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Titelmasterformat durch Klicken bearbeiten,Textmasterformate durch Klicken bearbeiten,Zweite Ebene,Dritte Ebene,Vierte Ebene,Fnfte Ebene,2016/8/30,Nr.,English Pronunciation,English Phonemes,Syllables,Stress and Rhythm,Reading skills,Intonation,Difference between“BritishEnglish”and“AmericanEnglish”,Game of Tones,Read the following letters in rising tone and falling tone.,ABCDEFGHIJKLMN,OPQRSTUVWXYZ,English Phonemes,Vowels,Consonants,Background,Cardinal Vowels,Front Central Back,Close i,:,u,:,Close-mid e,:,Open-mid ,open a ,:,VOWEL Letters,Aa/e/,Ee/,i:/e/,Ii/a/,Yy/a/,i:/,Oo/,Uu/ju:/,Vowels,Front Vowels,Open your mouth a little to make the sound,spread your lips wide,like you are smiling,this is a long vowel.,w,e,b,ee,s,ea,f,ie,ld,rec,ei,ve,pol,i,ce,p,eo,ple,Front Vowels,First make the sound/i:/,then open your mouth a little to make the sound,your lips are more relaxed,this is a short vowel.,v,i,s,i,t,e,xam,m,i,n,u,te,Mond,ay,Front Vowels,First make the sound/,/,then open your mouth a little to make the sound,your lips are relaxed,this is a short vowel.,e,nd,r,e,d,m,a,ny,h,ea,d,fri,en,d,Front Vowels,First make the sound/,e,/,then open your mouth a little to make the sound,your lips are relaxed,this is a short vowel.,a,m,c,a,t,Central Vowels,First make the sound/,e,/,then open your tongue backwards and lower a little,your tongue is at around the middle of the mouth.Your lips are tight.,t,er,m,g,ir,l,w,or,d,f,ur,l,ear,n,j,our,nal,Central Vowels,First make the sound/,e,/,then open your tongue backwards and lower a little,your tongue is at around the middle of the mouth.Your lips are relaxed.,bett,er,doct,or,a,go,fam,ou,s,col,or,fig,ure,t,o,day,op,e,n,Central Vowels,First make the sound/,e,/,then open your mouth a little more,put your tongue backwards and lower a little,but a little more forward and up than the sound/,/.your tongue is at around the lower middle of the mouth.Your lips are relaxed.,s,o,n,b,u,t,c,ou,ple,bl,oo,d,d,oe,s,Back Vowels,First make the sound/,/,then open your mouth a little more,put your tongue backward and lower.Your lips are round in shape.This is a long vowel.,c,ar,cl,a,ss,h,al,f,h,ear,t,au,nt,First make the sound/,a:,/,then close your mouth a little more.Your lips are slightly round in shape.This is a short vowel.,Back Vowels,d,o,g,w,a,nt,c,ou,gh,kn,ow,ledge,bec,au,se,Back Vowels,First make the sound/,/,then make your mouth more closed and more rounded,put the back of the tongue up a little to make the sound.This is a long vowel.,w,ar,t,al,k,a,ll,h,or,se,b,oar,d,bef,ore,f,our,d,oor,l,aw,f,au,lt,b,ou,ght,Back vowels,First make the sound/,/,then raise the back of your tongue and put forward a little to make the sound.Your lips are slightly round in shape.This is a short vowel.,f,oo,t,c,oul,d,b,u,sh,w,o,man,Back vowels,First make the sound/,u,/,then raise the back of your tongue and pull backward a little to make the sound.Your lips are strongly round in shape.This is a short vowel.,d,o,g,oo,se,s,ou,p,r,u,de,ch,ew,sh,oe,t,wo,fr,ui,t,Listen and check your/,/,Diphthongs,First make the sound/,e,/,then make the sound,/,there is a glide from/,e,/to,/.,g,a,te,r,ai,n,d,ay,st,ei,n,th,ey,gr,ea,t,sl,eigh,First make the sound/,a,/,then make the sound,/,there is a glide from/,a,/to,/.,t,i,me,d,ie,cr,y,e,ye,h,igh,h,eigh,t,b,uy,First