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,Company Logo,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,LOGO,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 14 A Noble Gangster,Lesson 14 A Noble Gangster,Company Logo,Contents,1,2,3,4,When,引导的定语从句,升级语言,-,高考作文练习,By,的用法,If,从句的四种升级方法,Company Lo,Company Logo,Words and Expressions,robber,抢劫犯,抢劫者,Smuggler,走私贩,kidnapper,绑匪,hijacker,劫机犯,shoplifter,商店盗窃犯,burglar,入室盗窃犯,gangster,Company Lo,Company Logo,destroy,Words and Expressions,destroy,完全摧毁,damage,可修复,break,弄坏,弄断,spoil/ruin,把事情搅和了,1 Twoofthestringswere_.,2 Theearthquake_thecity.,3 _theholiday,4 Thebigclockwas_.,broken,destroyed,spoil/ruin,damaged,Company Lo,Company Logo,Words and Expressions,Content Title,1 Extraordinary,2 obvious,According to the graphic information,a remarkable increase is discerned.,remarkable,Company Lo,Company Logo,Words and Expressions,Devote to,This book is dedicated to-,这本书谨献给:,dedicate,Company Lo,Company Logo,Content Title,Words and Expressions,ThemeGallery,is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Company Lo,Company Logo,Words and Expressions,Content Title,ThemeGallery,is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Content Title,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,A tearful smile.,含泪的微笑,A victorious defeat.,虽败犹荣,A true lie.,真实的谎言,An open secret,.,公开的秘密,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,如何表达,曾经,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,Once,Once upon a time,Long long ago,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,There was a time when,the owners of shops and businesses in Chicago had to pay large sums of money to gangsters in return for protection.,NCE2-6,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,Remember the time by MJ,Do you remember,the time,When,we fell in love Do you remember,the time,When,we first met,Do you remember,the time When,we fell in love Do you remember the time 1:45,Company Lo,Company Logo,Exercise,我仍然记得,2010,年,6,月,15,日,那天我收到了录取通知书。,I still remember,June,15th,2010,.,On that,day,I received my offer.,I still remember June,15th,2010 when I received my offer.,我在,2010,年,6,月,15,日收到了录取通知书,那真是难忘的一天。,I received my offer on,June,15th,2010,.,It,was a day to remember.,I received my offer on June,15th,2010 that was a day to remember.,Company Lo,Company Logo,Exercise,I have remembered the date _ I forgot just now.,I want to know the date _ you were born.,that,when,Company Lo,Company Logo,Exercise,2009,浙江高考题,5,月,1,日,高二,(3),班的学生志愿者,Li Yue,和,Zhang Hua,去阳光敬老院,(,Sunshine Nursing Home,),开展志愿者活动,(,送水果、打扫、聊天等,),。假如你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要点用英语写一则,120,词左右的新闻报道。,1.,时间,地点,人物,活动,2.,老人们的反应,3.,简要评论,Company Lo,Company Logo,Exercise,时间:,5,月,1,日,地点:,Sunshine Nursing Home,人,物:高二,(3),班的学生志愿者,Li Yue,和,Zhang Hua,活动:送水果、打扫、聊天等,On May Day,Li Yue and Zhang Hua from Class 3,Grade 2 went to Sunshine Nursing Home.They gave the old people fruit,cleaned the house and chatted with them.,Company Lo,Company Logo,Exercise,On May Day,Li Yue and Zhang Hua from Class 3,Grade 2 went to Sunshine Nursing Home.They gave the old people fruit,cleaned the house and chatted with them.,It was May Day when Li Yue and Zhang Hua,the volunteer students from Class 3,Grade 2 went to Sunshine Nursing Home where they received a warm welcome.They gave the old people fruit as gifts.,Meanwhile,they not only cleaned the house,but had a nice chat with the elders.,Meanwhile,after cleaning the house,they had a nice chat with the elders.,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,There was a time when,the owners of shops and,businesses,in Chicago had to,pay large sums of money,to gangsters,in return for,protection.,A great deal of money,Tons of money,NCE2-6,In return for this,the beggar stood on his head and sang songs.,Company Lo,Company Logo,Exercise,2009,浙江高考题,5,月,1,日,高二,(3),班的学生志愿者去阳光敬老院,(,Sunshine Nursing Home,),开展志愿者活动,(,送水果、打扫、聊天等,),。假如你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要点用英语写一则,120,词左右的新闻报道。,1.,时间,地点,人物,活动,2.,老人们的反应,3.,简要评论,Company Lo,Company Logo,Exercise,They were very happy.They thanked Li Yue and Zhang Hua a lot.,Imagine their happiness when they found everything in order.The elders gave them a bunch of flowers in return for what they had done and said it was a day to remember.,Company Lo,Company Logo,歹徒们往往会很快捣毁他的商店,让他破产。,The gangsters would quickly,destroy his shop,and,put the man out of business,.,The gangsters would quickly,put a man out of business,by,destroying his shop,.,因果句,条件句,方式句,从而句,联想,By,by,后面加的是因,/,条件,/,方式,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,测出回声间隔的时间,便可算出该处海洋的深度。,We measure,the time interval between the taps and the receipt of the echoes,and,the depth of the sea at that point can be calculated.,By,measuring the time interval between the taps and the receipt of the echoes,the depth of the sea at that point can be calculated.,新概念四册,Company Lo,Company Logo,Exercise,如果按这种方法学英语,就会成功。,You will succeed by studying English in this way.,Company Lo,Company Logo,Exercise,网络教学降低老师与学生的比重,节约了成本。