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短 文 改 错之高分秘籍短文改错短文改错 之高分秘籍之高分秘籍短 文 改 错之高分秘籍短文改错Discuss these sentences and correct the mistakes with the right signs.1.Have you seen Mr.Liang Aihua dancing“Little Apple”?Thats such a beautiful scene I dare not have my eyes fixed on it.2.Having been done the exercises,I become crazy.My dear teacher,I have had enough of you!3.Comparing with the graduates of Blue Fly Technical School,the graduates of Tsinghua University are not so skillful when operating excavators.that Compared改改改改词词词词删删删删词词词词添添添添词词词词你看见过梁老师跳“小苹果”吗?那画面太美我不敢看。和蓝翔的毕业生相比,清华毕业生开挖掘机的技能简直弱爆了。做完这些练习,我也醉了。亲亲的老师,你也是够了。Discuss these sentences and co What is proof reading?满分10分,给出一篇10个错误的短文,要求考生将错误找出并规范改正。错误所占比例为1(添):1(删):8(改)增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在下面加上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。建议时间:10分钟 What is proof reading?满分10分,思路要清楚思路要清楚,步骤要恰当步骤要恰当1)通读全文,先查)通读全文,先查逻辑逻辑和主要和主要时态时态;2)以)以句句为单位,细查语法为单位,细查语法;3)由)由动词动词入手,注意句型和搭配;入手,注意句型和搭配;4)由)由易到难易到难,各个击破各个击破;5)验证验证答案,答案,规范规范答题;答题;6)注意)注意“五不改五不改”:A、标点、标点 B、纲外词(汉字注释词)、纲外词(汉字注释词)C、词序、词序 D.大小写大小写 E.单词拼写单词拼写 Methods 思路要清楚,步骤要恰当1)通读全文,先查逻辑和主要时态;M常 考 错 误 类 型错误类型 句句 法法行文逻辑行文逻辑词词 法法名词动词形容词副词代词冠词介词连词固定搭配名从定从状从时态一致人称一致逻辑一致常 考 错 误 类 型错误类型 句 法行文逻辑词 6一、动词一、动词形形1.1.动词的动词的_和和_的错误的错误。1.However,my father had to return to work on Monday so we fly back last Saturday.(2011 全国卷全国卷I)flew 2.Tea in China was traditionally drank from cupswithout handles.(2013新课标全国卷新课标全国卷II)时态时态语态语态drunk6一、动词形1.动词的_和_的错误。7 2._ 的错误的错误.1.I stayed there for one and a half hours and made sure that the girl were all right.(2009 全国卷全国卷2)was 2.Not only the students but also the teacher like the film.(2007天津卷天津卷)likesNot onlybut alsoor,eitheror,neithernor,not but,not onlybut(also),there be句型句型主、谓一致主、谓一致一、动词一、动词形形7 2._ 的错误.1.I s83._3._ 的错误的错误今天你找茬了吗?今天你找茬了吗?1.Generally speaking,if take according to the directions,the drug has no side effect.taken 2.With a boy led the way,they started towards the village.(2011陕西卷陕西卷)leading一、动词一、动词形形非谓语动词非谓语动词83._ 的错误今天你找茬了吗?19二、名词二、名词数数火眼睛睛:火眼睛睛:1.It felt very strange to travel without any luggages.(2011新课标全国卷)新课标全国卷)luggage2.All the woman doctors in the hospital got a present on March 8th.women 1._1._与与_名词的混用。名词的混用。2.2._名词的名词的_的错用。的错用。3.3.名词的名词的_的的误用。误用。3.A few dollars can help to fill a child hungry stomach.不可数不可数可数可数可数可数格格单复数单复数childs9二、名词数火眼睛睛:luggage2.All the wo10三、还要注意三、还要注意形形和和副副形容词和副词形容词和副词头脑风暴:头脑风暴:1.When she dropped me off,I pulled out the toy quick and gave it back.(2011 浙江卷)浙江卷)quickly原级原级,比较级和最高级比较级和最高级less2.I learned early in life that I had to be more patient and little aggressive.(2012新课标全国卷)新课标全国卷)1 1_的误用的误用2._的误用的误用10三、还要注意形和副形容词和副词头脑风暴:1.When s11四四、代词代词格,格,细领悟细领悟3.it3.it作形主、形宾或指代时有缺漏作形主、形宾或指代时有缺漏(make,find,think)或在从句中多余或在从句中多余大家一起来找茬:大家一起来找茬:1.With the help of Katia,a roommate of me(2011 重庆卷)重庆卷)mine2.It was only when we did their chemistry project together that I began to understand(2010 辽宁卷)辽宁卷)3.He found difficult to learn math well.ourit1.1.人称代词人称代词,物主代词物主代词,反身代词反身代词,不定代词的使用不定代词的使用2.2.代词指代的人或事物代词指代的人或事物前后不一致前后不一致的错误的错误.11四、代词格,细领悟3.it作形主、形宾或指代时有缺漏 12五五、介词介词短语短语须关注须关注 1.1.主要考查主要考查_的搭配。的搭配。这些错误你造吗?这些错误你造吗?1.There was one on particular Id really wanted.(2011 浙江卷浙江卷)2.2.不定式后的动词短语中不定式后的动词短语中_不能省不能省固定短语,固定介词固定短语,固定介词in2.He had only a small cold room to live .in介词介词12五、介词短语须关注 1.主要考查_13注意多词、少词和搭配错误注意多词、少词和搭配错误have knowledge of catch a sight ofin hurry in Sunday afternoonsuch many peoplein a shortaon so六六、习惯用法要记住习惯用法要记住 a13注意多词、少词和搭配错误have knowledge o142.2.