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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Language point,1,Language point1,1.up to now=so far,I have heard nothing from him up to now.,到目前为止我没有他的任何消息。,Up to now everything has been successful.,到目前为止,一切都很顺利。,否定词,+,比较级,=,最高级,Nothing could be better.,I cant agree any more.,直到现在,2,1.up to now=so farI have hea,Up to now,the program _,thousands of children who would,otherwise have died.(2010,山东,),A.would save B.saves,C.had saved D.has saved,Choose the best answer.,3,Up to now,the program _,1 so they could fell more content with,their lives.,content(,adj,.):,满足的,满意的,(n.),满足,;,满意,;,知足,(vt.),使满足,常见搭配:,1,),feel/be content with sth.=be satisfied,/pleased/glad with,2,),be content to do sth.,满足于做某事,3,),to ones content,令某人满意的是,4,1 so they could fell more c,4,),content oneself with sth,自己满足,于某事,She is quite content to stay at home,looking after her children.,她呆在家里照顾孩子感到非常知足。,To his content,his son hasnt broken,his promise.,5,4)content oneself with sth 自己满,2)content(n.):that which is contained,in sth.,所含之物,内容,如:,I like the style of the book but I,dont like the content.,我喜欢这本书的文体,但我不喜欢,它的内容。,6,2)content(n.):that which is,2.Not that Charlies own life was easy!,not that,用于句首或短语之前表示否定含义,,“倒不是;并不是说”。,Not that,I hate the work.Im not strong,enough for it.,Not that,I dislike the task,but that I am,not equal to it.,7,2.Not that Charlies own life,2 You may find it astonishing that Charlie,was taught to sing,astonish:,使(某人)吃惊,,震惊,比,surprise,的语气要强。,如:,astonished,吃惊的,astonishing,令人感到吃惊的,astonishment,(,n,)惊讶,to ones astonishment,令,惊异的是,8,2 You may find it astonishing,大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流,可以互相讨论下,但要小,9,大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流可以互相讨论下,但要小9,The earthquake astonished me.,地震使我,惊慌失措。,She was astonished to find he was drunk.,发现他喝醉了,她很吃惊。,I was astonished at/by the news.,这消息使我大吃一惊,To our astonishment the small boy swam,across the river.,令我们惊奇的是那小男孩居然游过了,那条河。,10,The earthquake astonished me.,用,astonish,的适当形式填空,1).The news he brought,_everybody in the class.,2).I was_ at/to hear the,loud sound.,3).I find it quite _that none,of you like the play.,4).To my _,she still,remembered my birthday.,astonished,astonished,astonishing,astonishment,11,用astonish 的适当形式填空1).The news h,I find it quite _ that large,numbers of teenagers all over the world,are crazy about Lady Gaga.,A.astonish B.astonishing,C.to astonish D.astonished,Choose the best answer.,12,I find it quite _ that l,3.Unfortunately,his father died,leaving the,family even worse off.,badly off,穷困的,缺少的,be worse off,情况更坏的,恶化的,be well off,富裕的,处境好的,be better off,(,尤指经济,),境况较好的,They are too badly off to have a holiday.,In fact most people are better off than,they were five years ago.,13,3.Unfortunately,his father d,Leaving,是现在分词短语作结果状语,,常常用现在分词短语在句中作结果状语的,有,leave,cause,make,等动词,即学即练:,她匆匆忙忙出去了,留下她的孩子在房间,里哭。,She hurried out,leaving her baby crying,in the room.,他们的车遇到交通堵塞,因此耽误了时间。,Their car was caught in a traffic jam,causing,the delay.,14,Leaving是现在分词短语作结果状语,常常用现在分词短语,4 because known throughout the world.,throughout,prep,.,1),(表示地区)遍及,整个,如:,The company has branches throughout,the country.,这家公司的分店遍及全国。,2),(表示时间)整个,从头到尾,如:,It rained throughout the day.,雨下了一整天。,He led a poor life throughout his life.,他一生过着穷苦的生活。,15,4 because known throughout th,throughout,adv,.,1),整个地,在所有各处,全部,如:,The hill was green throughout.,那座山整个都是绿的。,2),自始至终,到最后,如:,She remained silent throughout.,她从头到尾都保持沉默。,16,throughout adv.1)整个地,在所有各处,,【联想拓展】,throughout+,地点,=all over+,地点,throughout+,时间,=all through+,时间,常见的搭配有:,throughout the day,整天,throughout ones life,throughout the century,throughout the country,遍及全国,throughout the night,整个晚上,17,【联想拓展】throughout+地点=all ove,5.The tramp,a poor,homeless man with,a moustache,wore large trousers,worn-,out shoes.,homeless,adj,.,无家可归的,-less,是表示否定意义的形容词后缀,加在,某些名词的后面构成否定意义的形容词。