make the sound/,/,then make the sound,/,there is a glide from/,/to,/.,b,oi,l,b,oy,First make the sound/,a,/,then make the sound,/,there is a glide from/,a,/to,/.,bl,ou,se,c,ow,First make the sound/,/,then make the sound,/,there is a glide from/,/to,/.,b,oa,t,t,oe,s,o,l,ow,s,ou,l,th,ough,/tour,-Wemadeat,our,oftheyacht.,-Hetookheronat,our,ofEurope.,-I think you are not quite,s,ure,about it.,/,First make the sound/,/,then make the sound,/,there is a glide from/,/to,/.,p,oo,r,t,ou,r,s,ure,d,ur,ing,th,ey,cr,ue,l,us,ua,l,First make the sound/,/,then make the sound,/,there is a glide from/,/to,/,with the tongue moving up from front to the middle position in your mouth.,h,er,o,h,ere,d,ear,ch,eer,med,ia,famil,iar,id,ea,per,io,d,V,ie,tnam,f,ier,ce,med,iu,m,First make the sound/,e,/,then make the sound,/,there is a glide from/,e,/to,/,with the tongue moving from low front to the middle position in your mouth.,b,ear,c,are,air,th,eir,th,ere,Consonants,Consonant Letters,Bb/b/Dd/d/,Cc,/k/s/,Ff/f/Gg/g/,Dd/d/d/,Hh/h/Kk/k/,Gg/g/d/,Ll/l/Mm/m/,Jj/d/,Nn/n/Pp/p/,Qq/k/,Rr/r/,Ss/s/z/,Tt/t/t/,Vv/v/,Yy/j/,Ww/w/Zz/z/,X/ks/gz/,Bilabial/Plosives,First close your lips hard,and push the air in your mouth forward.Open your lips fast and suddenly release the air to make the sound.Do not use your voice.,Bilabial/Plosives,First close your lips hard,and push the air in your mouth forward.Open your lips fast and suddenly release the air to make the sound.Use your voice.,Alveolar/Plosives,First put your tongue tip just behind your top teeth,and push the air in your mouth forward.Then move away your tongue tip from your teeth ridge fast and release the air to make the sound.Do not use your voice.,t,ea,ch,Th,ailand,be,tt,er,stopp,ed,Alveolar/Plosives,First put your tongue tip just behind your top teeth,and push the air in your mouth forward.Then move away your tongue tip from your teeth ridge fast and release the air to make the sound.Use your voice.,d,ay,mi,dd,le,Velar/Plosives,First touch the back of the roof of your mouth with the back of your tongue,and push the air in your mouth forward.Then move away your tongue fast and release the air to make the sound.Do not use the voice.,co,ck,c,ake,as,k,li,ke,ta,x,i,s,ch,ool,con,qu,er,Velar/Plosives,First touch the back of the roof of your mouth with the back of your tongue,and push the air in your mouth forward.Then move away your tongue fast and release the air to make the sound.Use the voice.,g,o,gh,ost,e,gg,Labio-dental/Fricative,First put your upper teeth on your lower lip,and force the air out between your teeth and lip with a frication.Do not use the voice,f,it,ph,oto,o,ff,enou,gh,Labio-dental/Fricative,First put your upper teeth on your lower lip,and force the air out between your teeth and lip with a frication.Use the voice,Alveolar/Fricatives,First put your tongue tip behind your upper teeth to almost touch the roof of your mouth.Force the air out over the top of your tongue with a frication.Do not use your voice.,goo,se,s,o,c,ent,nie,ce,ta,x,i,sc,ience,pa,ss,bo,x,Alveolar,First put your tongue tip behind your upper teeth to almost touch the roof of your mouth.Force the air out over the top of your tongue with a frication.Use your voice.,hi,s,z,oo,pri,ze,tho,se,Glottal/Fricative,First open your mouth,and force a stream of air out of your mouth