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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,PEP小学四年级上册Unit 3 My friends,PEP小学四年级上册Unit 3 My friends,1,His,name is,Whats,his,name?,His name is Whats his name?,2,Whats her name?,Her name is,Whats,her,name?,Her,name is,Whats her name?Her name is,3,His his his,whats his name?,His his his,his name is Bob.,His his his,whats his name?,His his his,his name is Tim.,Her her her,whats her name?,Her her her,her name is Lucy,.,Her her her,whats her name?,Her her her,her name is Lily,.,Chant,His his his,whats his name?,His his his,his name is Bob.,Her her her,whats her name?,Her her her,her name is Lucy,.,His his his,whats his name?,His his his,his name is Tim.,Her her her,whats her name?,Her her her,her name is Lily,.,His his his,whats his name?,His his his,his name is Bob.,Her her her,whats her name?,Her her her,her name is Lucy,.,His his his,whats his name?,His his his,his name is Tim.,Her her her,whats her name?,Her her her,her name is Lily,.,His his his,whats his name,4,Whats his name?,His name is,Whats his name?His name is,5,Whats her name?,Her name is,Whats her name?Her name is,6,strong,(,强壮的,),friend,ly,(,友好的,),His name is Sun Yang.He is a swim player(游泳运动员).He is the pride of our Chinese.(中国人的骄傲),游泳冠军:孙杨,strong (强壮的)friendly(友好的)Hi,7,Choose the best answer.(选择),()1.Who is Johns new friend?,A:Mike B:Zhang Peng C:Tim,()2.Whats his name?,A:His name is Zhang Peng.,B:Her name is Zhang Peng.,()3.Where is Zhang Peng from?,A:Canada B:the USA,C:China,()4.Is he tall and strong?,A:Yes,he is.,B:No,he isnt.,B,A,C,A,Choose the best answer.(选择)BAC,8,点拨:,A Chinese friend?(一个中国朋友?)这个句子是一个陈述式疑问句,表示问话人对自己的观点没有太大把握正确,读升调。,例如:,Really?(真的吗?),Yes?(是吗?),Right?(对吗?),Play a game?(做个游戏?),点拨:例如:Really?(真的吗?),9,对话要求:,1.发音清晰准确,2.语音语调正确,对话要求:,10,Fill in the blanks(填空),Hello,mum.I have a new .He is Chinese.Hes tall and .Hes very .name is Zhang Peng.,strong His friendly friend,friend,strong,friendly,His,Fill in the blanks(填空),11,Lets play:,猜猜他(她)是谁?,I have a new friend.She is a girl.Shes tall and thin.,Whats her name?,2.I have a new friend.He is a boy.Hes tall and strong.Hes very friendly.,Whats his name?,Her name is Lucy.,His name is Bob.,Lets play:猜猜他(她)是谁?I have a n,12,Friends friends we are friends.,Happy happy we are happy.,朋友是人生一笔巨大的财富,,所以我们要珍惜朋友!,Friends friends we are friends,13,Goodbye,my friends!,Thank you!,Goodbye,my friends!,14,英语PEP小学四年级Unit3_My_friends_PartA_Lets_talk课件,15,


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