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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Unit 3,Unit 3,Unit 3 Back to the past,Unit 3 Back to the past,TaskGiving a talk about a historical event,Task,1.When you have conversations with your friends,what decides the topic you are talking about?,Will the topic be different if someone else joins your conversation?,Discuss the following questions in groups:,1.When you have conversations,3.Will the topic be different if you move to another place to talk?,4.Will it be different if you are doing something else while you are talking?,3.Will the topic be different,When we are listening to get the main ideas of something,we should try to find out:,how many people are talking,where they are,what they are doing,what they are talking about,Skills building 1:,listening for the main ideas,When we are listening to get t,Listen to a short conversation and complete the notes below.,The number of people talking:(1)_,The place they are talking:(2)_,The thing they are doing while talking:(3),_,The subject they are talking about:(4),_,three,taking notes,learning from past experiences,classroom,Listen to a short conversation,Step 1:finding useful expressions,You are getting ready to give a talk.Listen to a conversation and complete the notes below by circling the right words or expressions and filling in the blank.Remember to listen for the main ideas.,Step 1:finding useful express,Notes,I am now listening to(1),an argument/an interview/a chat between friends,.,I can hear(2),one person/two persons/three persons,talking.,The conversation takes place in a(3),classroom/restaurant/library,.,The title of the girls talk is(4)_.,Pompeii:a lost civilization,Notes Pompeii:a lost civiliza,Below is a list of useful expressions that you can use when giving a talk.Listen to the conversation again and fill in the blanks.,Below is a list of useful expr,Useful expressions to use when giving a talk,1 Words of welcome,*Classmates,friends:,(1)_,Hello,good to see you all here.,Nice to see you all here.,*Guests:,Welcome,ladies and gentlemen.,Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.,Good morning,everyone.,Useful expressions to use when,2.Thanking people for coming,*Classmates,friends:,Thanks for coming.Im so glad you,could all join us.,Thank you for coming to the talk today.,2.Thanking people for coming,*Guests:,Thank you all for taking the time to be,here.(2)_,_,Thank you for joining us,ladies and,gentlemen.,Im very grateful that you have come today.,*Guests:Im very grateful tha,3.Explaining why you are giving the talk,Today,(3)_ show you some,photographs of the lost civilization of,Pompeii,and to tell you about(4)_.,Were all gathered here to view some,I am here to,what happened,3.Explaining why you are givi,4.Mentioning your hopes,I hope this has been interesting to you.,(5)_,Hopefully,you have all learnt something new.,I hope that you enjoyed this talk.,4.Mentioning your hopes I hop,5.Giving a last word of thanks,Thank you for being such a good,audience.,(6)_,Thanks again for coming.,Thank you for your kind attention.,5.Giving a last word of thank,6.Asking if there are any questions,Im now open for any questions you may have.,(7)_,_,Now that were finished,does anyone have any questions?,If you have any questions,please,feel free to ask me.,6.Asking if there are any que,Skills building 2:describing pictures,1.How would you describe a picture?,2.From an audiences point of view,what,do you want to know most when seeing,a picture?,3.How do you decide whether a,description is good or not?,Skills building 2:describing,When we are describing a picture,we should pay attention to:,Do not point out every detail.,Briefly mention the pictures subject.,Focus on the related background,information about it.,When we are describing a pictu,Look at the picture and read the description.,This is a picture of the Mogao Caves.,There are altogether 492 caves.The caves,are located in Dunhuang,Gansu Province,on the famous Silk Road.,Look at the picture and read t,Look at the picture of Tiananmen Gate and write a description for it.Use the key words in the box.,Key words,Tiananmen Gate 1 October 1949 the founding ceremony of the Peoples Republic of