with a frication.Keep your tongue off the roof of the mouth,and do not use your voice.,h,at,wh,o,Dental/Fricative,Put your tongue tip between your upper teeth and lower teeth.,Force the air out between your tongue and upper teeth with a frication.,Do not use your voice.,Dental/Fricative,Put your tongue tip between your upper teeth and lower teeth.,Force the air out between your tongue and upper teeth with a frication.,Use your voice.,Palato-alveolar,Raise the front of your tongue touards the mid-roof of your mouth.Force the air out from the two sides of your tongue with a frication.Your lips are slightly round in shape.Do not use your voice.,sh,eet,ma,ch,ine,deli,ci,ous,mo,ti,on,s,ure,ten,si,on,fa,sci,st,Palato-alveolar,Raise the front of your tongue touards the mid-roof of your mouth.Force the air out from the two sides of your tongue with a frication.Your lips are slightly round in shape.Use your voice.,ca,su,al,allu,si,on,sei,zu,re,gara,ge,re,g,ime,Alveolar/Lateral,First put your tongue tip on the upper teeth-ridge.Force the air out over both sides of your tongue.Use your voice when making the sound/l/.,When its before a vowel,it is a clear/l/-lost,l,ate,vani,ll,a,Alveolar/Lateral,When it is before a consonant or at the end of the word,it is a dark/l/,also as/l/,pu,ll,poo,l,ta,l,k,wou,l,d,Silent“l”,Post-alveolar/Approximant,Raise your tongue tip towards the back of the teeth ridge without touch it.Your lips are slightly round in shape.,r,ead,ca,rr,y,wr,ong,rh,ythm,Bilabial/Approximant,First make the sound/u:/,then make your lips tightly round and push the air out.,w,ater,q,u,ite,wh,at,o,ne,Palatal/Approximant,First make the sound/i:/,then raise the middle of your tongue to touch the roof of the mouth,making your lips spread and force the air out.Use your voice to make this sound.,y,et,c,u,e,v,i,ew,Bilabial/Nasal,First close your mouth,and send the air out from your nose.Use your voice to make this sound,and this is a voiced consonant.,m,an,su,mm,er,co,mb,autu,mn,Alveolar/Nasal,First open your mouth,and put your tongue tip against your teeth ridge,then send the air out from your nose.Use your voice to make this sound,and this is a voiced consonant.,n,ame,fu,nn,y,si,gn,kn,ow,Velar/Nasal,First open your mouth,and touch the back roof of your mouth with the back of your tongue,then send the air out from your nose.Use your voice to make this sound,and this is a voiced consonant.,si,ng,si,n,k,Palato-alveolar,Join the sound/t/and/,/.Do not use the voice.,ch,air,wa,tch,ques,ti,on,na,tu,re,Palato-alveolar,Join the sound/d/and/,/.Use the voice.,j,am,ge,m,ju,dge,a,dj,acent,/tr/tree,-The,tr,uck,was heavily loaded.,-We plant,tr,ees,and flowers in spring.,-This idea seems good but you need to,tr,y,it out.,/tr/,Join the sound/t/and/,r,/.Do not use the voice.,tr,y,vic,tory,secre,tary,/dr/dress,-She wears a beautiful evening,dr,ess,.,-Dont drink and,dr,ive,.,-I had some very strange,dr,eams,last night.,/dr/,Join the sound/d/and/,r,/.Use the voice.,/ts/boats,/ts/,-There are three boa,ts,on the river.,Two ca,ts,are running after a mouse.,The skir,ts,are very lovely.,The an,ts,like eating apples.,First put your tongue tip just behind your top teeth.,Force the air out between your tongue and upper teeth with a frication.,Do not use your voice.,/dz/woods,/dz/,-Their family often picnics in