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地铁日常英语地铁日常英语1.地铁日常英语1.2.单词 vocabulary 3.情景再现 Scene Reappearance Phrase/key structure/conversation4.轻松一笑 Easy a smile1.自我介绍self-introduction2.2.单词 vocabulary 3.情景再现self-introductionMy name is.I am from.I like.3.self-introductionMy name地铁常用单词地铁metro法国以及其他法语国家 Underground/tube英国subway美国MRT Mass Rapid Transit System 城市快捷运输系统 在香港和台湾地区的地铁线路 LRT Light Rail Transit 4.地铁常用单词地铁metro法国以及其他法语国家 UndergRoute Map of Line 1 5.Route Map of Line 1 5.看谁抢得快 Who is the first?6.6.Appellation 称呼7.Appellation 7.vSeniorGrandpa8.SeniorGrandpa8.nGrandma9.Grandma9.Mr.sirGentleman10.sirGentleman10.lMr.先生,一般用于男子姓氏或职务前 Sir 对不相识的男子或上级,长辈的尊称Gentleman 绅士,先生,对男士的敬称 11.Mr.先生,一般用于男子姓氏或职务前Sir 对不相识的男子或 MadamMrs.MSMiss 12.MadamMrs.MSMiss 12.MrsMrs.常用于已婚妇女丈夫的姓氏前Miss Miss 对未婚女士的称呼Ms Ms 对一个女士的婚姻状态不明时使用Madam“Madam“太太、夫人”,是对妇女的尊称,不论婚否都可用 13.Mrs.常用于已婚妇女丈夫的姓氏前Miss 对未婚女士的称呼kid14.kid14.Station Equipment 车站设备 1515.Station Equipment 15.Station Control Room16.Station Control Room16.Ticket Vending Machine17.Ticket Vending Machine17.Vending machine 18.Vending machine n nTicket Checking MachineTicket Checking Machine1919.Ticket Checking Machine19.nAutomatic Teller Machine2020.Automatic Teller Machine20.Entrance Gate21.Entrance Gate21.Exit Gate22.Exit Gate22.elevatorlift23.elevatorlift23.escalator24.escalator24.stairs25.stairs25.Screen door26.Screen door26.suggestion box27.suggestion box27.看谁猜得多 Having a guess28.28.Station Quarters 车站岗位 Station Master 中心站站长 Assistant Station Master 中心站副站长 Duty Station Master 值班站长 Station Supervisor 车站值班员 Station Attendant 站务员 Station staff/station officer车站职员 29.Station Quarters 车站岗位 Stat其它与地铁有关的词汇30.30.platform31.platform31.Ticket booth32.Ticket booth32.Booth floor 33.Booth floor 33.Temporary ticket booth34.Temporary ticket booth34.Subway map/line map35.Subway map/line map35.directional sign36.directional sign36.safety line37.safety line37.tunnel38.tunnel38.subway train39.subway train39.station name40.station name40.kiosk41.kiosk41.advertising panel42.advertising panel42.token43.token43.Single-journey ticket44.Single-journey ticket44.Security check45.Security check45.Civilized Phrases 十字文明用语 请Please您好Hello/Hi 谢谢Thanks/thank you对不起Sorry/Excuse me再见Goodbye/See you46.Civilized Phrases 十字文明用语 请P 少了哪一个?What is missing?47.47.suggestion box elevator lift stair CCTVsuggestion box elevator stair CCTVsafety line tunnel subway train station name kiosksafety line tunnel station name kioskplatform headwall tailwall line map directional signplatform headwall tailwall directional sign48.suggestion box elevator PART 2 Scene Reappearance 情景再现 49.PART 2 49.Greetings 问候 Good morningafternoonnight!早上/下午/晚上好How are you?您好吗?Fine,thank you.很好,谢谢How do you do!您好Nice to meet you!很高兴认识您Phrase 短语50.Greetings 问候 Good morningaKey structure 重点句型 1)Welcome to Chengdu Metro.欢迎乘坐成都地铁2)May I help you?有什么可以帮到您吗?3)My name is Jasmine.我叫Jasmine4)May I ask your name?请问怎么称呼?5)Where are you from?请问您是哪里人?6)Im a station attendant of Huaxiba Station.我是华西坝站的一名站务员51.Key structure 重点句型 1)Conversation 对话 Scene 1.I am sorry,I cant understand you.不好意思,我不明白你的意思 Please wait a moment,I will look for another person to talk with you in English.请稍等一下,我将叫另一名工作人员用英语为您服务52.Conversation 对话 Scene 1.I am Offering Help 提供帮助 Phrase 短语customer service顾客服务passenger service乘客服务out of service 暂停服务ambulance service 救护服务emergency service 紧急服务Hotline 服务热线53.Offering Help 提供帮助 Phrase 短v Key structure 重点句型1)请问有什么可以帮到您吗?Can I help you?2)请让我来帮您吧Let me help you.3)请问您怎么了?Whats wrong with you?4)如果您有任何需要,请随时叫我If you need any help,please feel free to contact me.5)我的工号是110110My employee number is 110110.6)帮助乘客是我的责任Its my duty to help the passenger.7)请到我们的会议室休息一下Would you please have a rest in our station meeting room?8)请喝杯热水吧Would you please have a cup of warm water?54.Key structure 重点句型1)请问有什么可以帮Conversation 对话1.Your luggage is too heavy.Let me give you a hand.