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you,sir?,-Yes,I want a T-shirt.,A Can B Should C Must D Would,2013济南,9,(2010年北京),-you turn down your radio,please?,-Yes,I can.,A.May B.Need C.Must D.Can,(2009年济南),-Who,s that girl swimming in the pool?Is it Lucy?,-It be Lucy.She is sleeping in her bedroom now.,A.may B.can,t C.must D.should,(2010年北京),10,1.表推测,2.表请求、允许,1.表推测2.表请求、允许,11,1.,-May I watch TV after supper?,-Yes,you may.,-No,You,may not,/,cant,./Youd better not.,No,you mustnt.,2.If you are not careful,a car may hit you.,可以,,,表示许可,相当于,can.,(,注意问句中的回答),2),可能,或许,,表示推测,may be,可能,1.,-,May I,watch TV after supper?,-,Yes,you may,.,-,No,You may not/cant./Youd better not.,No,you mustnt.,1.-May I watch TV after sup,12,(2010年福州),-Dad,must I do my homework now?,-No,youplay games with your friends for a little while.,A.would B.neednt C.may D.should,初中英语语法专题辅导第九讲情态动词课件,13,(2009年广州),I take some photos in the hall?,No,you.,A.Can;neednt B.Must;mustnt,C.Could;wont D.May;mustnt,(2009年广州),14,1,必须,应该,You must finish your task before playing games,.,2,表示推测,意为“一定”,He must be at home now.,3,一般疑问句肯定回答用,must,,否定回答则用,neednt,或者,dont have to.,三、,must,的用法,1必须,应该2表示推测,意为“一定”3一般疑问句肯定回答用m,15,If you want to cross a street,you,must,wait for the green light.You,mustnt,cross in front of the traffic.,-,Must,I be home before 8 oclock?,-Yes,you,must,.,-No,you,neednt,/,dont have to,.,3.There,must,be something wrong with my computer.,must:,必须;,mustnt:,不准,禁止,回答带有,must,的问句时,否定式常用,neednt,或,dont have to.,3),一定,表示肯定的猜测。(否定猜测用,cant,),If you want to cross a street,16,2013泰安,28.,May I smoke here?,-No,you,.This is no-smoking room.,A.needn,t B.mustn,t,C.couldn,t D.wouldn,t,2013泰安,17,If you are in the UK,you,have to,drive on the left.,The animals we eat,have to,spend their lives living in tiny spaces.,have to,不得不,If you are in the UK,you have,18,I have to be at work at nine oclock every day.,She has to work on Saturdays.,Theyll have to stay in a hotel.,Does Dick have to go to Beijing on business?,He didnt have to go there last week.,have to+,动词原形,have to,有人称、数、时态的变化,当主语为第三人称单数时,用,has to+,动词原形,变问句或否定句时,需借助助动词。,not have to=neednt,I have to be at work at nine oclock every day.,She has to work on Saturdays.,Theyll have to stay in a hotel.,Does Dick have to go to Beijing on business?,He didnt have to go there last week.,I have to be at work at nine o,19,I have to be at work at nine oclock every day.,She has to work on Saturdays.,Theyll have to stay in a hotel.,Does Dick have to go to Beijing on business?,He didnt have to go there last week.,have to+,动词原形,have to,有人称、数、时态的变化,当主语为第三人称单数时,用,has to+,动词原形,变问句或否定句时,需借助助动词。,not have to=neednt,I have to be at work at nine o,20,2012北京,(),Mum,must I wash the dishes right now?,No,you _.,A.shouldn,tB.wouldn,t,C.mustn,tD.needn,t,2012北京,21,2013莱芜,()Students in our school _ know shouting is not allowed in the library.,A.can B.may C.must D.need,2013莱芜,22,2012威海,(),Must I learn all these words by heart?,No,you _.It,ll be fine if you copy them in your exercise books.A.needn,tB.can,t,C.shouldn,t D.mustn,t,2012威海,23,两者都表示,必须,must,侧重于说话者的主观看法,认为有必要或有义务去做某事;,have to,则重于,表示外界,客观需要,含有不得不或被迫之意,Ididnttaketheraincoatwithmeyesterday.I_ waitformyfather.A.havetoB.hastoC.hadtoD.must,2.Jacks ill,so they _ change their plans.,A.must B.should C.have to D.ought to,两者都表示必须Ididnttaketherain,24,用法一,用法二,用法三,作为实义动词,后加,to do.,用助动词提问或否定,四、n,eed,的用法,作为情态动词,后加,do.,用,need,提问或回答,need,后加,doing,表被动意义,用法一用法二用法三作为实义动词,后加to do.