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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1.Mission&Vision,1.1 Positioning:,1.2.Value Proposition:,Live search with guides,User generated content,Mobile phone querying products review,Price comparison,Product Yellow Page(software,book),Become the biggest electronic products live search and review Web2.0 site in China.,2.Company Description:,2.1 Who we are:,We are an electronic products live search and review website.,2.2 Where we are:,We will land in Zhong guancun Beijing.Because there is the latest electronic,products information and it covers all over the country compared with the other,cities like Shanghai and Shenzhen.,2.3 What we do:,To provide the users with products live search with guide,To let users generate the content by themselves,To send the products reviews to the users mobile phone once they query,To compare the prices of different e-commerce websites,To publish product yellow page software and books,2.4 Why we start up:,(1)The timing is appropriate:,Now Web2.0 is spreading all over the world,every new start-up is trying to find the,way to make miracle from this trend.Youtube made it,Myspace made it,Facebook,made it and we can also make it in the near future.Because in China,this concept,is still very new and no big success Web2.0 site comes up,especially the same type,website.We can see that our website is the first one in China.,(2)The need for the users:,Users think that it is very difficult to find the electronic products information online,through the search engines like google or yahoo and the professional electronic,products forum like PConline or IT168.So our website with live search and users,generated products reviews emerges with this time.,3.Product&Services,3.1 Product:,This website can be divided in to two parts:one is the live search and the other,is the products review community.,The search is made up of search in this site and search with guide.,3.2 Services:,(1),We will provide the real person guides to help the users find the information,they want.,This is the alternative function the users could choose whether they,need the guide help.,They just need to type the name of the product,and then click the search with,guide,our real guide will come out to chat with the user and guide him to know,about the product.,(2),We will send the products reviews and the average prices to the users mobile,phone once they want to check the products information.,They just need to type the name and type of the product and send to the assigned,number and then our website will reply with the detail information mentioned above.,(3),We will compare the products prices of different e-commerce websites,(4),We will collect the information from our database to make the electronics product,guide dictionary and guide books.,(5),Virtual Lab:according to the users reviews towards the product,in a flash-based,webpage,the product will be made of two side one id the positive reviews in red and,negative reviews in dark.And this is increasing with the reviews from the users.,This is an illustration of the review of the product in very vivid way to help the users,know about the goods quickly.The products are updating every minute.,4.1,About WEB 2.0,4.,Industry Analysis,The core feature of Web2.0 is that the users are information receivers as well as,information providers,which can provide a perfect platform for information,exchanges,Web2.0 is the second generation of internet based services that let people,Collaborate and share information online in a new way.,Web as platform,reach out to the entire web not just the center.,Harnessing collective intelligence,turning the web into a kind of global brain.,Data as the driving force.,Operations must become a core competency and users must be treated as,co-developers,in a reflection of open source development practices.,Lightweight programming models to build loosely coupled systems and allow,syndication.,Software above the level of a single device i.e.not limited to any specific platform,technology and devices.,Rich user experience i.e.enabling user to use web as a medium to collaborate,classify and editing,etc.,4.,1.1 The principles of Web 2.0:,Services,not packaged software,with cost-effective scalability.,Control over unique,hard-to-recreate data sources that get richer as more people use them.,Trusting users as co-developers.,Harnessing collective intelligence.,Leveraging the long tail through customer self-service.,Software above the level of a single device.,Lightweight user interfaces,development models,and business models.,Core Competencies of Web 2.0 Companies:,4.,2.About Public Evaluation Website,A Public Evaluation Website is a third party evaluation website which,provides public platform for consumers to express opinions and exchange,information.,Public Evaluation Website becomes more and more popular nowadays in,mainland China.,There are several public evaluation websites which focus on food,books,baby nutrition,etc now in Mainland China.,There is no public evaluation website focus on electronic products currently.,The potential of public evaluation website in mainland China.,One successful example of public evaluation website in mainland China is 