您的行李太重了,让我来帮您拿吧?Its very kind of you.你太好了You are welcome.If you have any trouble,please feel free to contact the station staffs.It is our pleasure to serve you.不客气,如果您还有什么困难请与车站工作人员联系,我们都很乐意为您服务。55.Conversation 对话1.Your luggag2.My wife has fallen in a bad faint in the platform.Please give me a hand.Please be calm.I will call an ambulance.She has been pregnant for four months,Im afraid it is getting bad.We are contacting the hospital,please wait for the ambulance service.56.2.My wife has fallen in a bau 找朋友 Find your friends57.u57.Asking for Direction 问路 vPhrase 词组 at Nijiaqiao Station 在倪家桥站Opposite to the station mini bank 在站内小银行对面Go straight 直走Turn left/right 转左/右Five-minute walk/five minutes walk 5分钟路程Go upstairs/downstairs 上/下楼梯Follow the sign 根据导向指示58.Asking for Direction 问路 PhrKey structure 重点句型 1)This way,please.请这边走 2)Follow me,please.请跟我走 3)Let me show you there.让我带您去那儿 4)Would you please get on the elevator?请问您愿意乘坐电梯吗?5)Would you please tell me which station you want to go to?Would you please tell me which station do you want to go?请问您要去哪个车站呢?6)That is the way out.那里是出去的路 7)It is just before Nijiaqiao Station.它就在倪家桥站的前一个站 8)You cant miss it.您不会找不到它的 9)Where would you like to go?请问您要去哪儿?59.Key structure 重点句型 1)This wa 反着做Do it in the opposite wayI say:60.60.Conversation 对话1)Excuse me,where is the toilet/restroom?请问,厕所在哪里?walk along the corridor,and go forward.沿着走廊一直往前走 2)How can I get to Tongzilin Station?我将怎样去桐梓林站?You can take the train which is bound for Century City.You can go to the platform which is bound for Century City 您可以坐开往世纪城站方向的那趟车.3)Excuse me,I want to go to the Chengdu International Convention and Exhibition Center.打扰一下,我想去成都国际会展中心 It is not far away from Century City station.You can buy the ticket to Century City station.您可以乘坐1号线在世纪城站下车,离那儿不远4)Could you tell me how I get to the botanical garden?你能告诉我怎么去植物园吗?Sure.You can get to the North railway station,and then transfer to a NO.9 bus to get there.您可以从火车北站出,然后改坐9路公交车。61.Conversation 对话1)Excuse me,5.Excuse me,where am I in this map?请问我现在在地图上哪个位置?You are here,Jin Jiang Hotel.You are in the heart of the city.您现在在这里,锦江宾馆。城市的中心 Oh,I think I am lost.Can I go from here to Renming Park?我想我迷路了。我从这里能到人民公园吗?you can take a NO.78 bus to the Renming Park station at the exit C1.您可以从C1口出坐78路到人民公园。62.5.Excuse me,where am I in th Buying ticket 买票v Phrase 词组SJT-Single Journey Ticket 单程票SVT-Store Value Ticket 储值票BOM booking office machine 半自动售票机AFC Automatic Fare Collection 自动售检票KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken Ticket Vending Machine售票机Ticket Checking Machine 验票机paid area已付费区63.Buying ticket 买票 Phrase 词组SJ full fare全票 under fare 超程 store value only 只加值 no change 不找零 coin only 只接受硬币 note only 只接受纸币 ticket office票务室 ticket guide票务指南 adult ticket成人票 group ticket 团体票 paper ticket 纸票 student ticket学生票64.full fare全票 nKey structure 重点句型1 Where would you go,please?请问去哪里2 Receive you two yuan.收您两元3 Change you two yuan.找您两元4 The SVT has a little discount.储值票有些折扣5 The SJT must be recycled at the exit-gate.单程票须在出闸机回收6 You can get the token by note/coins/card.您可以用纸币/硬币/卡买票7 This is the note slot/coins slot/card slot.这是纸币/硬币/卡的投币口 8 The ticket is available on the day of issue only.