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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,自然拼读训练,Erik,zra114,自然拼读训练Erik,Drills,Practise makes perfect!,fat cat,happy,sad,bad,Drills Practise makes perfect,Drills,Practise makes perfect!,b,ed,hen,desk,d,ress,egg,Drills Practise makes perfect,Drills,Practise makes perfect!,milk,ship,pig,swim,fish,Drills Practise makes perfect,Drills,Practise makes perfect!,box,stop,dog,clock frog,Drills Practise makes perfect,Drills,Practise makes perfect!,bus cup duck,sun,hungry,A big black bear sat on a big black bug.,Drills Practise makes perfect,Drills,Practise makes perfect!,Story Time,Drills Practise makes perfect,Drills,Practise makes perfect!,Sally is a fat black cat.She has an apple tree.,Happy,happy,happy.“I have many apples.”,Sad,sad,sad.“The apples are going bad.”,Drills Practise makes perfect,Drills,Practise makes perfect!,Kevin is a clever hen.He lives in a red hotel,(旅店),Well,well,well.“I have many eggs.”,Help,help,help.“The eggs are going bad.”,Drills Practise makes perfect,Drills,Practise makes perfect!,Billy is a little pig.He really,(真地),loves to swim.,River,river,river.“I will jump into the river.”,Fish,fish,fish.“I can swim with the fish.”,Drills Practise makes perfect,Drills,Practise makes perfect!,Bob is a strong dog.He often hops to the shop.,Coffee,coffee,coffee!“I want to drink a lot”,Stop,stop,stop.“The coffee is very hot.”,Drills Practise makes perfect,Drills,Practise makes perfect!,Sunny is an ugly,(丑陋的),duckling.She is always hungry.,Hurry up,hurry up.“Its time to have lunch”,Lucky,lucky,lucky.“I can eat much.”,Drills Practise makes perfect,Drills,Practise makes perfect!,cake face game plate,Drills Practise makes perfect,Drills,Practise makes perfect!,bike Mike time,home,Drills Practise makes perfect,Drills,Practise makes perfect!,A big black bear sat on a big black bug.,A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!,A good cook can cook good cookies.,At noon I took a good book,and sat by the pool in the wood.I soon took off my boot.And put my foot in the pool.Oh!How cool,how cool.,Drills Practise makes perfect,Drills,Practise makes perfect!,There are trees along the beach.,I climb,(爬),to the top of a tree.,I see as far as the sea.,I take some meat and cheese and tea.,I eat and eat and eat,And I will live,(住),for a week in the tree.,Drills Practise makes perfect,


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