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volunteer to teach in a small village,Para 3,Poor conditions in the village school,Para 4,The changes he brought to the school,Para 5,The contribution he made to the village,Skimming-read the passage quic,Read and explore,Read report again.Complete the information.Then tell your partner about Zhang Tian.,Reasons to be a Volunteer Teacher.,He wanted to start a new lifestyle.Inspired by the wonderful teachers from small villages who he met during his early school years,he wanted to go and teach where he was needed the most.,Read and exploreRead report a,Situations when he arrived:,School:,The school was much smaller than he had expected,with only three classrooms.In front of the classrooms,there was a playground which got dusty on windy days and muddy on rainy days.,Living conditions:,Living in the village was also more challenging than he has thought.The power and water supplies were unstable,so he could only shower every three or four days and he had to learn how to cook.,Situations when he arrived:,Changes he made:,School subjects:,Zhang Tian introduced more subjects to the school-music,art and PE.,School activities:,Their school life are now more attractive and interesting,and they enjoy playing football in the playground as well as singing songs theyve learnt.He is planning to organize the first-ever school concert.,Students learning:,His students were able to read,speak,and write in English,and they became more confident in learning.,Villagers life:,He contacted charity organizations about rebuilding the playground and setting up a library,and helped the villages sell local products online.,年高中英语ppt课件,Further reading,Read the report again.Find some words to describe Zhang Tians different feelings and talk about the changes.,Fill in the diagram in Ex.5 on Page 16.,Further readingRead the report,Events,Feelings,Evidence,Graduated form university,Inspired,Applied for and became a volunteer teacher in a village school.,Travelled to the village,eager/excited,Travelled to the village with an eager heart,EventsFeelingsEvidenceGraduate,Events,Feelings,Evidence,Saw the school for the first time,Lived in the village,Disappointed,Not everything lived up to Zhang Tians hopes.The school was much smaller than he had expected,with poor conditions,Challenged,The power and water supplies were unstable,so he could only shower every three or four days,and he had to learn how to cook.,EventsFeelingsEvidenceSaw the,Events,Feelings,Evidence,Introduced new subjects and activities,End of the first,year,satisfied,It is not surprising that PE is the kids favorite subject!.Their school lives are now more attractive and interesting,and they enjoy playing football in the playground,as well as singing songs they have learnt.The school is now full of laughter and music.,motivated,What made him feel satisfied was that his students were able to read,speak and write in English,and they became more confident in learning.He feel so happy that he followed his heart when choosing what to do with his life.,Events Feelings EvidenceIntrod,Zhang Tian-A volunteer teacher,What kind of person do you think Zhang Tian is?,He has a clear goal in his life.,He is devoted and responsible for his work.,He is trying to make contribution to the society.,He is eager to live up to his value in the society.,He lives his life to the fullest.,Group discussion,Zhang Tian-A volunteer teach,What do you think of Zhang Tians life choice?,Personally,I admire Zhang Tians life choice.Firstly,he followed his heart when choosing what to do with his own life,which I think is very important for everyone.,Whats more,everybody has his own social values,and it is very worthwhile to live up to their values.,At last,I think he is living a meaningful life,making contribution to the society.,Think and share,What do you think of Zhang Tia,Think and share:What does the title mean?,Understanding of the title:,Your life is in your hands.,It is up to you to make your life choices.,Think and share:What does the,Think further:How will you make your choice in your life?,Follow your heart.,Live up to your social value.,Live your life to the fullest.,Live the life you love and love the life you live.,Think further:How will you ma,


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