车票当天有效65.Key structure 重点句型1 Where woulConversation 对话 1)Excuse me,where can I get the ticket?不好意思,我在哪里买票呢?You can get it at the Ticket Center.Please line up at the Ticket Center.您可以在票务中心买票,请在这里排队2)What kind of ticket should I buy?我应该买哪种车票呢?You can choose the SVT/SJT/Tianfutong.Usually,the SVT and Tianfutong are sold at the Ticket Center;and the SJT is sold on the TVM.您可以选择储值票/单程票/天府通,通常,储值票和天府通可以在票务中心买,单程票在自动售票机上买 3)How long is the validity period of a SJT?单程票的有效期是多久?The SJT is valid at the right day 单程票在当天的运营时间内有效66.Conversation 对话 1)Excuse me,4)I want to recharge my Tianfutong card.我想给天府通充值 How much would you like to recharge?请问您想充多少钱?I want to put 50yuan in my card.50元。Ok,please hang on.Its done.There is 50yuan in your card now,please have a check.好的,请稍等。可以了。现在您的卡上有50元钱,请确认一下。Thank you!谢谢。You are welcome!不用谢。5)How much discount you offer if I use Tianfutong card我用天府通卡有多少折扣呢?You will enjoy 10 discount.您可以享受10%的折扣6)May I refund the ticket?我可以退票吗?Sorry,the ticket cant be refunded.不好意思,不能退票的。67.4)I want to recharge my Tia悄悄话大传递whispering68.68.Entrance 进闸 Phrase 词组 Mind your footing 小心跌倒 Mind the gap Take care of the gap小心台阶间跨度 keep gateways clear 请保持过道畅通No smoking不准抽烟 No Buckle Object不准携带过重物件 No Long/Sharp Object不准携带过长/过尖物品69.Entrance 进闸 Phrase 词组 MKey structure 重点句型1)This way,please!请这边进闸2)children over the height of 1.2 meter should be charged.身高超过1.2米的小孩需要买票3)Im afraid that you cant take your pet into the station.恐怕您不能带您的宠物进站。4)Excuse me,kids,Im sorry for that you cant bring your balloons into the station because its very dangerous.对不起,孩子们,很遗憾你们不能带气球进站,因为这样很危险。5)Please change to other vehicle.请改乘其他交通工具。6)Swipe your card here.在此刷卡 70.Key structure 重点句型1)This way,Conversation 对话 1)could you tell me the balance of my card/ticket?我的车票(卡)里面还有多少钱?You can check it in the TCM over there.您可以去那边的自动查询机查询71.Conversation 对话 1)could Waiting 候车Phrase 词组 platform edge站台边yellow line 黄色安全线passenger train载客列车first train头班车last train尾班车non-passenger train不载客列车next train下趟车track 轨道running line主线siding辅助线screen door 屏蔽门72.Waiting 候车Phrase 词组 pKey structure 重点句型 1)The train is coming.列车进站了 2)Thanks for your cooperation.谢谢您的合作3).Please turn off the flashlight when you are taking photos.Thanks for your cooperation.请在拍照时关掉闪光灯,谢谢您的合作!4)Please allow these passengers to get off before you get on.先下后上5)Please dont stand out of the yellow line.请不要超越黄色安全线 6)Please stand clear of the door.请离车门远一点7)Please dont lean on the screen door.请不要倚靠屏蔽门8)please wait for the train at the opposite platform.到对面站台候车73.Key structure 重点句型 1)The traConversation 对话 1)When does the next train come?下趟车什么时候来?The next train comes in five minutes.下趟车五分钟之内可以到达 2)How long does it take to Tongzilin Station?去桐梓林车站有多久?It takes about 10 minutes.大概需要10分钟 3)When does the last train of line 1 pull out?1号线的尾班车什么时候出发?The last train departs from Shengxian Lake Station at 21:30,and starts from Century City Station at 21:00.1号线尾班车分别是九点半和九点从升仙湖站和世纪城站出发74.Conversation 对话 1)When boarding 乘车 Phrase 词组SafetyPunctualityComfortRapidity安 全 准 点 舒 适 快 捷 75.boarding 乘车 Phrase 词组SafetKey structure 重点句型 Please be ware of the door.请小心车门Smoking is not allowed in the train.车内不能吸烟Please adjust your foot steps when you are boarding and alighting the train.上下车请注意调整脚步Please avoid the gap between the platform edge and the train body.请避开站台边缘与车厢的空隙It is so crowed in the platform,please get on the train in order.站台很拥挤,请按秩序上车76.Key structure 重点句型 Please be Conversation 对话 1)Could you tell me the headway of the train now?