用助动词提问,25,1.I,need,type this letter again.,我,需要,重新录入将这封信.,2.There is enough time.You,neednt,hurry.,有的是时间,你,不必,着急。,作情态动词,1.I need type this letter aga,26,1).,We,need,a great deal of money now.,我们需要很多钱。,2).,They dont,need,it any more,.,他们不再需要它了。,3).,Does your father,need,any help?,你爸爸需要帮助吗?,作行为动词,+n.,1).We need a great deal of mo,27,What do we,need,to take for the picnic?,野餐我们需要带些什么?,Will we,need,to show our passports?,我们需要出示护照吗?,You,need,to take good care of your mother.,你要好好照料你妈妈,作行为动词,+to+do,What do we need to take for t,28,need:,需要,1),作情态动词,He need make a plan.,2),作行为动词(有人称和数变化,后接,名词,/,带,to,的动词不定式,)。,He needs to make a plan.,need:需要,29,1.-Do we need _ for the ticket to the park?,-No,we neednt _ that.Its free.,to pay,to do B.to pay,do C.pay,to do D.paying,doing,2.I dont need _ to school today.,A.to go B.go C.going,3.Need he _?,No.he _.,A.to run,neednt.B.run,doesnt need.C.run,neednt,4.Will Sam _ tomorrow?,A.need to leave B.need leave C.needs to leave,1.-Do we need _ for,30,Summary,can/could,1,),能,会,:,表示能力,2,),可以,,,表示许可,3,),可能,,表示推测,may/might,1),可以,,,表示许可,2),可能,或许,,表示推测,must,must:,必须;,mustnt:,不准,禁止,回答带有,must,的问句时,否定式常用,neednt,或,dont have to.,3),一定,表示肯定的猜测。(否定猜测用,cant,),have to,则重于表示外界客观需要,含有不得不或被迫之意,need,1),作情态动词,2),作行为动词(有人称和数变化,后接名词,/,带,to,的动词不定式),Summarycan/couldmay/mightmust,31,Summary,注意回答形式,:,1),May,I?,Yes,you,may,.,No,you,cant,(,mustnt,).,2),Must,I?,Yes,you,must,.,No,you,neednt,.,Summary注意回答形式:,32,情态动词用法专项练习,Exercises:,Can you lend me your MP3?,Sorry,I _.,My father has taken it with him.,A.mustnt B.cant,C.neednt D.shouldnt,2.Shall I go and meet you at the airport?,No,thanks.I _ take a taxi home.,A.need B.must C.should D.can,3.I cant find Dad.Where is he?,Im not sure.He _ be in the study.,A.must B.may C.need D.will,4.All the passengers _ wear seat belts on the plane.,A.can B.may C.will D.must,情态动词用法专项练习Exercises:,33,Exercises:,5.,_ the exam paper be handed in right now?,No,it doesnt have to.You may hand it in before 11:30.,A.Can B.Must C.Should D.May,6.Must we get to the station before 6:00?,No,you _.The train leaves at 9:00.,A.mustnt B.neednt C.wont D.cant,7.Mary,_ you speak Chinese?,Yes,only a little.,A.must B.need C.may D.can,8.,_ I come in?,Sure,come in,please.,A.Will B.May C.Must D.Need,Exercises:,34,Exercises:,9._ I use your mobile phone?,Certainly.Here you are.,A.May B.Must C.Should D.Need,May I put my bike here?,No,you _.Put it over there please.,A.neednt B.wont C.mustnt D.wouldnt,11.,Having a blog(,博客,)_ help me make more friends.,A.can B.must C.need D.should,12._I return the book next week?,No,you neednt.You can keep it if you like.,A.Can B.Must C.May D.Need,Exercises:,35,Exercises:,13.Must I hand in my exercise book after class?,No,you _.You may give it to me next Monday.,A.mustnt B.neednt C.may not D.cant,Must I finish the work in two days,Mr.White?,_.,A.Yes,you need.B.No,you mustnt.,C.No,you neednt D.Yes,you can,15.Mom,_I play computer games?,Yes,you can.But you have to finish your homework first.,A.must B.may C.will D.need,Exercises:,36,37,


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