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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,L/O/G/O,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,Lesson 35 Justice was done,Lesson 35 Justice was done,Contents,两个写作模板,不可,/,无法,的新鲜表达,写作模板,-,描写缺点,Where,在高考中的考察,4,1,2,3,Contents两个写作模板 不可/无法的新鲜表达,Text,In court,the,prosecutor/petition,must prove that the person charged with the crime,committed the crime,in other words,prove that the,defendant,is guilty.The defense,attorney,presents evidence showing that the defendant is not guilty.The,jury,listens to all the evidence and then makes a decision.,TextIn court,the prosecutor/,Text in here,justice,Words and Expressions,Justice has long arms.,Text in here justiceWords and,Undertake,Words and Expressions,He is,undertaking,the education development.,Im,in charge of,the personnel department,Im,dealing with,customers complaint.,Im,responsible for,the cash flow.,Im,handling,the public relationship of the company.,UndertakeWords and Expressions,abstract,Words and Expressions,concrete,abstractWords and Expressionsc,Text in here,Interference,Words and Expressions,Interfere with,Chinas internal affairs.,Text in here InterferenceWord,accord,Words and Expressions,Of ones accord,:of ones own will,accordWords and ExpressionsOf,premises,Words and Expressions,Premise n.,前提 单数,American justice works,on the,premise,that an accused person is innocent until he is proved guilty.,premisesWords and ExpressionsP,Text in here,disuse,Words and Expressions,Dis-,废弃,Mis-,错误,Un-,没有,Text in here disuseWords and E,Text,The word justice,is usually associated with,courts of law,.,爱这个概念,The concept love,自杀这个念头,The idea suicide,伟大这个词,The word great,香这种味道,The smell fragrant,臭这种味道,The smell flagrant,TextThe word justice is usuall,Text,The word justice,is usually associated with,courts of law.,写作模板,-,描写,特点,或 表达,A,是,B,的重要组成部分,加强版,-,The phrase is usually associated with courts of law.,TextThe word justice is usuall,Exercise,温柔这个词常常与女性相联系。,The word gentle is usually associated with women.,成功这个词常常与勤奋相联系。,The word success is usually associated with diligence.,Exercise 温柔这个词常常与女性相联系。,Exercise,As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work,job satisfaction is an important element of individual wellbeing.,What factors contribute to job satisfaction?How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?,The phrase job satisfaction is usually associated with the,overall individual wellbeing and work-life balance,.,ExerciseAs most people spend a,Text,We might say that,justice has been done,when,a mans innocence or guilt has been proved,beyond doubt,.,unless,Beyond=Impossible to do,无法,/,不可,估量,beyond estimation,无法,/,不可,控制,beyond control,无法,/,不可,形容,Beyond description,TextWe might say that justice,Text,We might say that,justice has been done,when a mans innocence or guilt has been proved,beyond doubt,.,The idea thatis beyond me.,Those who feel that might argue that,写作模板,-,引用反方观点第一句,TextWe might say that justice,Exercise,Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal of more money than people in other important professions.Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.,ExerciseSuccessful sports prof,Exercise,反方观点:明星高收入很公平,The idea that,sports stars salaries are justified is really,beyond me.,反方观点:明星高收入很公平,,真正的天才太少,。,Those who feel that,sports stars salaries are justified,might argue that,the number of professionals with real talent is very few.,Exercise反方观点:明星高收入很公平,Text,Justice is part of the,complex machinery of the law,.Those who seek it,undertake an arduous journey,and can never be sure that they will find it.,huge body of the law.,take a real pilgrimage to where justice is,TextJustice is part of the com,Text,Justice is part of the complex machinery of the law.Those who seek it,undertake an arduous journey and can never be sure that they will find it.,爱这个我们人性中复杂的一部分,.,那些在寻觅着它的人走在漫漫长路上却不能肯定能否找到,.,Love is part of the complex machinery of human nature.Those who seek it,undertake an arduous journey and can never be sure that they will find it.,TextJustice is part of the com,Text,Justice is part of the complex machinery of the law.Those who seek it,undertake an arduous journey and can never be sure that they will find it.,真理是我们复杂的社会体系的一部分,.,那些在寻觅着它的人走在漫漫长路上却不能肯定能否找到,.,Truth is part of the complex machinery of our society.Those who seek it,undertake an arduous journey and can never be sure that they will find it.,TextJustice is part of the com,Text,Judges,however wise or eminent,are,human,and can make mistakes.,To err is human,to forgive divine.,写作模板,-,描述缺点,TextJudges,however wise or em,Text,Judges,however wise or eminent,are,human,and can make mistakes.,计算机无论如何快速方便,毕竟也是一台机器,不能代替人类。