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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,I am the king of the whole world.,What does the lion say?,1,I am the king of the whole wor,Direct speech&Reported speech,ChuShui Experimental School Wang Guizhong,2,Direct speech&Reported speec,Direct Speech and Reported Speech,引语的概念,直接引述别人的原话,叫,_;,直接引语,用自己的话把别人的话陈述出来,叫,_,。,间接引语,直接引语通常都用,_,括起来,,引号“”,间接引语在多数情况下都构成一个,_,。,宾语从句,3,Direct Speech and Reported S,eg:He says:“I like English.”,He says that he likes English.,注意:,says 在间接引语中做引用动词。,句中引用动词says为一般现在时。,定义:,引用动词:用来引导间接引语的动词.,用法:,当句中的引用动词为一般现在时的时候,,将直接引语改为间接引语时,时态保持不变。,4,eg:He says:“I like English.,He says:“,I,cleaned the floor.”,He says,that,he,cleaned the floor.,The teacher tells us:“,The earth moves around the sun,.”,The teacher tells us,that the earth moves around the sun.,总结:,当引用动词为一般现在时的时候,将直接引语变为间接引语的时候,只有人称发生了改变。,5,He says:“I cleaned the floo,Direct Speech,Reported Speech,She said,“I like singing.”,She said,“I am waiting for a bus.”,She said,“I visited Europe last year.”,She said,“I have never met an American.”,She said,“I will see you next week.”,She said she liked singing.,She said she was waiting for a bus.,She said she had visited Europe the year before.,She said she had never met an American.,She said she would see me the next week.,6,Direct Speech Reported Speec,Note:,1.,直接引语是陈述句,变为间接引语时用连,词,that,引导宾语从句.,2.,当引用动词为一般过去时的时候,从句,中的,人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、,地点状语,等相应变化.,7,Note:7,、人称的变化,一,随,主,二随宾,第三,人称,不变,引号内的第一人,称变间引后与主,句主语的人称保,持一致,引号内的第二人,称变间引后与主,句宾语的人称保,持一致,引号内的第三人,称在变间引后人,称不变,She said,“I like,Tennis.”,She said that,she,liked,tennis.,He said to,Lily,“you,must get,up early.”,He told Lily,that,she,must get up,early.,She said to,me,“They,want to,help him.”,She told me,that they,wanted to,help him.,一随主,二随宾,第三人称不更新,8,、人称的变化一二随宾第三引号内的第一人引号内的第二人引号内,一随主:将直接引语变为间接引语时,直接引语主语为第一人称的时候,要随主语变化。,二随宾:将直接引语变为间接引语时,直接引语主语为第二人称的时候,要随宾语变化。,第三人称不更新:将直接引语变为间接引语时,直接引语主语为第三人称的时候,不发生变化。,9,一随主:将直接引语变为间接引语时,直接引语主语为第一人称的时,直接引语,间接引语,一般现在时,一般过去时,现在进行时,过去进行时,一般过去时,过去完成时,现在完成时,过去完成时,一般将来时,过去将来时,The teacher said,“The sun is bigger than the earth.”,The teacher,said,that the sun,is,bigger than the earth.,注,:,直引若是客观真理,变为间引时,时态不变,.,时态变化,2,10,直接引语 间接引语一般现在时 一般过去时 现在进行时 过,直接引语,间接引语,指示,代词,时 间 状 语,地点状语,方向性动词,this,that,these,those,now,then,today,that day,this week,that week,yesterday,the day before,last week,the week before,four days ago,four days before,the day before yesterday,two days before,tomorrow,the next/following day,next month,the next/following month,here,there,come,go,bring,take,情态动词,can,may,must,could,might,had to,11,直接引语 间接引语指示代词 时 间 状 语 地点状语 方,Direct Speech,Reported Speech,She asked,“Have you seen the film?”,She asked me whetherif I had seen the film.,He asked,“Are you a doctor,John?”,He asked John ifwhether he was a doctor.,She asked us,“Where are you going to get off?”,She asked us where we were going to get off.,He asked them,“Who gave you a talk yesterday,?”,He asked them who had given them a talk the day before.,12,Direct SpeechReported Speech,直接引语是疑问句,变间接引语时,要从疑问语序变为,陈述语序,。,直接引语是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,用连词,if 或 whether,连接。,直接引语是,特殊疑问句,变为间接引语时,仍用,原来,的疑问词,作连词来引导。,Note:,13,直接引语是疑问句,变间接引语时,要从疑问语序变为陈述,Direct Speech,Reported Speech,“,Never do that again,”the teacher said,The policeman ordered us to be quiet.,The policeman ordered:“Be quiet.”,The teacher told the boy to open the window,The teacher said to the boy,”Open the window.”,The teacher told me not/never to do that again,“,Wait a moment,”,she said to them.,She asked them to wait a moment.,14,Direct SpeechReported Speech,直接引语是祈使句,变成间接引语,把动词原形变成,动词不定式,,并在动词不定,式,前加,tell,ask,order,advise,等动词的宾语。