thewoo,ds,.,Shefin,ds,the stones on theseashore.,Sarah and I had a great time while theki,ds,wereaway.,First put your tongue tip just behind your top teeth.,Force the air out between your tongue and upper teeth with a frication.,Use your voice.,Syllables,Stress and Rhythm,Syllables,A,syllable,is a unit of organization for a sequence ofspeechsounds.,A syllable is typically made up of a syllable nucleus(avowelorsyllabic consonant)with optional initial and final margins(typically,consonants).,syllabic consonant,:/r/m/n/l/,a consonant forms a syllable on its own or is the nucleus of a syllable.,anim,al,midd,le,batt,le,critici,sm,symboli,sm,touri,sm,cous,in,doz,en,froz,en,butt,on,cott,on,mutt,on,maid,en,sudd,en,wood,en,Monosyllable,One Syllable words,I,tr,ee,gr,ea,t pl,ea,se l,igh,t w,or,d,Disyllable,Two Syllable words,C,i,t,y,t,a,b,le,r,e,l,y,st,u,d,e,nt p,u,p,il,Polysyllable,Multi Syllable words,B,a,sk,e,tb,a,ll n,a,ti,o,n,a,l,i,t,y,t,e,l,e,ph,o,ne,Stress,The stress placed on syllables within words is calledword stressorlexical stress.,The position of stress in a word is not predictablein English.Stress is usually truly lexical and must be memorized as part of the pronunciation of an individual word.,The stress mark is placed immediately before a stressed syllable,and when the stressed syllable is in the middle of a word,the stress mark also marks a syllable break.,For example in the word understood/ndstd/,Sometimes more than one level of stress,such asprimary stressandsecondary stress,may be identified.,For example in the word“education”,General Rules:,Prefixes unstressed,Suffixes that cause a shift of stress in the root word:,-eous,-graphy,-ial,-ian,-ic,-ical,-ious,-ity,-ion,Photograph photography photographic,Numerals:stress on the first syllable,Compound:stress on the first element,Reflexives:stress on self/selves,Stress,winter summer season people,picnic swallow gentle rainbow,begin success enjoy decide,Attention beside giraffe alarm,magazine university lemonade understand conversation engineer,kangaroo Chinese thirteen,afternoon unknown sixteen,seventeen eighteen nineteen,重读单词,-,变化,一个单词重读音节的位置变化会导致单词词性发生变化。,the record n.to record v.,the present n.to present v.,the desert n.to desert v.,the produce n.to produce v.,perfect adj.to perfect v.,句子中的重读和弱读,实词,(,名词、动词、形容词、副词,),以及其他信息词(疑问词、指示代词、物主代词、小品词、否定缩略词)一般是重读,而功能词(冠词、代词、所有格、介词、助动词、连词)一般是弱读。,Dont,be,late.,Do,be,quiet,Come on,I dont want to,be,late.,Who,s,in the bathroom?,His wife,s,Italian.,The man,s,in the kitchen.,sentence stress,强度重要的词语(实词或信息词),制造话语节奏,Rhythm,Speakers of stressed-timed languages such asEnglishandMandarin Chineseput roughly equal time lags between stressed syllables,with the timing of the unstressed syllables in between them being adjusted to accommodate the stress timing.,Syllable /,slbl/syllable,Basketball /,bsktbl/basketble,Telephone /,telfn/telephone,Department /,dptmnt/department,Television /,telvn/television,Necessary /,nessri/necessary,Remarkable /,rmkbl/remarkable,Education /,eduken/education,Nationality /,nnlti/nationality,Physiology /,fzildi/physiology,Communication /,kmjunken/communication,Examination /,zmnen/examination,Creativity /,krietvti/creativity,Rhythmic Patterns,在重读音节和非重读音节之间有长短不同的停顿,非重读音节越多,就读的越快。