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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,惠东县多祝中学 黄艳,惠东县多祝中学 黄艳,Population,教材:,Book3 M9,Topic 21,The world and The environment,Population 教材:Book3 M9Topic 21,The first period,The first period,Now lets enjoy a video about population increasing,Now lets enjoy a video about,Revise some,words,about population,Brainstorm:,Could you tell any words about population?,Revise some words about popula,population,increase,traffic,cause,grow,public,pollution,service,solve,pupil,huge,Revise some,words,about population,noise,people,space,birth,populationincreasetrafficcause,A,:-,What do,w,e,need,if the population increases fast,?,B:,-We need more.,Lets talk,Do the conclusion,A :-What do we need if the,traffic,water,rubbish air hospital,It causes_pollution,It causes,_pollution,It causes,too much_,It causes,too much_,We dont have enough,_,Environmental problems,Examples:,Health,problems,Example:,As we know:Population is very large and population increases very quickly.,air,water,traffic,rubbish,hospital,causes,traffic water rubbish ai,The second period,The second period,Whats the population of Beijing?,a)About 11 million c)About 20 million,b)About 13 million,2.Whats the population of Chongqing?,a)About 28 million c)About 36 million,b)About 33 million,Listen and choose the correct answer.,Listening,中考链接,(,开心挑战,轻松应对),Whats the population of Beij,教材语法梳理,冠词,(教材典句),1.What is,the,population of Beijing?,北京的人口是多少?,2.It was,a,quiet village.,它是一个安静的村庄。,3.It takes,an,hour to get there by bus.,乘公共汽车到达那儿要花一个小时的时间。,Exercise,中考链接,(),I have _ English dictionary and it helps me a lot.,A.a B.an C.the D./,()Mary,whos _ woman over there?,She is my aunt,_ English teacher.,A.the;the B.a;the C.the;an D.a;an,B,C,教材语法梳理冠词Exercise 中考链接(,数词,(教材典句),The population of China is about,1.37 billion,.,中国的人口约为,13.7,亿。,Thats almost,one fifth,of the worlds population.,那几乎是世界人口的五分之一。,Exercise,中考链接,()Its said that _ of the water around the world_ polluted.,A.two third;has B.two thirds;have,C.two third;are D.two thirds;is,()Please turn to page _ and read the _ story.,A.Ten;two B.Ten;second,C.Tenth;second D.Tenth;two,D,B,数词Exercise 中考链接()Its,Exercise,中考链接,(熟练考点,运用自如),1.-What are you preparing _ your party?,-Im thinking about who Ill invite.,A.at B.for C.with,2,._ the population of Hong Kong?,-Seven million people.,A.How much is B.What are C.What is,3,.There is _ smoke in the room.,A.too many B.too much C.much too,4,.Tony has a big house _a beautiful garden.,A.about B.with C.of,prepare,sth.,for 表示“为.准备某物”,prepare for sth.=get ready for sth,为某事做准备,问某地有多少人口,What is/was the population of+,地名,?,too many,+,可数名词,表示“太多的”。,too much,+,不可数名词,表示“太多的”。,much too+,形容词或副词,“实在太”,Exercise 中考链接(熟练考点,运用自如)1.-,5._ of the population in our city areworkers.,A.There fifth B.Three five C.Three fifths,6.Shanghai has _ population of 12 million.,A.the B.an C.a,7.-The school bus is coming.-_.Ill come in a minute.,A.Hang on B.On earth C.Once or twice,分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子大于,1,时,分母,+s,1)某地+has a,population of+,数词,.,2)The population of+某地+be,(,单数,),+数词,Hang on,“稍等”“让某人等一下,”,5._ of the population in,Reading comprehension,India has a population of 1.27 billion.Its population is the second largest in the world.China has the largest population of over 1.36 billion.One out of six people on this planet live in India.Although,the crown(王冠)of the worlds most populous(人口稠密的)country is on Chinas head for ten years.India will take the position by 2030.With the population growth rate(率)at 1.58%,India will have more than 1.53 billion people by the end of 2030.,Now more than 50%of Indias population is below the age of 25 and over 65%below the age of 35.About 72.2%of the population lives in some 638,000 villages.,Some of the reasons for Indias quickly growing population are poverty,illiteracy(无知),decrease