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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit 6 Voc,Unit 6 Voc,1,ancient adj.古代的,Rome is an,ancient,city with many,ancient,buildings.,罗马是一座拥有很多古建筑的古老的城市。,ancient adj.古代的,2,war n.,战争,How many people died in the,war,?,在这次战争中有多少人死亡?,Who lead to the start of the Trojan,War,?,谁导致了特洛伊战争的爆发?,war n.战争,3,understand v.,懂;理解,He didnt,understand,the importance of this question.,他不理解这个问题的重要性。,I dont,understand,what you are talking about.,我不明白你再说什么。,I think you heard and also,understand,me.,我想你听到了我的话,也明白我的意思。,understand v.懂;理解,4,difference n.,差别;不同(之处),But there is one important,difference,.,但两者有一个重要差别。,difference between,Whats the,difference between,these two computers?,这两台计算机有什么差别?,There is a world of,difference between,the two.,二者之间差别很大。,difference n.差别;不同(之处),5,captain n.,首领,Were were invited to dine with the,captain,of the ship.,我们应邀和船长一起进餐。,He says the,captain,of the ship,could have been drunk.,他称这名船长可能是喝醉了酒。,captain n.首领,6,huge adj.,巨大的,The musical evening was voted a,huge,success by everyone.,人人都认为这次音乐晚会是一次巨大的成功。,This is a,huge,business.,这一行业规模巨大。,huge adj.巨大的,7,pull v.,拖;拉动,Sam and Jack are,pulling,the rope.,山姆和杰克在拔河。,Horses still,pulls,the plough now.,现在马仍然拉犁。,pull v.拖;拉动,8,celebrate v.,庆祝;庆贺,Tony will,celebrate,his 28th birthday,this Sunday.,托尼将在星期日庆祝自己的28岁生日。,The winners peal the bells to,celebrate,victory.,胜利者让钟声齐鸣庆祝胜利。,We had a tea party to,celebrate,our headmasters silver wedding.,我们为庆祝校长的银婚举行了一次茶会。,celebrate v.庆祝;庆贺,9,stupid v.,笨的;傻的,How can you be so,stupid,?,你怎么会那么傻?,I did surprise for his,stupid,.,他的愚蠢真让我大吃了一惊。,I made a,stupid,mistake.,我犯了个愚蠢的错误。,stupid v.笨的;傻的,10,midnight n.,午夜;子夜,We still went home,notwithstanding(尽管)the,midnight,.,尽管已近午夜,他还是回家去了。,The entrance gates were locked at,midnight,.,大门午夜时上锁。,We lingered on until after,midnight,.,我们一直呆到午夜之后才离去。,midnight n.午夜;子夜,11,empty adj.,空的,His pockets were,empty,.,他的口袋里空空的。,The beach was really,empty,.,海滩上真是空荡荡的。,empty adj.空的,12,except prep.,除之外,We havent told anyone,except,Leslie.,我们除了莱斯利外没有告诉任何人。,We all went,except,him.,除他之外,我们都去了。,except for 除之外,Everything was perfect,except for,the weather.,除了天气之外,一切都很完美。,except prep.除之外,13,secret adj.,秘密的,He found a,secret,way.,他发现了一个秘密通道。,keep sth secret,The minister denied that the report was being,kept,secret.,部长否认将这份报告列为机密。,secret adj.秘密的,14,enter v.进来;进入,Knock before you,enter,.,进来前先敲门。,I hope I can,enter,your school one day.,我希望有天能进你们学校。,Right as you,enter,the kitchen is on the left.,随着你走进室内,就会看到左手边的厨房。,enter v.进来;进入,15,succeed v.,达到目的;实现目标,We all want to,succeed,.,我们都想获得成功。,The plan might not,succeed,.,这个计划可能不会成功。,Will they,succeed,this time?,他们这次会成功吗?,succeed v.达到目的;实现目标,16,trick n.,计谋,How did she look through his,trick,?,她是怎么识破他的把戏?,Can Europe pull off Americas,trick,?,欧洲能够看穿美国的诡计吗?,trick n.计谋,17,steal (stole,stolen)v.,偷;窃取,My purse,was stolen,in the fair.,我的钱包在赶集时被人偷走了。,A pickpocket,stole,his watch.,一个扒手偷走了他的手表。,steal (stole,stolen)v.偷,18,punish v.,处罚;惩罚,Anyone caught smoking on school premises will,be punished,.,如果发现任何人在校内场所吸烟都将进行处罚。,He,was punished,for stealing.,他因盗窃而受到惩罚。,punish v.处罚;惩罚,19,act out 将表演出来,With a partner,act out,a dialogue.,和一个伙伴表演对话。,Then read and,act out,the story.,然后读并把故事表演出来。,act out 将表演出来,20,make jokes about 拿开玩笑,They often,make jokes about,my appearance.,他们常拿我的外貌开玩笑。,They,make jokes about,my old hat I wear.,他们取笑我戴的旧帽子。,make jokes about 拿开玩笑,21,except for 除之外,The building itself is empty,except for,a few trees.,除了几棵树,整个建筑已经空无一物。,Remove everything from the screen,except for,your file.,从屏幕隐藏除了文件外的所有模块。,except for 除之外,22,(be)full of (有)大量的;(有)许多的,Your trousers,are full of,holes!,你的裤子上有许多洞!,His house,is full of,treasures.,他的家里有大量的宝贝。,(be)full of (有)大量的;(有)许多的,23,in the end 最后,He calmed down,in the end,.,他的情绪终于平定下来。,In the end,you have to sell your product.,在最后,你不得不出售你的产品。,in the end 最后,24,come on (用于命令)快;加油;加把劲,Come on,lets go inside the post office.,快点,我们到邮局里面去。