,stress-timed nature,.,cats eat fish,the cat is eating the fish,the cats there have eaten the fish,the cats there must have eaten the fish,the cats there could have been eating the fish,Rhythmic Patterns,Rhythmic Patterns,Rhythmic Patterns,Rhythmic Patterns,Rhythmic Patterns,Rhythmic Patterns,Consonant clusters,Word-Initial Clusters,bl blow blade black blame blank block,cl class clever close clue cling clarity,fl flag flake flame flank flap flash,gl glad glass glow glide glaze glance,pl play plan please plant plenty plug,sl slave slang slow slot slip sleep,br bread break bring bright brown brother,cr crack cradle cream create cry cross,dr dread dry drill dream dress drive,fr from fry frog front friend frost,gr great green grow ground grief grin,pr praise pray preach practice prepare present,tr tree tray try train treat trouble,Word-Initial Clusters,sc scan scale scare scatter school schedule,sk skirt sky skate skip skill skin,sl sleep slight slice sly slipper slender,sm small smart smell smile smoke smooth,sn snack snow snag snail snake snap,sp space spade spare speak spoke spoon,st star stay steal store stop student,sw sweep sweat swell swim switch Swiss,spl split splash splendid splendor splurge splice,scr scrabble scramble scratch scream screen,spr spread spring spray sprite sprinkle sprout,str strange straight stress street strong strike,squ square squash squeak squeeze squeal squawk,Word-Initial Clusters,thr three thread thrive throw through thrill,thw thwack thwaite thwart,Word-Initial Clusters,Word-Final Clusters,voiceless consonant+s /s/books caps cups,voiceless consonant+t /t/fact left shift,voiceless consonant+ed/t/asked looked worked,-t+s /ts/boats coats cats,voiced consonant+s/z/pigs eggs films,voiced consonant+ed/d/closed turned climbed,-d+s /dz/beds spends grades,-f/fe+s=ves/vz/leaves wives knives,consonant+y+s=ies,/iz/ladies studies stories,/aiz/flies spies tries,other consonant formation,ch watches,sh washes,ge +es /iz/bridges,x boxes,s buses,t +ed /id/wanted,d mended,Rhyme,Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.,Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.,All the kings horses,And all the kings men,Couldnt put Humpty together again.,Blow,Wind,Blow,Blow,wind,blow!,And go,mill,go!,That the miller may grind his corn;,That the baker may take it,And into rolls make it,And send us some hot in the morn.,Im a little teapot,Im a little teapot,short and stout,Here is my handle,here is my spout,When I get all steamed up,hear me shout,Tip me over and pour me out.,Reading skills,爆破音,Plosives,爆破音就是发音的时候,口腔中会形成一层阻碍,必须通过阻碍,发出的声音。,/b/,b,e /p/,p,ea ca,p,/d/be,d,d,uck /t/be,t,t,able,/g/pi,g,g,irl /k/pi,ck,c,at,爆破音,+,辅音,爆破音和辅音相邻时,爆破音不发出爆破声,只保留发音动作,稍作停顿,实际上,只有后一个辅音发音。,/b/jo,b,s,earch,/p/kee,p,qu,iet sto,p,t,alking friendshi,p,f,irst,kee,p,s,ilent ste,p,f,orward,爆破音,+,破擦音,爆破音与,/ts/dz/tr/dr/t/d/f/v/,/s/z/r/h/,相连时,轻微爆破。,/d/har,d,t,imes a thousan,d,th,anks,a goo,d,s,eason goo,d,n,ews,/t/pos,t,-,c,ard jus,t,th,en firs,t,s,tep brigh,t,s,ky,爆破音,+,音节辅音,爆破音与,/m/n/l/,相连时,轻微爆破。,/g/a bi,g,z,oo a bi,g,tr,ee a bi,g,j,ar a bi,g,f,ish,/k/ta,ke,th,is ta,ke,c,are ta,ke,th,ree,a bla,ck,j,acket,爆破音,1+,爆破音,2+,爆破音,3,第一个爆破音为不完全爆破,形成并保持较长时间,第二个不发音,第三个正常爆破。,Sle,pt b,adly la,gged,b,ehind colle,ct,p,ennies,Ro,bbed,c,ars pi,cked,b,erries ada,pt,t,o the growth,爆破音的送气,当爆破音,/p/,/t/,/k/,在重读音节中紧跟在,/s/,的后面时,爆破音就不送气。也就是由,/b/,替代,/p/,/d/,替代,/t/,,,/g/,替代,/k/,。