in death rates and immigration(移民)from Bangladesh and Nepal.India started taking measures to stop the growth rate quite early.India had the“National Family Planning Program”in 1952.It became the first country in the world to have a population policy.However,it failed to reach the final goal(目标).,Reading comprehensionIndia has,()1.,The population of India is,_,now.,A1.58 billion B1.53 billion,C1.36 billion D1.27 billion,()2.,The underlined word“position means“,_,”in Chinese.,A麻烦 B现象 C位置 D考验,()3.,Over 65%of Indias population is below the age of,_,.,A25 B35 C45 D55,()4.,_,is not the reason for Indias quickly growing population.,APoverty BIlliteracy,CIncrease in death rates DImmigration,()5.,Which of the following is TRUE?,AIndias population growth rate is 1.58%.,BOne out of seven people on the earth live in India.,CAbout 72.2%of Indias population lives in the city.,DIn 1953,Indian started the“National Family Planning Program”.,D,C,B,D,B,D细节理解题。根据India has a population of 1.27 billion.可知,印度有12.7亿人,故选D。,根据the crown(王冠)of the worlds most populous(人口稠密的)country is on Chinas head for ten years可知,根据over 65%below the age of 35可知65%的人在35岁以下,根据Some of the reasons for Indias quickly growing population are poverty,illiteracy(无知),decrease in death rates and immigration(移民)from Bangladesh and Nepal.可知知,根据With the population growth rate(率)at 1.58%可知,人口增长率是1.58%,故选A。,()1.The population of,It seems that the cities in the future will have to change.Because the worlds population,_1_,there will be,_2_,people in the cities tomorrow.,It may be,_3_,for any family to live in a house with land around it.There enough space for them.,_4_,to solve this problem may be the skyscraper city(摩天城).The highest building in the world today is in Taipei.Its about 509 metres high.The skyscraper cities in the future will be many times,_5_,.,In a skyscraper city about 250,000 people will live.Nearly a million people can in four of these great buildings.Each skyscraper city will have four towns in it and each town will have ten villages.They will live,work and,_6_,their free time in them.They wont need to leave the city,_7_,they want to.They will be able to move about in the city by transport controlled,_8_,computers.Lets imagine how the life will be then!,完型填空,It seems that the cities i,()1.,Ahas grown Bis growing Care growing Dhave grown,()2.,Amany Bmuch Cmore Dlarger,()3.,Aimpossible Bpossible Cimportant Dnecessary,()4.,Aarent Bwont be Cwont have Dhavent,()5.,AA way BA road CAn answer DAn idea,()6.,Alower Bshorter Ctaller Dhigher,()7.,Alive Bstudy Cwork Dbe,()8.,Aspend Bcost Cpay Dtake,()9.,Auntil Bwhen Cwhile Dunless,()10.,Aby Bat Cwith Din,B,C,A,B,A,D,A,A,D,A,因为世界的人口在增长。用现在进行时表示增长的过程。故选B.,将来城市里会有更多的人,more表示更多,是many 和much 的比较级,故选C,对于任何一个家庭来说,住在周围有土地的房子里是不可能的。impossible是不可能的,故选A,将不会有他们足够的空间。此句是there be 句型的将来时,故选B,解决这个问题的方法可能是摩天城,way 表示方式,方法。故选A,将来城市的摩天城可能比现在的高好多倍。表示建筑物的高应用high故选D。,将近100万人可以住在四个这样的大建筑物里。故选A。,他们会在摩天城里工作生活,度过他们的空余时间。spend在此表示度过。故选A,如果他们不想离开这个城市,他们就不必离开这个城市。unless如果不,故选D。,他么在这个城市里活动所用的交通被电脑控制。故选A。,()1.Ahas grown,The,increasing,_,might be the most serious challenge against human beings at present.Firstly,it results from imbalance between the birth rate and death rate.,_,the average lifespan of the worlds population has been prolonged(延长),so many old people live,_,than before.,Do you know _,serious this problem is,and what kinds of results this problem will,_,.So some people,say,that,_,must be done to slow down the population increase,_,most countries,are afraid to,try.Therefore,until now,there,_,no effective,way,to solve th,e,_,.,And the population problem is still serious all _ the world.,Fill in the blanks.,population,Secondly,longer,how,cause,something,However,is,problem,over,The increasing _,The third period,The third period,Lets talk,Look at the pictures and check the problems,Lets talkLook at the