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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,定语从句,The Attributive Clause,定语从句The Attributive Clause,1,新人教版必修一Unit4定语从句课件,2,1.God help those who help themselves.,2.He who laughs last laughs best.,Translate the following proverbs and then pick out the attributive clauses.,2.He who laughs last laugh,3,3.He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man.,4.He who is content,(,满足,)is always happy.,3.He who doesnt reach the Gr,4,5.All that glitters is not gold.,6.Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.,7.He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick.,8.Everything is ready,and all that we need is an east wind.,5.All that glitters is not go,5,1.There is a nice little girl whose name is Xiaowei.,2.Is there anyone who can tell you that I love you so.,3.,For they say you are taking the sunshine that has brightened our path for a while,but remember the red river valley and the girl who loved you so true.,4.It is you who held my hand and still make me feel tender that I should appreciate.,Lyrics of songs,:,1.There is a nice little girl,6,1.,定义,:,在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句,2.,先行词,:,被修饰的名词,代词或整句话,关系代词、关系副词,:,3.,引导定语从句的词,关系代词:,关系副词:,when,where,why,等,who,whom,whose,which,that,等,定语从句的相关概念,There was,an earthquake,which,happened,in Tangshan in 1976.,1.定义:在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句2.先行词:被修饰的,7,关系代词的用法,关系代词在从句中可以:,指人,指物,subject(,主语,),object(,宾语,),attribute,(定语),whom,who,which,that,whose,何时可以省略?,做宾语时可以省略,关系代词的用法关系代词在从句中可以:指人指物subject,8,1.Then,later that afternoon,another big quake _shook Tangshan.2.The army organized teams to dig out those_.,3.Workers built shelters for survivors,_,which was almost as strong as the first one,who were trapped and to bury the dead,Some sentences with attributive clause in the text,whose homes had been destroyed,1.Then,later that afternoon,9,But the people in the city,_ _ went to sleep as usual that night.,It was heard in Beijing,_,who,thought little of these events,which,is more than 200 kilometers away.,But the people in the city,_,10,A huge crack _ _ cut across houses,roads and canals.,The number of people _ _ reached more than 400,000.,that,was eight kilometers long and thirty meters wide,who,were killed or injured,A huge crack _ _,11,看图连句,看图连句,12,The man,_,is Liuxiang.,who,ran fastest,Liuxiang is the man _.,who,ran fastest,The man _ is L,13,a boy,,,has a scar,,,forehead,Harry Porter is a boy _ _.,who/that,has a scar on his forehead,a boy,Harry Porter is a,14,Nanchang is a city _ _.,Nanchang,a city,develop fast,which/that is developing fast,Nanchang is a city _,15,Which house is mine,?,The house _ is mine.,whose roof is brown,My house,Which house is mine?The house,16,The city,_,_,is Beijing.,whichthat,hosted the 2008,Olympic Games,The city host(,举办,)2oo8 Olympic Games Beijing,The city _,17,Beckham,is a football,player.,He,is handsome.,Beckham is a football player,_,.,who,is handsome,Beckham,_,is a football player,.,who,is,handsome,Beckham is a footballBeckham i,18,1.The man _came to our school is Mr.Wang.2.The girl _ I met is Lucy.3.A child _parents are dead is called Tom.4.I like the book _ you bought yesterday.5.We shall never forget the days _we spent together.6.I like the person _you just talked.,7.I have a room _window faces south.,who,that,whom,that,who,/,whose,that,which,/,that,which,/,to whom,whose,Practise,1.The man _came to our,19,一、,that,和,which,用法的区别,(1),先行词为,all,everything,nothing,something,anything,little,much,等不定代词时。,I am sure she has,something,_,you can borrow.,(2),先行词被,all,every,no,some,any,little,much,等,修饰时。,Ive read,all,the books _ you lend me.,1,、只能用,that,不用,which,的情况,(that),that,Do you have,anything,_ you don,t understand?,(that),Please send us,any,information _ you have about the subject.,that,一、that和which用法的区别(1)先行词为all,20,(3),先行词被,序数词,或,最高级,修饰时。,This is,the first,book _ he has read.,(that),It is,the most beautiful,city _ I,ve ever seen.,that,(4),先行词被,the only,the very,the same,the last,修饰时。,This is,the very,book,_,belongs to him.,that,He is,the only,person _ was present at the time.,that,(3)先行词被序数词或最高级修饰时。This is the,21,(6),先行词是,who,或,which,引导的主句。,Who,is the girl _,drove the car?,(7),主句以,there be,引导时。,There are,more than 400,000 people _ died or were injured in the earthquake.,(5),先行词,既有人又有物,时。,The famous writer and his works _ the radio broadcast are popular to the students.,that,that,that,(6)先行词是who或which引导的主句。,22,(1),关系代词在限制性定语从句中紧跟,介词作宾语(介词提前)。,There are many trees,_ they can have a rest.,This is the ring _ she spent 1000 dollars.,2,、只用,which,不用,that,的情况,(2),在非限制性定语从句中。,Football,_ is a very popular game,is played all over the world.,under which,on which,which,(1)关系代词在限制性定语从句中紧跟介词作宾语(介词提前,23,二、只用,who,的情况,One,_ has nothing to fear dares to tell the truth.,The,ones,_ laugh at the disabled are not good students.,Anyone,_ fails to finish the task should be punished.,Those,_ want to go to The Great Wall sigh up here,.,who,who,who,who,先行词是,one,ones,anyone,those,时用,who.,二、只用who的情况One _ has nothing,24,3.,表所有关系及整体中的一部分或全部时,用介,词,of,有时可用,whose,转换。,1)Im painting a house,the roof _ is,round.,Im painting a house _ is round.,2)They live in a house,_ windows face,south.,They live in a house,the windows,_ face south.,of which,whose,of which,whose roof,3.表所有关系及整体中的一部分或全部时,用介Im pai,25,Practise,Practise,26,Exercises:,1.All _ is useful to us is good.,A.which B.what C.that D.whether,2.She will never forget the days _ she spent in Beijing.,A.when B.what C.which D.why,3.The man _ you are talking about is in the next room.,A.to whom B.whom,C.who D.which,Exercises:1.All _ is us,27,4.The text is one of the most interesting stories _ learned in the past three years.,A.that have B.that have been,C.which has D.which has been,5.The college wont take on anyone _ eyesight is weak.,A.who B.whose C.of whom D.which,4.The text is one of the mos,28,6.Here is the bicycle _ in the shop.,A.that you saw it B.that saw it,C.you saw D.you saw it,7.Those _ to take part in the game write down your names,please.,A.who B.who want,C.that wants D want,8.I,_ your good friend,will try my best to help you out.,A.who is B.what is,C.what am D.who am,6.Here is the bicycle _,29,新人教版必修一Unit4定语从句课件,30,Make a report about the typhoon:,(using attributive clauses),typhoonattack Huzhou,on Oct.7thfor a long time,strong wind and heavy rain,cause damage5 million people,go throughtrapped or injured,buildingsflood and mud-rock flow,4.5 billion moneyrescue,help,on one was killed,Make a report about the typhoo,31,写在最后,成功的基础在于好的学习习惯,The foundation of success lies in good habits,32,写在最后成功的基础在于好的学习习惯32,谢谢大家,荣幸这一路,与你同行,ItS An Honor To Walk With You All The Way,讲师:,XXXXXX,XX,年,XX,月,XX,日,谢谢大家讲师:XXXXXX,33,


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