目前的列车间隔是几分钟?The train headway is 5 minutes and 30 seconds in rush hour and it is 8 minutes and 15 seconds at Off-peak time.在高峰期,列车的间隔是5分30秒;在非高峰期,列车的间隔是8分15秒77.Conversation 对话 1)Could yo2)Oh,my god!My umbrella fell into the track.天哪!我的雨伞掉进轨道里去了 Take it easy,we will help you.别紧张,我们将帮助您 Can I take it back at once?我能马上拿回它吗?Sorry,Im afraid that we cant pick up your umbrella immediately because its the running line.对不起,我想我们不能马上拾回您的雨伞,因为这是运营线路 But when can I take it back?但是什么时候可以拿回?We just can get it in no-traffic hours.Dont worry,we will return it to you as soon as we pick it up.我们只能在非运营时间拿回,别担心,我们一拾回它会尽快完整无缺地归还给您。78.2)Oh,my god!My umbrella felExit 出闸Phrase 词组exit gate 出闸机emergency exit紧急出口nearest exit 最近出口79.Exit 出闸Phrase 词组exit gate 出闸Key structure 重点句型 1)I will deal with it as soon as possible.我将尽快处理2)We will offer you a token free of charge.我们将免费给您一张单程票3)Please write down your name in this form.请在这张表上填上您的姓名 80.Key structure 重点句型 1)I will Conversation 对话 1)Excuse me,I cant pass the exit-gate.Whats wrong with my ticket?我不能通过出闸机,我的票有什么问题吗?Sorry,your ticket is under fare,please render excess fare.不好意思,您的车票超乘了,请补足车费。2)Excuse me,I cant pass the exit-gate.不好意思,我不能出闸。Your ticket is timeout just because you have stayed in the paid area more than two hours.According to our Ticket Policy,you have to pay 3yuan as the additional fare.因为您在付费区已超过两小时,您的票已超时。根据我们的票务政策,您需要补三元钱。81.Conversation 对话 2)Excuse Saying Goodbye 告别Key structure 重点句型1)Nice meeting you!(告别时使用)希望再见到您2)Have a nice day!祝您玩得愉快3)Hope you enjoy your trip here.希望您在这里玩得愉快4)Welcome back to Chengdu Metro.欢迎再次乘坐成都地铁5)Good luck on your trip.一路顺风82.Saying Goodbye 告别Key strucConversation 对话 Im leaving/going now.我应该离开了 Have a good trip.祝您旅途愉快83.Conversation 对话 Im leaving/Emergency Service应急服务 Phrase 词组break out of fire 发生火灾 ambulance 救护车alarm警号 false alarm误号fire alarm火警号 alarm fault鸣号故障fire detection system消防系统 fire service消防Fire-fighting equipment消防设备 fire detector消防探测器fire hydrant消防栓 fire extinguisher灭火器fault 故障 flooding水浸 station safety device 车站安全装置 84.Emergency Service应急服务 Phrase Key structure 重点句型The train is out of service.列车退出服务We apologize for any inconvenience.给您带来不便非常抱歉Please leave the station quickly following the instructions of the station staffs.请按照车站人员的引导迅速离开车站There is flooding at Exit A.A出口发生了水浸85.Key structure 重点句型The train iConversation 对话 1)Excuse me,you cant go down the platform and take the train now.对不起,您现在不能下站台搭地铁 Why?What happened?为什么?发生什么事了?The train is out of service.All passengers are requested to leave the station now.列车暂停服务,所有的乘客请现在离开车站 But I have bought the fare.但是我已经买了票 You can return the token to the Ticket Center 您可以去票务中心退票86.Conversation 对话 1)Excuse m击鼓传花Passing,passing,passing down87.87.Places of interestThatched Cottage of DuFuWuhou Memorial TempleWenshu MonasteryHuanglong Valley/Yellow Dragon ValleyLuodai Old TownDujiangyan Irrigation ProjectThe Jinsha Site MuseumJiuzhaigou Scenic Area88.Places of interestThatched CotPART 3 Easy a smile 轻松一笑 TOMS EXCUSE Teacher:Tom,why are you late for school every day?Tom:Every time I come to the corner,a sign says,School-Go Slow.89.PART 3 Easy a smile 轻松一笑 TOM Mother sent Tommy to the store across the street to buy a good box of matches.When Tommy came back,mother asked him,”Did you buy a good box of matches?”“Yes,Mom.”Tommy replied,“I have tried them all.”90.Mother sent Tommy to the stor To learn English is just to be:much reading much listening and much speaking.91.To learn English is just to b Thats all,thank you!92.92.


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