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大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration Office(第三版)新世纪高职高专旅游管理专业系列规划教材新世纪高职高专教材编审委员会组编主编彭华精品文档精品文档1大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeBackground MaterialTips for ReferenceIn the International Arrival Hall,tourist will go through the following formalities:1.Sanitation Quarantine:If you are given a Health Card from the Quarantine Institute during the flight,please fill in the necessary information and hand it over to the Immigration Station for inspection.2.Immigration Inspection:Please make sure your Disembarkation Card is filled in completely and then present it together with your passport to immigration officials for inspection.3.Check-in Baggage Claim:After proceeding to the Baggage Claim Area,please go to the designated carrousel for your flight to claim your check-in baggage.Baggage carts are available at the Baggage Claim Area for your use.4.Customs Formality:Please use the green channel(no declaration channel)if belongings your carried don t exceed your Duty Free Concession.Use the red channel(declaration channel)if they exceed the Duty Free Concession or if you are not sure.5.Leaving the Airport:Taxis are available outside of the exit of the Domestic Arrival Hall.精品文档Background MaterialTips for Re2大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeSituational DialogueVocabularyDialogue Onearticlen.物品belongingsn.财产,所有物contrabandn.违禁品,走私品currencyn.货币dutiableadj.应纳关税的有税的dutyn.关税精品文档Situational DialogueVocabulary3大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeSituational DialogueVocabularyDialogue Oneleisuren.物品restrictionn.财产,所有物visan.违禁品,走私品immigration controln.货币Immigration Officeadj.应纳关税的有税的Quarantine Inspectionn.关税精品文档Situational DialogueVocabulary4大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeSituational DialogueVocabularyDialogue Twoinspectionn.检查,视察itineraryn.旅程,旅行指南,游记reservationn.预定Customs Declaration Form通关申报表Health Certificate健康证明精品文档Situational DialogueVocabulary5大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeSituational DialogueDialogue One Now Mrs.Smith,a passenger,is at the destination country s international arrival hall,she is asking Lori,her tour leader,about how to pass through the entry procedures.L:Lori,a tour leader S:Mrs.Smith,a touristL:Here we are at the Customs Office.I have to leave you here now,but I ll be waiting for you at the exit.S:A moment please.You see,it s my first trip to China and I m not sure about the procedures here.I don t want anything to go wrong.L:Well,firstly,you must go through the Immigration Office,then proceed through the Quarantine Inspection and finally the Customs.S:I am told the customs officer will check the passport at the immigration control,is it true?L:Yes.So get it ready at that place.S:What about my visa?L:It s placed on your passport and they ll check both of them.精品文档Situational DialogueDialogue O6大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeSituational DialogueDialogue OneS:I see.Is it true that we ll have to state the purpose of going to a certain country?L:That s right.People go abroad for different purposes:some for leisure,some for business,and some for other purposes.We just need to say“sightseeing”.That s enough.S:Do they have any restrictions on the articles we re carrying at the customs?L:They ll check to see if you re carrying any contraband.And sometimes they ll ask you to declare things,make a record of your foreign currencies and so on.S:Are all the belongings subject to duty?L:No.Your personal belongings are not dutiable.S:Oh,I see.精品文档Situational DialogueDialogue O7大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeSituational DialogueDialogue Two Mrs.Smith is now at the immigration-inspection counter,she has to answer the immigration officer s inquiry.A:Tom,an immigration officer S:Mrs.Smith,a passengerT:Good afternoon,Ms.May I have a look at your passport,please?S:Sure.Here it is.T:And your Customs Declaration Form and Health Certificate?S:Here they are.T:What is your purpose of your visit,for sightseeing or on business?S:For sightseeing.T:How long will you be staying in the United States?S:Just two weeks.T:Where will you be staying?S:We have hotel reservations in LA,Las Vegas,the Grand Canyon,and New York.T:Do you have the addresses handy?S:Here is a copy of our itinerary.T:Thanks.Welcome to the U.S.Your papers are all in order.Please go to the next line for your customs inspection.精品文档Situational DialogueDialogue T9大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeSituational DialogueUseful ExpressionsFor a Tour Guide1.How was the flight?一路上还好吗?2.When you pick up your luggage,please put it on these carts.大家取到行李后,请放在这几辆手推车上。精品文档Situational DialogueUseful Exp11大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeSituational DialogueUseful ExpressionsFor a Tour Guide3.How many pieces of luggage do you have altogether?你们总共有多少件行李?4.Please fill in the customs baggage declaration form.请填写海关行李申报表。精品文档Situational DialogueUseful Exp12大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeSituational DialogueUseful ExpressionsFor a Tour Guide5.Shall I help you with your luggage?