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Exercises Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension Structure of the Text Structure of the TextUnit 4:ExercisesExercises Vocabulary Vocabulary Cloze Cloze Translation Translation1 Exercises Reading CompreheUnit 4:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension1.1.In In paragraph paragraph 2,2,the the author author says says that that“Who“Who will will take take the the helm?helm?is is one one question question that that will will keep keep CEOs CEOs awake awake at at night night in in the the next next millennium.”millennium.”Why Why do do you you think think the the CEOs CEOs feel feel so so worried worried about people who will take over as managers?about people who will take over as managers?The The CEOs CEOs feel feel so so worried worried because because Gen Gen Xers Xers have have been been described described very very negatively negatively by by many many writers.writers.Studies Studies accuse accuse them them of of being being arrogant,arrogant,uncommitted,uncommitted,unmanageable,unmanageable,and and lazy.lazy.They They care care about about nothing,nothing,and and are are unwilling unwilling to to pay pay their their dues.dues.The The CEOs CEOs worry worry how how this this generation generation is is going going to to manage manage the the firms,firms,especially,especially,the the services firms.services firms.ReferencReference eEx.I,p.712Unit 4:Reading comprehension12.2.Why Why are are Gen Gen Xers Xers so so independent?independent?In In paragraphs paragraphs 46,46,what what examples examples does does the the author author give to show their independence?give to show their independence?Gen Gen Xers Xers are are so so independent independent because because they they had had been been the the“latchkey“latchkey kids”.kids”.When When they they were were young,young,they they had had been been left left alone alone by by divorced divorced and and/or or working working parents.parents.Therefore,Therefore,they they learnt learnt to to deal deal with with things things independently.independently.For For example,example,at at the the workplace,workplace,they they hope hope to to have have flexible flexible work work schedules.schedules.They They dont dont want want to to be be watched watched closely closely and and instructed instructed step step by by step step while while doing doing their their work.work.They They only only want want guidance guidance and and encouragement from their managers.encouragement from their managers.ReferencReference eUnit 4:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension32.Why are Gen Xers so indepen3.3.What What kind kind of of environment environment do do Gen Gen Xers Xers prefer prefer to to work in?Why?work in?Why?Gen Gen Xers Xers prefer prefer to to work work in in an an environment environment which which is is fully fully equipped equipped with with the the most most advanced advanced technology,technology,such such as as telecommuting,telecommuting,teleconferencing,teleconferencing,etc.etc.As As a a generation generation who who has has grown grown up up with with rapidly rapidly changing changing technology technology and and the the availability availability of of huge huge amounts amounts of of information,information,they they feel feel very very comfortable comfortable with with using using technology technology and and puters.Only Only in in a a technologically technologically advanced advanced environment,environment,can can they work effectively and efficiently.they work effectively and efficiently.ReferencReference eUnit 4:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension43.What kind of environment do4.4.According According to to paragraph paragraph 9,9,what what makes makes Gen Gen Xers Xers place a high value on work-life balance?place a high value on work-life balance?First,First,they they cherish cherish the the traditional traditional family family values values because because they they feel feel they they missed missed them them when when they they were were young.young.Their Their parents parents had had hardly hardly spent spent any any quality quality time time with with them them owing owing to to their their busy busy work.work.Secondly,Secondly,they they doubt doubt that that they they will will be be rewarded rewarded in in the the future future if if they they give give up up their their needs needs of of today.today.What What happened happened to to their their parents parents is is a a good good example.example.Their Their parents parents had had worked worked so so hard hard for for the the goodof goodof the the company,company,but but ended ended up up simply simply being laid off.being laid off.ReferencReference eUnit 4:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension54.According to paragraph 9,w5.5.Why Why do do Gen Gen X X job job applicants applicants usually usually make make the the interviewers interviewers surprised surprised and and irritated irritated at at a a job job interview?interview?Gen