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come late?,Isnt it a beautiful weather?,I did tell you not to come late.,It is a beautiful weather.,the answer is clear,Oral EnglishRhetorical Questio,3,Repetition,(1)important words,emphasis,(2),rhetorical,repetition,Repetition(1)important words,(1)important words,emphasis,eg.Her spoken English is,good,;her written English is,good,.,He,tried and tried,again,but failed at last.,(1)important words,5,(2),rhetorical,repetition,eg.Two days ago he,gave reasons,for supporting the plan,and now he is,giving reasons,for opposing it.He,always has reasons,.,There are,monkeys,and,monkeys,and,monkeys,on the Monkey Island.,express authors feelings,(2)rhetorical repetitioneg.T,Placing,word/phrase,the end,the beginning,mostly,Placingword/phrasethe endthe b,7,Questions for discussion:Which of the following sentence is the best?,A.Spain is more interesting than France in many ways,some foreign tourists say.,B.Spain,some foreign tourists say,is in many ways more interesting than France.,the end,Questions for discussion:Whic,Questions for discussion:Which of the following sentence is the best?,A.Only Mr.Xu could have written such a nice essay,though there are 36 students in the class.,B.Of the 36 students in the class,no one could have written such a nice but Mr.Xu.,the begining,Questions for discussion:Whic,Whether the word should be placed at the begining or at the end of the sentences depends on,what you want to stress,.,Whether the word should be pla,Climactic sequence,Note:word or phrase starts,from,the least,important to,the most,important,Exercise:Correct the error of the following sentence.,What was common to all these heroes was that they did not fear death,danger and hardships.,hardship,danger and death,according to the,degree,Climactic sequenceNote:word o,11,Voice,active voice,passive voice,mostly,Voiceactive voicepassive voice,Comparison:(1)Television was watched by the whole family in the evenings.,(2)The whole family watched television in the evenings,more natural and emphatic,Active Voice,Comparison:(1)Television was,Attention:(1)Practical measures should be taken to prevent the mistakes from happening again.,(2)That ancient was devastated by the fire.,Note:Whether active or passive voice to use depends on whether,the receiver,is important.,Passive,Voice,Attention:(1)Practical measur,14,Sentences,Balanced sentences,Periodic sentences,Short sentences,SentencesBalanced sentencesPer,15,Balanced sentences,Note:two parts of,same structure,and rough the,same length,Eg.He likes smoking while his wife hates it.,Hearingit,hewasangry,andIwasmiffed.,Balanced sentences,16,Periodic sentences,Structure:,subordinate elements+,main ideas,(at the,end,of the sentence),Eg.That night,in the rain and the wind,when we could see no lights in the town,we slipped away.,Periodic sentences,17,Short sentences,Note:emphatic,after long,sentences,The plot is confusing,the characters,are very queer people,and the dialogue is hard to understand.A strange film.,Short sentencesNote:emphatic,Subordination,Chinese meaning?,从属,结构,Note:,主句为强调部分,Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.,Buffalo,buffalo,(that)Buffalo buffalo buffalo(in turn),buffalo,(other)Buffalo,buffalo,.,SubordinationNote:主句为强调部分Buff,Exercise,:,1.What are the difference between the following sentences?,A.He gave me a book.,B.He gave a book to me.,Who did he give a book to?,What did he give you?,Exercise:Who did he give a boo,20,2.Which of the following sentence uses Emphasis?,A.The cross-examination was expertly handled and it lasted only half an hour.,B.,Expertly handled,the cross-examination lasted only,half an hour.,Postponement(the end),2.Which of the following sent,21,3.Which of the following sentence uses Emphasis?,A.She looks much,much older than she used to.,B.She looks older than she used to.,Rhetorial Repetition,3.Which of the following sent,22,4.How could you improve the following sentences?,(1)Albert cleaned the car.,(emphasize Albert),The car is being cleaned,by Albert,.,(2)An old castle stands on the top of the hill.,(emphasize the castle),On the top of the hill,stands an old castle,.,Passive Voice,Inversion,4.How could you improve the f,23,5.How could you improve the following sentences?,A new law is enacted.The law will increase social security taxes by thirty percent.,(stressing,the enaction of the law,),Though it will increase social security taxes by thirty percent,the new law is enacted.,Subordination,5.How could you improve the f,24,Emphasis,repetition,important words,rhetorical,repetition,place(beginning/,end,),voice(,active,/,passive,),sentence,balanced sentences,periodic sentences,short sentences,word/phrase,Summary,Emphasisrepetitionimportant wo,25,


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