让我来帮您拿行李好吗?6.Be sure to take all the luggage with you.请务必带好所有行李。精品文档Situational DialogueUseful Exp13大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeSituational DialogueUseful ExpressionsFor a Tour Guide7.The perishables are not allowed to bring in.易腐烂的东西是不允许入境的。8.Personal belongings are duty-free.个人随身携带的物品是免税的。精品文档Situational DialogueUseful Exp14大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeSituational DialogueUseful ExpressionsFor a Tour Guide9.You must state your purpose of traveling.您必须陈述您旅行的目的。10.After collecting your bags,please proceed to Customs,which is located in the South Wing of the Terminal,with the declaration slip you filled out on the airplane.拿到行李后请带上您在飞机上填好的申报单到机场南侧的海关处。精品文档Situational DialogueUseful Exp15大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeSituational DialogueUseful ExpressionsFor a Tourist1.I am here for sightseeing/immigration/employment/studying.我来这里观光/移民/受雇/求学。2.I am here to see the sights/visit my friends/attend a conference.我来这里观光/访友/参加会议。精品文档Situational DialogueUseful Exp16大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeSituational DialogueUseful ExpressionsFor a Tourist3.I am here on a student visa.我是持学生签证来的。4.I am staying here one month/about two weeks/just one day.我将在这里停留1个月/约2周/只有一天。精品文档Situational DialogueUseful Exp17大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeSituational DialogueUseful ExpressionsFor a Tourist5.I am only passing through the country/staying briefly in the country.我只是过境贵国/在这个国家做短暂的停留。6.I am planning to stay at the Hilton Hotel.我打算住在希尔顿饭店。精品文档Situational DialogueUseful Exp18大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeSituational DialogueUseful ExpressionsFor a Tourist7.How long can I stay?我能待多久?8.What procedures do I have to take/What procedures must I follow if I want to stay longer?如果我要待久一点,要办什么手续?精品文档Situational DialogueUseful Exp19大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeSituational DialogueUseful ExpressionsFor a Tourist9.These are all presents for my friends.这些都是给朋友的礼物。10.I have nothing to declare.我没有任何东西要申报。精品文档Situational DialogueUseful Exp20大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeWriting-skillTips for ReferenceChinese citizens who will leave China for over one year are suggested to accept medical check-up in inspection and Quarantine department to obtain valid health certificate.Passengers heading for some epidemic-stricken area should have necessary immune prevention and vaccination.According to the requirement of inspection and quarantine authorities,passengers are required to fill out Entry Health Quarantine Declaration Card honestly.Passengers from epidemic-stricken area of yellow fever should present valid vaccination certificate of yellow fever to Inspection and Quarantine authorities.精品文档Writing-skillTips for Referenc21大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeWriting-skillSample 1精品文档Writing-skillSample 1精品文档22大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeWriting-skillSample 1精品文档Writing-skillSample 1精品文档23大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeWriting-skillSample 2精品文档Writing-skillSample 2精品文档24大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeNotesconsequence1后果corresponding2相应的false3虚假的poultry4家禽suspects5疑似患者symptoms6症状精品文档Notesconsequence1后果correspond25大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeWriting-skillTranslating Practice Suppose you are Jocelyn Wang,an American engineer,you fly from Los Angeles to Beijing,China for a business trip on Jan.12,2015.Your flight No.is CA 984,and Chinese ABC Co.ltd serves as the host organization.Now you arrive at Beijing International Airport.Please fill in the Passenger s Health Declaration in Sample 1.精品文档Writing-skillTranslating Pract26大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeExercises1.Read aloud until you can say it from memory,then translate it into Chinese.The immigration cards filled out by the passengers help the tourist department know what kind of travelers visit the country.Answers to questions on the cards give the country of origin,which is the place the tourist comes from,and other important information.This information helps the tourism department know in which countries they should advertise or where to send their booklets.精品文档Exercises1.Read aloud until y27大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeExercises2.Listening TasksTask One:Listen and fill in the blanks with what you hear and then do a pair-work to practice it orally.A:An immigration officer B:A touristA:Good afternoon,sir.May I see your passport,please?B:Of course.Here you are.A:What s your purpose of your visit?