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.ComprehensionAnswer the following questions or complete the following statements by choosing the best alternative A,B,C or D under each.You are allowed 2 minutes 30 seconds for this part.1.Those people who keep their eye upon the doughnut rather than on the hole _.A.are considered positive-thinkers by the author B.are likely to see their glass as half empty C.view their successes and failures more objectively D.have suddenly become the object of scientific research on clichs MenuAnswers.1.ComprehensionAnswer the fol.Comprehension2.An optimist _.A.is always in control of his own life B.often overestimates his abilities C.might live longer than a pessimist when suffering from certain illness such as cancer D.encounters different challenges and disappointments from a pessimist 3.The pessimist _.A.seldom succeeds in what he does B.attributes his success to luck C.tries different approaches when his first attempt fails D.knows how to take good care of himself AnswersMenu.2.Comprehension2.An optimist4.The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company hired 100 new employees because _.A.they failed the standard industry test B.their high scores on optimism impressed the company C.they were not likely to be hired by other companies D.the company was impressed by the result of a study done by some psychologists.ComprehensionMenuAnswers.34.The Metropolitan Life Insur5.The 100 new employees _.A.sold 37%more insurance than the average representatives B.sold 20%more insurance than the negative thinkers C.sold 10%more insurance than longtime representatives D.proved that they could do better at selling insurance than the companys average sales representative.ComprehensionAnswersMenu.45.The 100 new employees _6.According to Seligman,the secret to an optimists success can be found in“his explanatory style”,by which he means that the optimist _.A.is able to explain more clearly to the customers B.sounds more pleasant in his explanationC.tries to find faults with other factors other than in himself for his failure D.has more confidence in himself than in others.ComprehensionMenuAnswers.56.According to Seligman,the 7.It can be inferred from the article that the author thinks that _.A.people will be able to prevent depression and painful shyness if they learn to think more positively B.business companies might make better judgment if they test the attitudes of the applicants instead of giving them the standard industry test before hiring them C.one is more likely to succeed the next time if one is able to lay blames on others when one has failed D.ones belief that one can succeed will guarantee his success.ComprehensionAnswersMenu.67.It can be inferred from the8.Whether positive or negative,a persons attitude towards life is a thinking habit _.A.inherited from either of his parents B.formed when he is very young C.acquired after he has gained considerable experience D.never to be got rid of.ComprehensionMenuAnswers.7.ComprehensionMenuAnswers.79.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.Most people cannot be conveniently put under the category of optimist or pessimist.B.There are more positive thinkers among optimists than among pessimists.C.It is not sure yet whether psychological treatment will help cancer patients.D.By looking into training opportunities and checking job leads,a pessimist will become an optimist.ComprehensionAnswersMenu.89.Which of the following is t10.Which of the following is not one of the steps mentioned by the author in forming a more positive attitude towards life?A.Document your gloomy thoughts.B.Do something against your negative inclination.C.Record what happens.D.Find the causes for your failure more objectively.ComprehensionMenuAnswers.910.Which of the following is.VocabularyA.Identify one of the four choices A,B,C,or D which would keep the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.1.Those who believed their religious leaders prophecy that the end of the world would come soon went into a panic.A.announcementB.forecast C.prediction D.declaration 2.It became obvious when the boy floundered through the recitation in class today that he had not taken the trouble to do his homework.A.meditated B.faltered C.contemplated D.staggered AnswersMenu.10.VocabularyA.Identify one.VocabularyA.Identify one of the four choices A,B,C,or D which would keep the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.3.The teacher told the students that they should avoid using clichs in their composition.A.popular proverbs B.well-known stories C.famous quotations D.trite expressions 4.After listening to the same old moral lesson all these years,the villagers became almost immune to it.A.insensitive to B.fed up with C.familiar with D.accustomed to MenuAnswers.11.VocabularyA.Identify one.VocabularyA.Identify one of the four choices A,B,C,or D which would keep the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.5.I cant claim credit for her English proficiency;after all,she only came to my class