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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,*,Microeconomics,Section 01,The Challenge of Economics,8/8/2024,1,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,MicroeconomicsSection 018/20/2,The Challenge of Economics,Outline,The China Economy,What is Economics,Three Basic Economic Questions,Macro vs.Micro,8/8/2024,2,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,The Challenge of EconomicsOutl,The China Economy,计划经济(Planned Economy),按照统一计划管理和发展国民经济的经济模式或体制,在这种体制和方式下,对生产什么、怎样生产的问题,都是由国家下达指令性计划,进行直接调节的,计划经济的特点是:决策权高度集中,几乎所有的经济决策都由中央做出;经济运行过程是通过自上而下的指令性计划和行政命令来规定和推动的;倍息的传播主要是纵向的,体现在上下级之间;信息的内容主要是实物指标;经济决策的协调是事前由中央计划机关制定的;生产什么,怎样生产的问题,均由中央计划机关直接下达和调节。,8/8/2024,3,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,The China Economy计划经济(Planned,The China Economy,市场经济(Market Economy),市场经济就是按等价原则进行交换的经济,市场经济存在和发展的基础在于分工的普遍化,交换中“必须维护自己的利益”的行为非常重要,市场经济一切规律的根本出发点,一个无需证明的、共同的假定前提,人都是趋利避害的,8/8/2024,4,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,The China Economy市场经济(Market E,The China Economy,Peoples life change a lot,8/8/2024,5,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,The China EconomyPeoples life,The China Economy,Peoples life change a lot,8/8/2024,6,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,The China EconomyPeoples life,The China Economy,Peoples life change a lot,8/8/2024,7,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,The China EconomyPeoples life,The China Economy,Peoples life change a lot,8/8/2024,8,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,The China EconomyPeoples life,The China Economy,But,大学毕业生的就业已经成了社会问题,这样的就业招聘会已经是司空见惯了!,在北京西四环四季青桥西南角的一片草坪上,50多名因被拖欠工资而无法返乡的建筑民工蜷缩在寒风中度过一个又一个寒夜。这些农民工大多来自安徽阜阳和蚌埠。,8/8/2024,9,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,The China EconomyBut大学毕业生的就业已经,The China Economy,But,在为一个身患白血病的小女孩举行街头募捐活动。一个捡废品的老婆婆步履蹒跚的走到捐款箱前,她那饱经风霜的手里攥着1元钱轻轻地投向了爱心箱,贵州的火车,8/8/2024,10,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,The China EconomyBut在为一个身患白血病的,The China Economy,But,他17岁,在贵州以背煤为生。一筐煤40公斤,从煤坑向上爬100米,然後再走1000米山路,挣1元人民币.,当这两个孩子长大之后,我们又该用什么来保证他们所代表的两个阶层的和睦相处?,8/8/2024,11,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,The China EconomyBut他17岁,在贵州以,What is Economics,Economics,Economics,is the study of how societies use scarce resources to produce valuable commodities and distribute them among different people.,Samuelson,经济学研究的是如何使用有限的资源生产有用的产品,并将这些产品分配给不同的人的学科。,经济学是关于,选择,的学问,8/8/2024,12,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,What is EconomicsEconomics8/20,What is Economics,经济学是关于,选择,的学问,Why?,资源具有稀缺性(Scarcity),人的欲望(wants or desire)是无止境的,Cost,机会成本(Opportunity Cost),In a world of scarcity,choosing one thing means giving up something else.The,Opportunity Cost,of a decision is the sacrificial value of the goods or service giving up.,8/8/2024,13,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,What is Economics经济学是关于选择的学问8/,What is Economics,经济学是关于,选择,的学问,How to choose,Minimal Opportunity Cost,个人:效用最大化(Maximum Utility),企业:利润最大化(Maximum Profit),边际(Marginal)的选择,边际:一单位自变量的变化所引起的因变量的变化量,8/8/2024,14,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,What is Economics经济学是关于选择的学问8/,Three Basic Economic Questions,Resource disposition,WHAT to produce,How to produce,FOR WHOM to produce,8/8/2024,15,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,Three Basic Economic Questions,Three Basic Economic Questions,WHAT,to produce,Because wants exceed resources,we have to decide,WHAT,we want most,sacrificing less desired activities and goods.,Suppose there are only two kinds of goods,“consumer goods”and“military goods”.In this case,the question of,WHAT,to produce boils down to find the most desirable combination of these two goods.,8/8/2024,16,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,Three