Gen X X job job applicants applicants usually usually openly openly ask ask life-life-balance balance questions questions at at a a job job interview,interview,which which makes makes the the interviewers interviewers surprised surprised and and irritated.irritated.The The interviewers interviewers have have been been too too used used to to hearing hearing Baby Baby Boomer Boomer job job applicants applicants say say“How“How can can I I best best contribute contribute to to the the company?”company?”and and“My“My greatest weakness is that I work too hard.”greatest weakness is that I work too hard.”ReferencReference eUnit 4:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension65.Why do Gen X job applicants6.6.The The author author gives gives a a subtitle subtitle“Just“Just Do Do It”It”to to paragraphs paragraphs 1213.1213.How How do do you you understand understand the the meaning meaning of of“Just“Just Do Do It”It”from from the the two two paragraphs?paragraphs?From From the the two two paragraphs,paragraphs,we we can can learn learn that that“Just“Just do do it”it”here here means means that that Gen Gen Xers Xers expect expect everything everything to to be be clear,clear,honest honest and and substantial.substantial.The examples include:The examples include:1)1)They support substance over style.They support substance over style.2)2)They emphasize outcomes over process.They emphasize outcomes over process.3)3)They They want want their their managers managers to to communicate communicate honestly honestly with them.with them.4)4)They They expect expect their their managers managers to to give give them them tangible tangible rewards rather than soft words.rewards rather than soft words.ReferencReference eUnit 4:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension76.The author gives a subtitle7.7.According According to to paragraphs paragraphs 1417,1417,Gen Gen Xers Xers are are constantly constantly changing changing jobs jobs instead instead of of working working for for a a single single employer employer all all their their lifetime lifetime like like their their parents.parents.What What are are the the two two reasons reasons we we can can find find to to explain explain Gen Gen Xers Xers frequent frequent change change of of their their jobs?jobs?1)1)Gen Gen Xers Xers believe believe that that their their future future lies lies in in their their resumes resumes rather rather than than their their loyalty loyalty to to any any one one pany.2)2)They They want want to to develop develop diverse diverse work work skills skills by by trying trying different but challenging jobs.different but challenging jobs.ReferencReference eUnit 4:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension87.According to paragraphs 148.8.In In what what way way will will Gen Gen Xs Xs life-balance life-balance beliefs beliefs affect affect corporate corporate policies policies in in the the future future according according to the authors forecasts in paragraph 21?to the authors forecasts in paragraph 21?In In the the authors authors opinion,opinion,Gen Gen Xs Xs life-balance life-balance beliefs beliefs will will lead lead to to the the development development of of family-family-friendly friendly corporate corporate policies policies in in the the future.future.To To be be specific,specific,there there are are two two types types of of family-friendly family-friendly policies mentioned here:policies mentioned here:1)1)Employees Employees will will enjoy enjoy flexible flexible work work schedules and schedules and reduced work hours.reduced work hours.2)2)Employees Employees will will be be able able to to choose choose benefits benefits that are most that are most suitable suitable for for them them to to meet meet their their individual needs,such individual needs,such as as benefits benefits which which support support early early family family concerns concerns like like insurance,child care,etc.insurance,child care,etc.ReferencReference eUnit 4:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension98.In what way will Gen Xs li9.9.In In paragraph paragraph 23,23,the the author author forecasts forecasts that that many many Gen Gen Xers Xers will will choose choose to to become become entrepreneurs entrepreneurs rather rather than than take take a a job job in in a a pany.What What advantage advantage and and disadvantage disadvantage are are mentioned mentioned by by the the author author about about Gen Gen Xers Xers trend trend to to start start their their own business?own business?The The advantage advantage is:is:Companies Companies will will find find it it easy easy to to obtain obtain goods goods or or services services from from an an outside outside supplier.supplier.The The disadvantage disadvantage is:is:Companies Companies will will have have fewer fewer candidates candidates when when they they want want to to promote junior managers.promote junior managers.ReferencReference eUnit 4:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension109.In paragraph 