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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,ppt课件,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Grammar and usage,dvertising,A,Unit 1,Direct speech&reported speech,1,ppt课件,Grammar and usagedvertisingAUn,Enjoy the following story,It was the first day for Xiaoming to go to school.After school,his father asked Xiaoming what he learned that day.Xiaoming said,“I learned she,you and I”.Then his father asked how the teacher explained that.“She is your deskmate.”Xiaoming answered happily,pointing to her mother.“You are my student,I am your teacher.”The father became angry,and said,“she is your mother,you are my son,I am your father.”,The next day,in class,the boy went to the teacher and told the techer his puzzle,and he said to the teacher,“She is your mother.”Pointing to his deskmate,“You are my son.I am your father.”,2,ppt课件,Enjoy the following story,Lets Learn!,原封不动地引用原话,把原话放在引号内,,叫直接引语,(Direct speech),用自己的话加以转述,,,叫间接引语,(Indirect/reported speech),,此时没有引号,Definition(,定义,),3,ppt课件,Lets Learn!原封不动地引用原话,把原话放在引号内,I understand you.,he,understood,us,.,He told us,What did he tell us,?,4,ppt课件,I understand you.he understood,I can fly.,it,could,fly.,It said,What did it say,?,5,ppt课件,I can fly.it could fly.It sai,What did he say,?,I will help them with their English.,he,would,help,them,with,their,English,.,He said,6,ppt课件,What did he say?I will help,Conclusion,人称的变化:,规律:,一主、二宾、三不变,第一人称,随,主句的主语,变化;,第二人称,随,主句的宾语,变化;,第三人称,一般不变化。,It said,it,could fly.,He told us that,he,understand,us,.,He said that,he,w,ou,l,d,help,them,with,their,English.,7,ppt课件,Conclusion 人称的变化:It said it co,Practice,He,said,“,I,am very sorry.”,He said that I was very sorry.,“,You,should be more careful next time,”my father told,me,.,My father told me that you should be more careful the next time.,She said to her,son,“Ill check,your,homework tonight.”,She said to her son that she would check my homework that night.,he,I,his,8,ppt课件,PracticeHe said,“I am very so,“,I will go to college.”,He often says,What does he often say,?,he,will,go to college.,9,ppt课件,“I will go to college.”He oft,“,I am playing football.”,He said,he,was,playing football.,What did he say,?,10,ppt课件,“I am playing football.”He sai,I will go shopping tomorrow.,she,would,go shopping the,next day.,She said,What did she say,?,11,ppt课件,I will go shopping tomorrow.sh,Conclusion,时态变化:,规律:,当主句动词为,现在时,,间接引语中的动词时态,保持不变,;,当主句动词为,过去时,,间接引语中的动词作,相应的前推,He often says he,will,go to college.,He said he,was,playing football.,She said that she,would,go shopping the next day.,12,ppt课件,Conclusion 时态变化:He often says,一般现在时,现在完成时,现在进行时,一般将来时,一般过去时,一般,过去,时,过去,完成时,过去,进行时,过去,将来时,过去,完成时,13,ppt课件,一般现在时一般过去时13ppt课件,1.“It,is,really cold,”she said to me.,She told me that it _ really cold.,was,2.“I,dont,want to go there with Alice,”said Tom.,Tom said that he _ want to go there with Alice.,didnt,14,ppt课件,1.“It is really cold,”she sa,3.The boy said,“I,will,be,a pilot.”,The boy said that he _ a pilot.,would be,4.Tom said,“We,are listening to,music.”,Tom said that they _ music.,were listening to,5.Mike said,“I,have finished,my homework.”,Mike said,he,_ his homework.,had finished,15,ppt课件,3.The boy said,“I will be a,He said,the earth,moves,around the sun.,The earth moves around the sun.,What did he say,?,为什么?