this semester.A.ask for moneyB.expect paymentC.say that I deserve praise D.declare that I am gratefulAnswersMenu.12.VocabularyA.Identify one.VocabularyA.Identify one of the four choices A,B,C,or D which would keep the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.6.Believe it or not,this popular novel now you see on every shelf was censored only a few years ago.A.officially examined and bannedB.despised by the general publicC.sold out soon after its publicationD.condemned by the criticsMenuAnswers.13.VocabularyA.Identify one.VocabularyA.Identify one of the four choices A,B,C,or D which would keep the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.7.The party leader regards the result of the election as a personal triumph.A.victoryB.celebrationC.satisfactionD.propaganda8.The immigration officer scrutinized his passport before he was allowed to leave.A.StampedB.examinedC.returnedD.issuedAnswersMenu.14.VocabularyA.Identify one.VocabularyA.Identify one of the four choices A,B,C,or D which would keep the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.9.He suffered a long period of depression before his first suicide attempt.A.InoculationB.hypertensionC.ailmentsD.dejection10.He was never able to enjoy the metropolitan delights of cinemas and theatres.A.artisticB.modernC.urbanD.variousMenuAnswers.15.VocabularyA.Identify one.VocabularyB.Choose the correct answer.Only one answer is correct.11.He quickly _ behind the building to avoid being hurt by the stones thrown in his direction.A.eludedB.evadedC.escaped D.dodged12.His dislike of the course may prove to be a _ barrier he cannot overcome.A.BiologicalB.ideologicalC.spiritualD.psychologicalAnswersMenu.16.VocabularyB.Choose the co.VocabularyB.Choose the correct answer.Only one answer is correct.13.As the Cup Final was drawing closer,the injury of the best player was a _ for the whole team.A.misdemeanourB.mistrustC.misfortuneD.mischief14.The best solution to the problem can only be found by a process of trial and _.A.error B.mistake C.success D.experiment MenuAnswers.17.VocabularyB.Choose the co.VocabularyB.Choose the correct answer.Only one answer is correct.15.He thought that he might be able to avoid paying some of his taxes by taking advantage of the _ in the law.A.circles B.loopholes C.exceptions D.misunderstanding16.When he lived in that remote place,radio was the only means he had to keep _ of current events in the country.A.account B.trace C.record D.track MenuAnswers.18.VocabularyB.Choose the co.VocabularyB.Choose the correct answer.Only one answer is correct.17._ what is generally believed,the adjustment to this kind of work is quite easy.A.Contrary to B.Contrast with C.Controversial of D.Contradictory to 18.The flashing red light served as a _ of danger ahead.A.predictor B.caution C.precaution D.prevention AnswersMenu.19.VocabularyB.Choose the co.VocabularyB.Choose the correct answer.Only one answer is correct.19.Their confidence in him was greatly _ by his prolonged hesitation before taking any action.A.appreciated B.confirmed C.undermined D.cherished 20.Your headache is likely to _ if its real cause is not identified and proper treatment administered accordingly.A.cure B.recover C.recur D.releaseMenuAnswers.20.VocabularyB.Choose the co.ClozeRead the passage through and choose one suitable word or phrase marked A,B,C or D for each blank in the passage.No one is free who is a slave to the body,wrote Semeca some 1,900 years ago.1 from the advertisements,products,and best sellers that deluge us daily,we are a nation of slaves.We are 2 with being thin,beautiful,young,and sexy,and we will go to extraordinary 3 to approach those ideals.1.A.judgeB.JudgingC.JudgedD.being judged2.A.obsessed B.possessedC.absorbedD.occupied3.A.troubles B.effortsC.lengthsD.extremesAnswersMenu.21.ClozeRead the passage throu.Close In a recent issue of Psychology Today,we offered readers the opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings about the 4 .The topic was timely and the response 5 :more than 62,000 readers returned the 109-item Body-Image questionnaire.But they were divided and 6 on the matter of 7 important attractiveness and physical looks are-or should be.4.A.idealB.mind C.body D.opinion5.A.overwhelmingB.enthusiastic C.controversialD.contradictory6.A.ambientB.AmbitiousC.Ambiguous D.Ambivalent7.A.whatB.whyC.howD.whichMenuAnswers.22.Close In a recent issue A 8 number of people wrote letters to protest a whole survey on the body.Some said that appearance is a superficial matter,not 9 undue discussion.By contrast,other respondents 10 ,some reluctantly,the importance of ones appearance.In our studies,we found that body image is strongly 11 self-esteem,the general feeling 12 one is competent and confident.8.A.goodB.manyC.lotD.tremendous9.A.worthyB.unworthyC.worthwhile D.worthy of10.A.testified B.verifiedC.confessed D.acknowledged 11.A.linked byB.associated withC.concerned aboutD.related to12.A.thatB.whichC.ofD.sinceAnswersMenu.23 A 8 number of peop People who are happy with their bodies may actually be more