China Chairman Mao Zedong,Look at the picture of Tianan,高中英语必修三:unit3-Task-ppt课件,This is a picture of Tiananmen Gate.On 1 October,1949,the founding ceremony of the Peoples Republic of China was held at Tiananmen Gate.Chairman Mao Zedong announced the founding of the new country as he overlooked Tiananmen Square.,This is a picture of Tiananme,Look at the following pictures.These photos remind us of the attack carried out in 1941 by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor,an important US military base in Hawaii,during World War II.Try to describe the pictures using the information on Page 55.,Look at the following pictures,高中英语必修三:unit3-Task-ppt课件,This picture shows the time before the attack.Many Japanese ships set sail for the Hawaiian Islands.,This picture shows the time be,This picture shows the scene after the,attack.As a result of the attack,much,of the US Pacific Fleet was destroyed.,This picture shows the scene a,The man in this picture is US President Franklin Roosevelt.He declared war against Japan after the attack.,The man in this picture is US,This picture shows the US national,memorial at Pearl Harbor.It was built in,memory of those Americans who died in,the attack in 1941.,This picture shows the US nati,Skills building 3:,planning an outline for a speech,1.When you prepare a speech,what,should you first think about?,2.Will you do anything to interest your,audience?How and what will you do,then?,Skills building 3:1.When you,A simple outline of a speech often includes:,a word of welcome,a word of thanks to the audience,an explanation of why the speaker is,there,or what the speech is about,A simple outline of a speech o,the main body of the speech:,facts,names,dates and/or history,your hopes for the future,the conclusion of the speech,a last word of thanks,the main body of the speech:,Read the notes prepared for a speech on page 56.Organize them into an outline for the speech.,Answers:,5 1 3 7 2 6 4,Read the notes prepared for a,Step 3:giving your talk,Work in groups and choose some sets of pictures.,Plan an outline according to the pictures.,Give the talk in groups and pay attention to the points given on P57.,Make preparations for a talk:,Step 3:giving your talkWork i,More advice on making a speech:,Do not say anything you do not know.,Do not move your body or your hands,frequently.,Write your speech,speak it out and,rewrite it until you think it is good enough.,Practice until you think it is good enough.,More advice on making a speec,Make eye contact with your audience,Use appropriate body language to stress,the important parts of your speech.,Raise your voice to attract your,audiences attention,Make eye contact with your au,1.Finish Part B on page 111.,2.Preview Project.,Homework,1.Finish Part B on page 111.H,高中英语必修三:unit3-Task-ppt课件,谢谢,1._?Yes,please.Iwantasweater.A.IsthisyoursweaterB.Whatdoyouwant,C.CanIhelpyou D.Howareyou2.Whatcolordoyouwant?Iwanta_one.,A.brownB.niceC.longD.small3.Thisshirtisverysmall.Ineeda_one.,A.shortB.longC.redD.big,4.Mum,I_10dollarsforthebag.Canyougive(给)me?A.haveB.needC.knowD.think,5.Whereareher_?Look!Theyareonherfeet(脚).A.skirtsB.trousersC.shoesD.sweaters6.Thesocksare_sale.Theyreverycheaponly1.5yuan.,A.inB.atC.onD.of7.TheyhavethebeautifulT-shirts_onlytendollars.,A.atB.inC.onD.for8.Weselltheseapples_agoodprice.A.inB.atC.ofD.on,9.IwanttoseethemovieIronMan3(钢铁侠3).Doyouknowthe_oftheticket?A.numberB.priceC.kindD.name,10.Thecakelooks_anditsells_.A.well;wellB.well;goodC.good;goodD.good;well,11.Mr.Greendoesntlikehiscarnow.Hewantsto_it.A.buyB.sellC.takeD.get,12.Elevenandtwelveis_.,A.twentyB.twenty-twoC.thirtyD.twenty-three13.Howmuchisthisskirt?Its15dollars.,_.Hereyouare.A.Itsexpensive(昂贵的)B.Itscheap(便宜的)C.Illtakeit D.Letsbuy,14.Howmany_arethereintheroom?Abouttwenty-four.A.girlB.manC.boyD.women15.Thankyouforyourhelp,Grace.,_.A.Hereyouare B.Thatsoundsboring,C.YourerightD.,点绛唇.绍兴乙卯登绝顶小亭,缥缈危亭,笑谈独在千峰上。与谁同赏。万里横烟浪。,老去情怀,犹作天涯想。空惆怅。少年豪放。莫学衰翁样。,(1)词句注释 点绛唇:词牌名。此调因梁江淹咏美人春游诗中有“白雪凝琼貌,明珠点绛唇”句而取名。绝顶亭:在吴兴西北弁山峰顶。,缥缈:隐隐约约,亦因其高而之似可见似不可见,应题目中的“小亭”。,危亭:说文:“危,高而惧也。”此言亭之高,应题目的“绝顶”,绝顶亭就是因所位置之高而命名。烟浪:烟云如浪,即云海。天涯想:指恢复中原万里河山的梦想。衰翁:衰老之人。,(2)诗歌浅译:小亭在高耸入云的山峰,隐隐约约浮现着。在千峰上独,谢谢1._?Yes,please,


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