,Come on,bail up!,快点,举手投降!,come on (用于命令)快;加油;加把劲,25,C.Vocabulary,C1.,The words in italics explain he meaning s of some words on page 83.Find these words to complete the sentences.,C.Vocabulary,26,1 A blue whale is a very big animal.It is _(line 4),2 The soldiers thought the Greeks were not clever.They thought the Greeks were _.(line 9),3.The cinema does not have any people in it.It is _(line 12),huge,stupid,empty,1 A blue whale is a very big a,27,4.I like almost al meat,but this does not include chicken.I like all meat _chicken.,(line 12),5.Only a few people know about this information.Please keep it _.(line 13).,except,secret,4.I like almost al meat,but,28,C2 Complete the conversations below with the words from the box.Change their forms if necessary.,army full of pull succeed celebrate make jokes about,secret,C2 Complete the conversations,29,1.Alice:Oh,no!Your dress is _holes!,Betty:Dont _that.I need to wear this dress to the party tonight.,Alice:Sorry,I am only joking.,full of,make jokes about,1.Alice:Oh,no!Your dress,30,2.Barry:Follow me.I know a _path through the forest.We can get to the town faster.,James:Really?That sounds great.,secret,2.Barry:Follow me.I know a,31,3.Simon:I want to join the _ in the future.,William:Me too.My dream is to be a soldier.,4.Jill:Look The old man is _a big box into the house.,Ella:Lets go and help him.,army,pulling,3.Simon:I want to join the _,32,5.Grace:Hey!Great news.Our class has _in winning first prize.,June:Wow!We should _!,succeeded,celebrate,5.Grace:Hey!Great news.Ou,33,1.difference(形容词),different,2.celebrate(名词),celebration,3.quiet(副词),quietly,4.succeed(名词),success,(形容词),successful,(副词),successfully,5.pull(反义词),push,6.steal(过去时),stole,(过去分词),stolen,7.Greek(希腊),Greece,8.main(副词),mainly,9.understand(过去时),understood,10.stupid(反义词),wise,clever,smart,11.huge(反义词),small,12.empty(反义词),full,1.difference(形容词)different,34,.根据首字母提示或汉语提示,补全单词。,1.In a_ times,people used stone knives to cut things.,2.The twins look the same.I dont think therere d_ between them.,3.What will you do to c_ your grand-fathers ninetieth birthday?,4.You cant fool me.I know about your s_ plan.,5.Before e_ the office,you should knock at the door first.,ancient,differences,celebrate,secret,entering,.根据首字母提示或汉语提示,补全单词。ancientdi,35,6.Playing football isnt Dannys _(主要的)interests.He also likes swimming.,7.Are the _(金字塔)in Egypt among the eight wonders(奇迹)in the world?,8.When did the soldiers _(攻占)the city successfully?,9.Tom was afraid that the teacher would,_(惩罚)him for being late again.,10.I saw the light in his room was still on at _(午夜).,main,Pyramids,capture,punish,midnight,6.Playing football isnt Dann,36,.根据划线部分在句中的意思,找出意思最接近的选项。,1.Every one of us has known the plan,but,John.,A.including B.also,C.except D.still,2.All the classmates thought he was,not clever,.,A.stupid B.nice,C.boring D.interesting,.根据划线部分在句中的意思,找出意思最接近的选项。,37,3.The students,went into,the classroom when the bell rang.,A.captured B.left,C.walked D.entered,4.They couldnt drive on because a,very big,stone was in front of their car.,A.huge B.small,C.main D.quiet,3.The students went into the,38,5.The box,has nothing in it,so its not heavy.,A.is fullB.is empty,C.is cleanD.is dirty,5.The box has nothing in it,39,.仔细分辨下列单词或词组,并用其适当形式完成下列各句。,(a)except;except for,1.Lilys dress is quite nice _ the colour.,2.We have an English lesson every day _ Saturday and Sunday.,except for,except,.仔细分辨下列单词或词组,并用其适当形式完成下列各句。,40,(b)success;succeed;successful,3.My uncle is a _ businessman.,4.The new film is a big _.,5.Our plan hasnt _ yet.,(c)since;for,6.Theyve been in our school _ two years ago.,7.Mr Wang has been here _ fifteen minutes.,successful,success,succeeded,since,for,(b)success;succeed;successf,41,VI.根据括号中所给单词的,适当,形式填空。,1.difference,2.stole,3.succeeded,4.quiet,5.sides,6.understood,7.secrets,VI.根据括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1.differe,42,


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