assertive and likeable than those who have 13 body images.Or they think they are.One young man explained that in the last year his body image has changed very much 14 the better,as a result of his personal development:Ive gone from considering myself some sort of dumb-head to 15 that Im a fascinating individual nearly impossible to dislikeI have more friends than I know what to do with.13.A.positive B.negativeC.superficial D.satisfactory14.A.toB.forC.to beD.into15.A.understanding B.believing C.regardingD.rememberingMenuAnswers.24 People who are happy witUnit2.25Unit2.25.ComprehensionAnswer the following questions or complete the following statements by choosing the best alternative A,B,C or D under each.You are allowed 2 minutes 30 seconds for this part.1.Amess appearance at last years meeting showed that _.A.he liked to enjoy the California sunshineB.he was too busy to care for himselfC.he was particular about his clothesD.he paid no attention to himselfMenuAnswers.26.ComprehensionAnswer the fol.Comprehension2.According to Ames,in our era man-made carcinogens are _.A.less dangerous than natural carcinogensB.as dangerous as natural carcinogensC.more dangerous than natural carcinogensD.the latest cancer scare3.Ames slaughters sacred cows“means that _.A.Ames often kills cowsB.Ames likes to eat beefC.Ames doesnt believe in any religionD.Ames defies anything regarded as above criticismAnswersMenu.27.Comprehension2.According t4.What Ames really wants to say in his report in Science magazine is that _.A.daily consumption of the average peanut-butter sandwich is 100 times more dangerous than our daily intake of DDT from foodB.a glass of the most polluted well water in the Silicon Valley is 1,000 times less of cancer risk than a glass of wine or beer isC.people should stop consuming peanut-butter,beer and wineD.most man-made cancer risks are trivial compared with daily natural risks and its not clear how many of these are real risks.ComprehensionMenuAnswers.284.What Ames really wants to s5.Before Ames developed a carcinogen test using bacteria,scientists _.A.made their experiments on bacteriaB.did not know that bacteria were sensitive to mutagensC.had known that bacteria were sensitive to carcinogensD.had spent much time and money making experiments on bacteria.ComprehensionAnswersMenu.295.Before Ames developed a car6.In 1974,Ames suddenly became a hero of environmentalists as _.A.he suggested that some students test various household productsB.many common hair dyes tested positiveC.a flame retardant used in childrens pajamas tested positiveD.his findings resulted in new regulations and laws on certain chemicals.ComprehensionMenuAnswers.306.In 1974,Ames suddenly beca7.People tend to assume nature is benign because _.A.they believe only man-made chemicals could be dangerousB.Ames had erred with his testsC.they are naive and ignorant about the Ames TestD.most natural substances have been tested negative as carcinogens or mutagens.ComprehensionAnswersMenu.317.People tend to assume natur8.Environmentalists argument against Ames is that _.A.Ames is a stooge for the chemical industryB.Ames does consulting for the chemical drug and food companies or law firmsC.Ames has erred in supposing that we have to make a choice between cancer risksD.More attention should be paid to TCE in drinking water than public education of cigarette smoking.ComprehensionMenuAnswers.328.Environmentalists argument9.Amess reply to the environmentalists is that _.A.we have to pay for living in a modern industrial societyB.we should not waste time on trivia at the expense of real risksC.we have to get rid of harmful chemicals in the water at any costsD.every chemical company should dump its garbage out the back door.ComprehensionAnswersMenu.339.Amess reply to the environ10.From the text we can infer that man-made carcinogens are _.A.no more harmful to the American public than a peanut-butter sandwich B.not more harmful to the American public than a peanut-butter sandwich C.more harmful to the American public than a peanut-butter sandwich D.harmful to the American public while a peanut-butter sandwich is not.ComprehensionMenuAnswers.3410.From the text we can infer11.Ames has adopted a _ attitude towards Californias Proposition 65.A.watch-and-wait B.no-comment C.critical D.respectful.ComprehensionAnswersMenu.3511.Ames has adopted a _.VocabularyA.Identify one of the four choices A,B,C,or D which would keep the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.1.After his father died,Bill took on the management of the factory.A.got B.undertook C.organized D.held2.Those students who have access to his esoteric discussions were impressed by the scope of his thinking.A.known by few B.known to all C.very lively D.quite popular MenuAnswers.36.VocabularyA.Identify one.VocabularyA.Identify one of the four choices A,B,C,or D which would keep the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.3.The music of the radio distracted me from my reading.A.engrossed B.confused C.refrain D.diverted 4.Abraham Lincoln was