Basic Economic Questions,Production Possibilities,OUTPUT OF MILITARY GOODS(units per year),OUTPUT OF CONSUMER GOODS(units per year),A,B,C,D,E,F,G,O,X,A production-possibilities curve describes the various combinations of final goods or services that could be produced with available resources and technology.,A production-possibilities curve,represents a menu of output choices.,Point C indicates that we could produce a combination of OD Units of consumer goods and the quantity OE of military output.,To get more military output(e.g.,at point X),we have to reduce consumer output(to OF),8/8/2024,17,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,Production PossibilitiesOUTPUT,Production Possibilities,OUTPUT OF MILITARY GOODS(units per year),OUTPUT OF CONSUMER GOODS(units per year),A,B,C,D,E,F,G,O,X,A production-possibilities curve,represents a menu of output choices.,No efficiency,M,No enough resource,N,8/8/2024,18,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,Production PossibilitiesOUTPUT,Production Possibilities,OUTPUT OF MILITARY GOODS(units per year),OUTPUT OF MILITARY GOODS(units per year),A,B,C,D,E,F,G,O,X,生产可能性曲线描述了一定时期内、一定的资源和技术条件下,各种可能生产出的商品和服务的组合。,实际上,它就像一个菜单,我们必须从中选择某种产出组合。,8/8/2024,19,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,Production PossibilitiesOUTPUT,Production Possibilities,OUTPUT OF MILITARY GOODS(units per year),OUTPUT OF MILITARY GOODS(units per year),1978 production possibilities,环境也会发生变化。例如1978年以来,我国人口增长速度没有减慢,同时固定资产投资也在不断增加,生产技术不断进步,生产要素的不断增加导致生产可能性曲线向外扩展了。,2006 production possibilities,8/8/2024,20,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,Production PossibilitiesOUTPUT,Three Basic Economic Questions,How to produce,Example,我们的课在115教室上还是以小组讨论形式进行?,一周上两次还是一次?,教师是否应该做幻灯片?,教师是否应该将教案在网上发布?,There are numerous ways of teaching a course.Of these possibilities,one way is presumably best,given the resources and technology available.,The best way,is,HOW,the course taught.,8/8/2024,21,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,Three Basic Economic Questions,Three Basic Economic Questions,How to produce,To find an optimal method of producing goods and services.,However,the best possible answer to the HOW question will entail both efficiency in the use of factors of production and adequate safeguards for the environment and other social concerns.,8/8/2024,22,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,Three Basic Economic Questions,Three Basic Economic Questions,For whom to produce,The FOR WHOM question focuses on how an economys output is distributed across members of society.,How to divide a pie?,Based on need or based on work,Incentives,8/8/2024,23,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,Three Basic Economic Questions,Macro vs.Micro,Macroeconomics,focuses on the behavior of an entire economy the big picture.,In,macroeconomics,we study such national goals as full employment,control of inflation,and economic growth,without relying about the well-being or behavior of specific individuals or groups.,The essential concern of,macroeconomics,is to understand and improve the performance of the economy as a whole.,8/8/2024,24,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,Macro vs.MicroMacroeconomics,Macro vs.Micro,Microeconomics,is concerned with the details of this big picture.,In,microeconomics,we focus on individuals,firms,and government agencies that actually make up the larger economy.,Our interest here is in the behavior of individual economic actors.What are their goals?How can they best achieve these goals with their limited resources?How will they respond to various incentives and opportunities?,8/8/2024,25,Management School of Shandong University Wang Jun,Macro vs.MicroMicroeconomics,


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