_?B:Business.I have a number of _ to attend.A:I see.How long will you be _?B:Two weeks.I ll be leaving on _.A:Where do you _ visit while in the country?B:Seattle first;then I ll be _ the east coast.A:Do you have a _ to China?B:Yes.However,I ll be returning _ not going back to China directly.Business or pleasureMeetingsstaying in the U.S.June 16thintend toheading on toreturn ticketvia Japan精品文档Exercises2.Listening TasksA:28大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeExercises2.Listening TasksTask Two:Listen to a typical public announcement made at an airport or on an airplane,then fill in the blanks with what you hear.Captain s AnnouncementGood afternoon passengers.This is your captain speaking.First I d like to welcome everyone on Rightwing _.We are currently cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet at an _.The time is 1:25 p.m._ and with the tailwind on our side we are expecting to land in London approximately fifteen minutes _.The weather in London is clear and sunny,with a high temperature of 25 degrees for this afternoon.If the weather cooperates we should get a great view of the city as we descend.The cabin crew will be coming around in about twenty minutes to offer you _,and the in-flight movie will begin shortly after that.I ll talk to you again before we reach our destination.Until then,sit back,relax and enjoy the rest of the flight.Flight 86Aairspeed of 400 miles per hourThe weather looks goodahead of schedulea light snack and beverage精品文档Exercises2.Listening TasksCap29大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeExercises3.Read the following passage and decide whether the statements are true(T)or false(F).The flight attendant knows it is important for the passengers to fill out the customs declaration and immigration cards correctly.So they watch to see if any passengers are having trouble and then offer to help them.Many countries require arriving travelers to fill out“immigration cards”regardless of whether the travelers intend to stay or live in the country or are just tourists on a visit.These cards are also called“arrival”or“disembarkation”cards.Immigration cards ask for information about the passengers and are important for a country s tourism department,which uses this information in planning facilities for tourists.The tourism industry does not consist of one big business.It is many businesses that provide many things for tourists.A hotel is an accommodations facility,a place where a traveler can eat or sleep.A restaurant is also an accommodations facility.Airports are travel facilities.精品文档Exercises3.Read the following30大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeExercises3.Read the following passage and decide whether the statements are true(T)or false(F).1.An migration card may also be called a disembarking or arrival card.2.The immigration cards help the tourism department plan facilities needed for tourists.3.Tourism is the name given to the business of serving tourists.4.Tourism industry involves travel services and hotels only.5.Accommodations mean lodgings or rooms for visitors.FTTTT精品文档Exercises3.Read the following31大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeExercises4.Role PlayYou are bringing with you several pieces of new product-samples to show your clients in USA.You will stay in NY for one week.During the stay,you will meet with your business partners and have a city tour.Now you are at the Immigration Office at the Los Angeles Airport.Please make a dialogue with your immigration officer explaining your visiting purpose.精品文档Exercises4.Role PlayYou are32大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeExercises5.Translation(1)我只是在去美国之前做中途停留。(2)这是我全部东西的清单。I am just having a stopover before going to the U.S.This is a list of all I have.精品文档Exercises5.Translation(1)我只33大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeExercises5.Translation(3)这架相机是我自己要用的。(4)我最多可以带多少免税烟酒?This camera is for my personal use.What is the most duty-free liquor and tobacco I can take?精品文档Exercises5.Translation(3)这架相34大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeExercises5.Translation(5)这些都是我的私人物品,我想没有需要上税的物品。(6)这里的海关人员检查得非常严格。These are my personal effects.Nothing durable,I think.The custom officials here will check very strictly.精品文档Exercises5.Translation(5)这些35大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeText BChinese Cuisines(II)There are four major Chinese cuisines,which includes Shandong Cuisine,Sichuan Cuisine,Canton Cuisine,and Jiangsu Cuisine.Here is an introduction of them.Guangdong Cuisine,tasting clean,light,crisp and fresh,is familiar to Westerners but unique among the Chinese cuisines.Its raw materials,cooking methods,and flavorings all differ from the other cuisines.The dietetic culture of Guangdong has retained many eating habits and customs of the ancient people,for example eating snakes,cats and insects etc.In short,to the people of Guangdong,everything that walks,crawls,flies,or swims is edible.Many of these strange foods no longer appeal to today s refined tastes,and some have been eliminated out of respect for the eating habits of people in other areas,but some strange foods still remain.Sichuan has high humidity and many rainy or overcast days.To help reduce internal dampness,hot pepper was used frequently in dishes,and hot dishes became the norm in Sichuan Cuisine.Sichuan produces abundant domestic animals,poultry,and freshwater fish and crayfish.Sichuan cuisine is well known for cooking fish.