,Online teaching saves costs by reducing teacher-student ratio.,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,If the money was not paid promptly,the gangsters would quickly,put,a man,out of business,by destroying his shop.,putsb/sth outof.,使某人失去,Company Lo,Company Logo,使,-,灭绝,put.out of existence,Vision 01,Vision 03,Vision 02,Vision 04,Text,put.out of work,使,-,失业,put.out of breath,使,-,出局,put.out of the game,使,-,喘不过气,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,Obtaining protection money,is not a modern crime.,勒索保护费,It is not a modern crime to obtain protection money.,It is not a modern crime that gangsters obtained protection money.,That,gangsters obtained protection money is not a modern crime.,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,As long ago as,the fourteenth century,an Englishman,Sir John Hawkwood,made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money than have their life,work,destroyed by gangsters.,早在,He earns as much as 4,000 a month,高达,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,As long ago as,the fourteenth century,an Englishman,Sir John Hawkwood,made the remarkable discovery,that,people,would rather,pay large sums of money,than,have their,life work,destroyed by gangsters.,Prefer to do rather than do,Would rather do than do,Prefer sth/doing to sth/doing,Prefer to do,Would rather do,Company Lo,Company Logo,Exercise,She prefers to eat outside rather than _ at home.(07,甘肃,),A.cook B.cooking,C.to cook D.cooks,Some of my classmates _ cartoons _ documentaries.(07,连云港市,),A.prefer.to,B.would rather.than,C.like.better,D.like.less,A,A,Company Lo,Company Logo,Exercise,Rather than _ on a crowded bus,he always prefers _ a bicycle.A.ride;ride B.riding;ride C.ride;to ride D.to ride;riding,C,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,He will come tomorrow.But Id rather he _ the day after tomorrow.A.will come B.is comingC.came D.had come,Would rather that,+,虚拟语气,did,表现在或将来,had done,表过去,C,Company Lo,Company Logo,Exercise,Shall I come tomorrow?Id rather you _.A.wont B.didntC.dont D.wouldnt,Ive told him about it.But Id rather you _.A.didnt B.hadntC.dont D.wouldnt,He will take you as well.But Id rather he _.A.wont B.didntC.doesnt D.wouldnt,B,B,B,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,Six hundred years ago,Sir Johan Hawkwood arrived in Italy with a band of soldiers and settled near Florence.,As long as 6 hundred years ago,Six hundred years have passed since,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,He soon,made a name for himself,and,came to be known,to,the Italians,as,Giovanni Acuto.,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,A is referred to as B,A is known as B,A,被称作,B,A come to be known to people as B,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,Whenever the Italian city-states were,at war with,each other,Hawkwood used to hire his soldiers to princes,who,were willing to,pay the high price,he,demanded,.,翻译,开出的高价,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,In times of peace,when,business was bad,Hawkwood and his men would march into a city-state and,after burning down a few farms,would offer to go away if protection money was paid to them.,在和平年代,Company Lo,Company Logo,A Tale of Two Cities,Itwasthebestoftimes,it was the worst of times,Itwastheageofwisdom,itwastheageoffoolishness,Itwastheepochofbelief,itwastheepochofincredulity,Itwasthespringofhope,itwasthewinterofdespair,这是最好的时代,这是最糟的时代;,这是理性的时代,这是疑迷的时代;,这是信仰的时代,这是迷茫的时代;,这是希望之春,这是失望之冬;,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,In times of peace,when,business was bad,Hawkwood and his men would march into a city-state and,after,burning down a few farms,would,offer to,go away if protection money was paid to them.,Be willing to do sth,Agree to do,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,They would offer to go away,if,protection money was paid to them.,If,protection money was paid to them,they would offer to go away.,They would,not,offer to go away,unless,protection money was paid to them.,The would refuse to go away unless protection money was paid to them.,They would offer to go away,with,protection money paid to them.,They would offer to go away,by,paying protection money to them.,Company Lo,Company Logo,1,4,Step 1,-B will do1,if A do2.,Step 2,-B will not do2,unless A do1.,Step 3,-With A doing1,B will do2.,2,3,Step 4,-B will do by doing1.,Upgrade your language,If A do1,B will do2.,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,Hawkwood made large sums of money,in this way,.,Company Lo,Company Logo,Exercise,_ worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.(07,山东,),A.This B.That,C.What D.It,D,Company Lo,Company Logo,Exercise,1._worries me is the way he keeps changing his mind.,2._ke keeps changing his mind worries me a lot.,3._worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.,4.He keeps changing his mind,_worries me a lot.,A.which(Which)B.it(It),C.That(That)D.what(What),D,C,B,A,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,In spite of this,the Italians regarded him as,a sort of hero,.,Company Lo,Company Logo,Text,When he died,at the age of eighty,the Florentines,gave him a state funeral,and had a picture painted which,was dedicated to the memory of,the most valiant soldier and most notable leader,Signor Giovanni Haukodue.,On his death,When he arrived=On his arrival,state visit/state affairs,P69 3,Company Lo,


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