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Unit 4 ProjectPreventing traffic accidentsUnit 4 ProjectPreventing traffA truck accidentA truck accidentA car accidentA car accidentWhere are they going?Will they arrive safe?Where are they going?What happened to them?What happened to them?Traffic accidents cause many deaths and injuries every year,so we must learn how to protect yourself from danger on the roads is very important.Traffic accidents cause many dWhats the meaning of these instructions?No overtakingSchool ahead No turning aroundAround about aheadNo turning rightWeight limitedWhats the meaning of these inRead through the notice and answer the following questions.1.Why was the notice release?Because the number of accidents and the deaths arising from traffic accidents has increased greatly over the past year.Read through the notice and an2.What information has the passage given to you?The causes of the traffic accidents and how to be safe on the road.2.What information has the pasDetailed reading1.What are some of the causes of traffic accidents involving vehicles?They are mainly caused by drivers who are not paying attention while driving,getting annoyed in a traffic jam,speaking on mobile phones while driving,drinking alcohol,speeding up and so on.Detailed readingThey are mainl2.What is the most common cause of accidents?Drivers not paying attention is the most common cause of accidents.Because the drivers who are speaking on the phones are often not concentrating.3.Why must drivers be forbidden to use the mobile phones while driving?2.What is the most common cau4.Should cyclists and pedestrians also need to be responsible for preventing accidents?Yes,they should.They should always cross roads on a crossing.While crossing,they should look both ways and listen for car.5.What should all pedestrians do?4.Should cyclists and pedestrThey are usually caused because cyclists fail to pay attention to the cars around them,or carrying a passenger.Sometimes accidents occur with bicycles when the brakes on their bicycles dont work properly or their bicycles do not use lights at night.6.How do accidents involving bicycles happen?They are usually caused becauspay attention to the surrounding trafficbe patient in a traffic jamnot speak on a mobile phonenot drink alcoholnot drive too fastDiscussion1.If you are a driver,what should you do to prevent accidents?pay attention to the surroundialways obey traffic lawspay attention to the cars that surround themnot carry a passengerhave a light on the bicycle at nightkeep the bicycle in good condition2.What cyclists should do in order to prevent accidents?always obey traffic laws2.Whaalways cross roads on a crossinglook both ways and listen for cars while crossing the streetnever ignore traffic lights3.What should pedestrians do so as to prevent accidents?always cross roads on a crossi1.Discuss in pairs or groups and discuss Question 5 to 8 in Part B.2.Assign different jobs to each group member.3.Present their action plans to the class.Other groups can give their commentsWrite an action plan about how people,especially young people,can protect themselves from traffic accidents.1.Discuss in pairs or groups 1.arisevi.产生;发生;出现产生;发生;出现Serious disagreements often arises between the couple.Soon after that,there arouse new problems which seemed insoluble.vi.站起来,起身站起来,起身He arose and walked to the door.Language points1.arisevi.产生;发生;出现Serious diarise from 由由引起,由引起,由产生,起源于产生,起源于Accidents often arise from carelessness.事故往往起源于疏忽大意。事故往往起源于疏忽大意。事物的发展源于它的内部矛盾。事物的发展源于它的内部矛盾。The development inside a thing _ the contradiction.arises fromarise from 事物的发展源于它的内部矛盾。