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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/4/2,#,选择性必修一,Unit 1 People of Achievement,知识点复习,选择性必修一Unit 1 People of Achieve,1,1.sum up,总结;概括,教材原句,To sum up,his fame and wealth were gained through hard work.,要点必记,tomakealongstoryshort,长话短说;,allinall,总而言之;头等重要的东西;,generallyspeaking,一般而言;,inaword,总之;简言之;,核心词汇,1.sum up 总结;概括核心词汇,2,2.encounter n.,偶然碰到;邂逅,教材原句,Einstein often encountered people on the street.,要点必记,meet:,普通用词,本义指双方或多方从不同方向相碰,(,遇,),。,encounter:,通常指遇到困难或挫折,也指偶然或意外地相遇。,confront:,不可避免的,面对面的相遇。也指敢于正视困难或问题的决心和信心。,face:,侧重双方静止地面对面,或指指充满勇气、信心和决心正视人或事。,contact:,多指通过书信、电话或直接会面和别人联系。口语用词。,2.encounter n.偶然碰到;邂逅教材原句,3,3.obtain v.,获得;赢取,教材原句,using liquid obtained from this to treat malaria,要点必记,obtain,基本意思是指花费了大量的努力或经过了很久的时间后得到了心仪已久的东西。,obtain,后可接双宾语表达为,obtain sb.sth.,,指“使,.,得到,.”,。,e.g.Her work obtained her a regular incomes.,她的工作使她得到了定期收入。,3.obtain v.获得;赢取教材原句,4,4.defeat n.&v,击败;战胜,教材原句,Tu Youyou would not acknowledge,defeat.,词义辨析,1,、,defeat,是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。,2,、,defeat,表示“,失败,”时,是,不可数名词,;,表示“,失败的事例,”时,是,可数名词,。,3,、,defeat,既作类名词,也可作,抽象名词,,如,adefeat,(一次挫败)和,indefeat,(挫败);,4.defeat n.&v 击败;战胜教材原句,5,4,、,defeat,后接不同的介词时,表示不同意思。,例:,hisdefeat,of,the enemy,表示“他打败敌人”;,hisdefeat,by,the enemy,表示“他被敌人打败”;,hisdefeat,表示“他被别人打败”。,4、defeat后接不同的介词时,表示不同意思。,6,mit vt.,承诺;保证(某个人,机构),vi.,忠于;全心全意投入(工作、活动等),教材原句,a,committed,and patient scientist,要点必记,committed adj,坚定的,commit oneself to do,承诺做某事,commit oneself,承诺,答应负责,commit suicide,自杀,commit a crime,犯罪;犯下罪行,committee,委员会,全体委员,7,6.evaluate vt.,评估,评价,教材原句,evaluate,280000 plants for their properties,要点必记,estimate:,通常指由个人作出的主观估价。,assess:,原义指对为确定交多少税而估计,引申指通过估价以便更好利用。,value:,侧重指一般人对某物的价值或价格所作的估计。,6.evaluate vt.评估,评价教材原句,8,7.insist on,坚决要求,教材原句,Her team members even,insisted on,testing the medicine on themselves.,要点必记,当,“insist”,表示“,坚持说;坚决认为,”,接,that,从句,用,陈述语气,。,当,“insist”,表示“,坚决主张;坚持要求,”,接,that,从句,用,虚拟语气,。,即“,should,动词原形,”,should,可省略,。,e.g.She insisted that he was wrong.,My family insisted that I should not give in,but stay and fight.,7.insist on 坚决要求教材原句,9,e to power,开始掌权,上台,教材原句,when Hitler,came to power,in Germany,要点必记,adj.powerful,强有力的;有影响力的;健壮的,come to power(,开始,),当权,表状态变化,属于瞬间性动词,不能接时间段,be in power,当权,上台,状态未发生变化,属于延续性动词,可以接时间段,in ones power,在某人的掌控中,e to power 开始掌权,上台教材原句,10,do everything in ones power,竭尽全力,(=try/do ones best to do sth;spare no effort to do sth;make an effort to do sth,),do everything in ones power 竭,11,9.take up a position,担任;任职,教材原句,He finally,took up a position,as a researcher.,要点必记,take up a competitive sport,从事竞技性运动项目,take up a new hobby,开始一项新的爱好,take up too much of your time,占用你太多的时间,take after,(外貌)相像,take apart,拆卸,拆开,take away,减去,take down,写下,记下,9.take up a position 担任;任职教,12,Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.,gentle sum up circumstance encounter novelist patent,1.To our surprise,he was actually the _ and caring father of three children.,2.To_,his fame and wealth were gained through hard work and his in-depth knowledge of his business.,3.A genius for invention,Thomas Edison obtained scores of_.,4.Under no _ should we do terrible things to other people.,5.As a botanist,he takes notes on