精品文档Text BChinese Cuisines(II)精36大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeText BShandong Cuisine is known for its excellent seafood dishes and delicious soup.Consisting of Jinan Cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine,Shandong Cuisine,clean,pure and not greasy,is characterized by its emphasis on aroma,freshness,crispness and tenderness.Shallots and garlic are frequently used as seasonings so Shandong dishes taste pungent.Soups are given much emphasis in Shandong Cuisine.Thin soups are clear and fresh while creamy soups are thick and taste strong.Chefs are good at using onions and seasonings.Jiangsu Cuisine,also called Huaiyang Cuisine,is popular in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.Using fish as the main ingredients,it stresses their freshness.Its carving techniques are delicate,of which the melon carving technique is especially well known.Cooking techniques consist of stewing,braising,roasting,and simmering.The flavor of Jiangsu Cuisine is light,fresh and sweet and its presentation is delicately elegant.精品文档Text BShandong Cuisine is kn37大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeText BVocabularydieteticadj.食物疗法的retainvt.保持,保留edibleadj.可食用的refinevt.精炼,精制,使文雅高尚eliminatevt.排除,消除dampnessn.潮湿,湿气精品文档Text BVocabularydieteticadj.食物38大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeText BVocabularycrayfishn.小龙虾,(美俗)退缩者shallotn.葱garlicn.(植)大蒜,蒜头onionn.洋葱pungentadj.(指气味、味道)刺激性的,辛辣的delicateadj.精巧的,精致的精品文档Text BVocabularycrayfishn.小龙虾,39大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeText BExercises1.Answer the following questions according to the text.(1)What are the typical characters of ingredients in Guangdong Cuisine?(2)Why Sichuan local people like to use pepper while cooking?Everything that walks,crawls,flies,or swims is edible.Sichuan has high humidity and many rainy or overcast days.Pepper helps reduce internal dampness.精品文档Text BExercises1.Answer the f41大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeText BExercises1.Answer the following questions,according to the text.(3)What is Shandong Cuisine famous for?(4)What are the features of Shandong Cuisine?Shandong Cuisine is known for its excellent seafood dishes and delicious soup.Clean,pure and not greasy.精品文档Text BExercises1.Answer the f42大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeText BExercises1.Answer the following questions,according to the text.(5)What s the flavor of Jiangsu Cuisine?The flavor of Jiangsu cuisine is light,fresh and sweet.精品文档Text BExercises1.Answer the f43大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeText BExercises2.Translate the following passage into Chinese.The main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that,unlike the West,where everyone has their own plate of food,in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares.If you are being treated by a Chinese host,be prepared for a ton of food.Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best to show their hospitality.And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate.This is a sign of politeness.The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is.If you feel uncomfortable with this,you may just say a polite thank you and leave the food there.中西方饮食习惯一个主要的差异是:在西方,每个就餐者都有自己的餐盘;而中国的菜盘是摆在桌上供大家分享的。如果一个中国人做东请你吃饭,你就要预备好接受一大堆的食物。中国人对自己的饮食文化非常自豪,而且会尽全力展现他们的好客。有时,主方还会用他们的筷子往你的碗或盘子里夹食物。这是一种礼貌的表现。恰当的做法是无论什么菜都尝一点,当然还要记得赞美一下食物的美味。如果你不喜欢吃,可以搁在那里不吃,只用礼貌性地说声谢谢就够了。精品文档Text BExercises2.Translate th44大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeText BExercises3.Translate the following passage into English.中餐礼仪,是中华饮食文化的重要组成部分。学习中餐礼仪,主要需注意掌握用餐方式、时间地点的选择、菜单安排、席位排列、餐具使用、用餐举止等六个方面的规则和技巧。中餐的上菜顺序,一般讲究先凉后热,先炒后烧,咸鲜清淡的先上,甜的味浓味厚的后上,最后是饭。The table manner of the Chinese food is an important part of the Chinese diet culture.To learn it,you should pay attention to the following six rules and skills:the way of dining,the choice of time and place,the arrangement of menu and seats,the usage of dinner set and the etiquette of dinning.The order of serving Chinese dishes is fastidious about such rules:cold dishes are provided before hot ones;the fried before the braised;the salty food with light fresh taste before the sweet one with rich strong flavor;and the last part is appetizing dishes with cooked rice.精品文档Text BExercises3.Translate th45大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeText BExercises4.Search Online Please surf online to collect some famous dishes in each Chinese Cuisine and then list out four menus of them,according to your findings.精品文档Text BExercises4.Search Onlin46大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeText BSupplement to the Word Bankcuttingslicingchoppinghigh heatmoderate heatlow heattimingscaldingdeep fryingdry fryingstir fryingquick fryinginstant boilingquick boilingpicklingdiceminceshredshelling切/刀工片斩高火中火文火时间控制白灼油炸煎炒熘涮焯水腌制切丁切碎切丝去壳精品文档Text BSupplement to the Word B47大连理工大学出版社Unit FourAt the Immigration OfficeText BUseful Expressions1.The distinctive Chinese culinary art had attracted people of all over the world.这些与众不同的中国烹饪艺术吸引了全世界的人。2.It is believed that China is one of the kingdoms of cuisine.人们深信中国是美食王国之一。精品文档Text BUseful Expressions1.Th48大连理


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