,注意:,否定句,在动词不定式前加,not,或,never,.,Note:,15,直接引语是祈使句,变成间接引语,把动词原形变成动词不,解题步骤,:,1.,陈述句,“,I dont like computers,”,Sandy said to her friends.,Sandy said to her friends,that,I dont like,computers,.,said,didnt,she,Sandy said to her friends,that,she,didnt,like computers.,16,解题步骤:1.陈述句“I dont like comput,2.,一般疑问句,:,Is it easy to work out the problem?,(They asked him),They,asked,him,if,It is easy to work out the problem.,it,is,easy to work out the problem.,asked,is,was,They asked him,if,it,was,easy to work out the problem.,17,2.一般疑问句:They asked himifIt is,3.,特殊疑问句:,When do you harvest the wheat?,(They asked him),They asked him,when,you harvest the wheat,you harvest,the wheat.,he,harvested,They asked him,when,he harvested,the wheat.,18,3.特殊疑问句:They asked himwhenyou,4.,祈使句,Little boy,put on your coat.,(,They ordered,),They ordered,Little boy,Little boy,put on your coat.,put on your coat.,to put,They ordered,the little boy,to put,on,his,coat,.,his,19,4.祈使句They ordered Little boy L,注意事项,1),人称,2),时态,3),相应的时间地点状语,4),标点符号,5,)大小写,6,)问号改为句号,7,)语序,-,疑问改陈述,8,)宾语从句由什么引出,9),祈使句要使用动词不定式来引述,20,注意事项1)人称20,Exercises:,1).,Betty says to Harry,I want to borrow your book.”,2).My teacher said,“she is a good student.”,Betty says to Harry(that),she wants,to,borrow,his,Book.,My teacher said that she,was,a good student.,21,Exercises:2).My teacher said,3)She asked me,”Do you agree with me?”,4)Anne asked her mother,“Is there any,delicious food to eat?”,She asked me,if I,agreed,with,her,.,Anne,asked,her,mother,if,there,was,any,delicious,food,to,eat.,22,4)Anne asked her mother,“Is,5)“What are you going to do?”he asked.,6,)“,How do you go to school every day?”asked Mr.Zhang.,He asked me what,I was,going to do.,Mr.Zhang asked how,I went,to school,everyday.,23,5)“What are you going to do?,7).Mom said,“Dont chat with strangers,”,8).“Go shopping with me,please?”said Mr.Wang.,Mom,told,me,not to,chat with strangers.,Mr.Wang,asked me to go,shopping with,him,.,24,7).Mom said,“Dont chat wit,1.Your classmates will visit Miss Wang this Sunday.Mr Li said to me.,Mr Li told me,.,2.Light travels much faster than sound.Everybody in our class knew.,Everybody in our classknew_.,3.Please take good care of my dog when I am away.Mrs White said to her.,Mrs White,her,.,4.The doctor said to me,dont smoke any more.,The doctor _,_,.,5.Jack,could you open the window for me,please?Mr Smith said.,Mr Smith _ Jack _the window,.,25,1.Your classmates will visit,6.What time did he get up this morning?Please tell us,Please tell us _,_,_.,7.Our classteacher said to him yesterday,please come early next time.Yesterday our classteacher _ him _,_.,8.Can you come here at once?The manager asked Kate on the phone.,The manager asked Kate on the phone,.,9.The police want to find out,Is there a picture of the lost boy in the newspaper?,The police wants to find out,.,26,6.What time did he get up th,一、按要求完成下列各题,1.引语分类:,2.直接引语:,3.间接引语:,4.引用动词:,5.当引用动词为一般现在时的时候,将直接引语变为间接引语时,_ 不发生改变。,6.当引用动词为一般过去时的时候,将直接引语变为间接引语时,_、_、_、_、_发生改变。,27,一、按要求完成下列各题27,8.状语的变化如下表,28,8.状语的变化如下表28,7.当引用动词为一般过去式时,将直接引语变成间接引语,时态的变化如下:,29,7.当引用动词为一般过去式时,将直接引语变成间接引语,时态,二、将下列直接引语变为间接引语,1.She said,“I am very busy.”,_,2.“Hes doing his homework,”I said.,_,3.He said to me,“Ill be back soon.”,_,4.She said,“I saw you yesterday.”,_,5.Mary said,“I have told him the news.”,_,6.The teacher said,“light travels faster than sound.”,_,30,二、将下列直接引语变为间接引语30,


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