quintessential American patriot.A.great B.famous C.typical D.reveredAnswersMenu.37.VocabularyA.Identify one.VocabularyA.Identify one of the four choices A,B,C,or D which would keep the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.5.Every now and then,the speaker interjected some witty remark.A.rejected B.criticized C.inserted D.jeered 6.Why do you get angry over such trivial matters?A.of great worth B.of great benefit C.of little worth D.of little help MenuAnswers.38.VocabularyA.Identify one.VocabularyA.Identify one of the four choices A,B,C,or D which would keep the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.7.The youngest boy was laughed at for his naive remarks.A.innocent B.witty C.amusing D.foolish8.The lady rumpled her skirt by sitting on the seat while flying.A.disordered B.disarranged C.creased D.crashedAnswersMenu.39.VocabularyA.Identify one.VocabularyA.Identify one of the four choices A,B,C,or D which would keep the meaning of the underlined word or phrase.9.Thousands of people are needlessly slaughtered in road accidents in his country each year.A.wounded B.killedC.injured D.crushed10.I bought this cloth cheap because there is a small defect in it.A.spotB.dotC.flawD.pointMenuAnswers.40.VocabularyA.Identify one.VocabularyB.Choose the correct answer.Only one answer is correct.11.Your job is not to make decisions but to _ the decisions we make.A.complete B.accomplishC.ImplementD.affect12.Would you _ him among the worlds great statesmen?A.rank B.callC.nameD.hailAnswersMenu.41.VocabularyB.Choose the co.VocabularyB.Choose the correct answer.Only one answer is correct.13.Understanding is one of the most important _ of a successful marriage.A.ingredientsB.standardsC.keysD.methods14.There are _ of poison in the dead mans blood.A.pieces B.tracesC.slicesD.lotsMenuAnswers.42.VocabularyB.Choose the co.VocabularyB.Choose the correct answer.Only one answer is correct.15.He had been ill for months,and we were disturbed by his _ complexion.A.fair B.sallow C.darkD.white16.A witness in court is _ to tell the truth.A.temptedB.obligatedC.urgedD.praisedAnswersMenu.43.VocabularyB.Choose the co.VocabularyB.Choose the correct answer.Only one answer is correct.17.A _ swelling or tumour can usually be cured.A.malignantB.benignC.small D.mild18.It is better to _ on the side of mercy.A.errB.add C.work D.offerMenuAnswers.44.VocabularyB.Choose the co.VocabularyB.Choose the correct answer.Only one answer is correct.19.He has a very _ address;he lives in the best part of town.A.wealthy B.comfortableC.prestigiousD.Accessible20.We all listened to the priest _ the psalm.A.intoning B.utteringC.speaking D.deliveringAnswersMenu.45.VocabularyB.Choose the co.ClozeRead the passage through and choose one suitable word or phrase marked A,B,C or D for each blank in the passage.We all know that normal human daily 1 of activity is of some 78 hours sleep 2 with some 1617 hours wakefulness and that,broadly speaking,the sleep normally coincides with the hours of 3 .1.A.lifeB.cycleC.operationD.plan2.A.alternating B.keepingC.goingD.shifting3.A.dawnB.quietnessC.darknessD.mid-nightMenuAnswers.46.ClozeRead the passage throu Our present concern is with how easily and to what extent this normality can be modified.The question is no more an academic one.The ease,for example,with which people can change from working in the day to working at night is a question of growing importance in industry where 4 calls insistently for round-the-clock working of machine.It normally takes from five days to one week for a person to adapt to a 5 routine of sleep and wakefulness,sleeping during the day and working at night.4.A.productionB.automationC.managementD.manufacture5.A.fixedB.reservedC.givenD.reversedAnswersMenu.47 Our present concern is wUnfortunately,it is often the case in industry that shifts are changed every week,a person may work from 12 mid-night to 8 a.m.6 week,8 a.m.to 4 p.m.the next,and 4 p.m.to 12 mid-night the third and so on.This means that no sooner has he got used to one routine 7 he was to change to another,so that much of his time is spent neither working nor sleeping efficiently.6.A.aB.firstC.oneD.the7.A.thanB.whenC.oneD.whileMenuAnswers.48Unfortunately,it is often theOne answer would seem to be longer periods on each shift,a month,or even three months.Recent research,however,has shown that people on such systems will get back into their normal habits of sleep and wakefulness during the weekend and that this is quite enough to 8 any adaptation to night work built up during the week.8.A.harmB.changeC.demolishD.reduceAnswersMenu.49One answer would seem to be loThe only real solution appears to be to hand 9 the night shift to a 10 of permanent night workers whose adaptation to night work may persist 11 all weekends and holidays.An interesting study of the domestic life and health of night-shift workers was carried out by Brown in 1967.9.A.downB.overC.fromD.In10.A.corpsB.crowdC.gangD.flock11.A.inB.forC.throughD.onMenuAnswers.50The only real solutio


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