pictures,Rubbish in the streets,set up,rubbish bin,(垃圾桶),Water pollution,throw,WHY?,Rubbish in the streetsset up r,Air pollution,control,(控制),cars,take buses,/,ride bikes,/on foot,plant more trees,Air pollutioncontrol(控制)cars,Large population,Fewer jobs,the number of,offer,Its important for sb.to do,sth.,Large populationFewer jobsthe,Write down your suggestions to solve the problems,Write down your suggestions to,Increasing,Population,Problems,air pollution,water pollution,noise pollution,advice,We have known some problems.Now lets write a report about it.,We should,IncreasingProblemsair pollutio,Dear Dick,How time flies!I have been back to school,for,two weeks.These days,I have,known,a lot about,the population in China.China has a population of 1.3,7,billion.It has,reached,about one fifth of the worlds population.About,50,percent of the people live in the,countryside,.It causes many difficulties.In less,developed,areas,some parents,prefer,boys to girls.Not all the families can offer their children a good,education,.Some children cant go to school.China has,tried,to,control,the population.the large population problem is still,serious,in China,though we have had a more comfortable life,.,How about the population of your country?Can you tell me about it?,Yours,Maria,The writer of the letter,1._,The time when the writer went back to school,2._,The population of china,3._,The place where people prefer boys to girls,4._,The present situation of the population problem in China,5._,Maria,two weeks ago,about 1.37 billion,in less developed areas,serious,Maria,two weeks,1.3,7,billion,In less,developed,areas,serious,Dear Dick,The writer of the l,书面表达,以,Problems caused by the increasing population,为题,写一篇有关人口增长引发的问题短文,谈谈你对人口问题的看法。内容包括:,1.,世界人口迅速增长带来了许多问题(至少三个);,2.,提出你的建议(至少两个)。,作文要求:,1.,不能照抄原文;不得作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。,2.,语句连贯,词数,80,左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。,Problems caused by the increasing population,Nowadays,the population of the world is becoming larger and larger.With the increase of the population of the world,书面表达Problems caused by the inc,Outline,Paragraphs,人口增长带来的问题,Population increases fast,,,it causes many problems,For example_,_,_,个人建议,Luckily,our government is trying to do something,and I think we should_,_ _,_,Beginning,Body,Ending,(已给出),OutlineParagraphs人口增长带来的问题个人建议,内容分:,7,分,(,1,)人口问题(,3,分),3,分,(,2,)个人建议(每条建议,2,分,),4,分,内容要点完整且词数符合写作要求的作文可以得,7,分,词数在,70,个以下的作文在内容分上酌情扣分。,语言分:,8,分,第一档:,8,分 要求:内容涵盖,所有,的要点,表达准确,意思连贯,符合逻辑,只有,个别,语言错误。,第二档:,67,分 要求:内容涵盖,绝大多数,要点,表达清楚,意思连贯,符合逻辑,但有,少量,语言错误。,第三档:,45,分 要求:内容涵盖,大部分,要点,表达,较为,清楚,连贯,基本符合逻辑,但有,一些,语言错误。,第四档:,13,分 要求:内容涵盖,部分,要点,能写出少数正确句子,但整体表达不太连贯,且语言,错误较多,。,第五档:,0,分 空白卷或你没有相关内容。,评分档次和要求:,内容分:7分评分档次和要求:,show time,show time,书面表达,以,Problems caused by the increasing population,为题,写一篇有关人口增长引发的问题短文,谈谈你对人口问题的看法。内容包括:,1.,世界人口迅速增长带来了许多问题(至少三个);,2.,提出你的建议(至少两个)。,作文要求:,1.,不能照抄原文;不得作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。,2.,语句连贯,词数,80,左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。,Problems caused by the increasing population,Nowadays,the population of the world is becoming larger and larger.With the increase of the population of the world,there are more and more problems.For example,there isnt enough food for everyone in the world and many people are out of work.The traffic is heavy and the cities are too crowed;the air and water get dirty.,Luckily,our government is trying to do something,and I think our goverrnment should try their best to control the increasing of the population.Family plan is good policy to control the population;People should have the sense that having many kids is not a good choice,giving a good birth and giving good care are the best way to raise kids.,书面表达Problems caused by the inc,外研版九年级广东中考话题复习-话题population课件,


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