23,the author10.10.In In paragraph paragraph 25,25,what what suggestion suggestion does does the the author author give give to to deal deal with with the the culture culture clash clash between between Baby Baby Boomers Boomers and and Gen Gen Xers Xers within within the the workplace?workplace?The The author author suggests suggests that that cultural cultural conflicts conflicts between between Baby Baby Boomers Boomers and and Gen Gen Xers Xers within within the the workplace workplace should should be be faced faced directly directly and and honestly.honestly.Cultural Cultural diversity diversity should should be be understood,understood,respected respected and and accepted accepted in in the the pany.Meanwhile,Meanwhile,there there should should be be lines lines for for the the two two groups groups to to communicate communicate with with each each other other to foster mutual respect.to foster mutual respect.ReferencReference eUnit 4:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension1110.In paragraph 25,what suggEx.II,p.721.1.Introduction(Paras.13)Introduction(Paras.13)2.2.Body(Paras.423)Body(Paras.423)3.3.Conclusion(Para.24Conclusion(Para.24 26)26)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 4:Structure of the textStructure of the text12Ex.II,p.721.Introduction(1.1.Introduction(Paras.13)Introduction(Paras.13)Much Much has has been been written written about about Gen Gen X X employees,employees,but but most most of of it it is is _._.Recent Recent interpretations,interpretations,however,however,offer offer some some _._.Text OutlineText Outlinenegativenegativenew and somewhat different new and somewhat different insightsinsightsUnit 4:Structure of the textStructure of the text131.Introduction(Paras.13)M2.2.Body(Paras.423)Body(Paras.423)1)The characteristics of Gen X(Paras.418)1)The characteristics of Gen X(Paras.418)Text OutlineText Outline2)2)Changes Changes that that Gen Gen X X managers managers will will likely likely bring bring to to corporate corporate culture culture and and leadership leadership(Paras.(Paras.191923)23)Unit 4:Structure of the textStructure of the text142.Body(Paras.423)1)The c2.2.Body(Paras.423)Body(Paras.423)Text OutlineText OutlineA.A._ rather than arrogant_ rather than arrogantB.B._._.C.C._._.D.D.Demand Demand honesty honesty and and clarity;clarity;respect respect substance over substance over style.style.E.E.Change Change jobs jobs often often to to _._.Good at technologyGood at technologyValue work-life balanceValue work-life balancedevelop different job skillsdevelop different job skillsIndependenIndependent tUnit 4:Structure of the textStructure of the text1)The characteristics of Gen X(Paras.418)1)The characteristics of Gen X(Paras.418)152.Body(Paras.423)Text Outl2.2.Body(Paras.423)Body(Paras.423)2)2)Changes Changes that that Gen Gen X X managers managers will will likely likely bring bring to to corporate corporate culture culture and and leadership leadership(Paras.(Paras.1923)1923)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 4:Structure of the textStructure of the text162.Body(Paras.423)2)ChangeText OutlineText OutlineA.A.They They will will _ _ due due to to their their emphasis emphasis on on independence independence and and their skills in technology.their skills in technology.B.B.They They will will _ _ due due to their life-balance beliefs.to their life-balance beliefs.C.C.They They will will _ _ and and expand expand informal informal dressing dressing to to the the whole whole workweek workweek owing owing to to their their“just“just do do it”it”attitude attitude and impatience with the old corporate cultures.and impatience with the old corporate cultures.D.D.Many Many of of them them will will _ _ and and become become entrepreneurs entrepreneurs themselves themselves owing owing to to their their independence independence and and their their doubt doubt about about their future in a corporate workplace.their future in a corporate workplace.support continued growth in telecommutingsupport continued growth in telecommutingsupport family-friendly corporate policiessupport family-friendly corporate policiessupport a more casual support a more casual workplaceworkplacestart their own businessesstart their own businessesUnit 4:Structure of the textStructure of the text17Text OutlineA.They will _Text OutlineText Outline3.3.Conclusion(Para.2426)Conclusion(Para.2426)1)1)Cultural Cultural differences differences between between Baby Baby Boomers Boomers and and Gen Gen Xers Xers should should be be _ in the workplace._ in the workplace.2)2)_._.tolerated and respectedtolerated and respectedIt It is is still still not not clear clear whether whether Gen Gen Xers Xers will will shape shape a a better better future future by by enacting enacting their their beliefs.beliefs.Many Many questions questions concerning concerning their their management remain unansweredmanagement remain unansweredUnit 4:Structure of the textStructure of the text18Text Outline3.Conclusion(Pa1.1.The The Our Our company company is is one one of of the