,Speak spare sport spy spring /sb/,School scar score scare skirt /sg/,Star stay steal stupid stock /sd/,弱化,weakening,非重读单词弱化:,1.,元音弱化为,/,I,/,或者,/,/,be,me,he,she,the,we,his/z/he/him/m/,a,an,some,the,them,us,am,are,can,do,does,had,has,have,must,shall,was,were,will,at,for,from,of,to,and,as,but,so,than,that,could,would,had/d/has/z/have/v/,must/ms/will/l/and/n/,2.,有时候单词的元音消失,am/m/can/kn/do/d/had/d/has/z,s/have/v/z,s/,some/sm/shall/,l/them/m/was/wz/for/fr/from/frm/,of/v,f/and/nd,n/than/n/,Strong Forms&Weak Forms,Strong Forms&Weak Forms,Strong Forms&Weak Forms,Strong Forms&Weak Forms,Strong Forms&Weak Forms,common contractions,common contractions,连读,Linking,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以元音开头,两个词就发生连读:,Come in,Work out,Good idea,Think of it,Read it again,Speak English,First of all,All of us,r/re,结尾的单词,+,元音开头的单词,/r/,添音,There is,There are,Our own,More over,Far away,Remember it,Later on,连读,Glides/j/&/w/,延音滑动,/j/glide:say,j,it,my,j,own,toy,j,airplane,/w/glide:How,w,is it?,blue,w,ink,I saw,w,it,Assimilation,Progressive Assimilation,顺同化,前一个语音影响后一个语音,students laughed bags backs moved fished,Regressive Assimilation,逆同化,后一个语音影响前一个语音,Have to/hft/has to/hst/,used to/ju:st/horsehoe/h:u:/,his shirt/hi:t/cupboard/kbd/,five pens/fafpns/,Hes in pain/m/It rains in May./m/,Theyre in Korea/,coalescent Assimilation,融合同化,两个语音互相影响,融合为一个新的音,/s,t/+/j/-/issue sugar sure nation ancient,Hes coming this year.,/z/+/j/-/pleasure vision occasion measure,Does your mother know?,/t/+/j/-/t/stature Is that your dog?,/d/+/j/-/d/procedure Would you mind moving?,/ts/+/j/-/t/She lets your dog in.He hates your hairdo.,/dz/+/j/-/d/She feeds your dog.,He never needs your advice.,Assimilation,Pausing,停顿,In the discourse context,large stream of speech can be broken into smaller units when we think about where a speaker can logically pause in an utterance.This semantically and grammatically coherent segment of dicourse is termed“sense group”or“intonation unit”,which has its own pitch pattern.,Pausing occurs when the individual speaker thinks it necessary.,Intonation,Falling,-high fall,low fall,Rising,-high rise,low rise,Falling-Rising,Rising-Falling,Intonation Units,An intonation unit or tone group generally corresponds syntactically with a clause and major syntactic phrase,or a sense group,in an utterance.Pitch changes in an intonation unit either signal the division of utterances into tone groups or carry various types of meaning,primarily discoursal and attitudinal.In the following examples,pauses can occur at the points where boundaries between intonational phrases are indicated by“/”.,Intonation Units,Every intonation unit has a“nucleus”.,We are,learning a,foreign,language,.,Pre-head,Head,nucleus,tail,调帽 调头 调核 调尾,前后都有停顿,包含一个突出的部分,,有自己的语调模式,有在语法上连贯的内部结构,语调功能,不同的语调要使用在不同的语境中,错误的语调可能会导致误解和尴尬。,音高的四种程度:,1.,特别高:用于表达强烈的情感,如惊讶、热情、不相信、强调等等,2.,高:普通对话主要使用高和中等音调,3.,中:普通对话主要使用高和中等音调,4.,低:主要表示话语结束。,句子语调,降调:表达确定、终结、唐突,用于:命令、陈述、特殊疑问句、反义疑问句,升调:不完整、不确定、疑虑,用于:位于主句之前的从句或短语,有都单独的语调群,一般疑问句,疑问短语,/,反意疑问句,-,表示新的信息或说话者不确定、期待确认的信息,列举事物,选择疑问句第一部分。,降升调:表示犹豫、暗示、礼貌的要求、道歉。,升降调:确定、反对、突显,Listen and repeat,Listen and repeat,Listen and repeat,Listen and repeat,Listen and repeat,Listen and repeat,Listen and repeat,Listen and repeat,Listen and repeat,Listen and repeat,Listen and repeat,Listen and repeat,


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