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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,睡觉是人们最放松的时刻。,因此,每个人最常用的睡姿也许可以透露出性格哦!,Do you know which position you have when you are sleeping?It is said that the way one sleeps says about his/her personality.Now check out to see if it is true.,Sleeping Position and Personality(I),1.The Fetal Position,婴儿型睡姿,About 41%of the people in the world sleep like this.They sleep on their side with their legs curled up.They are usually tough on the outside,but shy and sensitive on the inside.,睡觉是人们最放松的时刻。,因此,每个人最常用的睡姿也许可以透露出性格哦!,Sleeping Position and Personality(I),2.The Log Position,树干型睡姿,People who choose the log position extend,their legs straight and put their arms by their sides.The position looks stiff,but people who sleep in this way are anything but rigid.They are very easy-going and trusting.,睡觉是人们最放松的时刻。,因此,每个人最常用的睡姿也许可以透露出性格哦!,Sleeping Position and Personality(I),3.The,Yearner,Position,向往型睡姿,The,yearner,position looks like the log position,but,yearner,sleepers stretch out their arms in front of the body.Theyre usually very social and open.Its hard for them to make a decision,but once they do,theyll never change their mind.,睡觉是人们最放松的时刻。,因此,每个人最常用的睡姿也许可以透露出性格哦!,Sleeping Position and Personality(I),()1.People who choose the fetal position are always shy.,()2.People who choose the log position curl up their legs.,()3.,Yearner,sleepers are good at making friends.,请根据文章内容,判断对错。正确的用“,T”,表示,错误的用“,F”,表示。,F,F,T,Word Bank,超纲词汇,personality,/;,p+:s,=n7l=,tI,/,n.,性格,个性,choose,/,t5u:z,/,v.,选择,挑选,extend,/,Ikstend,/,v.,伸展,舒展,straight,/,streIt,/,adv,.,挺直地;成直线地,stiff,/,stIf,/,adj,.,僵硬的,坚硬的,trusting,/,tr2stI9,/,adj,.,轻易相信别人的,social,/,s=U5l,/,adj,.,好交际的,友好的,合群的,decision,/,dIsI3n,/,n.,决定,决心,sleeping position,睡姿,it is said that.,据说,check out,查看(有趣的事物,),curl up,卷起,蜷缩,on the outside/inside,表面上/内心里,shy and sensitive,害羞且敏感的,anything but(rigid),一点儿也不/完全不(死板的,),easy-going,随和的,stretch out,伸出,伸直,change ones mind,改变主意/心意,第,4-5,版,Super Classroom,超级课堂,考考你:请填出图中各个冰激凌的口味。,(,提示:可参考本版文章,Ice Cream,Colours,。,),s _ raw _ erry flavour,tb,va _ i _ _ a,flavour,n,ll,c _ o _ o _ a _,e,flavour,hclt,考考你:请填出图中各个冰激凌的口味。,(,提示:可参考本版文章,Ice Cream,Colours,。,),l _ m _ ny,flavour,eo,w _ ter _ elo _,flavour,amn,mi _ ty,flavour,n,I have ice cream,the best in town,Let me begin with chocolate brown.,Now,let me scoop up some,sweet pink,The strawberry,flavour,is the best,some think.,Here is ice cream,minty,and green,Its the cutest,colour,I have,ever seen.,Yellow ice cream is lemony and tart,I like its taste from the very start.,Red ice cream is a watermelon delight,A scoop of it will make your heart happy and light.,Vanilla white is a popular,flavour,It tastes very good to an,ice-cream lover.,Purple ice cream really gives me a kick,Good and yummy until the,very last lick.,Scoops of blueberry would,make my day.,Look at all these ice cream.,Hurray!Hurray!,Ice cream,ice cream,the best food,in summer.,I love them in any,flavour,and,colour,!,Step 1,Find a bowl.Ice cream sundaes are more delicious in the bowl you like best.,Step 2,Make the sundae base.Place two to three big scoops of your,favourite,ice cream at the bottom of the bowl.People like to use vanilla ice cream,but you can also use any,flavours,as you want.,Step 3,Drizzle some sauce over the top of the sundae base.You can use whipped cream,warm caramel or strawberry sauce.,Step 4,At last,add some toppings and enjoy!,讲学指导,Culture,圣代的起源,圣代起源于美国,关于这种食物的发明者究竟是谁有诸多说法。