精练】,1.Mr.Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy,saying that he was not the one,(blame),.,2.Many children are afraid of,(blame),for making mistakes in spoken English.,3.Police are blaming the accident,dangerous driving.,to blame,being blamed,on,单句语法填空【考点精练】1.Mr.Green stood,30,4,.,handle,考查热度,【,热点品味,】,handle,n.,把手,;,拉手,;,柄,vt.,处理,;,搬动,;,操纵,(,车辆、动物、工具等,),【教材原句】,Accordingly,he had the,handle,of the pump removed so that it could not be used.,因此,他把水泵的把手取下来了,以便无法用水。,Important words,4.handle,31,【实例品读】,The man gave me a knife with a wooden,handle,.,那人给了我一把有木柄的刀。,There are several ways to,handle,things.,有几种方法可以处理事情。,Important words,【实例品读】Important words,32,单句语法填空,【考点精练】,1.Tea in China was traditionally drunk from cups without,(handle),.,2.Driving a car is not just,(handle),perfectly well and has great speed acceleration.,3.Most customers were satisfied with the way their complaints,(handle),.,handles,handling,were handled,单句语法填空【考点精练】1.Tea in China wa,33,5,.,decrease,考查热度,【热点品味】,decrease,n.,减少,;,降低,;,减少量,vt.,&,vi.,(,使大小、数量等,),减少,;,减小,;,降低,【教材原句】,Through Snows tireless efforts,water companies began to sell clean water,and the threat of cholera around the world saw a substantial,decrease,.,通过斯诺的不懈努力,自来水公司开始销售清洁用水,世界各地霍乱的威胁大幅减少。,【实例品读】,There has been a steady,decrease,of temperature.,温度在稳步下降。,Important words,5.decrease,34,【实例品读】,Due to the strict traffic regulations on drunk driving,the number of accidents from it has greatly,decreased,.,由于对酒后驾驶的严格的交通法规,酒后驾驶导致的事故的数量大大减少了。,【热点归纳】,decrease to,减少到,decrease by,减少了,on the decrease,在减少,Important words,【实例品读】Important words,35,单句语法填空,【考点精练】,1.Average house prices decreased,13%last year.,2.,The number of students going abroad for further study is,the decrease nowadays.,3.By 1881,the population of the island,(decrease)from 5,000 to 3,500.,by,on,had decreased,单句语法填空【考点精练】1.Average house p,36,6,.,transform,考查热度,【热点品味】,transform,vt.,使改观,;,使改变形态,vi.,改变,;,转变,【教材原句】,Snow,transformed,the way scientists study diseases.,斯诺改变了科学家研究疾病的方式。,【实例品读】,It was an event that would,transform,my life.,那是能够改变我生活的一件事。,It is a surprise that the city has been,transformed from,a small town,into,a modern industrial center in recent ten years.,真令人惊奇,在近十年中这个城市由一个小乡镇转变成了一个现代化的工业中心。,Important words,6.transform,37,【热点归纳】,transform.into.,使,变成,transform.from.into.,把,从,变成,【考点精练】,1.She was transformed from a common-looking adolescent,a pretty young woman.,2.In the past 20 years the country,(transform),into an advanced industrial power.,into,has transformed,Important words,【热点归纳】【考点精练】1.She was transfo,38,1,.,thanks to 考查热度,【热点品味】thanks to,幸亏,;,由于,【教材原句】,Fortunately,we now know how to prevent cholera,thanks,to,the work of John Snow.,幸运的是,由于约翰,斯诺的工作,我们现在知道了如何预防霍乱。,【实例品读】,Thanks,to,your hard work,we can finish the task ahead of schedule.,多亏了你的努力工作,我们能提前完成任务。,Thanks,to,modern science and technology,people lead a more and more comfortable and rich life.,多亏了现代科技,人们的生活越来越舒适、越来越富裕。,Important phrases,1.thanks to,39,【热点归纳】,表示,“,因为,;,由于,”,的短语,:,due to,由于,;,因为,because of,由于,;,因为,on account of,由于,owing to,由于,;,因为,as a result of,由于,的结果,Important phrases,【热点归纳】Important phrases,40,【考点精练】,完成句子:,(,1,)多亏了你的指导,我在比赛中获得了第一名。,,,I won the first place in the competition.,(,2,)多亏了老师的帮助我在英语方面取得了很大进步。