,Computers,however quick and convenient,are machines and can not take the place of human.,TextJudges,however wise or em,Text,A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages on your community.Do you,support,or,oppose,the factory,?Explain your position.,Judges,however wise or eminent,are,human,and can make mistakes.,Factories,however large or profitable,are sources of pollution and can exert a negative influence on the environment in our neighbourhood.,TextA company has announced th,Text,Some people think that the family is the most important influence on young adults.Which view do you agree with?Use examples to support your position.,Judges,however wise or eminent,are,human,and can make mistakes.,干涉隐私,干涉决定,Parents,however nice or democracy-conscious,are the last generation and can interfere with our privacy and exert an negative influence when it comes to deciding our future.,TextSome people think that the,Text,There are rare instances where,justice almost,ceases to,be an abstract conception.,Occasionally,Stop,翻译,不再是,TextThere are rare instances w,Grammar,地点的模糊化,They have reached the point where they have to separate with each other.,I can think of many cases _ students obviously know a lot of English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essay.,I can think of many cases _ you known nothing about.,where,which,Grammar地点的模糊化wherewhich,Exercise,Mozarts birthplace and the house_ he composed The Magic Flute are both museums now.(09,上海,),A.where B.when C.when D.whether,Life is like a long race _ we compete with others to go beyond ourselves.(09,重庆,),A.why B.what C.that D.where,A,D,ExerciseMozarts birthplace an,Exercise,I have reached a point in my life _ I am supposed to make decisions of my own.(09,浙江,),A.which B.where C.how D.why,Shell never forget her stay there _ she found her son who had gone missing two years before.,(09,四川,),A.that B.which C.where D.when,D,B,ExerciseI have reached a point,Exercise,Its helpful to put children in a situation _ they can see themselves differently.(09,福建,),A.that B.when C.which D.where,Occasions are quite rare _ I have the time to spend a day with the kids.(08,山东,),A.who B.which C.why D.when,D,D,ExerciseIts helpful to put ch,Text,Reward or punishment are,meted out,quite,independent of,human interference.,All men are created equal.,All men are equal,when,they are created.,All Reward or punishment are quite independent of human interference,when,they are meted out.,TextReward or punishment are m,Text,At such times,justice,acts,like a living force.,On such occasion,Serve/function,TextAt such times,justice act,Text,When we use a phrase like it,serves him right,we are,in part,admitting that a certain set of circumstances has,enabled,justice to act,of its own accord,.,He deserves it.,TextWhen we use a phrase like,Text,When a thief was caught,on the premises,of a large jewellery store one morning,the shop assistants must have,found it impossible to resist the temptation to,say it serves him right.,cant help,cant but,TextWhen a thief was caught on,情不自禁做某事,Stage 1,Stage 1,Stage 1,Stage 1,Sb cant help doing.,Its difficult not to be tempted.,Sb found it impossible to resist the temptation to do.,Sb could hardly,resist the temptation to do.,情不自禁做某事Stage 1Stage 1Stage 1St,Text,The shop was an old-fashioned one,with,many large,disused fireplaces and tall,narrow chimneys.,TextThe shop was an old-fashio,Text,托福口语,/,写作模板,The shop was an old-fashioned one,with,many large,disused fireplaces and tall,narrow chimneys.,济南是一座古城,在这座城市里有大明湖,趵突泉,以及很多名人。,Jinan is an old city with Da Ming lake,the Bao Tu Spring and many celebrities.,Jinan,an old city with eminent Da Ming lake,the fantastic Bao Tu Spring,and a great many colourful and legendary figures,exerts a tremendous fascination on an enormous number of people in various parts of the world.,Text托福口语/写作模板,Text,Towards midday,a girl,heard,a muffled cry,coming from behind,one of the walls.As the cry was repeated several times,she ran to tell the manager,who,promptly rang up the fire brigade.,TextTowards midday,a girl hea,Text,The cry had certainly come from one of the chimneys,but as there were,so many of them,the firemen could not be certain,which one,it was,.,So many chimneys,他是谁的儿子?,whose son is he?,我得看看他是谁的儿子。,I will see,whose son,he is.,TextThe cry had certainly come,Text,They located,the right chimney,by,tapping at,the walls and,listening for,the mans cries.,Listen for=listen to+look for,Eighteen inch thick wall.,TextThey located the right chi,Text,After,chipping through,a wall which was,eighteen inches thick,they found that a man had,been,trapped in,the chimney.,翻译,他们凿透了,18,英寸厚的墙壁,发现有个人卡在了烟囱里。,TextAfter chipping through a w,Text,As it was extremely narrow,the man was unable to move,but the firemen,were eventually able to,free him,by,cutting a huge hole in the wall.,翻译,消防队员在墙上挖了个大洞,才最终把他解救出来。,TextAs it was extremely narrow,Text,The,sorry-looking,blackened figure that,emerged,at once admitted that,he had tried to break into the shop,during the night but had,got stuck,in the chimney.,admitted that,in trying to,break into,阳光灿烂的日子,12:04,Kong Fu,00:36:00,TextThe sorry-looking,blacken,Text,He had been there for nearly ten hours.Justice had been done even before the man,was handed over,to the police.,Take over,接管,TextHe had been there for near,


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