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Joel Achenbach ObjectivesTo enable the students to know more about the aliens to enlarge the knowledge about the universe,and the galaxy as well as the vocabulary related to astronomyIntroduction of the author Joel Achenbach has been a staff writer for The Washington Post since 1990,started the newsrooms first online column,“Rough Draft,”in 1999,and started s first blog,Achenblog,in 2005.His seventh book,“A Hole at the Bottom of the Sea,”an account of the Deepwater Horizon disaster and its aftermath,was published in April 2011.His other books include“The Grand Idea:George Washingtons Potomac and the Race to the West”(2004)and“Captured By Aliens:The Search for Life and Truth in a Very Large Universe”(1999).His syndicated column Why Things Are(1988-1996),which he began when he worked at the Miami Herald,appeared in 50 newspapers;three collections of the column were published by Ballantine Books.He has been a regular contributor to National Geographic since 1998,writing stories on such topics as dinosaurs,particle physics,earthquakes,extraterrestrial life,megafauna extinction and the electrical grid.Now assigned to The Posts national desk,he writes on science and politics.A 1982 graduate of Princeton University,he has taught journalism at Princeton and Georgetown University.He lives in Washington,D.C.,with his wife,Mary Stapp,and three daughters.Pre-class activitiesDo you believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life?Why?Is the search for it meaningful?2 news about the aliens the aliens that we have imagined Where do the aliens live?a.plausible:adj.1.(of a statement,an excuse,etc)seeming to be right or reasoable;beliveable translate:他心里在盘算,想找一个什么说得过去的理由来解释他为什么没有到会。He cast about in his mind for some plausible excuse for not turning up at the meeting.2.(derog贬)(of a person)skilled in producing convincing arguments,esp in order to deceive 指人能说会道(尤其为行骗)a plausible trickster,rogue,liar,etc 花言巧语的骗子,无赖,说谎大王等translate:她鼓舌如簧把谁都能骗倒。She was so plausibleshe would have deceived anyone.plausibility plausiblyhunch 1.n.idea based on intuition or instinct and not on evidence基于直觉的想法play/follow ones hunch:act according to ones intuition凭直觉行事translate:她凭直觉认为他说的是谎话。She had a hunch that he was lying.2.v.bend forward(part of the body,esp the back and shoulders)hunch sth (up)translate:站直了,别耸肩!Stand straight,dont hunch your shoulders!hunchback 驼背;驼背的人burrowv.make(sth)by digging挖掘成(洞穴等)eg:兔子在沿岸的草地上掘了一些洞。Rabbits had burrowed holes in the grassy bank.burrow(ones way)into,through,under,etc move in the specified direction by or as if by digging借挖掘或似挖掘的动作朝某方向移动translate:囚犯们在墙下掘地道逃走了The prisoners escaped by burrowing under the wall.infuse 1.sth into sb/sth将(某特性)灌输给或注入某人(某事物)sb/sth with sth 使某人(某事物)获得(某特性)new blood 注入新鲜血液 new life into sb./sth.赋予人、物以新的生命2.Vt.&vi.沏(茶),泡(草药)tea/herbstranslate:茶泡好再喝。Dont drink the tea until it has finished infusing.infusionn.1.infuse of sth(into sb/sth)infusing a quality or being infused into sb/sth注入;灌输;浸泡(茶叶,药草等)translate:这家公司需要注进新的血液需要新雇员给公司活力。This company needs an infusion of new bloodneeds new employees to give it vigour.purportn.(of sth.)general meaning or intention(of sth.)主要意义;大意;意图 E.g.I find it difficult to understand the of his speech.v.be meant to seem(to be);claim or pretend 意思似乎是;声称;伪称 E.g.In contrast,a shadow director does not claim or to act as a director.Indeed,he claims not to be a director.相比之下,影子董事不但不表明自己是董事,他甚至否认自己是董事。Solar planetMercury 水星(罗马神话神)Venus 金星(爱与美的女神)Earth 地球Mars 火星(战神)Jupiter 木星(罗马神话宙斯神)Saturn 土星(农业之神)Uranus 天王星(希腊神话中传说曾统治世界的天空之神)Neptune 海王星(海神,宙斯之兄)Pluto 冥王星


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