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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,二级,三级,四级,五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 11 When do you usually get up?,科普版 五年级下,Unit 11 When do you usually g,1,Lesson 11,When do you usually get up?,Lesson 11 When do you usually,2,Lesson11:Vocabulary:,词汇,daughter,dt(r),名词,女儿,发音:,au,发,/,gh,不发音,slow,sl,形容词,慢的,副词,:slowly,发音:,ow,发,/,telephone,telfn,名词,电话,发音:,ph,发,/f/,Lesson11:Vocabulary:词汇 daught,3,Lesson11:Vocabulary:,词汇,far,f(r),形容词,远的,minute,mnt,manjut,名词,分钟,by,ba,介词,乘,ring,r,动词,(铃)响,by bike:,骑自行车,on foot:,步行,have breakfast:,吃早餐,for a minute:,一会儿,Lesson11:Vocabulary:词汇 far f,4,Lesson11:Vocabulary:,词汇检测,选出下列单词中不同类的一项:,1.,(),A minute B second C time D hour,2.,(),A slow B quickly C far D tall,3.,(),A by B with C ring D in,4.,(),A bike B train C plane D by,5.,(),A daughter B son C minute D cousin,Lesson11:Vocabulary:词汇检测 选出下列,5,Lesson11:Vocabulary:,词汇检测,答案解析,:,1.,(,C,),A minute B second,C time,D hour,2.,(,B,),A slow,B quickly,C far D tall,3.,(,C,),A by B with,C ring,D in,4.,(,D,),A bike B train C plane,D by,5.,(,C,),A daughter B son,C minute,D cousin,Lesson11:Vocabulary:词汇检测 答案解析,6,Lesson11:Lets talk,熟读,Lesson11:Lets talk 熟读,7,Lesson11:Lets talk,重点讲解,When do you usually get up?,你什么时候起床?,I usually get up at seven.,我通常,7,点钟起床。,How do you usually go to school?,你通常怎么样去上学?,I usually go to school by bike.,我通常骑自行车去上学。,Her home is not far from the school.,她的家距离学校不是很远。,not far from,距离,不远,Lesson11:Lets talk 重点讲解When,8,Lesson11:Lets talk,练习,按要求写句子:,I usually get up,at seven,.,(对划线部分提问),_,2.She always go to school on foot.,(同义句),_,3.How do you usually go to school?,(按实际回答),_4.,她家距离学校不远。(汉译英),_,Lesson11:Lets talk 练习按要求写句子:,9,Lesson11:Lets talk,练习,答案解析:,I usually get up,at seven,.,(对划线部分提问),When do you usually get up?,2.She always go to school on foot.,(同义句),She always walk to school.,3.How do you usually go to school?,(按实际回答),I usually go to school by bus.,4.,她家距离学校不远。(汉译英),Her home is not far from school.,Lesson11:Lets talk 练习答案解析:,10,Lesson11:Lets learn,根据所给示例,任意写出两组句子:,_,_,_,_,Lesson11:Lets learn根据所给示例,任意,11,Lesson11:Lets learn,When do you usually get up?,I usually get up at 6:20.,How do you usually go to school?I usually go to school by bike.,Lesson11:Lets learnWhen do y,12,Lesson11:Lets learn:,趁热打铁,按要求写句子:,When do you usually get up,?,(,按实际回答),_,2.She usually goes to school,by bike,.,(对划线部分提问),_,3.,你通常什么时候上床睡觉?,(,汉译英),_,4.,我的妈妈通常开车去上班。(汉译英),_,Lesson11:Lets learn:趁热打铁按要求写,13,Lesson11:Lets learn:,趁热打铁,答案解析:,When do you usually get up,?,(,按实际回答),I usually get up at seven.,2.She usually goes to school,by bike,.,(对划线部分提问),How does she usually go to school?,3.,你通常什么时候上床睡觉?,(,汉译英),When do you usually go to bed?,4.,我的妈妈通常开车去上班。(汉译英),My mother usually goes to work by car.,Lesson11:Lets learn:趁热打铁答案解析,14,Lesson11:Lets practice,go to bed,10:00,have lunch,12:00,Lesson11:Lets practicego to,15,Lesson11:Listen and say,from the summer camp,来自夏令营,介词短语作定语,修饰名词,letter,What time,VS,When:,What time,对具体的点钟提问,When,对事件发生的时间提问,play team sports,参加团体活动,go hiking,去远足,do many other things,做很多其它的事情,too late:,太晚了,Lesson11:Listen and sayfrom t,16,Lesson11:Listen and say,熟练掌握表格短语,Read and practice:,Lesson11:Listen and say熟练掌握表格,17,Lesson11:Listen and say,练习,单项选择:,Its Toms letter _ the summer camp.,A by B from C in,2.I like go _.,A hike B hikes C hiking,3.She usually takes _lessons at 