,,,I have made great progress in English.,Thanks to your guidance,Thanks to the teachers help,【考点精练】完成句子:Thanks to y,41,2,.,a,link between.and.,考查热度,【热点品味】,a,link between.and.,与,的,联系,【教材原句】,Moreover,Snow was later able to show,a,link,between,other cases of cholera,and,the different water companies in London.,此外,斯诺后来能表明其他霍乱病例和伦敦不同的自来水公司之间的联系。,【实例品读】,To understand this concept,we look at the,link,between law and ethics.,要理解这一概念,我们先看一下法律和伦理之间的联系。,The hearts of the people of all the nationalities are,linked,to each other.,我国各族人民心连心。,Important phrases,2.a link between.and.,42,【热点归纳】,link,n.,联系,;,纽带,vt.,把,连接起来,;,相关联,link up(with),连接,;,结合,link.with/to.,把,与,连接,;,联系,Important phrases,【热点归纳】Important phrases,43,单句语法填空,【考点精练】,1.Experts say hydrogen technology can reduce industrial gases,(link)to global warming,.,2.The crowd linked arms,(form)a barrier.,3.The link,what the men had done as boys and how they turned out as adults was surprisingly sharp.,linked,to form,between,单句语法填空【考点精练】1.Experts say hyd,44,1,.,It,seemed,that,the,woman,liked,the,water,from,the,pump,so,much,that,she,had,it,delivered,to,her,house,every,day.,考查热度,【精品译文】这位妇女似乎非常喜欢水泵的水,所以她每天都让人把水送到她家。,【句式剖析】,本句是一个复合句。,It seemed,是主句,that the woman liked.,是表语从句,so.that.,引导的是结果状语从句,在结果状语从句中,had it delivered,是,“have+,宾语,+,宾语补足语,”,结构,由于,it,和,deliver,有逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用过去分词形式作宾语补足语。,Important Sentences,1.It seemed that the woman lik,45,【实例品读】It seems impossible for you to cover that long distance!,你似乎不可能走那么远的路!,It seemed hopeful for him to win the match.,他似乎有希望赢得这场比赛。,【看点解读】,句型“It seemsadj.to do sth.”意为“看来/似乎是”。其中it为形式主语,动词不定式为真正的主语。,【经典归纳】,“seem”的句式还有:,(1)“It seemsadj.to do sth.”也可变形为“sb.seems+to do/be”。,(2)“There seems to be.”意为“似乎有;好像有”。,Important Sentences,【实例品读】It seems impossible for,46,【,考点精练,】,语法填空,(1)The theory without practice seems,(be)the cars without motors.,(2),seems to be some disagreement between his words and actions.,to be,There,Important Sentences,【考点精练】语法填空to be There Importan,47,2,.,The,people,who,drank,this,water,were,much,more,likely,to,get,cholera,than,those,who,drank,pure,or,boiled,water.,考查热度,【精品译文】,喝这种水的人比喝纯净水或白开水的人更容易得霍乱。,【句式剖析】,本句是一个复合句。句中两个,who,引导的是定语从句,分别修饰,the people,和,those,。,be likely to do,意为,“,可能做,”,。,【实例品读】,The price is likely to go down because of the competition.,由于竞争,价格可能会下降。,You are likely to suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.,如果继续吸烟,你的身体健康会受到损害。,Important Sentences,2.The people who drank this wa,48,【看点解读】,句式“sb/sth be likely to do sth.”,意为“某人/某物有可能.”。,【经典归纳】,likely既可用人也可用物作主语,常用句型是It is likely that.或sb./sth.is likely to.。,possible和probable都不能以人作主语,常用句型有It is possible(for sb.)to do sth.或It is possible that.;probable只能用It is probable that.。,Important Sentences,【看点解读】Important Sentences,49,1.he even,attended to,Queen Victoria when she gave birth.,1)to be present at,to go to,出席,参加,a meeting,a ceremony,a funeral,a lecture,school,church,E.g.Your,attendance(n.),at the meeting will be welcome.,2)to look after,care for,serve,照顾,看护,Which doctor is attending(to/on)you?,There is a doctor in attendance on me.,1.he even attended to Queen,50,4,),attendance n.,e.g,There is a doctor in attendance,.,umber of people present,出席人,e.g,There was a large attendance at the concert.,音乐会听众很多,.,3)to go with,伴随,The work,was attended with,much difficulty.,出席人数,照顾,4)attendance n.e.g There i,51,2.the cholera outbreak was so,severe,that more than 500 people died in ten days.,(1)so serious;so bad(,人、纪律)严厉的,严格的,I think you are too,severe,on