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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,LOGO,COMPANY LOGOTYPE INSERT,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,LOGO,COMPANY LOGOTYPE INSERT,Unit1 Cultural relics,Reading,In search of the amber room,Unit1 Cultural relics Reading,1,Teaching Aids,Contents,Students Analysis,Teaching Methods and Learning Strategies,Teaching Procedures,2,3,4,5,6,Teaching Material,Blackboard Design,1,Teaching AidsContentsStudents,2,1:Teaching Material,1,2,3,Status,&,functions,Teaching objectives,Key points,&,difficulties,1:Teaching Material123Status&,3,1).Status&functions,ThecontentofmylessonisaboutSeniorEnglishforChinaBook2 Unit1 cultural relics(period2reading in search of the amber room),The topic of this unit is cultural relics and the protection of the cultur,al,relics.This passage mainly introduces the history of amber room which is one of the cultural relics in the world.The passage consists of 5 paragraphs.The first paragraph is a general introduction of the amber room.Para.2 to Para.4 introduces the removal and the loss of amber room.The last paragraph tells about the rebuilding of the amber room.The topic is not new to the Ss.But there is some new words and phases in the passage,1).Status&functionsThecont,4,Knowledge objectives,Ability objectives,Moral objectives,2)Teaching,objectives,Knowledge objectivesAbility ob,5,Knowledge Objectives,Get Ss to learn and grasp important words and expressions,Help Ss coprehend the text thoroughly,Knowledge ObjectivesGet Ss to,6,Ability Objectives,Ability objectives,Listening,speaking,reading,Ability Objectives Ability obj,7,Moral objectives,1.Stimulate students sense of cultural relics protection,2.Develop students cooperative spirits,Moral objectives1.Stimulate st,8,3).Key Points and Difficulty,Key Points,:master new words,expressions and sentence patterns,Difficulties,:,comprehend the passage thoroughly,3).Key Points and Difficulty K,9,2.Students Analysis,Students of Grade 1,1,2,3,They are creative,Have their thought,Have difficulties,2.Students AnalysisStudents o,10,Teaching Methods,1.T,ask-based learning:,for example,let the Ss complete the exercises,2.Cooperative learning:for example:group discussion,Learning Strategies:,Cooperative learning,Individual learning,3.Teaching Methods and Learning Strategies,Teaching MethodsLearning Strat,11,recordings,chart,pictures,Multimedia,4.Teaching Aids,recordingschartpicturesMultime,12,1,Lead in,2,Pre,-reading,3,While-reading,4,Post-reding,5,Homework,5.Teaching Procedure,1Lead in2Pre-reading 3While-re,13,By showing three pictures,ask students:,1.What are they?,2.What material were they made of?,Then lead the substance of amber.,Ask students:1.Do you know what amber is?,Step1 Lead in,By showing three pictures,ask,14,Pre-reading,Group discusion:divide the students into groups to discuss the questions in pre-reading part.,Have you ever seen a room made of amber?,Can you imagine what a room made of amber looks like?,Look at the title and the picture of the,passage,and predict what it is about.then skim it quickly and see if you were right.,Pre-reading Group discusion:d,15,While-reading,skim the clue of the story,Peter the Great,Catherine II,Frederick I,Frederick William I,Nazi,pass down,given as a gift,pass down,stolen,While-reading skim the clue of,16,While-reading,1.Scan for the main idea of paragrap,Para1,How was the Amber Room made?,Para2,Why did the King of Prussia give it to the Czar of Russia as a gift?,Para3,How did the Amber Room become one of the wonders in the world?,Para4,How did the Amber Room get lost?,Para5,How was a new Amber Room built?,While-reading1.Scan for the ma,17,Post-reading Debate,for,against,Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics such as the amber room or yuanmingyuan?,Post-reading Debateforagains,18,1.Find more information about AmberRoom,2.Retell the passage with your own words,Homework,1.Find more information about,19,Blackboard Design,unit1 cultural relics,in search of the amber room,New Words and expressions paragraphs main idea,amaze design para1,honey decorate para 2,less than belong to para3,take apart para4,para5,Blackboard Design,20,Thank You!,Thank You!,21,


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