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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/9/17,#,北师大版必修第一册,Unit 2 Sports and Fitness,Lesson-3 Running and Fitness,北师大版必修第一册Unit 2 Sports and Fit,1,Warming-up,Review what we have learnt last lesson:the Relative Clause.,Circle the relative pronouns and underline the relative clauses.,1.When we werent playing on the court which was next to our building,we were watching a game on TV.,2.Pauls favourite player was a guy who played for the Charlotte Hornets.,3.Paul was someone who worked really hard for the team.,4.He didnt know hed soon get the chance that hed been waiting for.,5.They were playing against,The Bears,a team whose record was perfect.,Warming-upReview what we have,2,Warming-up,What are the advantages of exercising regular?Use the phrases to help you.,Warming-upWhat are the advanta,3,Warming-up,What are the advantages of exercising regular?Use the phrases to help you.,to get in shape,to strengthen ones immune system,to reduce health problems,to get fit,to stay health,to cheer one up,to make ones heart stronger,to relieve tension,Warming-upWhat are the advanta,4,Lead-in,What do you think of running as an exercising style?Say something about runnng.,I run twice a week.I think exercising regularly is important for me to stay health.,Lead-inWhat do you think of ru,5,Pre-reading,Jeremy wrote to the website“ASK DR.MARTIN”about his health problems.Read his message and find out what he needs.,Im a bit fed up with getting sick all the time.And I feel awkward failing PE exams.My friend suggested I should try long-distance running.Do you think it will help?,Jeremy,16 years old,Pre-readingJeremy wrote to the,6,Fast-reading,Fast-reading,7,Fast-reading,Work in pairs.Read Dr.Martins response o Jeremy.Complete the details on Page 36 and answer the questions based on the information.,Long-distance Running,Topics,Details,Who is it for?,for everyone,including beginners,Equipment needed,Benefits,Tips to avoid injuries,Fast-readingWork in pairs.Rea,8,Careful-reading,Work in groups and discuss the following questions.,1.Do you think long-distance running will help Jeremy?Why?,2.What other benefits or tips of long-distance running do you know?,Careful-reading Work in groups,9,Scan for Specific Information,Skill Builder,Scanning a text means reading it as quickly as possible to find specific information.,Beforehand,determine the specific information that you need to find.,When you scan,move your eyes through the text to find what you are looking for.,Don,t read every word when looking for specific information.Search quickly.,Scan for Specific Information,10,Careful-reading,Careful-reading,11,Careful-reading,Read“Three Principles of Running”quickly.Find out what principles are suggested for running.Fill in the,first,column of the table.,Principles of Running,Details,Careful-readingRead“Three P,12,Careful-reading,Careful-reading,13,Careful-reading,Read“Three Principles of Running”again carefully.Find out the details of each principle.Fill in the,second,column of the table.,Principles of Running,Details,Careful-readingRead“Three P,14,Post-reading,1.Explain the following statements based on your own understanding.,“There is also no better way to know yourself and see what you are capable of.”,“Running trains your mind as well as your body.”,2.Role play Jeremy and Dr.Martin.Ask and answer questions about long-distance running.,学,科,网,创原家独,Post-reading1.Explain the fo,15,Focus on Language:Indefinite Pronouns,Complete the Word Builder.,Word Builder,Indefinite Pronouns,Things,People,some,something,any,no,every,Focus on Language:Indefinite P,16,Focus on Language:Indefinite Pronouns,Go back to the two texts.,Underline,all the indefinite Pronouns.Put them into three groups as the table below.,Indefinite Pronouns,Singular,Plural,Singular or plural,Focus on Language:Indefinite P,17,Homework:Indefinite Pronouns,Use the correct indefinite pronouns in the Word Builder to complete the text.,I was always sick as a kid and I hated doing sports.I would rather do 1._ other than exercise.If you told my childhood friends that I am now a lover of running,2.,_,would believe you.But 3.,_,in me started to change when I got into university.During my first week,I didnt know 4.,_,so I was alone all the time.Thats when I realised that running is a great way to make friends and kill time when youre alone,and theres 5.,_,better than a good run to clear your head when things get stressful.Its never too late to start getting into running and exercising after all,as the saying goes,6.,_,is possible!,Homework:Indefinite PronounsUs,18,Homework,Work in groups.List some ways to get fit and stay healthy.What are the possible benefits and challenges?Discuss.,HomeworkWork in groups.List,19,


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