,类似的如:,helpless,无力的,;,无计可施的,;,无助的,;,无依无靠的,careless,粗心的,;,轻率的,18,5.The tramp,a poor,homeless,childless,没有儿女的,harmless,无害的,;,无损害的;,没有恶意的,;,无邪的,tireless,不会疲倦的,;,不知疲倦的,不休止的,19,childless 没有儿女的harmless 无害的;,worn-out,adj.,1),(衣类、机器等)磨破的;磨损的;,用旧的,如:,worn-out shoes,穿旧的鞋,2),精疲力尽的;憔悴的(一般不用在,名词前),如:,She looks worn-out.,她看起来憔悴不堪。,20,worn-out adj.1)(衣类、机器等)磨破的;磨损的,6 This character was a social failure nut,was loved for his optimism and,determination to overcome all difficulties.,failure:n.,失败(,U,)失败者,;,失败的事,?,The play was a dead failure.,这场戏完全失败了。,Failure is the mother of success.,overcome:,战胜;克服,(difficulty,fear,enemy,bad habits),There will be no difficulty in the world that,they cannot overcome.,世界上任何困难他们都可以克服。,21,6 This character was a social,8 Then he cuts off the leather top of the,shoe,请说出,cut off,在句中的含义:,1)My father cut off,a piece of bread and,give it to me.,2)We were,cut off,in the middle of our,conversation.,3)Our water supply has been cut off,for,several days,4)They were cut off,from the outside,world by the heavy snow.,22,8 Then he cuts off the leather,【词组拓展】,cut down,砍倒,削减,cut in,插嘴,;,强行超车,cut up,切碎,cut out,删掉,cut through/across,抄近路穿过,,用以上,cut,短语选词填空。,1)Lets _the unimportant details.,2)She always _when other people,are talking.,3)We must _our expenses.,4)_ this park.It will save time,5)She _ the vegetables and then put,them into the hot pot.,cut out,cuts in,cut down,Cut through,cut up,23,【词组拓展】cut down砍倒,削减cut in插嘴;强,6.Charlie first picks out the laces and,eats them as if they were spaghetti.,pick out,a,.,(,从同类当中,),选出;选择,She picked out a pink dress for her,daughter.,b.,(,在许多人当中,),看出;辨认出,Can you pick out her in the crowd?,24,6.Charlie first picks out the,as if/as though,“,好像”,引导的方式状语,如果是虚拟的情况,采用虚拟语气,,be,动词,用,were,。,He behaves,as if,he were a child.,如果描述的是可能发生的实际情况,动词就,用与主句对应的时态。,It looks as if it isnt clean enough to,bathe here.,It looks as if it is going to rain.,25,as if/as though“好像”,引导的方式状语如,7.convince,1),My friend convinced me that she didnt,tell a lie.,我的朋友让我信服了她没有撒谎。,2)I am convinced that no one can match,him in maths in our class.,3,),We cannot convince him of having done,wrong in the matter.,我们不能让他相信他,在这件事情上做错了。,vt.,使信服,convince sb.that,使某人相信,sb.be convinced that,确信,convince sb.of(doing)sth.,使某人信服某事,Sb.be convinced of sth.,确信,/,相信某事,Convince sb.to do sth.=persuade sb.to do,26,7.convince1)My friend convin,He is loved and remembered as a great,actor who could inspire people with great,confidence,inspire sb.to do,激励,/,鼓舞某人做某事,inspire sb.with sth.,使某人产生(感觉或情感),inspire sth.in sb.,(同上),His speech inspired them with hope.,他的演,讲燃起了她们的希望,This inspired a love for learning in us.,这激起了我们对学习的热爱,27,He is loved and remembered as,Useful expressions,?,感到沮丧,?,对感到满意,?,一就,?,境况更遭,?,直到今天,?,做日常的任务,?,随着时间的推移,?,拍电影,?,闻名于世,?,遍及全世界,feel depressed,feel content with,as soon as,worse off,up to now,do ordinary everyday tasks,as time went by,make films,become known throughout,the world,throughout the world,28,Useful expressions?感到沮丧?对感到满意,?,手仗,?,社会生活中的,失败者,?,战胜所有困难,?,淘金记,?,寻找,?,试着做,a walking stick,a social failure,overcome all difficulties,The Gold Rush,in search of,try doing,29,?手仗?社会生活中的失败者?战胜所有困难?淘金记?寻找?试着,19,.,一双皮鞋,20,.,挑出,?,切下,?,主演,?,电影界杰出的,工作,?,鼓舞人们增,强自信心,a pair of leather shoes,pick out,cut off,star in,outstanding work in film,inspire people with great,confidence,30,19.一双皮鞋20.挑出?切下?主演?电影界杰出的工作?鼓舞,Homework,Preview grammar and finish,the exercises on,page 20&21.,31,HomeworkPreview grammar and fi,32,32,


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