arise2.apply 1)适用于适用于The new rules of safe driving applies to everyone.2)运用运用Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial production methods.2.apply 1)适用于The new rule3)申请申请He applied to be transferred to another department.She has applied for a post in that company.3)申请He applied to be transferr3.cause n.原因;事业原因;事业 v.导致;使发生导致;使发生Unemployment is a major cause of poverty.失业是贫困的主要原因。失业是贫困的主要原因。cause of 的原因的原因cause sb.to do sth.导致某人做某事导致某人做某事cause sth.导致某事导致某事3.cause n.原因;事业 cause ofcause,reason,excuse辨析:辨析:cause指事情的直接起因,即导致某一指事情的直接起因,即导致某一必然结果的条件、力量、事物和人等,必然结果的条件、力量、事物和人等,常与常与of搭配。搭配。reason指对事物的起因给以通情达理、指对事物的起因给以通情达理、合乎逻辑的解释,常与合乎逻辑的解释,常与for搭配。搭配。excuse指为某一行为所作的解释,指指为某一行为所作的解释,指“辩解,借口,托词辩解,借口,托词”。cause,reason,excuse辨析:cause指4.load n.负荷,负载,装载负荷,负载,装载 vt.装载装载The truck was loaded with watermelons.那辆卡车装满了西瓜。那辆卡车装满了西瓜。Lifting a heavy load can be very dangerous.举一个中午是很危险的。举一个中午是很危险的。4.load n.负荷,负载,装载The truck overload 超载超载 download下载下载 unload 卸载卸载 be loaded with 装满装满loadwith 用用装满装满 loadinto/onto 将将装入装入/上上 reduce study load 减轻学习负担减轻学习负担take a load off ones mind减小某人的顾虑减小某人的顾虑拓展:overload 超载 downl It was he who was under the _ of responsibility.A.burden B.load C.press D.control练一练 It was he who was under 难句解析难句解析1.Below are some of the major causes of road accidents in connection with vehicles such as cars,minibuses and lorries,and what drivers should do to prevent them.(P62)难句解析1.Below are some of the m1)句子结构分析:此句是一个倒装句。句子结构分析:此句是一个倒装句。below 是表语,由第二个是表语,由第二个and连接起来的连接起来的两个部分是主语;两个部分是主语;in connection with vehicles such as cars,minibuses and lorries作定语,修饰作定语,修饰road accidents;是主语从句;是主语从句;to prevent them是目的状语。是目的状语。1)句子结构分析:此句是一个倒装句。below 是表语,由2)语言知识分析:语言知识分析:该句为倒装结构,当表语为时间、地点副该句为倒装结构,当表语为时间、地点副词或介词短语而主语相对较长时,往往将词或介词短语而主语相对较长时,往往将句子倒装。句子倒装。句意:以下是一些引起车辆道句意:以下是一些引起车辆道路事故的主要原因以及为防止事故司机们路事故的主要原因以及为防止事故司机们应做的事。应做的事。2)语言知识分析:2.When drivers do not pay attention to surrounding traffic,they are not ready when another driver does something wrong,like turning without signalling or giving wrong signals.(P62)1)句子结构分析:此句为含有条件状语句子结构分析:此句为含有条件状语从句和时间状语从句的主从复合句。从句和时间状语从句的主从复合句。2.When drivers do not pay attWhen drivers do not pay attention to surrounding traffic为条件状语从句;为条件状语从句;they are not ready为主句;为主句;when another driver does something wrong为时间状语为时间状语从句;从句;like turning without signalling or giving wrong signals为介词短语作状语。为介词短语作状语。When drivers do not pay attent2)语言知识分析:语言知识分析:When drivers do not pay attention to surrounding traffic意为意为“如果司机们如果司机们不注意周围的交通不注意周围的交通”,句子中的,句子中的when 相当于相当于if。句意:如果司机们不注意周句意:如果司机们不注意周围的交通状况,当另外一个司机出了围的交通状况,当另外一个司机出了差错,如未打信号灯或给出了错误的差错,如未打信号灯或给出了错误的信号突然变道时,他们会毫无准备。信号突然变道时,他们会毫无准备。2)语言知识分析:根据句子及所给单词的首字母或汉语注根据句子及所给单词的首字母或汉语注释,写出各单词的正确形式释,写出各单词的正确形式(每空限填一每空限填一词词)。1.He was r_ from prison after serving his sentence.2.The population of the country has i_ from less than half a million in 1965 to over two millions.eleasedncreased根据句子及所给单词的首字母或汉语注释,写出各单词的正确形式(3.They asked me so many questions that they c_ me.4.The heavy storms almost w_ the village away,but fortunately no one was hurt.5.The number of deaths a_ from those accidents has increased in the past ten years.onfused ashedrising3.They asked me so many quest6.The girls behavior is difficult to understand.What is she a_ at?7.You are v_ the traffic regulations and risking your own life as well as the lives of others.8.The road is under r_,so we shall have to go round.9.If you break the rules again,we will d_ you.imingiolatingepairismiss6.The girls behavior is diff10.We cannot guarantee the _ (准时的准时的)arrival of the coach in foggy weather.11.We have the possibility to _ (承担承担)this work ourselves.12.Fast as you are,you cant finish the _(分派的任务分派的任务)in two hours.punctualundertakeassignment(s)10.We cannot guarantee the _


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