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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 4,Unit 3 Last weekend,Lets chant,Chain game,Lets learn,Story time,Lets say,Lets find out,Lets sing,Lets practise,Summary,Lets chant,Chain game,What did you do last weekend?,I played football.What did you do last weekend?,I cleaned the room.What did you do last weekend?,Lets learn,went to a park,went swimming,read a book,went fishing,went hiking,Story time,Zip:How was your weekend?,Zoom:It was a busy one.,Zip:What did you do Saturday,morning?,Zoom:I washed my clothes.,I went to a park.,Zip:What did you do,Saturday afternoon?,Zoom:I did my homework.,I went fishing.,Zip:What did you do Sunday,morning?,Zoom:I cleaned my room.,I visited my grandparents.,Zip:What did you do Sunday,afternoon?,Zoom:I played football.,I watched TV.,Zip:That was a busy weekend.,Zoom:Yes,it was.Now I need,another,weekend.,Lets sing,Last weekend I went to the zoo.What did,you do?I fed the bears and crocodiles.,And the baby kangaroo.,What did you do on Saturday?What did,you do?Tell me what you did last night.,And I,ll,tell you what I did,too.,At the Zoo,Lets say,Go to a park,.,Went,to a park,.,go swimming,read a book,go fishing,go hiking,watch TV,wash clothes,clean the room,play football,visit grandparents,Lets find out,watched,TV,listened to,music,played,sports,washed,clothes,cleaned,my room,Zhang,Peng,What did you do yesterday?,I listen to music.,Listen and write the names.,played football,read a book,went swimming,went hiking,went fishing,Look at the pictures again and finish the passage.,It was Saturday.John _,_,.He played,football with his friends.Wu,Yifan,_,_,.,Chen,Jie,_,_,at home.Mike _,with his parents.Zhang,Peng,_,_,.,They all had great fun.,went to a park,went swimming,read a book,went hiking,went fishing,Pictures,句 型:,What did you do yesterday?,I went hiking.,I went swimming.,I went fishing.,Summary,中央电教馆资源中心制作,200,5,.,3,


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