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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Figures of speech,In Poetry,Definition,Figures of speech are forms of expression that depart,from normal word or sentence order or from the,common literal meanings of words,for the purpose of,achieving a special effect,the chief functions of figures of speech,to embellish,to emphasize or to clarify.,to give tone or atmosphere to discourse.,to provide vivid examples to stimulate thought,to give life to inanimate objects.,to amuse,or to ornament,Words are either literal or figurative,Litera原意,Words used in their original meanings are,used literally,Figurative比喻义,Words used in extended meanings for the,purpose of making comparisons or calling up,pictures in the reader,s or listeners mind are,used figuratively,colourful,n“a colourful garden”the word colourful is,used in its literal sense to describe the many,different colours of the flowers,in a colourful lifeor a colourful career the,word is used in its figurative sense because,neither life or career has any colour,Figures of Speech(2),simile,2.metaphor,17.Sarcasm,personification,18.Satire,metonymy,19.Ridicule,5 Synecdoche,20.Innuendo,Antonomasia,21.Parod,euphemism,22.Climax,8.Hyperbole,23.Anti-climax,24.Alliteration,10 Antithesis,25 Assonance,11.Paradox,26.0,12.Oxymoron,27.Transferred epithet,13.Epigram,28.Pun,apostrophe,29 Parallelism,15.rhetorical question,30.Repetition,Major figures of speech in poetry,Simile直喻,Simile is a figure of speech which makes a,comparison between two unlike elements,having at least one quality or characteristic,common,Metaphor暗喻,A metaphor,like a simile,also makes a,comparison between two unlike elements,but,unlike a simile,this comparison is implied,rather than stated,Examples,she has a face thats as round as the moon,Time flies like an arrow,You run like a rabbit,Life is a yo-yo.It s a series of ups and downs,All the worlds a stage,And all the men and,women merely players,Her lips were red,her looks were她的唇色鲜红,她的表情不,羁,Her locks were yellow as gold,她的枷锁黄如金。,Her skin was white as leprosy,她的皮肤白如麻风。,The Nightmare Life-in-Death was梦魇般的死中生命是她的存,在,Who thicks mans blood with cold,用冰冷浓稠了的血液。,The Waning moon,By Percy Bysshe Shelley,And like a dying lady,lean and pale,Who totters forth,wrapped in a gauzy veil,Out of her chamber,led by the insane,And feeble wanderings of her fading brain.,The moon arose up in the murky east.,A white and shapeless mass,有如苍白、清癯、垂危的女,薄纱掩面,步履踉跄,精神恍惚,漫游出闺房一,神魂颠倒,气吁吁游荡,月儿升起在朦胧的东方,模模糊糊,一片白茫茫,


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