群众点评网which focus on food.Now it has more than 60,000 restaurants information across 22 cities in China,and has already had more than 500,000 registered users.,4.,3.About electronic products consumption in mainland China,Economy development,living standard improvement,quick update of electronic products,From our survey,we can see that around 72%people spent more than 1000 in electronic products in the latest three months,which also shows the high electronic consumption.,4.,4.About electronic product websites in mainland China,There are several electronic product websites in mainland China now.,However,they mainly focus on product introduction and price compare.,The information is not coming from the consumers and users.,There is few people share the real user experience of a specific electronic product,in those websites.,In our survey,68%users are not satisfied with the information those website provided.,From whom,62%think the information is out of date,21%think some evaluation,is not objective,45%think the information is not interactive,12%think the interface is not user-friendly,65%think the information is overloaded and dont know which one is believable.,4.,5.About Live Search Engine,There is no live search engine nowadays in China.,However,live search engine appears and becomes popular in the world.,People will have very good user experience by using live search guide because,there is always someone waiting to search for you in the Internet.,Meanwhile,some senior search guides are electronic experts who are very familiar,with those electronic products.,They will not only search some information for users,but also provide expert,opinions to senior users.This model has not yet appeared in China market.,86%users show interest in the live search engine.,4.,6.About our market survey,There are 332 users did this survey for us through the Internet.,There come some useful figures.,64%users decide within one week to buy an electronic product,and 14%take more than one week to decide,To search for useful information of electronic product,42%users use within one week,12%use more than one week,24%users claimed that they cant find useful information.,62%users seek information of electronic products from the Internet,among which 46%are from professional forum,42%are from search engines,12%are from professional websites.,94%users are willing to share their consumption and user experience of a specific product with others.,From the above analysis,we can see that our Web 2.0,Live Search Engine in Electronic Product has market and,development potential in mainland China.,5.,Target Market,5.1,Target Users,1.,Size:,Around 500,000 registered users,of whom about 15%-20%are active users,who are fans of electronic products and always express their opinions on our,website.,2.,Demographics:,People aged between 16 to 50,urban citizens,use Internet often,averaged,income above 2500 per month+non-income students,education level is above,senior high school.,3.,Geographic:,Big or medium size cities,where living standard are relatively high,and people,have varieties of choices of electronic products.,4.,Other Characters:,Those people are willing to buy electronic products,or are interested in electronic,products and eyes on fashion of electronic products,not conservative,welcome,opinions and enjoy sharing information.,5.2,Target Advertisers,The big retail chain stores or the medium size retail store of electronic products.,The main agents of a certain brand name of electronic products.,The repair service provider of electronic products.,The Second hand market of electronic products,.,6.,Market and Sales Plan,6.1,Promote our website:,Put advertisements in popular electronic product magazines such as,?新潮电子?、?电子产品世界?、?今日电子?etc.,One key success element of Web2.0 is to attract as many experts and fans to,the website and lead them to contribute useful information.,Putting advertisements in those popular product magazines is a good way to,attract the electronic product fans and experts to our website.,Cooperate with some popular web portals,and provide electronic product,live search engine for them.,Online advertisement in popular electronic business website such as,taobao,or,ebay,.,Put advertisement in the advertisement brochure sent out by the electronic,product retailers.,Partner with other search engine like,Baidu,so that when users search for one,specific electronic product,they might find our website from search engine.,Sponsor the famous university activities,and title the activities with our website,name,such as“点点杯电子产品设计大赛。