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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,人教版高一英语必修,2 Unit 5 Music Attributive,clause“prep+which/whom”,人教版高一英语必修2 Unit 5 Music Attr,Learning Aims:,To get to know the basic usage of“prep+which/whom”in attributive clauses(,定语从句,).,To be able to describe a person or a matter,using“prep+which/whom”in attributive clauses.,Learning Aims:,Learning steps:,Step 1:Revision,Step 2:Try to find out how to use,“prep+which/whom”from examples,Step 3:Summary,Step 4:Practice,Step 5:Consolidation(group work),(强化知识),Learning steps:,Step 1:Revision:Riddle(,谜语,),1.This is the place,where,most people,wish,to go after death.But up to now,no one alive has been there.,2.It is an unforgettable day,when,both Putin and Park Geun-hye(,朴槿惠,)came to China to attend an anniversary(,纪念,)in honor of the success of a big event in history.,3.Our English teacher seems a little nervous today.Do you know the reason,why,she is not as relaxed as usual?,where=,to which,on which,for which,why=,when=,the heaven,3rd Sept.2015,Step 1:Revision:Riddl,Are there any other situations where“prep.+which”can be used?,Step 2:Get to know more examples and try to find out how to use,“prep+which/whom”,Are there any other situatio,George,:“Hi,Linda,do you remember the girl with whom we talked yesterday?”,Linda,:“Sure,whats the matter?,”,George,:,“,I left my watch at her home,for which I paid 300 yuan.”,Linda,:“Dont worry,I will ask her to bring it to you.”,George,:“Thank you so much!”,Linda,:“You are welcome!,”,李梦帆,先行词,定语从句,We,talked with,the girl yesterday.,I,paid 300 yuan for,my watch.,定语从句,先行词,George:“Hi,Linda,do you rem,I come to your city,pass by the road,along which you have walked,and I always imagine how lonely you feel without me.,I take out the old photo you gave me.There is a street with which you are quite familiar.We cant go back to the days when we enjoyed ourselves?,If you appear suddenly in the corner where there is a coffee store,I will care about you whom I havent met for so long.,And I will say,“,Long time no see.,”,You have,walked along,the road,.,You,are,quite,familiar with,the street,张美玥,李将英,田心仪,好久不见,I come to your city,pass by t,Friends are those without whom we cant live happily.If you sometimes argue with your friends,stop arguing and try to be a good listener.Cause true friendship will never die.,宋钰燕,We cant live happily,without,friends.,Friends are those without whom,In front of my house there stands a tree,in which there live a birds family.Each morning,the birds sing happily to the tree,to whom they show great respect,because he protects them from rain and wind.,杨淑凯,There,live,a birds family,in the tree.,They,show great respect to,the tree,.,In front of my house there sta,Once upon a time there was a mountain On the top of which there stood a temple In which there lived an old monk The old monk was telling stories to the little monk,孙鹿航,There lived an old monk,in the temple.,There stood a temple,on the top of,the mountain.,Once upon a time there was a m,Step 3:Summary 1.,在“介词,+which/whom,”引导定语从句时,,which,用来指代,_,whom,用来指代,_.,How to choose whom/which?,How to choose proper,preposition,s,(,介词,),?,2.,“介词,+which/whom,”引导定语从句时,关键要找准,_,然后把,_,代入,_,并根据上下文意思或习惯性用法选取恰当的介词。,物,人,先行词,定语从句,先行词,Step 3:Summary,1.Do you like the book _ she spent$10?,2.Do you like the book _ she paid$10?,3.Do you like the teacher _ she learned a lot?,4.Do you like the teacher _ we are talking has gone abroad?,5.He paid the boy$10 for washing ten windows,most _ hadnt been cleaned for at least a year.,on which,for which,from whom,about whom,of which,介词,+,关系代词的使用,1.Do you like the book _,Rose,fell in love with,Jack at first sight.Jack lost his life in the cold sea water.,Jack,_ at first sight,lost his life in the cold sea water.,Step 4:Try to use,“,prep+which/whom,”,to join the two sentences.,with whom Rose fell in love,Rose fell in love with Jack at,“,Impossible is nothing,”is a classical,advertisement of adidas.,We,are,quite,familiar with,the advertisement.,“,Impossible is nothing,”,_,,,is a classical advertisement of adidas.,with which we are quite familiar,“Impossible is nothing”is a c,Sydney Opera House is famous around the world.,The roof of,the Opera House looks like a ship.,Sydney Opera House,_looks like a ship,is famous around the world.,whose roof/the roof of which,Sydney Opera House is famous a,This pen is quite unusual.General MacArthur,wrote with,this pen to sign the documents when Japanese surrendered(,投降,)on 2,nd,Sept.1945.,This pen,_ to sign the documents when Japan surrendered on 2,nd,Sept.1945,is quite unusual.,with which,General MacArthur wrote,This pen is quite unusual.,In the very depth of the sea lies the kingdom of sea-maid.,There live the king and his mother,as well as 6 beautiful princesses.The little princess is the most charming,among them.,_,among whom the little princess is the most charming,In the very depth of the sea l,Step 5:consolidation,Group work:Try to make up an attributive clause(,定语从句,)with,“prep+which/whom”,with your group members.,Then write your sentence on the blackboard.,Step 5:consolidation,Homework:,Writing,Try to write a short passage with“prep+which/whom.”,Homework:Writing Try to wri,Thank you,Thank you,


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