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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1 Festivals around the worldPost-reading&using languge,Teaching Design,Teaching Design,1.Analysis on the teaching content,1)Its about a sad love story,in which Chinese Valentines Day is introduced.,2)The topic of Chinese Valentines can deepen Ss understanding of traditional culture.,I.Understanding of the teaching material,1.Analysis on the teaching co,2.Teaching aims and demands,1)Knowledge goals:Have a better understanding of Chinese festivals and grasp some useful words and expressions.,2)Ability goals:Develop Ss reading skill and ability in using language.,3)Moral goals:Arouse Ss awareness in protecting Chinese traditional festivals.,3.Teaching important and difficult points,Grasp some new words and phrases.,Improve Ss reading skill.,2.Teaching aims and demands3.,1),Ss are confident and interested in English.,2)Ss lack communication and cooperation and tend to study English individually.,1)Goodmans top-down model,2)Task-based teaching mode,II.Analysis of students,III.Teaching method,1)Ss are confident and inter,Computer,projector,blackboard.,IV.Studying method,V.Teaching aids,Cooperative learning:pair work,group work,discussion.,Computer,projector,blackboar,Step I:Lead-in(5m),1)Ss work in pair to have a guessing competition“what festival is it?”by describing festivals.,2)Show some pictures of Qiqiao festival and get the students to discuss what festival its about.,Purpose:,Review the festivals information Ss have,got and activate Ss background knowledge,and bring,up the topic of Qiqiao festival.,VI.Teaching procedure,Step I:Lead-in(5m)Purpose:R,1.,What does it celebrate?It celebrates.,It honors.,It is in memory of.,2.What do people do on that day?,3.When does it take place?It takes place on.,s,Describe and guess:what festival is it?,1.What does it celebrate?I,According to the pictures,what festival is it and who are the two lovers?,2.When does the festival take place?,3.What do people celebrate do on that day?,Discussion:,According to the pictures,wha,Step 2 Skimming(8m),Is there only“a”love story in the text?What story(stories)does it tell us?,2.What was Li Fang doing?Why did Li Fang feel like a fool?,3.What was showing on the TV when Li Fang was in adness?,4.Did Li Fang and Hu Jin meet at last?,Purpose:,Get the general idea of the passage and develop their ability in informaton-gathering.It paves a way for intensive reading.,Step 2 Skimming(8m)Is there o,1.Hu Jin didnt,turn up,C.so Li Fang lost heart and,drown,his sadness in coffee.,2.The Goddess got very angry,E.Because her most lovely daughter,got married to a human secretly.,4.Hu Jin,kept her word,A.but she waited in a tea shop.,5.At the end of the story,Li Fang was worried,D.because he had no gifts for Hu Jin,and thought she would not,forgive,him.,3.If it is raining on Qiqiaojie,B.it means that Zhinv is,weeping,Step 3:Intensive reading(13m),Purpose:,It,promotes an inner understanding of the passage and helps Ss keep to the key information and grasp useful words and expressions.,1.Hu Jin didnt turn upC.s,Step 4:Extensive reading(8m),Purpose:,The reading passage further expands the students reading and improves their reading skill.,Hand out an extra reading material about Valentines Day to every student and get them to do some mutiple choice exercises.,Step 4:Extensive reading(8m),Step 5 Post-reading(10m,),Group discussion:,Now it seems that more and more young people prefer toenjoy the Valentines Day instead of Qiqiao Festival.Will you celebrate Qiqiao Festival or western Valentines day?Why?,Tips:,young people,romance,allow more space for,happiness,have fun,business,affect,traditional culture,protect,acarefulattitude.,Purpose:,It widens Ss imagination and arouses the students awareness in protecting Chinese traditional culture.,Step 5 Post-reading(10m)Group,Step 6 Homework(1m),Question:If you were Li Fang,what would you do when you met Hu Jin at the tea shop in the end?,2)Review useful words and expressions in this lesson.,Blackboard design,Step 6 Homework(1m)Blackboard,Thank you,Thank you,


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