13:30.,A swimming B swims C to swim,4.Thats not _ late.,A to B two C too,Lesson11:Listen and say 练习单项选,18,Lesson11:Listen and say,练习,答案解析:,Its Toms letter _ the summer camp.,A by,B from,C in,2.I like go _.,A hike B hikes,C hiking,3.She usually takes _lessons at 13:30.,A swimming,B swims C to swim,4.Thats not _ late.,A to B two,C too,Lesson11:Listen and say 练习答案解,19,Lesson11:Read,live in+,大地点,work in+,大地点,在某地工作,Lesson11:Readlive in+大地点,20,Lesson11:Read,Its,twelve,fifteen.,现在是,12,点,15.,Lesson11:ReadIts twelve fift,21,Lesson11:Read,talk to sb,和某人主动说话,for a minute,一会儿,你总是起的如此晚吗?,Do you always get up so late?,get up so late,起的太晚了,Lesson11:Readtalk to sb你总是起的如,22,Lesson11:Read,Its only seven twenty by my clock.,我的钟现在是,7,点,20,分。,当纽约,7,点的时候,伦敦是,12,点。,Lesson11:ReadIts only seven,23,Lesson11:Read,练习,单项选择:,1._ daughter Lily works in New York.,A He B His C Him,2.Mr Brown _in London.,A lives B living C live,3.He usually has breakfast _ eight.,A in B for C at,4.Mr Brown is _ lunch.,A have B having C has,5.Its only seven twenty _ my clock.,A with B by C in,Lesson11:Read 练习单项选择:1._,24,Lesson11:Read,练习,答案解析:,1._ daughter Lily works in New York.,A He,B His,C Him,2.Mr Brown _in London.,A lives,B living C live,3.He usually has breakfast _ eight.,A in B for,C at,4.Mr Brown is _ lunch.,A have,B having,C has,5.Its only seven twenty _ my clock.,A with,B by,C in,Lesson11:Read 练习答案解析:1._,25,Lesson11:,随堂练习,单项选择:,_,do,you,usually go to school?By bike.,A When B How C Why,2.You are _early.,A very B much C many,3.Does Lulu _ to school by bus?,A goes B go C going,4.My home is _ the school,so I go to school on foot.,A far from B near C at,5._ does he get up?At 6:30.,A When B What C How,Lesson11:随堂练习单项选择:,26,Lesson11:,随堂练习,答案解析:,_,do,you,usually go to school?,By bike.,A When,B How,C Why,2.You are _,early.,A very,B much,C many,3.,Does,Lulu _ to school by bus?,A goes,B go,C going,4.My home is _ the school,so I go to school,on foot.,A far from,B near,C at,5._ does he get up?,At 6:30.,A When,B What C How,Lesson11:随堂练习答案解析:,27,Lesson11:,随堂练习,选词填空:,from by up in on,Lulu usually gets _ at 6:30.,I live far _ the school.,Mary goes to school _ foot.,My father and I go to see my grandparents _ bus.,On the second day,we walked _ the forest.,Lesson11:随堂练习选词填空:,28,Lesson11:,随堂练习,答案解析:,from by up in on,Lulu usually gets,up,at 6:30.,I live far,from,the school.,Mary goes to school,on,foot.,My father and I go to see my grandparents,by,bus.,On the second day,we walked,in,the forest.,Lesson11:随堂练习答案解析:,29,Lesson11:,随堂练习,按要求写句子:,How do you go to school?,(用,by bus,回答),_,2.What time do you get up?,(按实际回答),_,3.My sister usually gets up,at six thirty,.,(对划线部分提问),_,4.I usually go to school,on foot,.,(对划线部分提问),_,Lesson11:随堂练习按要求写句子:,30,Lesson11:,随堂练习,答案解析:,How do you go to school?,(用,by bus,回答),I go to school by bus.,2.What time do you get up?,(按实际回答),I get up at six thirty.,3.My sister usually gets up,at six thirty,.,(对划线部分提问),When does your sister usually get up?,4.I usually go to school,on foot,.,(对划线部分提问),How do you usually go to school?,Lesson11:随堂练习答案解析:,31,Lesson11:Summary,:总结,重点句型:,01 When do you usually get up?,I usually get up at six thirty.,02 How do you usually go to school?,I usually go to school on foot.,03 Do you always get up so late?,Yes,I do./No,I dont.,Lesson11:Summary:总结重点句型:,32,Thank you,Thank you,33,科普版,科普版,34,


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