,Because students are potential large group of electronic products.,Link with popular websites.,6.2,Promote our service:,For users:,The users have certain log in time can enjoy our senior user service free of,charge in a trial period.After that,they can choose whether they will continue,to use the pay services.,According the users contribution to the website,they can have discount on our,websites pay service.,For Advertisers:,We will put their advertisements on our website free of charge in a trial period.,With the fact that they get benefits from that,they will support our website by,paying us to continue the advertisements.,This will be our first income and more important,the strong supporting evidence,to other potential advertisers.,Strengths,The live Search,You can enjoy a magic search experience which is more user friendly since there is a guide searching for you online and acquire the accurate information.,Web2.0:user generated content+e-commerce,The most important factors are the interactivity and participation.,Trying to combine web2.0 with ecommerce.,Convenient(various search ways),Online website,SMS about mobile phone querying products review,Product yellow page with the forms of software,handbook,magazine.,7.Competitive Analysis,Weaknesses,ideas driven needs first participants to,make it tangible,have no our own database in the beginning,the professional quality of guides,how to build the standards of an objective evaluation?,eliminate the fundamental clash between“Trustworthy”and“恶搞”.,lack of a complete e-commerce process,Opportunities,the first and biggest electronic products live search and review web2.0 site in China,the huge demand and wide variety of electronic products in China,China is the biggest electronic products market in the world.Mobile phone,laptop computer,mp3,mp4,digital camera and other electronic products are updating with the rapid speed.,the Chinese netizens habit of searching online and shopping online,Opportunities,the first and biggest electronic products live search and review web2.0 site in China,the huge demand and wide variety of electronic products in China,China is the biggest electronic products market in the world.Mobile phone,laptop computer,mp3,mp4,digital camera and other electronic products are updating with the rapid speed.,the Chinese netizens habit of searching online and shopping online,Opportunities,the first and biggest electronic products live search and review web2.0 site in China,the huge demand and wide variety of electronic products in China,China is the biggest electronic products market in the world.Mobile phone,laptop computer,mp3,mp4,digital camera and other electronic products are updating with the rapid speed.,the Chinese netizens habit of searching online and shopping online,Opportunities,the first and biggest electronic products live search and review web2.0 site in China,the huge demand and wide variety of electronic products in China,China is the biggest electronic products market in the world.Mobile phone,laptop computer,mp3,mp4,digital camera and other electronic products are updating with the rapid speed.,the Chinese netizens habit of searching online and shopping online,Threats,easy to copy,the network infrastructure is relatively backward,competitors:PC ,have set up a successful paradigm and attract many users which are also our target consumers,Threats,easy to copy,the network infrastructure is relatively backward,competitors:PC online 186,have set up a successful paradigm and attract many users which are also our target consumers,8.Revenue Model,1.Advertising:,We can make advertisements for the target electronics production companies.,If the users search the products and the related ads will come out on the right,of the search results page.Just like the Googles Adsense.,And if the users go to the products review page the ads will appear in the form,of banner on the top or the left.,2.SMS Querying:,The users need to pay for 1RMB for once product review query.,And we will cooperate with the telecommunication operators and the share,normally will be 7/3.We got 7.,3.Advanced Guide Charge:,Our live guide service will be divided into to parts:one is for free and in this situation,the guide just provides the outside useful links to the users.And the other is for charge.,Our expert guides will help you from their personal experience to know more,about the product.,We roughly decide to charge once for 1RMB just the same with the SMS querying.,And 10 times will be bundled into one package,the users can pay for it though,贝宝 in our website.,54%users are willing to pay for the advanced consultant service.,The information users need from the live guide.,4.Cooperate with e-commerce websites:,Just like Douban which recommend the books to the online book stores,and then get the commission 10%from those stores once the buying process,is done and this will not charge extra money for the users.,We can also cooperate with the e-commerce websites and we will compare,the prices listed for all those sites and let the users choose what they want.,9.Design&Development Plan,用户表现层,Web页面,业务外观层,业务规则层,业务实体,系统框架层,数,据,访,问,层,数据库(SQL),客户端,浏览器1,浏览器2,浏览器3,浏览器n,是否登陆,否,浏览产品信息,是,浏览产品信息,分享购物体验,订阅包月短信,下载点点软件,点点推荐,最近更新,分类检索,系统搜索,人工搜索,选择产品,是否参与讨论,否,是,发言,是否购买,否,是,转到第三方购物平台,加入收藏夹,向向导咨询产品信息,发言,网上的点评可信吗?,我们有一套非常严格的审核系统来保证绝大局部点评的真实性。我们的审核系统包括:,只有注册会员才能参与点评,屡次乱点评的会员将予以封号处理;,信誉度不到达一定级别的会员点评不显示;,任何会员都可以举报不符合网站规定的点评,经过编辑确认属实后,将予以删除。,网站有专职编辑每天对所有点评进行人工审核,删除所有不符合网站规定的点评。,哪些是不符合规定的点评?,可能有以下几种情况:,商家点评。,恶意点评。,无亲身经验的点评。,违法违规的点评。,重复点评。,抄袭点评。,其他如含有人身、性别、种族、地区等歧视性语言或不良语言等。,会员级别,目前有5个级别,每一个级别以,一个注明。,会员的点评数越多,越多。具体的划分方式如下:,有效点评数达20份以上,有效点评数达50份以上,有效点评数达100份以上,有效点评数达200份以上,有效点评数达500份以上,Product,Mgmt(1),Accounting,Admin,HR,(1),Customer,Service,(60),Sales&,Marketing,(1),CEO(1),UI,Design,Architecture,Editorial,Documentation,&Testing,10.Organization Chart,IT,(1),11.Financial projections,


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