the boy.,His severe looks frightened me.,(2)very harmful or painful(,疼痛)剧烈的,He has a severe pain in his leg.,(3)be severe with:be strict with,对,要求严格,He is severe with himself.,2.the cholera outbreak was s,52,3.John Snow suspected that the water pump was to,blame.,sb.for,upon/on,:把,责任归于,She d the failure of their marriage on him.,be to blame,该受责备;应该负责,(,不能用于被动语态,),I am to blame for our losing the game.,Its I who am to for our losing the game.,vt.,责备,谴责,3.John Snow suspected that,53,4.It seemed that the woman like the water from the pump,so much that,so+adj/adv+that,结果状语从句,He is so young that he cant go to school,The box is so light that the child can lift it,sothat,的否定句式可用,tooto,替换,肯定句式可用,enough to,替换,.,such,a,an,adj,n.(,单,),that,从句;,such,adj,n(,不可数、复数,),that,从句,4.It seemed that the woman li,54,We are such good students that all the teachers like us.,It is such a big room that it can hold so many people.,He has,few books to read that he has to borrow some from the library.,so,We are such good students that,55,【,考点精练,】,语法填空,(1),If you can find suitable learning methods,your learning efficiency is likely,(improve).,(2)The more exposed young people are to financial issues,(likely)they are to become responsible.,Important Sentences,to improve,the more likely,【考点精练】语法填空Important Sentencest,56,.,单句语法填空,(1)Ade and Brooks exchanged blows yesterday and they,(severe)published today.,(2)Many companies,(subscribe)generously to the football club so far.,(3)Only a third of these,(household)thought it reasonable to meter water.,households,severely,have subscribed,Exercise,.单句语法填空householdsseverelyhave,57,(4)I think he suspected,some improper purpose.,(5)This information confirms me in the belief that he is,(blame).,(6)There are thirty,(microscope)in our chemical laboratory.,(7)They have gathered the best,(statistic)they can find and run them though their own computers.,statistics,of,to blame,microscopes,(4)I think he suspected,58,(8)The news is,important that I must tell it to my friends.,(9)A cheap table can,(transform)by an insteresting cover.,(10)You should know when,(stop)asking questions.,to stop,so,be transformed,(8)The news is impor,59,.,短语填空,take the blame for:thanks to:once and for all:on the decrease:subscribe to:link up,:,(1),the spread of modern technology,trained workers are now more vital than ever.,(2)The demand for tea is,each year.,(3)The two families,through the marriage of their daughter and son.,on the decrease,Thanks to,linked up,.短语填空on the decreaseThanks to,60,(4)It is not a theory that is commonly,.,(5)Lets get this problem right,.,(6)The company was ready to,what had happened.,take the blame for,subscribed to,once and for all,(4)It is not a theory that is,61,Homework:,1.Write an article to introduce your favourite scientist.,2.Finish the exe.on Page 4.,Homework:1.Write an article t,62,Thanks,Thanks,63,Science and Scientists-Reading and Thinking,Understand the questioning mind,人教版选择性必修二,Science and Scientists-Readi,64,Lead in,A Questioning Mind,A questioning mind,A critical mind,Lead inA Questioning MindA que,65,Reading,Task 1:Skim Reading,_,a,nalyze the results _,a,sk a question,_,d,raw a conclusion _,c,ollect data,_,f,ind a problem _,f,ind supporting evidence,_,t,hink of a method,P1,ReadingTask 1:Skim Reading_,66,In general,doctors in those days


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