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果因PPT工作室 Levels of Degrees of FormalityFive Levels of Degrees of Form1 Introduction Definition Features Example Introduction2Introduction Martin Joos classification of degrees of formality in his book The Five Clocks(1962)is of five levels:frozen,formal,consultative,casual and intimate.Introduction Martin Joos 3Frozen styleDefinition:Frozen style is used by professional speakers for public purposes,such as legal documents regulations,formal ceremonies.Features:A.Fixed form and stucture as if frozen.B.Often used on hightly significant occasions.eg:Inaugural,ceremony,court of law.C.Archaic words,formal and big expressions,long and complex sentences.Frozen styleDefinition:Frozen 4Example We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,that among these are life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness Declaration of IndependenceExample We hold these tr5Formal styleDefinition:Formal style is used before a large audience such as formal lectures,inaugural address of president elect,scientific reports.Features:A.Tightly structured and well-planned,no fragments,no repetition and second thought.B.Vocabulary technical,varied consciously.C.Clear and careful pronunciation.D.Different sentence structures.Formal styleDefinition:Formal 6Example Thank you very much,Mr.Mayor.I appreciate your kind words of introduction.And were delighted to be here today.My wife and I are privileged to have the opportunity once again to travel in China.US Vice Presidents Speech at Fudan UniversityExample Thank you very much7 Consultative styleDefinition:Consultative style is used for conducting most business matters,such as talking with strangers,buying things in a shop,asking the way in the sreet.Features:A.This vatiety reflects the most basic and common features among 5 varieties.B.Sentences are not too long,words are plain and are often arranged in normal order.C.Some grammatical phenomena not preferred like participles used as adverbials.D.No variation in diction.E.Sentences often begin with:well,but,so.Consultative styleDefinition8Example Wheres Van Bummel,the shoolmaster?He went off to the war too,was the great militia general,and is now in Congress.Rip Van WinkleExample Wheres Van Bummel,t9Casual style Definition:Casual style is the language used for situations in which no social barriers are felt by the participants.It is the language used among friends acquaintances,insiders,and people with shared knowledge.Fatures:A.First name in greeting,no formal title.B.Often uses fragments,contractions,slang.C.Often used in more relaxed situation as in domitory.D.There is a greater variation from region to region,from one social group to another than formal and other styles.Casual style Definition:Casual10Example Ive tried it,and it dont work;it dont work,Tom.It aint for me.The widder eats by a bell;she goes to bed by a bell;she gits up by a bell-everythings so awful reglar a body cant stand it.The Adventures of Tom SawyerExample Ive tried i11Intimate styleDefinition:Intimate style is the language used among members of the family between husband and wife,among very close friends,or among a particular group of people with particularly shared knowledge,such as school boys,army soldiers,or criminals.Features:A.Like the casual,the intimate is rarely written.B.Grammar is reduced to a bare minimum.C.Pronunciation is slurreed as a great deal of nonverbal communication with eye-brows,shoulders,and facial expressions replace the verbals.D.Since the users know very well,there is no need for careful planning.Intimate styleDefinition:Intim12Example “Daddy,where you been?”“Hunting for a rabbits skin to wrap my little Bonnie in.Give your best sweetheart a kiss,Bonnie-and you too,Ella.”-Gone with the WindExample “Daddy,where you b13果因PPT工作室 Thank you!14


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