,其中一说表示,圣代冰激凌是一个名叫乔治的冰激凌店主发明的。他标新立异,把樱桃糖浆浇在冰激凌上,并放上一颗糖腌樱桃卖给顾客。起初,这种冰激凌只在星期天售卖,乔治为它取名为,Sunday,。很快,这道甜品广受欢迎,乔治也开始每天都出售这种新鲜的食物。,由于西方国家在每个星期日纪念耶稣复活,认为这一天是一周中最神圣的日子。因此人们就改用,sundae,一词作为该甜点的名称,并沿用至今。,周周练,请拿出你的彩笔,参考文章,Ice Cream Colours,的内容,或是发挥自己的想象力,为下图的冰激凌填上你最爱的冰激凌色吧!,flavour,/,fleIv,=/,n.,味道,口味,(=flavor),scoop,/,sku:p,/,v.,用勺子舀,n.,一勺(的量,),minty,/,mIntI,/,adj,.,薄荷味的,lemony,/,lem,=,nI,/,adj,.,柠檬味的,tart,/,t1:t,/,adj,.,酸的,delight,/,dIlaIt,/,n.,令人高兴的事,乐事,vanilla,/v=,nIl,=/,adj,.,香草味的,n.,香草,lick,/,lIk,/,n.,舔(的一口,),Word Bank,超纲词汇,hurray,/h=,reI,/,exclam,.(,欢呼声)万岁,!,sundae,/,s2ndeI,/,n.,圣代冰激凌,base,/,beIs,/,n.,混合(食)物的主要成分,,,文中指圣代的冰激凌部分,。,sauce,/,s6:s,/,n.,调味汁,酱料,topping,/,tpI9,/,n.,(,食物上的)浇料,配料,give,sb,.a kick,使某人感到兴奋/幸福/满足,make ones day,使某人满意;给某人带来幸福,at the bottom of.,在,的底部,drizzle,sth,.over,(,毛毛雨似地)将某物洒在,上,whipped cream,掼奶油,生奶油,warn caramel,热焦糖,第,6,版,Playground,英语操练场,Waiter:,Good afternoon,Miss.What can I do for you?,Kate:,Can I have one scoop of chocolate ice cream?,Waiter:,Sure.Do you want some syrup on the top?,Kate:,Okay.How much?,Waiter:,Its 35,yuan,in a cone,and 30,yuan,in a cup.,Kate:,In a cone,please.Heres 40,yuan,.,Waiter:,Okay,heres your change.And you,want it for here or to go?,Kate:,To go,please.,Waiter:,Here you are.,Kate:,Thank you.,()1.Kate bought a scoop of chocolate ice cream,with syrup.,()2.Kate spent 40,yuan,in all.,()3.Kate wanted the ice cream in a cup.,()4.Kate ate the ice cream in the shop.,请根据对话,In an Ice Cream Shop,,判断句子的对错,正确的用,T,表示,错误的用,F,表示。,T,F,F,F,这句话可不是“我会睡在上面”的意思哦,而是表示“我会花点时间去思考”或者“我会回去考虑考虑”。通常用在需要隔天才能给出答复的情形下。下次当你对某个问题或提议无法马上作出回答时,便可以用这句话为自己争取思考的时间。,Ill sleep on it.,Danny:,Hey,Tim.How about joining our football team?,Tim:,Well.I havent decided(,决定,)yet.Ill sleep on it.,Word Bank,超纲词汇,waiter,/,weIt,=/,n.,(,男)服务员,scoop,/,sku:p,/,n.,(,一)勺,syrup,/,sIr,=p/,n.,糖浆,cone,/,k=Un,/,n.,(,冰淇淋)蛋筒,change,/,t5eInd3,/,n.,找零,零钱,spend,/,spend,/,v.,花费,spent为其过去式,。,for here,堂吃,to go,外带,in all,总共,合计,第,7,版,Story Zone,故事地带,Country Mouse had never been to a city before.He was amazed at the grand view of the city.,Soon they went into a big house.On a table,there was plenty of delicious food.“Wow!It looks great!I really envy you!”Country Mouse said.“Ha-ha!I eat this kind of food every day.Well,you must be hungry.Help yourself,”replied City Mouse.,When Country Mouse was about to eat,the door opened and a woman came in.She shouted and threw a pot lid at them.City Mouse and Country Mouse ran as fast as they could into a small hole in the wall.,“Is delicious food so important?I would rather live in peace.I will go back to my house,though it is shabby,”Country Mouse said.He returned to his house in the country.,Word Bank,超纲词汇,soon,/,su:n,/,adv,.,不久,很快,delicious,/dIlI5=s,/,adj,.,美味的,envy,/,envI,/,v.,羡慕,kind,/,kaInd,/,n.,种类,reply,/,rIplaI,/,v.,回答,hole,/,h=,Ul,/,n.,洞,孔,important,/,Imp6:tnt,/,adj,.,重要的,though,/,8=U,/,conj,.,虽然,尽管,shabby,/,57bI,/,adj,.,破旧的,寒酸的,have(never)been to.,(,从未)曾到过,be amazed at.,对,感到惊讶,grand view,壮观的景象,plenty of,很多,充足,大量,help yourself,(,请)随便吃,be about to,刚要,即将,pot lid,壶盖,would rather,宁可,宁愿,live in peace,平静地生活,return to,返回,


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