the properties of any plant he _,6.The first-person narrator is a stylistic device that has been used by many _ and poets throughout the ages.,gentle,sum,up,patent,circumstance,encounters,novelists,Complete the sentences with th,13,What do you know about Sun Yat-sen?Read the passage,and then fill in the blanks with relative pronouns or adverbs.,Sun Yat-sen(1866-1925)was widely considered to be the founder and forerunner of modem China.He was only in power for a short time,when he was president of the country in 1912.So it may seem odd to some people _ knowledge of China may be limited that he is such an important figure.However,his influence is not based on his time in office,but on his continuous struggle for a better society and his concern for all Chinese people.He also put forward many advanced ideas _ brought the Chinese people together,in particular,the Three Principles of the People.,that,whose,What do you know about Sun Yat,14,These principles were inspired by Lincoln,_ he admired,and were developed when he was travelling overseas,_ he went to find support for his country.The first principle is about nationalism,_ indicates that China should never be divided and should not be under any foreign control.The second is about peoples rights.It means that all people have great value and should also have the same rights.The third is about peoples livelihood,_means that the government should create opportunities for people to make a good living.,whom,where,which,which,whomwherewhichwhich,15,Giving time to think,要点必记,(Er/Oh/Um,)let me see/think Well,er,Yeah,I mean,I understand what youre saying Anyway,Just a moment.,Right./Sure.Really?,Well,I guess.You see/know,So Hang on a second.,May I think about that for a moment?How can/shall/should I put this/it?,Let me think about this/that for a moment.Well,its on the tip of my tongue.,核心句式,:,Giving time to think要点必记核心句式:,16,同位语,教材原句,Tu Youyou,a committed and patient scientist,was born in Ningbo,China.,句式讲解,当两个词或词组在一个句子中具有相同的语法地位而且描述相同的人或事物时,称它们为,同位语,。,Mr.Smith,our new teacher,is very kind to us.,我们的新老师史密斯先生对我们很好。,(Mr.Smith,是主词,our new teacher,的同位语,指同一人。,),Yesterday I met Tom,a friend of my brothers,.,昨天我遇到了我弟弟的朋友汤姆。,a friend of my brothers,是受词,Tom,的同位语,指同一人。,同位语教材原句,17,状语从句省略,教材原句,While working here,he continued to study,句式讲解,1.,当状语从句的,主语和从句主语一致,且从句中含有,be,动词,时,可将从句主语和,be,动词一起省略掉。,2.,当从句中含有“,it+be,”,可将,it,和,be,省略。,状语从句省略教材原句,18,非限制性定语从句,限制性定语从句,因与先行词关系密切,所以不可以用逗号将其与主句隔开;,非限制性定语从句,与先行词关系不十分密切,所以可用逗号将其与主句隔开。,例,1.Do you remember the girl who taught us English,?,你还记得教我们英语的那个女孩吗?,例,2.Clock is a kind of instrument which can tell people time.,钟是一种能够告诉人们时间的仪器。,例,3.Mr.Zhang,,,who came to see me yesterday,,,is an old friend of mine.,张先生昨天来看我,他是我的一位朋友。,非限制性定语从句限制性定语从句因与先行词关系密切,所以不可以,19,REFLECTING,Did this unit cause you to change your thoughts about greatness?If so,how?,Will what you have learnt in this unit inspire you to improve yourself?If so,how?,What was the most important idea that you learnt in this unit?,REFLECTING,20,1,Recite,new,words,and,phrases,.,2,Write a passage about the great man you admire.,Homework,1Recite new words and phrases.,21,THANKS,THANKS,22,


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