此句没有变时态?因为它,描述的是客观事实真理,,经得住时间考验,,故不变化,16,ppt课件,He saidthe earth moves around,2.,所谈情况仍然存在的习惯或动作:,He said to the doctor,“I smoke two packs every day.”,He told the doctor he,smokes,two packs every day.,17,ppt课件,2.所谈情况仍然存在的习惯或动作:He said t,3.转述的内容有表示具体的过去年份的时间,,,时态不变化,The teacher said,“The baby was born in 2010.”,The teacher said the baby,was born,in 2010.,18,ppt课件,3.转述的内容有表示具体的过去年份的时间,时态不变化,4.,部分没有过去形式的情态动词,如,:,must,ought to,should,和,已经是过去时的形式,could,would,might,used to,had better,等,,时态不再变,。,She said to me,“You must hurry up.”,She told me,I,must,hurry up.,19,ppt课件,4.部分没有过去形式的情态动词,如:must,oug,5.,从句为过去完成时态、过去进行时态时,不变,20,ppt课件,5.从句为过去完成时态、过去进行时态时20ppt课件,1.“Ive found my wallet,”he said to me.He _ me he _ _ _ wallet.,2.“I took it home with me,”she said.She said she _ _ it home with her.,told,had,found,his,had,taken,Practice,21,ppt课件,toldhadfoundhishadtakenPractic,3.The teacher said,“The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.”The teacher said the sun _ in the east and _ down in the west.4.“I met her at school.”he said to me.He _ me he _ met her at school.5.Peter said,“I worked in Africa in 2010”.Peter said he _ in Africa in 2010.,rises,goes,told,had,worked,22,ppt课件,3.The teacher said,“The sun,I will give you a concert,this weekend,.,What did he say,?,He,said,he would give us a concert,that weekend,.,23,ppt课件,I will give you a concert thi,“,I,finished,my homework,two days ago,.”,She said,she,had finished,her,homework,two days before,.,What did she say,?,24,ppt课件,“I finished my homework two da,I have become a doctor,a week ago,.,What did he say,?,He,said,he,had become,a doctor,a week before,.,25,ppt课件,I have become a doctor a week,小结,直接引语,间接引语:,时间状语变化,now,现在,then,那时,today,今天,that day,那天,tonight,今晚,that night,那晚,yesterday,昨天,the day before,前一天,this week,这周,that week,前一周,last week,上周,the week before,一周前,26,ppt课件,小结直接引语间接引语:时间状语变化now 现在,a week ago a week before,上星期 前一周,three days ago three days before,三天以前 前三天,tomorrow,明天,the next,/,following day,次日,next week the next/following week,下星期 下一周,the day after tomorrow two days later,后天 过两天,直接引语,间接引语:,时间状语变化,27,ppt课件,a week ago,直接引语,间接引语,指示代词,this,这,that,那,these,这些,those,那些,地点状语,here,这里,there,那里,动词,come,来,bring,带来,go,去,take,拿去,补充:,28,ppt课件,直接引语间接引语指示代词this 这that 那these,He said,“,I lost a key,here,yesterday,.,”,He said that he had lost a key,there,the,day before,.,“,I read the book,here,a week ago,”,Jane said to him.,Jane told him that she had read the book,there,a week before,.,Practice,29,ppt课件,He said,“I lost a key here,She said,“Ill,come here,again,tonight,.”,She said she would,go there,again,that night.,He said,“I want,this,.”,He said that he wanted,that,.,May said to Tom,“Ill,bring,some photos,here,to you,tomorrow,.”,May told Tom she would,take,some photos,there,to him,the next day,.,30,ppt课件,She said,“Ill come here agai,Sum up,小结,“直接引语”变 间接引语,人称变化,:一主二宾三不变,时态变化,:主句为现在时,主句为过去时,其他,时态不变的五大特殊情况,常见的时间、地点状语以及指示代词和动词的具体变化,31,ppt课件,Sum up 小结“直接引语”变,Its your turn now!,1.Bill told Tom he would never be tired of it.,2.Bill said he thought Charles Dickens was a great English writer.,3.Bill asked Tom what he thought of that novel.,4.Bill told Tom he had bought it in the Rose Bookshop.,5.Tom told Bill he was going there to get one.,32,ppt课件,Its your turn now!1.Bill tol,


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