连词连词butbut,andand,or,or,so,though/althoughso,though/although的的用法错误用法错误会改错的孩子都是好孩子:会改错的孩子都是好孩子:七、七、冠词连词冠词连词常光顾常光顾2.Zhang Zhiwei,the monitor of our class,is always ready to help others.3.I bought my ticket but turned around to pick up my bag from the floor.(2011新课标全国卷)新课标全国卷).冠词冠词a,ana,an和和thethe的用法错误的用法错误and1.He failed but he wanted to try the second time.a142.连词but,and,or,so,though/al1.He put it in a secret place where I couldnt find.which2.The house which Lu Xun once lived is being repaired now.where3.Ill never forget the day which I first went to school.when1)定语从句)定语从句关系代词和关系副词的误用关系代词和关系副词的误用II 从句法的角度去分析从句法的角度去分析:1.He put it in a secret place 1.We would return at night to hear that hed picked up from the radio in the day.what2.But it didnt matter that I would win or not.whether 3.When people are playing games,they move a lot.That is how sports are good activities for their health.why2)名词性从句)名词性从句连接代词和连接副词的混用连接代词和连接副词的混用1.We would return at night to 1.He got up early in order to he could catch the first bus.that2.Make a mark which you have any doubts or questions.where3)状语从句)状语从句引导词的误用引导词的误用1.He got up early in order to Your site hereLOGO1.His ears cant hear anything,so he is a blind.2.I thought that it was dull to watch a game in which players kicked a ball to each other.Therefore,my father loves football.3.I have to take up a part-time job because my family is rich enough.从从行文逻辑的角度去分析行文逻辑的角度去分析notHoweverdeaf1.His ears cant hear anything动词形,名词数动词形,名词数,还要注意形和副还要注意形和副;非谓语,细辨别非谓语,细辨别,代词格,细领悟代词格,细领悟;请念一遍咒语吧!请念一遍咒语吧!介词冠词常常考,介词冠词常常考,习惯用法要记住习惯用法要记住;句子成分多分析句子成分多分析,逻辑连词需关注逻辑连词需关注;请念一遍咒语吧!介词冠词常常考,Our English teacher begin to teach us in September.She had been teaching English for more than twenty year.She likes we,and she is very strict in all of us.Although she is a bit old and not so beautifully,but we consider her as our mother.She is really good teacher.We are love her very much.Were sure well get in well with each other.动词形动词形名词数名词数介词短语需关注介词短语需关注还要注意形和副还要注意形和副冠词连词常光顾冠词连词常光顾代词格,细领悟代词格,细领悟习惯用法要记住习惯用法要记住began hasyearsuswithbeautifulaon实战演练实战演练动词形动词形Our English teacher begin to tHave a nice day!Have a nice day!Practice Make练一练练一练自设改错题自设改错题1.1.每每6 6人一组(同一篇文章),相互讨论并共同设置人一组(同一篇文章),相互讨论并共同设置1010处处错误。错误。2.2.注意合理分配错误类型和错误间距。注意合理分配错误类型和错误间距。3.3.展示各组的作业,并对比原文(看出题是否合理、合展示各组的作业,并对比原文(看出题是否合理、合逻辑);逻辑);练一练自设改错题 After shopping,Mother and I went to a restaurant for lunch.I noticed Mother looking at a nearby table occupied by an elderly woman and a young couple.They ate silently,and it was clear that things were not going well.As we left,Mother stopped by their table.Excuse me,she said,putting her arm around the unhappy old woman.You remind me so much of my mother.May I hug you?The woman smiled happily as she accepted it.After we left,I said,That was very nice of you,Mother.But I didnt think she looked like Grandma.Neither did I,said Mother cheerfully.高考英语短文改错ppt课件 After shopping,Mother and I went to a restaurant for the lunch.I notice Mother looking at a nearby table occupy by an elderly woman and young couple.They ate silently,and it was clearly that things were not going well.As we left,Mother stopped on their table.Excuse me,she said,put her arm around the unhappy old woman.You remind me so many of my mother.May I hug you?The woman smiled happily as she accepted it.After we left,I said,That was very nice of you,Mother.So I didnt think she looked like Grandma.Neither did me,said Mother cheerfully.noticedoccupiedaclearby/atputtingmuchButInoticedoccupiedaclearby/atputt


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