the leading leading manufacturers manufacturers of of commercial commercial and and _ _ kitchen kitchen equipment,equipment,such such as as ovens,ovens,freezers,freezers,refrigerators,blenders,etc.refrigerators,blenders,etc.institutionalinstitutional shunshunenvisionenvisionoutsourceoutsourceassimilateassimilatemarginmargininstitutionalinstitutionalburgeonburgeontelecommtelecommuteuteencompassencompassprowessprowessforgoforgostrivestrivePart A,Ex.V,p.73Complete Complete the the sentences sentences with with words words given given below,below,making making sure sure that that each each word word is is used used in in the right form.the right form.Unit 4:VocabularyVocabulary191.The Our company is one of t2.2.An An annual annual increase increase of of 1.3%1.3%in in food food production production is is necessary necessary at at the the present present time time to to feed feed the the _ _ human human population,population,assuming assuming present diets remain invariant.present diets remain invariant.burgeoninburgeoning g shunshunenvisionenvisionoutsourceoutsourceassimilateassimilatemarginmargininstitutionalinstitutionalburgeonburgeontelecommtelecommuteuteencompassencompassprowessprowessforgoforgostrivestriveUnit 4:VocabularyVocabulary202.An annual increase of 1.3%3.3.You You can can _ _ the the joy joy of of your your beloved beloved ones ones when when they they receive receive the the DVD DVD shows shows made made by by your your own hands as a special gift.own hands as a special gift.envisionenvision Unit 4:VocabularyVocabularyshunshunenvisionenvisionoutsourceoutsourceassimilateassimilatemarginmargininstitutionalinstitutionalburgeonburgeontelecommtelecommuteuteencompassencompassprowessprowessforgoforgostrivestrive21 3.You can _ the joy4.4.This This book book depicts depicts the the cultural cultural history history of of race race and and the the complicated complicated relationship relationship between between _ _ and and mainstream mainstream culture culture in in early early twentieth-century America.twentieth-century America.marginal marginal Unit 4:VocabularyVocabularyshunshunenvisionenvisionoutsourceoutsourceassimilateassimilatemarginmargininstitutionalinstitutionalburgeonburgeontelecommtelecommuteuteencompassencompassprowessprowessforgoforgostrivestrive224.This book depicts the cultu5.5.These These sorts sorts of of jobs jobs are are available available between between late late May May and and late late August August and and often often _ _ a a wide range of work.wide range of work.encompassencompass Unit 4:VocabularyVocabularyshunshunenvisionenvisionoutsourceoutsourceassimilateassimilatemarginmargininstitutionalinstitutionalburgeonburgeontelecommtelecommuteuteencompassencompassprowessprowessforgoforgostrivestrive235.These sorts of jobs are ava6.6.There There is is currently currently a a trend trend for for companies companies to to _ _ much much of of their their IT IT to to third-parties,third-parties,in in some cases to overseas third-parties.some cases to overseas third-parties.outsource outsource Unit 4:VocabularyVocabularyshunshunenvisionenvisionoutsourceoutsourceassimilateassimilatemarginmargininstitutionalinstitutionalburgeonburgeontelecommtelecommuteuteencompassencompassprowessprowessforgoforgostrivestrive246.There is currently a trend 7.7.In In ancient ancient China,China,women women would would compete compete to to show show off off their their _ _ in in needlecraft needlecraft on on Qixi,Qixi,the the most most important important way way of of celebrating celebrating the the festival.festival.prowessprowess Unit 4:VocabularyVocabularyshunshunenvisionenvisionoutsourceoutsourceassimilateassimilatemarginmargininstitutionalinstitutionalburgeonburgeontelecommtelecommuteuteencompassencompassprowessprowessforgoforgostrivestrive257.In ancient China,women wou8.8.Morgan Morgan _ _ publicity publicity of of any any kind,kind,and and never never permitted permitted signs signs bearing bearing her her name name at at construction sites.construction sites.shunned shunned Unit 4:VocabularyVocabularyshunshunenvisionenvisionoutsourceoutsourceassimilateassimilatemarginmargininstitutionalinstitutionalburgeonburgeontelecommtelecommuteuteencompassencompassprowessprowessforgoforgostrivestrive268.Morgan _ publicity o9.9.Immigrants Immigrants need need time time to to overcome overcome difficulties difficulties when they are _ into new cultures.when they are _ into new cultures.assimilatingassimilating Unit 4:VocabularyVocabularyshunshunenvisionenvisionoutsourceoutsourceassimilateassimilatemarginmargininstitutionalinstitutionalburgeonburgeontelecommtelecommuteuteencompassencompassprowessprowessforgoforgostrivestrive279.Immigrants need time to ove10.10.Electronics Electronics chain chain stores stores are are sometimes sometimes willing willing to to _ _ profits profits for for a a period period of of time time in in order order to to gain market share.gain market share.forgoforgo Unit 4:VocabularyVocabularyshunshunenvisionenvisionouts


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